Teleconference Scheduler (partial listing) The Teleconference Scheduler is a Qt based example (found in the examples/qt directory). Partial listings of meeting_planner.hpp and planner_form.cpp are provided to illustrate techniques for using the local_date_time and tz_database objects. The planner_form class is derived from a QDialog. This listing illustrates the initialization of a tz_database object and using it to populate combo boxes with region lists. Only the init function is listed here for the sake of brevity. vect; vect regions = tz_db.region_list(); vect::const_iterator itr = regions.begin(); while(itr != regions.end()) { comboBox1->insertItem(*itr); comboBox2->insertItem(*itr); comboBox3->insertItem(*itr); ++itr; } comboBox1->insertItem("", 0); comboBox3->insertItem("