[#is_whitespace] [section is_whitespace] [h1 Synopsis] namespace util { template struct is_whitespace; } This is a [link lazy_metafunction lazy template metafunction] that supports [link currying currying]. [table Arguments [[Name] [Type]] [[`C`] [[link boxed_value boxed] character value]] ] [h1 Description] Checks if `C` is a whitespace character. Returns a boxed boolean value. [h1 Header] #include [h1 Expression semantics] For any `C` nullary template metafunction returning a wrapped character value the following are equivalent: is_whitespace::type is_whitespace<>::type::apply::type is_whitespace_c::type [h1 Example] #include #include using namespace boost::metaparse; struct returns_char { using type = std::integral_constant; }; static_assert( util::is_whitespace>::type::value, "a space should be a whitespace character" ); static_assert( !util::is_whitespace>::type::value, "a number should not be a whitespace character" ); static_assert( util::is_whitespace<>::type ::apply>::type::value, "it should support currying" ); static_assert( util::is_whitespace::type::value, "it should support lazy evaluation" ); [endsect]