Adapts a function pointer for use as a static visitor. Adapts the function given at construction for use as a static visitor of type T with result type R. static_visitor<R> R (*)(T) Constructs the visitor with the given function. R unspecified-forwarding-type void const U& If passed a value or reference of type T, it invokes the function given at construction, appropriately forwarding operand. Returns the result of the function invocation. The overload taking a value or reference of type T throws if the invoked function throws. The overload taking all other values always throws bad_visit. Returns a visitor object that adapts function pointers for use as a static visitor. Constructs and returns a visitor_ptr_t adaptor over the given function. visitor_ptr_t<T,R> R (*)(T) Returns a visitor_ptr_t visitor object that, when applied, invokes the given function. Will not throw. (Note, however, that the returned visitor object may throw when applied.)