/* tests for using class array<> specialization for size 0 * (C) Copyright Alisdair Meredith 2006. * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See * accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at * http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) */ #include #include #include #include namespace { template< class T > void BadValue( const T & ) { BOOST_TEST ( false ); } template< class T > void RunTests() { typedef boost::array< T, 0 > test_type; // Test value and aggegrate initialization test_type test_case = {}; const boost::array< T, 0 > const_test_case = test_type(); test_case.fill ( T() ); // front/back and operator[] must compile, but calling them is undefined // Likewise, all tests below should evaluate to false, avoiding undefined behaviour BOOST_TEST ( test_case.empty()); BOOST_TEST ( const_test_case.empty()); BOOST_TEST ( test_case.size() == 0 ); BOOST_TEST ( const_test_case.size() == 0 ); // Assert requirements of TR1 BOOST_TEST ( test_case.begin() == test_case.end()); BOOST_TEST ( test_case.cbegin() == test_case.cend()); BOOST_TEST ( const_test_case.begin() == const_test_case.end()); BOOST_TEST ( const_test_case.cbegin() == const_test_case.cend()); BOOST_TEST ( test_case.begin() != const_test_case.begin() ); if( test_case.data() == const_test_case.data() ) { // Value of data is unspecified in TR1, so no requirement this test pass or fail // However, it must compile! } // Check can safely use all iterator types with std algorithms std::for_each( test_case.begin(), test_case.end(), BadValue< T > ); std::for_each( test_case.rbegin(), test_case.rend(), BadValue< T > ); std::for_each( test_case.cbegin(), test_case.cend(), BadValue< T > ); std::for_each( const_test_case.begin(), const_test_case.end(), BadValue< T > ); std::for_each( const_test_case.rbegin(), const_test_case.rend(), BadValue< T > ); std::for_each( const_test_case.cbegin(), const_test_case.cend(), BadValue< T > ); // Check swap is well formed std::swap( test_case, test_case ); // Check assignment operator and overloads are well formed test_case = const_test_case; // Confirm at() throws the std lib defined exception try { BadValue( test_case.at( 0 )); } catch ( const std::out_of_range & ) { } try { BadValue( const_test_case.at( 0 ) ); } catch ( const std::out_of_range & ) { } } } int main() { RunTests< bool >(); RunTests< void * >(); RunTests< long double >(); RunTests< std::string >(); return boost::report_errors(); }