/* [auto_generated] boost/numeric/odeint/stepper/rosenbrock4_dense_output.hpp [begin_description] Dense output for Rosenbrock 4. [end_description] Copyright 2011-2012 Karsten Ahnert Copyright 2011-2015 Mario Mulansky Copyright 2012 Christoph Koke Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) */ #ifndef BOOST_NUMERIC_ODEINT_STEPPER_ROSENBROCK4_DENSE_OUTPUT_HPP_INCLUDED #define BOOST_NUMERIC_ODEINT_STEPPER_ROSENBROCK4_DENSE_OUTPUT_HPP_INCLUDED #include #include #include #include #include namespace boost { namespace numeric { namespace odeint { template< class ControlledStepper > class rosenbrock4_dense_output { public: typedef ControlledStepper controlled_stepper_type; typedef typename unwrap_reference< controlled_stepper_type >::type unwrapped_controlled_stepper_type; typedef typename unwrapped_controlled_stepper_type::stepper_type stepper_type; typedef typename stepper_type::value_type value_type; typedef typename stepper_type::state_type state_type; typedef typename stepper_type::wrapped_state_type wrapped_state_type; typedef typename stepper_type::time_type time_type; typedef typename stepper_type::deriv_type deriv_type; typedef typename stepper_type::wrapped_deriv_type wrapped_deriv_type; typedef typename stepper_type::resizer_type resizer_type; typedef dense_output_stepper_tag stepper_category; typedef rosenbrock4_dense_output< ControlledStepper > dense_output_stepper_type; rosenbrock4_dense_output( const controlled_stepper_type &stepper = controlled_stepper_type() ) : m_stepper( stepper ) , m_x1() , m_x2() , m_current_state_x1( true ) , m_t() , m_t_old() , m_dt() { } template< class StateType > void initialize( const StateType &x0 , time_type t0 , time_type dt0 ) { m_resizer.adjust_size( x0 , detail::bind( &dense_output_stepper_type::template resize_impl< StateType > , detail::ref( *this ) , detail::_1 ) ); get_current_state() = x0; m_t = t0; m_dt = dt0; } template< class System > std::pair< time_type , time_type > do_step( System system ) { unwrapped_controlled_stepper_type &stepper = m_stepper; failed_step_checker fail_checker; // to throw a runtime_error if step size adjustment fails controlled_step_result res = fail; m_t_old = m_t; do { res = stepper.try_step( system , get_current_state() , m_t , get_old_state() , m_dt ); fail_checker(); // check for overflow of failed steps } while( res == fail ); stepper.stepper().prepare_dense_output(); this->toggle_current_state(); return std::make_pair( m_t_old , m_t ); } /* * The two overloads are needed in order to solve the forwarding problem. */ template< class StateOut > void calc_state( time_type t , StateOut &x ) { unwrapped_controlled_stepper_type &stepper = m_stepper; stepper.stepper().calc_state( t , x , get_old_state() , m_t_old , get_current_state() , m_t ); } template< class StateOut > void calc_state( time_type t , const StateOut &x ) { unwrapped_controlled_stepper_type &stepper = m_stepper; stepper.stepper().calc_state( t , x , get_old_state() , m_t_old , get_current_state() , m_t ); } template< class StateType > void adjust_size( const StateType &x ) { unwrapped_controlled_stepper_type &stepper = m_stepper; stepper.adjust_size( x ); resize_impl( x ); } const state_type& current_state( void ) const { return get_current_state(); } time_type current_time( void ) const { return m_t; } const state_type& previous_state( void ) const { return get_old_state(); } time_type previous_time( void ) const { return m_t_old; } time_type current_time_step( void ) const { return m_dt; } private: state_type& get_current_state( void ) { return m_current_state_x1 ? m_x1.m_v : m_x2.m_v ; } const state_type& get_current_state( void ) const { return m_current_state_x1 ? m_x1.m_v : m_x2.m_v ; } state_type& get_old_state( void ) { return m_current_state_x1 ? m_x2.m_v : m_x1.m_v ; } const state_type& get_old_state( void ) const { return m_current_state_x1 ? m_x2.m_v : m_x1.m_v ; } void toggle_current_state( void ) { m_current_state_x1 = ! m_current_state_x1; } template< class StateIn > bool resize_impl( const StateIn &x ) { bool resized = false; resized |= adjust_size_by_resizeability( m_x1 , x , typename is_resizeable::type() ); resized |= adjust_size_by_resizeability( m_x2 , x , typename is_resizeable::type() ); return resized; } controlled_stepper_type m_stepper; resizer_type m_resizer; wrapped_state_type m_x1 , m_x2; bool m_current_state_x1; time_type m_t , m_t_old , m_dt; }; } // namespace odeint } // namespace numeric } // namespace boost #endif // BOOST_NUMERIC_ODEINT_STEPPER_ROSENBROCK4_DENSE_OUTPUT_HPP_INCLUDED