[/ / Copyright (c) 2003 Boost.Test contributors / Copyright (c) 2015 Raffi Enficiaud / / Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying / file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) /] [section:testout_reference Controlling tests outputs] [/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ] [section:test_output_macro_checkpoint `BOOST_TEST_CHECKPOINT`] Sets up a named check point. [tip See the [link boost_test.test_output.test_tools_support_for_logging.checkpoints checkpoint] section for more details.] [endsect] [section:test_output_macro_passpoint `BOOST_TEST_PASSPOINT`] Sets up an unnamed check point. [tip See the [link boost_test.test_output.test_tools_support_for_logging.checkpoints checkpoint] section for more details.] [endsect] [section:test_output_macro_message `BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE`] Outputs a custom message into the test log. [tip See the [link boost_test.test_output.test_tools_support_for_logging.test_output_macro_message corresponding] section for more details.] [endsect] [section:test_output_macro_info `BOOST_TEST_INFO`] Defines a message to be printed as part of the context of the first encountered assertion, if it fails. For more details see [link boost_test.test_output.test_tools_support_for_logging.contexts here]. [endsect] [section:test_output_macro_context `BOOST_TEST_CONTEXT`] Defines a scope and a message to be printed as part of the context of every failed assertion within the scope. For more details see [link boost_test.test_output.test_tools_support_for_logging.contexts here]. [endsect] [section:test_output_macro_context_sticky `BOOST_TEST_INFO_SCOPE`] Defines a sticky version of __BOOST_TEST_INFO__: the message stored in `BOOST_TEST_INFO_SCOPE` is printed for all failed assertions that come after the declaration of `BOOST_TEST_INFO_SCOPE` and within the current scope. For more details see [link boost_test.test_output.test_tools_support_for_logging.contexts here]. [endsect] [section:test_output_macro_disable_type `BOOST_TEST_DONT_PRINT_LOG_VALUE`] Disables the automatic printing of a value. This macro is relevant * a type is used in a comparison assertion (such as __BOOST_LEVEL_GE__ for instance) * when the type being compared does not implement a suitable `operator <<` for streaming out the value into the test log stream [tip See the [link boost_test.test_output.test_tools_support_for_logging.testing_tool_output_disable corresponding] section for more details.] [endsect] [endsect]