Gregorian Reference
std::tmconst date &Converts a date to a tm struct. Throws out_of_range exception if date is a special value. dateconst std::tm &Converts a tm structure into a date dropping the any time values.
std::basic_string< charT >const date & std::basic_string< charT >const date_period & std::basic_string< charT >const date_period & std::basic_string< charT >const date & std::basic_string< charT >const date & std::basic_string< charT >const date & std::wstringconst date_period &Convert date period to simple string. Example: [2002-Jan-01/2002-Jan-02]. std::wstringconst date &To YYYY-mmm-DD string where mmm 3 char month name. Example: 2002-Jan-01. std::wstringconst date_period &Date period to iso standard format CCYYMMDD/CCYYMMDD. Example: 20021225/20021231. std::wstringconst date &Convert to iso extended format string CCYY-MM-DD. Example 2002-12-31. std::wstringconst date &Convert to iso standard string YYYYMMDD. Example: 20021231. std::wstringconst date &
std::stringconst date &To YYYY-mmm-DD string where mmm 3 char month name. Example: 2002-Jan-01. std::stringconst date_period &Convert date period to simple string. Example: [2002-Jan-01/2002-Jan-02]. std::stringconst date_period &Date period to iso standard format CCYYMMDD/CCYYMMDD. Example: 20021225/20021231. std::stringconst date &Convert to iso extended format string CCYY-MM-DD. Example 2002-12-31. std::stringconst date &Convert to iso standard string YYYYMMDD. Example: 20021231. std::stringconst date &
date_time::gregorian_calendar_base< greg_year_month_day, fancy_date_rep::int_type >Gregorian calendar for this implementation, hard work in the base. Type to hold a weekday (eg: Sunday, Monday,...) greg_weekday Counter type from 1 to 366 for gregorian dates. greg_day_of_year_rep Internal date representation that handles infinity, not a date. fancy_date_rep Date rep implements the traits stuff as well. fancy_date_rep An internal date representation that includes infinities, not a date. date_time::int_adapter< uint32_t >
date_time::date< date, gregorian_calendar, date_duration >A date type based on gregorian_calendar. This class is the primary interface for programming with greogorian dates. The is a lightweight type that can be freely passed by value. All comparison operators are supported. gregorian_calendar::year_type gregorian_calendar::month_type gregorian_calendar::day_type gregorian_calendar::day_of_year_type gregorian_calendar::ymd_type gregorian_calendar::date_rep_type gregorian_calendar::date_int_type date_duration date_int_typeReturn the Julian Day number for the date. day_of_year_typeReturn the day of year 1..365 or 1..366 (for leap year) date_int_typeReturn the Modified Julian Day number for the date. intReturn the iso 8601 week number 1..53. date_int_typeReturn the day number from the calendar. dateReturn the last day of the current month. Default constructor constructs with not_a_date_time. year_typemonth_typeday_typeMain constructor with year, month, day. const ymd_type &Constructor from a ymd_type structure. const date_int_type &Needed copy constructor. date_rep_typeNeeded copy constructor. special_valuesConstructor for infinities, not a date, max and min date.
out_of_rangeException type for gregorian day of month (1..31) const std::string &Allow other classes to throw with unique string for bad day like Feb 29. greg_day_repRepresent a day of the month (range 1 - 31) This small class allows for simple conversion an integer value into a day of the month for a standard gregorian calendar. The type is automatically range checked so values outside of the range 1-31 will cause a bad_day_of_month exception value_type value_type value_type Policy class that declares error handling and day of month ranges. CV::simple_exception_policy< unsigned short, 1, 31, bad_day_of_month > Generated represetation for gregorian day of month. CV::constrained_value< greg_day_policies >
out_of_rangeException type for day of year (1..366) A day of the year range (1..366) CV::simple_exception_policy< unsigned short, 1, 366, bad_day_of_year > Define a range representation type for the day of the year 1..366. CV::constrained_value< greg_day_of_year_policies >
boost::date_time::date_duration< date_duration_rep >Durations in days for gregorian system. base_type::duration_rep boolconst date_duration & boolconst date_duration & boolconst date_duration & boolconst date_duration & boolconst date_duration & boolconst date_duration & date_duration &const date_duration &Subtract another duration – result is signed. date_duration &const date_duration &Add a duration – result is signed. date_durationunary- Allows for dd = -date_duration(2); -> dd == -2 date_duration &intDivision operations on a duration with an integer. duration_rep0Construct from a day count. date_time::special_valuesconstruct from special_values const date_duration &Copy constructor. const base_type &Construct from another date_duration. date_durationReturns the smallest duration – used by to calculate 'end'. An internal date representation that includes infinities, not a date. boost::date_time::duration_traits_adapted Shorthand for date_duration. date_duration
config struct for additional duration types (ie months_duration<> & years_duration<>) date date_time::int_adapter< int > date_time::month_functor< date_type > boost::gregorian::date_duration duration_rep date_time::special_values date_time::months_duration< greg_durations_config > date_time::years_duration< greg_durations_config > weeks_duration
Configuration of the output facet template. boost::gregorian::greg_month boost::date_time::special_values boost::gregorian::months_of_year boost::date_time::weekdays Create the base facet type for gregorian::date. boost::date_time::date_names_put< greg_facet_config > std::basic_ostream< charT, traits > &std::basic_ostream< charT, traits > &const date &ostream operator for gregorian::date Uses the date facet to determine various output parameters including: string values for the month (eg: Jan, Feb, Mar) (default: English) string values for special values (eg: not-a-date-time) (default: English) selection of long, short strings, or numerical month representation (default: short string) month day year order (default yyyy-mmm-dd) std::basic_ostream< charT, traits > &std::basic_ostream< charT, traits > &const greg_month &operator<< for gregorian::greg_month typically streaming: Jan, Feb, Mar... Uses the date facet to determine output string as well as selection of long or short strings. Default if no facet is installed is to output a 2 wide numeric value for the month eg: 01 == Jan, 02 == Feb, ... 12 == Dec. std::basic_ostream< charT, traits > &std::basic_ostream< charT, traits > &const greg_weekday &operator<< for gregorian::greg_weekday typically streaming: Sun, Mon, Tue, ... Uses the date facet to determine output string as well as selection of long or short string. Default if no facet is installed is to output a 3 char english string for the day of the week. std::basic_ostream< charT, traits > &std::basic_ostream< charT, traits > &const date_period &operator<< for gregorian::date_period typical output: [2002-Jan-01/2002-Jan-31] Uses the date facet to determine output string as well as selection of long or short string fr dates. Default if no facet is installed is to output a 3 char english string for the day of the week. std::basic_ostream< charT, traits > &std::basic_ostream< charT, traits > &const date_duration & std::basic_ostream< charT, traits > &std::basic_ostream< charT, traits > &const partial_date &operator<< for gregorian::partial_date. Output: "Jan 1" std::basic_ostream< charT, traits > &std::basic_ostream< charT, traits > &const nth_kday_of_month &operator<< for gregorian::nth_kday_of_month. Output: "first Mon of Jun" std::basic_ostream< charT, traits > &std::basic_ostream< charT, traits > &const first_kday_of_month &operator<< for gregorian::first_kday_of_month. Output: "first Mon of Jun" std::basic_ostream< charT, traits > &std::basic_ostream< charT, traits > &const last_kday_of_month &operator<< for gregorian::last_kday_of_month. Output: "last Mon of Jun" std::basic_ostream< charT, traits > &std::basic_ostream< charT, traits > &const first_kday_after &operator<< for gregorian::first_kday_after. Output: "first Mon after" std::basic_ostream< charT, traits > &std::basic_ostream< charT, traits > &const first_kday_before &operator<< for gregorian::first_kday_before. Output: "first Mon before" std::basic_istream< charT > &std::basic_istream< charT > &date &operator>> for gregorian::date std::basic_istream< charT > &std::basic_istream< charT > &date_duration &operator>> for gregorian::date_duration std::basic_istream< charT > &std::basic_istream< charT > &date_period &operator>> for gregorian::date_period BOOST_DATE_TIME_DECL std::localestd::locale &chargenerates a locale with the set of gregorian name-strings of type char* BOOST_DATE_TIME_DECL boost::date_time::all_date_names_put< greg_facet_config, char > *charReturns a pointer to a facet with a default set of names (English) BOOST_DATE_TIME_DECL std::localestd::locale &wchar_tgenerates a locale with the set of gregorian name-strings of type wchar_t* BOOST_DATE_TIME_DECL boost::date_time::all_date_names_put< greg_facet_config, wchar_t > *wchar_tReturns a pointer to a facet with a default set of names (English) std::basic_istream< charT > &std::basic_istream< charT > &greg_month &operator>> for gregorian::greg_month - throws exception if invalid month given std::basic_istream< charT > &std::basic_istream< charT > &greg_weekday &operator>> for gregorian::greg_weekday - throws exception if invalid weekday given
out_of_rangeException thrown if a greg_month is constructed with a value out of range. greg_month_repWrapper class to represent months in gregorian based calendar. date_time::months_of_year std::map< std::string, unsigned short > boost::shared_ptr< month_map_type > value_typeConvert the value back to a short. value_typeReturns month as number from 1 to 12. month_enum const char * const char * const wchar_t * const wchar_t * const char *char const char *char const wchar_t *wchar_t const wchar_t *wchar_t month_enumConstruct a month from the months_of_year enumeration. value_typeConstruct from a short value. month_map_ptr_typeShared pointer to a map of Month strings (Names & Abbrev) & numbers. date_time::months_of_year Build a policy class for the greg_month_rep. CV::simple_exception_policy< unsigned short, 1, 12, bad_month > A constrained range that implements the gregorian_month rules. CV::constrained_value< greg_month_policies >
out_of_rangeException that flags that a weekday number is incorrect. greg_weekday_repRepresent a day within a week (range 0==Sun to 6==Sat) boost::date_time::weekdays value_type const char * const char * const wchar_t * const wchar_t * weekday_enum value_type CV::simple_exception_policy< unsigned short, 0, 6, bad_weekday > CV::constrained_value< greg_weekday_policies >
out_of_rangeException type for gregorian year. greg_year_repRepresent a year (range 1400 - 9999) This small class allows for simple conversion an integer value into a year for the gregorian calendar. This currently only allows a range of 1400 to 9999. Both ends of the range are a bit arbitrary at the moment, but they are the limits of current testing of the library. As such they may be increased in the future. value_type value_type Policy class that declares error handling gregorian year type. CV::simple_exception_policy< unsigned short, 1400, 9999, bad_year > Generated representation for gregorian year. CV::constrained_value< greg_year_policies >
date_time::year_month_day_base< greg_year, greg_month, greg_day >
Single file header that provides overall include for all elements of the gregorian date-time system. This includes the various types defined, but also other functions for formatting and parsing.
boost::date_time::period_formatter< wchar_t > boost::date_time::period_formatter< char > boost::date_time::date_facet< date, wchar_t > boost::date_time::date_facet< date, char > boost::date_time::period_parser< date, char > boost::date_time::period_parser< date, wchar_t > boost::date_time::special_values_formatter< char > boost::date_time::special_values_formatter< wchar_t > boost::date_time::special_values_parser< date, char > boost::date_time::special_values_parser< date, wchar_t > boost::date_time::date_input_facet< date, char > boost::date_time::date_input_facet< date, wchar_t > std::basic_ostream< CharT, TraitsT > &std::basic_ostream< CharT, TraitsT > &const boost::gregorian::date & std::basic_istream< CharT, Traits > &std::basic_istream< CharT, Traits > &date &input operator for date std::basic_ostream< CharT, TraitsT > &std::basic_ostream< CharT, TraitsT > &const boost::gregorian::date_duration & std::basic_istream< CharT, Traits > &std::basic_istream< CharT, Traits > &date_duration &input operator for date_duration std::basic_ostream< CharT, TraitsT > &std::basic_ostream< CharT, TraitsT > &const boost::gregorian::date_period & std::basic_istream< CharT, Traits > &std::basic_istream< CharT, Traits > &date_period &input operator for date_period std::basic_ostream< CharT, TraitsT > &std::basic_ostream< CharT, TraitsT > &const boost::gregorian::greg_month & std::basic_istream< CharT, Traits > &std::basic_istream< CharT, Traits > &greg_month &input operator for greg_month std::basic_ostream< CharT, TraitsT > &std::basic_ostream< CharT, TraitsT > &const boost::gregorian::greg_weekday & std::basic_istream< CharT, Traits > &std::basic_istream< CharT, Traits > &greg_weekday &input operator for greg_weekday std::basic_istream< CharT, Traits > &std::basic_istream< CharT, Traits > &greg_day &input operator for greg_day std::basic_istream< CharT, Traits > &std::basic_istream< CharT, Traits > &greg_year &input operator for greg_year std::basic_ostream< CharT, TraitsT > &std::basic_ostream< CharT, TraitsT > &const boost::gregorian::partial_date & std::basic_istream< CharT, Traits > &std::basic_istream< CharT, Traits > &partial_date &input operator for partial_date std::basic_ostream< CharT, TraitsT > &std::basic_ostream< CharT, TraitsT > &const boost::gregorian::nth_day_of_the_week_in_month & std::basic_istream< CharT, Traits > &std::basic_istream< CharT, Traits > &nth_day_of_the_week_in_month &input operator for nth_day_of_the_week_in_month std::basic_ostream< CharT, TraitsT > &std::basic_ostream< CharT, TraitsT > &const boost::gregorian::first_day_of_the_week_in_month & std::basic_istream< CharT, Traits > &std::basic_istream< CharT, Traits > &first_day_of_the_week_in_month &input operator for first_day_of_the_week_in_month std::basic_ostream< CharT, TraitsT > &std::basic_ostream< CharT, TraitsT > &const boost::gregorian::last_day_of_the_week_in_month & std::basic_istream< CharT, Traits > &std::basic_istream< CharT, Traits > &last_day_of_the_week_in_month &input operator for last_day_of_the_week_in_month std::basic_ostream< CharT, TraitsT > &std::basic_ostream< CharT, TraitsT > &const boost::gregorian::first_day_of_the_week_after & std::basic_istream< CharT, Traits > &std::basic_istream< CharT, Traits > &first_day_of_the_week_after &input operator for first_day_of_the_week_after std::basic_ostream< CharT, TraitsT > &std::basic_ostream< CharT, TraitsT > &const boost::gregorian::first_day_of_the_week_before & std::basic_istream< CharT, Traits > &std::basic_istream< CharT, Traits > &first_day_of_the_week_before &input operator for first_day_of_the_week_before
Single file header that defines most of the types for the gregorian date-time system. Date periods for the gregorian system. date_time::period< date, date_duration > A unifying date_generator base type. A unifying date_generator base type for: partial_date, nth_day_of_the_week_in_month, first_day_of_the_week_in_month, and last_day_of_the_week_in_month date_time::year_based_generator< date > A date generation object type. date_time::partial_date< date > date_time::nth_kday_of_month< date > nth_kday_of_month date_time::first_kday_of_month< date > first_kday_of_month date_time::last_kday_of_month< date > last_kday_of_month date_time::first_kday_after< date > first_kday_after date_time::first_kday_before< date > first_kday_before A clock to get the current day from the local computer. date_time::day_clock< date > Base date_iterator type for gregorian types. date_time::date_itr_base< date > A day level iterator. date_time::date_itr< date_time::day_functor< date >, date > A week level iterator. date_time::date_itr< date_time::week_functor< date >, date > A month level iterator. date_time::date_itr< date_time::month_functor< date >, date > A year level iterator. date_time::date_itr< date_time::year_functor< date >, date >
BOOST_DATE_TIME_DECL special_valuesconst std::string &Return special_value from string argument. Return special_value from string argument. If argument is not one of the special value names (defined in src/gregorian/names.hpp), return 'not_special' datestd::stringDeprecated: Use from_simple_string. datestd::stringFrom delimited date string where with order year-month-day eg: 2002-1-25 or 2003-Jan-25 (full month name is also accepted) datestd::stringFrom delimited date string where with order year-month-day eg: 1-25-2003 or Jan-25-2003 (full month name is also accepted) datestd::stringFrom delimited date string where with order day-month-year eg: 25-1-2002 or 25-Jan-2003 (full month name is also accepted) datestd::stringFrom iso type date string where with order year-month-day eg: 20020125. dateconst std::string &From iso type date string where with order year-month-day eg: 20020125. dateiterator_typeiterator_typeStream should hold a date in the form of: 2002-1-25. Month number, abbrev, or name are accepted. date_periodconst std::string &Function to parse a date_period from a string (eg: [2003-Oct-31/2003-Dec-25]) date_periodconst std::wstring &Function to parse a date_period from a wstring (eg: [2003-Oct-31/2003-Dec-25])