/* [auto_generated] boost/numeric/odeint/external/mpi/mpi_state.hpp [begin_description] A generic split state, storing partial data on each node. [end_description] Copyright 2013 Karsten Ahnert Copyright 2013 Mario Mulansky Copyright 2013 Pascal Germroth Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) */ #ifndef BOOST_NUMERIC_ODEINT_EXTERNAL_MPI_MPI_STATE_HPP_INCLUDED #define BOOST_NUMERIC_ODEINT_EXTERNAL_MPI_MPI_STATE_HPP_INCLUDED #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace boost { namespace numeric { namespace odeint { /** \brief A container which has its contents distributed among the nodes. */ template< class InnerState > struct mpi_state { typedef InnerState value_type; // the node's local data. InnerState m_data; boost::mpi::communicator world; mpi_state() {} mpi_state(boost::mpi::communicator comm) : world(comm) {} inline InnerState &operator()() { return m_data; } inline const InnerState &operator()() const { return m_data; } }; template< class InnerState > struct is_resizeable< mpi_state< InnerState > > : is_resizeable< InnerState > { }; template< class InnerState1 , class InnerState2 > struct same_size_impl< mpi_state< InnerState1 > , mpi_state< InnerState2 > > { static bool same_size( const mpi_state< InnerState1 > &x , const mpi_state< InnerState2 > &y ) { const bool local = boost::numeric::odeint::same_size(x(), y()); return boost::mpi::all_reduce(x.world, local, mpi::bitwise_and()); } }; template< class InnerState1 , class InnerState2 > struct resize_impl< mpi_state< InnerState1 > , mpi_state< InnerState2 > > { static void resize( mpi_state< InnerState1 > &x , const mpi_state< InnerState2 > &y ) { // resize local parts on each node. boost::numeric::odeint::resize(x(), y()); } }; /** \brief Copy data between mpi_states of same size. */ template< class InnerState1 , class InnerState2 > struct copy_impl< mpi_state< InnerState1 > , mpi_state< InnerState2 > > { static void copy( const mpi_state< InnerState1 > &from , mpi_state< InnerState2 > &to ) { // copy local parts on each node. boost::numeric::odeint::copy(from(), to()); } }; /** \brief Use `mpi_algebra` for `mpi_state`. */ template< class InnerState > struct algebra_dispatcher< mpi_state< InnerState > > { typedef mpi_nested_algebra< typename algebra_dispatcher< InnerState >::algebra_type > algebra_type; }; } } } #endif