[/ / Copyright (c) 2019 Raffi Enficiaud / / Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying / file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) /] [section:master_test_suite Master test suite] As defined in introduction section the master test suite is the *root* node of the test tree. Each test module built with the __UTF__ always has the (unique) master test suite defined. The __UTF__ maintain the master test suite instance internally. All other test units are registered as direct or indirect children of the master test suite. `` namespace boost { namespace unit_test { class master_test_suite_t : public test_suite { /// implementation details public: int argc; char** argv; }; } // namespace unit_test } // namespace boost `` To access single instance of the master test suite use the following interface: `` namespace boost { namespace unit_test { namespace framework { master_test_suite_t& master_test_suite(); } // namespace framework } // namespace unit_test } // namespace boost `` [h4 Command line arguments access interface] Master test suite implemented as an extension to the regular test suite, since it maintains references to the command line arguments passed to the test module. To access the command line arguments use `` boost::unit_test::framework::master_test_suite().argc boost::unit_test::framework::master_test_suite().argv `` In below example references to the command line arguments are accessible either as an initialization function parameters or as members of the master test suite. Both references point to the same values. A test module that uses the alternative initialization function specification can only access command line arguments through the master test suite. Returning to the free function example, let's modify initialization function to check for absence of any test module arguments. [bt_example example13..Command line access in initialization function..run] [#ref_BOOST_TEST_MODULE][h4 Naming the ['Master test suite]] The master test suite is created with default name ['Master Test Suite]. There are two methods two reset the name to a different value: using the macro __BOOST_TEST_MODULE__ and from within the test module initialization function. Former is used for test modules that don't have the manually implemented initialization function. Following examples illustrate these methods. [bt_example example14..Naming master test suite using the macro __BOOST_TEST_MODULE__..run] If the macro __BOOST_TEST_MODULE__ is defined, the test module initialization function is [*automatically generated] and the macro value becomes the name of the master test suite. The name may include spaces. [bt_example example15..Naming master test suite explicitly in the test module initialization function..run] Without the __BOOST_TEST_MAIN__ and the __BOOST_TEST_MODULE__ flags defined, the test module initialization function has to be manually implemented. The master test suite name can be reset at any point within this function. [endsect] [/ master test suite]