[#source_position] [section source_position] [h1 Synopsis] template struct source_position; This is a [link metaprogramming_value template metaprogramming value]. [table Arguments [[Name] [Type]] [[`Line`] [[link boxed_value boxed] integer value]] [[`Col`] [[link boxed_value boxed] integer value]] [[`PrevChar`] [[link boxed_value boxed] character value]] ] [h1 Description] Compile-time data-structure describing a position of the input text. The values of this data-structure store the last character that was parsed before reaching the position of the input described by the `source_position` value. Its tag is [link source_position_tag `source_position_tag`]. The beginning of the input text is represented by [link start `start`]. [h1 Header] #include [h1 Expression semantics] For any `l`, `c` compile-time boxed integral values and `p` compile-time boxed character value, the following are equivalent get_col>::type c::type get_line>::type l::type get_prev_char>::type p::type [h1 Constant values of this type] * [link start `start`] [h1 Operations] * `boost::mpl::equal_to` * `boost::mpl::greater` * `boost::mpl::greater_equal` * `boost::mpl::less` * `boost::mpl::less_equal` * `boost::mpl::not_equal_to` * [link get_col `get_col`] * [link get_line `get_line`] * [link get_prev_char `get_prev_char`] * [link next_char `next_char`] * [link next_line `next_line`] [endsect]