/*! @file Forward declares `boost::hana::Functor`. @copyright Louis Dionne 2013-2017 Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE.md or copy at http://boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) */ #ifndef BOOST_HANA_FWD_CONCEPT_FUNCTOR_HPP #define BOOST_HANA_FWD_CONCEPT_FUNCTOR_HPP #include BOOST_HANA_NAMESPACE_BEGIN //! @ingroup group-concepts //! @defgroup group-Functor Functor //! The `Functor` concept represents types that can be mapped over. //! //! Intuitively, a [Functor][1] is some kind of box that can hold generic //! data and map a function over this data to create a new, transformed //! box. Because we are only interested in mapping a function over the //! contents of a black box, the only real requirement for being a functor //! is to provide a function which can do the mapping, along with a couple //! of guarantees that the mapping is well-behaved. Those requirements are //! made precise in the laws below. The pattern captured by `Functor` is //! very general, which makes it widely useful. A lot of objects can be //! made `Functor`s in one way or another, the most obvious example being //! sequences with the usual mapping of the function on each element. //! While this documentation will not go into much more details about //! the nature of functors, the [Typeclassopedia][2] is a nice //! Haskell-oriented resource for such information. //! //! Functors are parametric data types which are parameterized over the //! data type of the objects they contain. Like everywhere else in Hana, //! this parametricity is only at the documentation level and it is not //! enforced. //! //! In this library, the mapping function is called `transform` after the //! `std::transform` algorithm, but other programming languages have given //! it different names (usually `map`). //! //! @note //! The word _functor_ comes from functional programming, where the //! concept has been used for a while, notably in the Haskell programming //! language. Haskell people borrowed the term from [category theory][3], //! which, broadly speaking, is a field of mathematics dealing with //! abstract structures and transformations between those structures. //! //! //! Minimal complete definitions //! ---------------------------- //! 1. `transform`\n //! When `transform` is specified, `adjust_if` is defined analogously to //! @code //! adjust_if(xs, pred, f) = transform(xs, [](x){ //! if pred(x) then f(x) else x //! }) //! @endcode //! //! 2. `adjust_if`\n //! When `adjust_if` is specified, `transform` is defined analogously to //! @code //! transform(xs, f) = adjust_if(xs, always(true), f) //! @endcode //! //! //! Laws //! ---- //! Let `xs` be a Functor with tag `F(A)`, //! \f$ f : A \to B \f$ and //! \f$ g : B \to C \f$. //! The following laws must be satisfied: //! @code //! transform(xs, id) == xs //! transform(xs, compose(g, f)) == transform(transform(xs, f), g) //! @endcode //! The first line says that mapping the identity function should not do //! anything, which precludes the functor from doing something nasty //! behind the scenes. The second line states that mapping the composition //! of two functions is the same as mapping the first function, and then //! the second on the result. While the usual functor laws are usually //! restricted to the above, this library includes other convenience //! methods and they should satisfy the following equations. //! Let `xs` be a Functor with tag `F(A)`, //! \f$ f : A \to A \f$, //! \f$ \mathrm{pred} : A \to \mathrm{Bool} \f$ //! for some `Logical` `Bool`, and `oldval`, `newval`, `value` objects //! of tag `A`. Then, //! @code //! adjust(xs, value, f) == adjust_if(xs, equal.to(value), f) //! adjust_if(xs, pred, f) == transform(xs, [](x){ //! if pred(x) then f(x) else x //! }) //! replace_if(xs, pred, value) == adjust_if(xs, pred, always(value)) //! replace(xs, oldval, newval) == replace_if(xs, equal.to(oldval), newval) //! fill(xs, value) == replace_if(xs, always(true), value) //! @endcode //! The default definition of the methods will satisfy these equations. //! //! //! Concrete models //! --------------- //! `hana::lazy`, `hana::optional`, `hana::tuple` //! //! //! Structure-preserving functions for Functors //! ------------------------------------------- //! A mapping between two functors which also preserves the functor //! laws is called a natural transformation (the term comes from //! category theory). A natural transformation is a function `f` //! from a functor `F` to a functor `G` such that for every other //! function `g` with an appropriate signature and for every object //! `xs` of tag `F(X)`, //! @code //! f(transform(xs, g)) == transform(f(xs), g) //! @endcode //! //! There are several examples of such transformations, like `to` //! when applied to an optional value. Indeed, for any function `g` and //! `hana::optional` `opt`, //! @code //! to(transform(opt, g)) == transform(to(opt), g) //! @endcode //! //! Of course, natural transformations are not limited to the `to<...>` //! functions. However, note that any conversion function between Functors //! should be natural for the behavior of the conversion to be intuitive. //! //! //! [1]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Functor //! [2]: https://wiki.haskell.org/Typeclassopedia#Functor //! [3]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category_theory template struct Functor; BOOST_HANA_NAMESPACE_END #endif // !BOOST_HANA_FWD_CONCEPT_FUNCTOR_HPP