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Class image_object

boost::compute::image_object — Base-class for image objects.


// In header: <boost/compute/image/image_object.hpp>

class image_object : public memory_object {
  // construct/copy/destruct
  explicit image_object(cl_mem, bool = true);
  image_object(const image_object &);
  image_object(image_object &&) noexcept;
  image_object & operator=(const image_object &);

  // public member functions
  template<typename T> T get_image_info(cl_mem_info) const;
  image_format format() const;
  size_t width() const;
  size_t height() const;
  size_t depth() const;

  // public static functions
  static std::vector< image_format > 
  get_supported_formats(const context &, cl_mem_object_type, 
                        cl_mem_flags = read_write);
  static bool is_supported_format(const image_format &, const context &, 
                                  cl_mem_flags = read_write);


The image_object class is the base-class for image objects on compute devices.

See Also:

image1d, image2d, image3d

image_object public construct/copy/destruct

  1. image_object();
  2. explicit image_object(cl_mem mem, bool retain = true);
  3. image_object(const image_object & other);
  4. image_object(image_object && other) noexcept;
  5. image_object & operator=(const image_object & other);
  6. ~image_object();
    Destroys the image object.

image_object public member functions

  1. template<typename T> T get_image_info(cl_mem_info info) const;

    Returns information about the image object.

    See the documentation for clGetImageInfo() for more information.

  2. image_format format() const;
    Returns the format for the image.
  3. size_t width() const;
    Returns the width of the image.
  4. size_t height() const;

    Returns the height of the image.

    For 1D images, this function will return 1.

  5. size_t depth() const;

    Returns the depth of the image.

    For 1D and 2D images, this function will return 1.

image_object public static functions

  1. static std::vector< image_format > 
    get_supported_formats(const context & context, cl_mem_object_type type, 
                          cl_mem_flags flags = read_write);

    Returns the supported image formats for the type in context.

    See the documentation for clGetSupportedImageFormats() for more information.

  2. static bool is_supported_format(const image_format & format, 
                                    const context & context, 
                                    cl_mem_object_type type, 
                                    cl_mem_flags flags = read_write);

    Returns true if format is a supported image format for type in context with flags.
