[/ / Copyright (c) 2008 Eric Niebler / / Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying / file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) /] [section Appendix 1: History] [h2 Version 2.1.0 6/12/2008] New Features: * `skip()` primitive for static regexes, which allows you to specify parts of the input string to ignore during regex matching. * Range-based `regex_replace()` algorithm interface. * `regex_replace()` accepts formatter objects and formatter lambda expressions in addition to format strings. Bugs Fixed: * Semantic actions in look-aheads, look-behinds and independent sub-expressions execute eagerly instead of causing a crash. [h2 Version 2.0.1 10/23/2007] Bugs Fixed: * `sub_match<>` constructor copies singular iterator causing debug assert. [h2 Version 2.0.0, 10/12/2007] New Features: * Semantic actions * Custom assertions * Named captures * Dynamic regex grammars * Recursive dynamic regexes with [^(?R)] construct * Support for searching non-character data * Better errors for invalid static regexes * Range-based regex algorithm interface * `match_flag_type::format_perl`, `match_flag_type::format_sed`, and `match_flag_type::format_all` * `operator+(std::string, sub_match<>)` and variants * Version 2 regex traits get `tolower()` and `toupper()` Bugs Fixed: * Complementing single-character sets like `~(set='a')` works. [h2 Version 1.0.2, April 27, 2007] Bugs Fixed: * Back-references greater than nine work as advertized. This is the version that shipped as part of Boost 1.34. [h2 Version 1.0.1, October 2, 2006] Bugs Fixed: * `match_results::position()` works for nested results. [h2 Version 1.0.0, March 16, 2006] Version 1.0! [h2 Version 0.9.6, August 19, 2005] The version reviewed for acceptance into Boost. The review began September 8, 2005. Xpressive was accepted into Boost on September 28, 2005. [h2 Version 0.9.3, June 30, 2005] New Features: * TR1-style regex_traits interface * Speed enhancements * `syntax_option_type::ignore_white_space` [h2 Version 0.9.0, September 2, 2004] New Features: * It sort of works. [h2 Version 0.0.1, November 16, 2003] Announcement of xpressive: [@http://lists.boost.org/Archives/boost/2003/11/56312.php] [endsect]