[/ / Copyright (c) 2015 Boost development team / / Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying / file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) /] [section:strings Strings and C-strings comparison] In the general case, pointers are compared using their value. However when type of the the pointers are `char*` or `wchar_t*`, __BOOST_TEST__ promotes them as null terminated `char` arrays and string comparison is used instead. `std::string` (or any `std::basic_string`) and `std::string_view` (or any `std::basic_string_view`) are eligible for string comparison. String comparison can be used only if the operands to compare in __BOOST_TEST__ can both be considered as strings type. [tip In this form, the comparison method and reporting can be overridden an additional argument to __BOOST_TEST__. See the [link boost_test.testing_tools.extended_comparison.collections collection comparison] section for more details, in particular `boost::test_tools::per_element()` and `boost::test_tools::lexicographic()` modifiers.] [bt_example boost_test_string..BOOST_TEST string comparison..run-fail] [note `std::string_view` support added in Boost.Test [link ref_CHANGE_LOG_3_12 Boost 1.72]. ] [endsect]