Date Time Formatter/Parser Objects Date Time Formatter/Parser Objects Periods | Date Generators | Special Values | Format Date Parser Periods The period_formatter and period_parser provide a uniform interface for the input and output of date_periods, time_periods, and in a future release, local_date_time_periods. The user has control over the delimiters, formats of the date/time components, and the form the period takes. The format of the date/time components is controlled via the date_time input and output facets. Period Form Periods are constructed with open ranged parameters. The first value is the starting point, and is included in the period. The end value is not included but immediately follows the last value: [begin/end). However, a period can be streamed as either an open range or a closed range. [2003-Jan-01/2003-Dec-31] <-- period holding 365 days [2003-Jan-01/2004-Jan-01) <-- period holding 365 days Delimiters There are four delimiters. The default values are "\" - separator "[" - start delimiter ")" - open range end delimiter "]" - closed range end delimiter A user can provide a custom set of delimiters. Custom delimiters may contain spaces. Customization The period form and delimiters can be set as construction parameters or by means of accessor functions. A custom period parser/formatter can then be used as a construction parameter to a new facet, or can be set in an existing facet via an accessor function. Period Formatter/Parser Reference The complete class reference can be found here: Period Formatter Doxygen Reference and here: Period Parser Doxygen Reference Period Formatter Construction Syntax Description period_formatter(...) Parameters: range_display_options char_type* char_type* char_type* char_type* NOTE: All five construction parameters have default values so this constructor also doubles as the default constructor. The range_display_options is a public type enum of the period_formatter class. The possible choices are AS_OPEN_RANGE or AS_CLOSED_RANGE. The closed range is the default. A period has three significant points: the begining, the last, and the end. A closed range period takes the form [begin,end), where an open range period takes the form [begin,last]. The four char_type* parameters are: the period separator, the start delimiter, the open range end delimiter, and the closed range end delimiter. Period Formatter Accessors Syntax Description Example range_display_options range_option() Returns the current setting for the range display (either AS_OPEN_RANGE or AS_CLOSED_RANGE). void range_option(...) Parameter: range_display_options Sets the option for range display (either AS_OPEN_RANGE or AS_CLOSED_RANGE). void delimiter_strings(...) Parameters: string_type string_type string_type string_type Set new delimiter strings in the formatter. string beg("->| "); string sep(" || "); string opn(" ->|"); string clo(" |<-"); pf.delimiter_strings(beg, sep, opn, clo); put_period_start_delimeter(...) Return Type: OutItrT Parameter: OutItrT Puts the start delimiter into the stream at position pointed to by OutItrT parameter. put_period_sepatator(...) Return Type: OutItrT Parameter: OutItrT Puts the separator into the stream at position pointed to by OutItrT parameter. put_period_end_delimeter(...) Return Type: OutItrT Parameter: OutItrT Puts the end delimiter into the stream at position pointed to by OutItrT parameter. OutItrT put_period(...) Parameters: OutItrT ios_base char_type period_type facet_type Puts a period into the stream using the set values for delimiters, separator, and range display. The facet parameter is used to put the date (or time) objects of the period. Period Parser Construction Syntax Description period_parser(...) Parameters: period_range_option char_type* char_type* char_type* char_type* NOTE: All five construction parameters have default values so this constructor also doubles as the default constructor. The period_range_option is a public type enum of the period_parser class. The possible choices are AS_OPEN_RANGE or AS_CLOSED_RANGE. The closed range is the default. A period has three significant points: the begining, the last, and the end. A closed range period takes the form [begin,end), where an open range period takes the form [begin,last]. The four char_type* parameters are: the period separator, the start delimiter, the open range end delimiter, and the closed range end delimiter. period_parser(period_parser) Copy constructor Period Parser Accessors Syntax Description Example period_range_option range_option() Returns the current setting for the period range (either AS_OPEN_RANGE or AS_CLOSED_RANGE). void range_option(...) Parameter: period_range_option Sets the option for period range (either AS_OPEN_RANGE or AS_CLOSED_RANGE). void delimiter_strings(...) Parameters: string_type string_type string_type string_type Set new delimiter strings in the parser. string beg("->| "); string sep(" || "); string opn(" ->|"); string clo(" |<-"); pp.delimiter_strings(beg, sep, opn, clo); collection_type delimiter_strings() Returns the set of delimiter strings currently held in the parser. period_type get_period(...) Parameters: stream_itr_type stream_itr_type ios_base period_type duration_type facet_type Parses a period from the stream. The iterator parameters point to the begining and end of the stream. The duration_type is relevant to the period type, for example: A date_period would use days as a duration_type. The period will be parsed according to the formats and strings found in the facet parameter. _____________________________________________________ Date Generators The date_generator formatter and parser provide flexibility by allowing the user to use custom "phrase elements". These phrase elements are the "in-between" words in the date_generators. For example, in the date_generator "Second Monday of March", "Second" and "of" are the phrase elements, where "Monday" and "March" are the date elements. Customization of the date elements is done with the facet. The order of the date and phrase elements cannot be changed. When parsing, all elements of the date_generator phrase must parse correctly or an ios_base::failure exception will be thrown. Customization The default "phrase_strings" are: "first" "second" "third" "fourth" "fifth" "last" "before" "after" "of" A custom set of phrase_strings must maintain this order of occurance (Ex: "1st", "2nd", "3rd", "4th", "5th", "last", "prior", "past", "in"). Examples using default phrase_strings and default facet formats for weekday & month: "first Tue of Mar"And using custom phrase_strings: "1st Tue in Mar" The custom set of phrase elements can be set as construction parameters or through an accessor function.A custom date_generator parser/formatter can then be used as a construction parameter to a new facet, or can be set in an existing facet via an accessor function. IMPORTANT NOTE: Prior to 1.33, partial_date was output as "1 Jan" with a single *or* double digit number for the day. The new behavior is to *always* place a double digit number for the day - "01 Jan". Date Generator Reference The complete class references can be found here: Date Generator Formatter Doxygen Reference and here: Date Generator Parser Doxygen Reference Date Generator Formatter Construction Syntax Description date_generator_formatter() Uses the default date generator elements. date_generator_formatter(...) Parameters: string_type first_element string_type second_element string_type third_element string_type fourth_element string_type fifth_element string_type last_element string_type before_element string_type after_element string_type of_element Constructs a date_generator_formatter using the given element strings. Date Generator Formatter Accessors Syntax Description Example void elements(...) Parameters: collection_type phrase_elements Replace the current phrase elements with a collection of new ones. The phrase_elements parameter is an enum that indicates what the first element in the new collection is (defaults to first). // col is a collection holding // "final", "prior", "following", // and "in" typedef date_generator_formatter dgf; dgf formatter(); formatter.elements(col, dgf::last); // complete elements in dgf are now: "first", "second", "third", "fourth", "fifth", "final", "prior", "following", and "in" put_partial_date(...) Return Type: facet_type::OutItrT Parameters: OutItrT next ios_base char_type fill partial_date facet_type A put function for partial_date. This is a templated function that takes a facet_type as a parameter. Put a partial_date => "dd Month". put_nth_kday(...) Return Type: facet_type::OutItrT Parameters: OutItrT next ios_base char_type fill nth_kday_type facet_type A put function for nth_kday_type. This is a templated function that takes a facet_type as a parameter. Put an nth_day_of_the_week_in_month => "nth weekday of month". put_first_kday(...) Return Type: facet_type::OutItrT Parameters: OutItrT next ios_base char_type fill first_kday_type facet_type A put function for first_kday_type. This is a templated function that takes a facet_type as a parameter. Put a first_day_of_the_week_in_month => "first weekday of month". put_last_kday(...) Return Type: facet_type::OutItrT Parameters: OutItrT next ios_base char_type fill last_kday_type facet_type A put function for last_kday_type. This is a templated function that takes a facet_type as a parameter. Put a last_day_of_the_week_in_month => "last weekday of month". put_kday_before(...) Return Type: facet_type::OutItrT Parameters: OutItrT next ios_base char_type fill kday_before_type facet_type A put function for kday_before_type. This is a templated function that takes a facet_type as a parameter. Put a first_day_of_the_week_before => "weekday before" put_kday_after(...) Return Type: facet_type::OutItrT Parameters: OutItrT next ios_base char_type fill kday_after_type facet_type A put function for kday_after_type. This is a templated function that takes a facet_type as a parameter. Put a first_day_of_the_week_after => "weekday after". Date Generator Parser Construction Syntax Description date_generator_parser() Uses the default date generator elements. date_generator_parser(...) Parameter: date_generator_parser Copy Constructor date_generator_parser(...) Parameters: string_type first_element string_type second_element string_type third_element string_type fourth_element string_type fifth_element string_type last_element string_type before_element string_type after_element string_type of_element Constructs a date_generator_parser using the given element strings. Date Generator Parser Accessors Syntax Description Example void element_strings(...) Parameter: collection_type Replace the set of date generator element string with a new set. void element_strings(...) Parameters: string_type first string_type second string_type third string_type fourth string_type fifth string_type last string_type before string_type after string_type of Replace the set of date generator elements with new values. get_partial_date_type(...) Return Type: facet_type::partial_date_type Parameters: stream_itr_type next stream_itr_type str_end ios_base facet_type A templated function that parses a date_generator from the stream. Parses a partial_date => "dd Month". get_nth_kday_type(...) Return Type: facet_type::nth_kday_type Parameters: stream_itr_type next stream_itr_type str_end ios_base facet_type A templated function that parses a date_generator from the stream. Parses an nth_day_of_the_week_in_month => "nth weekday of month". get_first_kday_type(...) Return Type: facet_type::firat_kday_type Parameters: stream_itr_type next stream_itr_type str_end ios_base facet_type A templated function that parses a date_generator from the stream. Parses a first_day_of_the_week_in_month => "first weekday of month". get_last_kday_type(...) Return Type: facet_type::last_kday_type Parameters: stream_itr_type next stream_itr_type str_end ios_base facet_type A templated function that parses a date_generator from the stream. Parses a last_day_of_the_week_in_month => "last weekday of month". get_kday_before_type(...) Return Type: facet_type::kday_before_type Parameters: stream_itr_type next stream_itr_type str_end ios_base facet_type A templated function that parses a date_generator from the stream. Parses a first_day_of_the_week_before => "weekday before" get_kday_after_type(...) Return Type: facet_type::kday_after_type Parameters: stream_itr_type next stream_itr_type str_end ios_base facet_type A templated function that parses a date_generator from the stream. Parses a first_day_of_the_week_after => "weekday after". _____________________________________________________ Special Values The date_time library uses five special_values. They are: not_a_date_time neg_infin pos_infin min_date_time max_date_time The default set of strings used to represent these types are: "not-a-date-time", "-infinity", "+infinity", "minimum-date-time", "maximum-date-time". When output, the min_date-time and max_date_time appear as normal date/time representations: "1400-Jan-01" and "9999-Dec-31" repectively. Customization The special values parser/formatter allows the user to set custom strings for these special values. These strings can be set as construction parameters to a new facet, or can be set in an existing facet via an accessor function. Special Values Formatter/Parser Reference The complete class references can be found here: Special Values Formatter Doxygen Reference and here: Special Values Parser Doxygen Reference Special Values Formatter Constructor Syntax Description special_values_formatter() Constructor uses defaults for special value strings. special_values_formatter(...) Parameters: collection_type::iterator collection_type::iterator Constructs using values in collection. NOTE: Only the first three strings of the collection will be used. Strings for minimum_date_time and maximum_date_time are ignored as those special values are output as normal dates/times. special_values_formatter(...) Parameters: char_type* char_type* Constructs special values formatter from an array of strings. Special Values Formatter Accessors Syntax Description Example OutItrT put_special(...) Parameters: OutItrT next special_values value Puts the given special value into the stream. date d1(not_a_date_time); date d2(minimum_date_time); special_values_formatter formatter; formatter.put_special(itr, d1); // Puts: "not-a-date-time" formatter.put_special(itr, d2); // Puts: "1400-Jan-01" Special Values Parser Constructor Syntax Description special_values_parser() special_values_parser(...) Parameters: collection_type::iterator collection_type::iterator Constructs a special values parser using the strings in the collection. special_values_parser(...) Parameter: scpecial_values_parser Copy constructor. special_values_parser(...) Parameters: string_type nadt_str string_type neg_inf_str string_type pos_inf_str string_type min_dt_str string_type max_dt_str Constructs a special values parser using the supplied strings. Special Values Parser Accessors Syntax Description Example void sv_strings(...) Parameters: string_type nadt_str string_type neg_inf_str string_type pos_inf_str string_type min_dt_str string_type max_dt_str Replace the set of special value strings with the given ones. bool match(...) Parameters: stream_itr_type beg stream_itr_type end match_results Returns true if parse was successful. Upon a successful parse, mr.current_match will be set an int values corresponding to the equivalent special_value. // stream holds "maximum_date_time" typedef special_values_parser svp; svp parser; svp::match_results mr; if(parser.match(itr, str_end, mr)) { d = date(static_cast<special_values>( mr.match_results)) } else { // error, failed parse } // d == "9999-Dec-31" _____________________________________________________ Format Date Parser The format date parser is the object that holds the strings for months and weekday names, as well as their abbreviations. Custom sets of strings can be set at construction time, or, the strings in an existing format_date_parser can be replaced through accessor functions. Both the constructor and the accessor functions take a vector of strings as their arguments. Format Date Parser Reference The complete class reference can be found here: Doxygen Reference Format Date Parser Constructor Syntax Description format_date_parser(...) Parameters: string_type format std::locale Creates a parser that uses the given format for parsing dates (in those functions where there is no format parameter). The names and abbreviations used are extracted from the given locale. format_date_parser(...) Parameters: string_type format input_collection_type input_collection_type input_collection_type input_collection_type Creates a parser from using the given components. The input_collection_type parameters are for: short month names, long month names, short weekday names, and long weekday names (in that order). These collections must contain values for every month and every weekday (begining with January and Sunday). format_date_parser(...) Parameters: format_date_parser Copy Constructor Format Date Parser Accessors Syntax Description Example string_type format() Returns the format that will be used when parsing dates in those functions where there is no format parameter. void format(string_type) Sets the format that will be used when parsing dates in those functions where there is no format parameter. void short_month_names(...) Parameter: input_collection_type names Replace the short month names used by the parser. The collection must contain values for each month, starting with January. void long_month_names(...) Parameter: input_collection_type names Replace the long month names used by the parser. The collection must contain values for each month, starting with January. void short_weekday_names(...) Parameter: input_collection_type names Replace the short weekday names used by the parser. The collection must contain values for each weekday, starting with Sunday. void long_weekday_names(...) Parameter: input_collection_type names Replace the long weekday names used by the parser. The collection must contain values for each weekday, starting with Sunday. date_type parse_date(...) Parameters: string_type input string_type format special_values_parser Parse a date from the given input using the given format. string inp("2005-Apr-15"); string format("%Y-%b-%d"); date d; d = parser.parse_date(inp, format, svp); // d == 2005-Apr-15 date_type parse_date(...) Parameters: istreambuf_iterator input istreambuf_iterator str_end special_values_parser Parse a date from stream using the parser's format. date_type parse_date(...) Parameters: istreambuf_iterator input istreambuf_iterator str_end string_type format special_values_parser Parse a date from stream using the given format. // stream holds "2005-04-15" string format("%Y-%m-%d"); date d; d = parser.parse_date(itr, str_end, format, svp); // d == 2005-Apr-15 month_type parse_month(...) Parameters: istreambuf_iterator input istreambuf_iterator str_end string_type format Parses a month from stream using given format. Throws bad_month if unable to parse. // stream holds "March" string format("%B"); greg_month m; m = parser.parse_month(itr, str_end, format); // m == March day_type parse_day_of_month(...) Parameters: istreambuf_iterator input istreambuf_iterator str_end Parses a day_of_month from stream. The day must appear as a two digit number (01-31), or a bad_day_of_month will be thrown. // stream holds "01" greg_day d; d = parser.parse_day_of_month(itr, str_end); // d == 1st day_type parse_var_day_of_month(...) Parameters: istreambuf_iterator input istreambuf_iterator str_end Parses a day_of_month from stream. The day must appear as a one or two digit number (1-31), or a bad_day_of_month will be thrown. // stream holds "1" greg_day d; d = parser.parse_var_day_of_month(itr, str_end); // d == 1st day_of_week_type parse_weekday(...) Parameters: istreambuf_iterator input istreambuf_iterator str_end string_type format Parse a weekday from stream according to the given format. Throws a bad_weekday if unable to parse. // stream holds "Tue" string format("%a"); greg_weekday wd; wd = parser.parse_weekday(itr, str_end, format); // wd == Tuesday year_type parse_year(...) Parameters: istreambuf_iterator input istreambuf_iterator str_end string_type format Parse a year from stream according to given format. Throws bad year if unable to parse. // stream holds "98" string format("%y"); greg_year y; y = parser.parse_year(itr, str_end, format); // y == 1998