--[[ Script Name : Spells/Scout/Bard/Dirge/DeadCalm.lua Script Author : neatz09 Script Date : 2019.10.12 10:10:14 Script Purpose : : --]] -- On a combat hit this spell has a 12% chance to cast Crypt's Revenge on target of attack. -- Inflicts 30 - 51 disease damage on target function cast(Caster, Target) AddProc(Target, 3, 12, nil, 1) end function proc(Caster, Target, Type, DmgType, MinVal, MaxVal) if Type == 3 then ProcDamage(Caster, Target, "Crypt's Revenge", DmgType, MinVal, MaxVal) end end function remove(Caster, Target) RemoveProc(Target) end