/*============================================================================= Copyright (c) 2001-2014 Joel de Guzman Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) ==============================================================================*/ #if !defined(BOOST_SPIRIT_X3_DETAIL_RULE_JAN_08_2012_0326PM) #define BOOST_SPIRIT_X3_DETAIL_RULE_JAN_08_2012_0326PM #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(BOOST_SPIRIT_X3_DEBUG) #include #endif #include namespace boost { namespace spirit { namespace x3 { template struct identity; template struct rule; struct parse_pass_context_tag; namespace detail { // we use this so we can detect if the default parse_rule // is the being called. struct default_parse_rule_result { default_parse_rule_result(bool r) : r(r) {} operator bool() const { return r; } bool r; }; } // default parse_rule implementation template inline detail::default_parse_rule_result parse_rule( rule rule_ , Iterator& first, Iterator const& last , Context const& context, ActualAttribute& attr); }}} namespace boost { namespace spirit { namespace x3 { namespace detail { #if defined(BOOST_SPIRIT_X3_DEBUG) template struct context_debug { context_debug( char const* rule_name , Iterator const& first, Iterator const& last , Attribute const& attr , bool const& ok_parse //was parse successful? ) : ok_parse(ok_parse), rule_name(rule_name) , first(first), last(last) , attr(attr) , f(detail::get_simple_trace()) { f(first, last, attr, pre_parse, rule_name); } ~context_debug() { auto status = ok_parse ? successful_parse : failed_parse ; f(first, last, attr, status, rule_name); } bool const& ok_parse; char const* rule_name; Iterator const& first; Iterator const& last; Attribute const& attr; detail::simple_trace_type& f; }; #endif template struct has_on_error : mpl::false_ {}; template struct has_on_error().on_error( std::declval() , std::declval() , std::declval>() , std::declval() ) )>::type > : mpl::true_ {}; template struct has_on_success : mpl::false_ {}; template struct has_on_success().on_success( std::declval() , std::declval() , std::declval() , std::declval() ) )>::type > : mpl::true_ {}; template struct make_id { typedef identity type; }; template struct make_id> { typedef identity type; }; template Context const& make_rule_context(RHS const& /* rhs */, Context const& context , mpl::false_ /* is_default_parse_rule */) { return context; } template auto make_rule_context(RHS const& rhs, Context const& context , mpl::true_ /* is_default_parse_rule */ ) { return make_unique_context(rhs, context); } template struct rule_parser { template static bool call_on_success( Iterator& /* first */, Iterator const& /* last */ , Context const& /* context */, ActualAttribute& /* attr */ , mpl::false_ /* No on_success handler */ ) { return true; } template static bool call_on_success( Iterator& first, Iterator const& last , Context const& context, ActualAttribute& attr , mpl::true_ /* Has on_success handler */) { bool pass = true; ID().on_success( first , last , attr , make_context(pass, context) ); return pass; } template static bool parse_rhs_main( RHS const& rhs , Iterator& first, Iterator const& last , Context const& context, RContext& rcontext, ActualAttribute& attr , mpl::false_) { // see if the user has a BOOST_SPIRIT_DEFINE for this rule typedef decltype(parse_rule( rule(), first, last , make_unique_context(rhs, context), std::declval())) parse_rule_result; // If there is no BOOST_SPIRIT_DEFINE for this rule, // we'll make a context for this rule tagged by its ID // so we can extract the rule later on in the default // (generic) parse_rule function. typedef is_same is_default_parse_rule; Iterator i = first; bool r = rhs.parse( i , last , make_rule_context(rhs, context, is_default_parse_rule()) , rcontext , attr ); if (r) { auto first_ = first; x3::skip_over(first_, last, context); r = call_on_success(first_, i, context, attr , has_on_success()); } if (r) first = i; return r; } template static bool parse_rhs_main( RHS const& rhs , Iterator& first, Iterator const& last , Context const& context, RContext& rcontext, ActualAttribute& attr , mpl::true_ /* on_error is found */) { for (;;) { try { return parse_rhs_main( rhs, first, last, context, rcontext, attr, mpl::false_()); } catch (expectation_failure const& x) { switch (ID().on_error(first, last, x, context)) { case error_handler_result::fail: return false; case error_handler_result::retry: continue; case error_handler_result::accept: return true; case error_handler_result::rethrow: throw; } } } } template static bool parse_rhs_main( RHS const& rhs , Iterator& first, Iterator const& last , Context const& context, RContext& rcontext, ActualAttribute& attr) { return parse_rhs_main( rhs, first, last, context, rcontext, attr , has_on_error() ); } template static bool parse_rhs( RHS const& rhs , Iterator& first, Iterator const& last , Context const& context, RContext& rcontext, ActualAttribute& attr , mpl::false_) { return parse_rhs_main(rhs, first, last, context, rcontext, attr); } template static bool parse_rhs( RHS const& rhs , Iterator& first, Iterator const& last , Context const& context, RContext& rcontext, ActualAttribute& /* attr */ , mpl::true_) { return parse_rhs_main(rhs, first, last, context, rcontext, unused); } template static bool call_rule_definition( RHS const& rhs , char const* rule_name , Iterator& first, Iterator const& last , Context const& context, ActualAttribute& attr , ExplicitAttrPropagation) { boost::ignore_unused(rule_name); // do down-stream transformation, provides attribute for // rhs parser typedef traits::transform_attribute< ActualAttribute, Attribute, parser_id> transform; typedef typename transform::type transform_attr; transform_attr attr_ = transform::pre(attr); bool ok_parse //Creates a place to hold the result of parse_rhs //called inside the following scope. ; { // Create a scope to cause the dbg variable below (within // the #if...#endif) to call it's DTOR before any // modifications are made to the attribute, attr_ passed // to parse_rhs (such as might be done in // transform::post when, for example, // ActualAttribute is a recursive variant). #if defined(BOOST_SPIRIT_X3_DEBUG) context_debug dbg(rule_name, first, last, attr_, ok_parse); #endif ok_parse = parse_rhs(rhs, first, last, context, attr_, attr_ , mpl::bool_ < ( RHS::has_action && !ExplicitAttrPropagation::value ) >() ); } if (ok_parse) { // do up-stream transformation, this integrates the results // back into the original attribute value, if appropriate transform::post(attr, std::forward(attr_)); } return ok_parse; } }; }}}} #endif