Time Iterators Introduction -- Header -- Overview -- Operators Introduction Time iterators provide a mechanism for iteration through times. Time iterators are similar to Bidirectional Iterators. However, time_iterators are different than standard iterators in that there is no underlying sequence, just a calculation function. In addition, time_iterators are directly comparable against instances of class ptime. Thus a second iterator for the end point of the iteration is not required, but rather a point in time can be used directly. For example, the following code iterates using a 15 minute iteration interval. The print hours example also illustrates the use of the time_iterator. int main() { using namespace boost::gregorian; using namespace boost::posix_time; date d(2000,Jan,20); ptime start(d); ptime end = start + hours(1); time_iterator titr(start,minutes(15)); //increment by 15 minutes //produces 00:00:00, 00:15:00, 00:30:00, 00:45:00 while (titr < end) { std::cout << to_simple_string(*titr) << std::endl; ++titr; } std::cout << "Now backward" << std::endl; //produces 01:00:00, 00:45:00, 00:30:00, 00:15:00 while (titr > start) { std::cout << to_simple_string(*titr) << std::endl; --titr; } } ]]> Header #include "boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp" //include all types plus i/o or #include "boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time_types.hpp" //no i/o just types Overview Class Description Construction Parameters time_iterator Iterate incrementing by the specified duration. ptime start_time, time_duration increment Operators Syntax Description Example operator==(const ptime& rhs), operator!=(const ptime& rhs), operator>, operator<, operator>=, operator<= A full complement of comparison operators date d(2002,Jan,1); ptime start_time(d, hours(1)); //increment by 10 minutes time_iterator titr(start_time, minutes(10)); ptime end_time = start_time + hours(2); if (titr == end_time) // false if (titr != end_time) // true if (titr >= end_time) // false if (titr <= end_time) // true prefix increment Increment the iterator by the specified duration. //increment by 10 milli seconds time_iterator titr(start_time, milliseconds(10)); ++titr; // == start_time + 10 milliseconds prefix decrement Decrement the iterator by the specified time duration. time_duration td(1,2,3); time_iterator titr(start_time, td); --titr; // == start_time - 01:02:03