Include all header files required by this library at once (for convenience). All header files boost/contract/*.hpp are independent from one another and can be included one-by-one to reduce the amount of code to compile from this library in user code (but this was measured to not make an appreciable difference in compile-time so boost/contract.hpp can be included directly in most cases). Instead the headers boost/contract/core/*.hpp are not independent from other library headers and they are automatically included by the boost/contract/*.hpp headers (so the boost/contract/core/*.hpp headers are usually not directly included by programmers).All files under the boost/contract/detail/ directory, names within the boost::contract::detail namespace, names prefixed by boost_contract_detail... and BOOST_CONTRACT_DETAIL... (in any namesapce, including user's code) are reserved for internal use of this library and should never be used directly by programmers.See Also: Getting Started
Assert contract conditions. Boolean contract condition to check. (This is not a variadic macro parameter so any comma it might contain must be protected by round parenthesis and BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT((cond)) will always work.) Preferred way to assert contract conditions. Any exception thrown from within a contract (preconditions, postconditions, exception guarantees, old value copies at body, class invariants, etc.) is interpreted by this library as a contract failure. Therefore, users can program contract assertions manually throwing an exception when an asserted condition is checked to be false (this library will then call the appropriate contract failure handler boost::contract::precondition_failure, etc.). However, it is preferred to use this macro because it expands to code that throws boost::contract::assertion_failure with the correct assertion file name (using __FILE__), line number (using __LINE__), and asserted condition code so to produce informative error messages (C++11 __func__ is not used here because in most cases it will simply expand to the internal compiler name of the lambda function used to program the contract conditions adding no specificity to the error message). BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT, BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT_AUDIT, and BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT_AXIOM are the three assertion levels predefined by this library.See Also: Preconditions, Postconditions, Exceptions Guarantees, Class Invariants, No Macros Boolean contract condition to check. (This is not a variadic macro parameter so any comma it might contain must be protected by round parenthesis and BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT_AUDIT((cond)) will always work.) Preferred way to assert contract conditions that are computationally expensive, at least compared to the computational cost of executing the function body. The asserted condition will always be compiled and validated syntactically, but it will not be checked at run-time unless BOOST_CONTRACT_AUDITS is defined (undefined by default). This macro is defined by code equivalent to:#ifdef BOOST_CONTRACT_AUDITS #define BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT_AUDIT(cond) \ BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(cond) #else #define BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT_AUDIT(cond) \ BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(true || cond) #endif BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT, BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT_AUDIT, and BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT_AXIOM are the three assertion levels predefined by this library. If there is a need, programmers are free to implement their own assertion levels defining macros similar to the one above.See Also: Assertion Levels, No Macros Boolean contract condition to check. (This is not a variadic macro parameter so any comma it might contain must be protected by round parenthesis and BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT_AXIOM((cond)) will always work.) Preferred way to document in the code contract conditions that are computationally prohibitive, at least compared to the computational cost of executing the function body. The asserted condition will always be compiled and validated syntactically, but it will never be checked at run-time. This macro is defined by code equivalent to:#define BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT_AXIOM(cond) \ BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(true || cond) BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT, BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT_AUDIT, and BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT_AXIOM are the three assertion levels predefined by this library. If there is a need, programmers are free to implement their own assertion levels defining macros similar to the one above.See Also: Assertion Levels, No Macros
Specify inheritance form base classes (for subcontracting). Comma separated list of base classes. Each base must explicitly specify its access specifier public, protected, or private, and also virtual when present (this not always required in C++ instead). There is a limit of about 20 maximum bases that can be listed (because of similar limits in Boost.MPL internally used by this library). This is a variadic macro parameter, on compilers that do not support variadic macros, the typedef for base classes can be programmed manually without using this macro (see No Macros). Used to program the typedef that lists the bases of a derived class. In order to support subcontracting, a derived class that specifies contracts for one or more overriding public functions must declare a typedef named base_types (or BOOST_CONTRACT_BASES_TYPEDEF) using this macro:class u #define BASES public b, protected virtual w1, private w2 : BASES { friend class boost::contract:access; typedef BOOST_CONTRACT_BASE_TYPES(BASES) base_types; #undef BASES ... }; This typedef must be public unless boost::contract::access is used.See Also: Base Classes
Statically disable compilation and execution of functor calls. These facilities allow to emulate C++17 if constexpr statements when used together with functor templates (and C++14 generic lambdas). Therefore, they are not useful on C++17 compilers where if constexpr can be directly used instead. Select compilation and execution of functor template calls using a static boolean predicate (not needed on C++17 compilers, use if constexpr instead). This class template has no members because it is never used directly, it is only used via its specializations. Usually this class template is instantiated only via the return value of boost::contract::call_if and boost::contract::call_if_c.See Also: Assertion Requirements falseTheninternal_typeTemplate specialization to handle static predicates that are false (not needed on C++17 compilers, use if constexpr instead). This template specialization handles all else-branch functor template calls (whether they return void or not). Usually this class template is instantiated only via the return value of boost::contract::call_if and boost::contract::call_if_c.See Also: Assertion Requirements result_of< Else()>::typeElseElse-branch nullary functor template. The functor template call f() is actually compiled and executed for this template specialization (because the if-statement static predicate is false). The return type of f() must be the same as (or implicitly convertible to) the return type of all other functor template calls specified for this call-if object.Specify the else-branch functor template. The result_of<Else()>::type expression needs be evaluated only when the static predicate is already checked to be false (because Else() is required to compile only in that case). Thus, this result-of expression is evaluated lazily and only in instantiations of this template specialization. A copy of the value returned by the call to the else-branch functor template f(). call_if_statement< ElseIfPred, ElseIfThen >ElseIfThenElse-if-branch nullary functor template. The functor template call f() is actually compiled and executed if and only if ElseIfPred is true (because the if-statement static predicate is already false for this template specialization). The return type of f() must be the same as (or implicitly convertible to) the return type of all other functor template calls specified for this call-if object.Specify an else-if-branch functor template (using a static boolean predicate). A call-if statement so the else statement and additional else-if statements can be specified if needed. Eventually, this will be the return value of the one functor template call being compiled and executed. call_if_statement< ElseIfPred::value, ElseIfThen >ElseIfThenElse-if-branch nullary functor template. The functor template call f() is actually compiled and executed if and only if ElseIfPred::value is true (because the if-statement static predicate is already false for this template specialization). The return type of f() must be the same as (or implicitly convertible to) the return type of all other functor template calls specified for this call-if object.Specify an else-if-branch functor template (using a nullary boolen meta-function). A call-if statement so the else statement and additional else-if statements can be specified if needed. Eventually, this will be the return value of the one functor template call being compiled and executed. Then const &Then-branch nullary functor template. The functor template call f() is never compiled or executed for this template specialization (because the if-statement static predicate is false). The return type of f() must be the same as (or implicitly convertible to) the return type of all other functor template calls specified for this call-if object. Construct this object with the then-branch functor template. trueTheninternal_typeboost::contract::call_if_statement< true, Then, result_of< Then()>::type >Template specialization to dispatch between then-branch functor template calls that return void and the ones that return non-void (not needed on C++17 compilers, use if constexpr instead). The base class is a call-if statement so the else and else-if statements can be specified if needed. Usually this class template is instantiated only via the return value of boost::contract::call_if and boost::contract::call_if_c.The result_of<Then()>::type expression needs be evaluated only when the static predicate is already checked to be true (because Then() is required to compile only in that case). Thus, this template specialization introduces an extra level of indirection necessary for proper lazy evaluation of this result-of expression. See Also: Assertion Requirements ThenThen-branch nullary functor template. The functor template call f() is compiled and called for this template specialization (because the if-statement static predicate is true). The return type of f() must be the same as (or implicitly convertible to) the return type of all other functor template calls specified for this call-if object. Construct this object with the then-branch functor template. trueThenThenResultTemplate specialization to handle static predicates that are true for then-branch functor template calls that do not return void (not needed on C++17 compilers, use if constexpr instead). Usually this class template is instantiated only via the return value of boost::contract::call_if and boost::contract::call_if_c.See Also: Assertion Requirements ThenResultThis implicit type conversion returns a copy of the value returned by the call to the then-branch functor template. ThenResultElse const &Else-branch nullary functor template. The functor template call f() is never compiled or executed for this template specialization (because the if-statement static predicate is true). The return type of f() must be the same as (or implicitly convertible to) the ThenResult type.Specify the else-branch functor template. A copy of the value returned by the call to the then-branch functor template (because the else-branch functor template call is not executed). call_if_statement< true, Then, ThenResult >ElseIfThen const &Else-if-branch nullary functor template. The functor template call f() is never compiled or executed for this template specialization (because the if-statement static predicate is true). The return type of f() must be the same as (or implicitly convertible to) the ThenResult type.Specify an else-if-branch functor template (using a static boolean predicate). A call-if statement so the else statement and additional else-if statements can be specified if needed. Eventually, it will be the return value of the then-branch functor template call for this template specialization (because the if-statement static predicate is true). call_if_statement< true, Then, ThenResult >ElseIfThen const &Else-if-branch nullary functor template. The functor template call f() is never compiled or executed for this template specialization (because the if-statement static predicate is true). The return type of f() must be the same as (or implicitly convertible to) the ThenResult type.Specify an else-if-branch functor template (using a nullary boolean meta-function). A call-if statement so the else statement and additional else-if statements can be specified if needed. Eventually, it will be the return value of the then-branch functor template call for this template specialization (because the if-statement static predicate is true). ThenThen-branch nullary functor template. The functor template call f() is actually compiled and executed for this template specialization (because the if-statement static predicate is true). The return type of f() must be the same as (or implicitly convertible to) the ThenResult type. Construct this object with the then-branch functor template. trueThenvoidTemplate specialization to handle static predicates that are true for then-branch functor template calls that return void (not needed on C++17 compilers, use if constexpr instead). Usually this class template is instantiated only via the return value of boost::contract::call_if and boost::contract::call_if_c.See Also: Assertion Requirements voidElse const &Else-branch nullary functor template. The functor template call f() is never compiled or executed for this template specialization (because the if-statement static predicate is true). The return type of f() must be void for this template specialization (because the then-branch functor template calls return void). Specify the else-branch functor template. call_if_statement< true, Then, void >ElseIfThen const &Else-if-branch nullary functor template. The functor template call f() is never compiled or executed for this template specialization (because the if-statement static predicate is true). The return type of f() must be void for this template specialization (because the then-branch functor template calls return void).Specify an else-if-branch functor template (using a static boolean predicate). A call-if statement so the else statement and additional else-if statements can be specified if needed. Eventually, it will return void for this template specialization (because the then-branch functor template calls return void). call_if_statement< true, Then, void >ElseIfThen const &Else-if-branch nullary functor template. The functor template call f() is never compiled or executed for this template specialization (because the if-statement static predicate is true). The return type of f() must be void for this template specialization (because the then-branch functor template calls return void).Specify an else-if-branch functor template (using a nullary boolean meta-function). A call-if statement so the else statement and additional else-if statements can be specified if needed. Eventually, it will return void for this template specialization (because the then-branch functor template calls return void). ThenThen-branch nullary functor template. The functor template call f() is actually compiled and executed for this template specialization (because the if-statement static predicate is true). The return type of f() must be void for this template specialization (because the then-branch functor template calls return void). Construct this object with the then-branch functor template. call_if_statement< Pred, Then >ThenThen-branch nullary functor template. The functor template call f() is compiled and executed if and only if Pred is true. The return type of other functor template calls specified for this call-if statement (else-branch, else-if-branches, etc.) must be the same as (or implicitly convertible to) the return type of then-branch functor call f().Select compilation and execution of functor template calls using a static boolean predicate (not needed on C++17 compilers, use if constexpr instead). Create a call-if object with the specified then-branch functor template:boost::contract::call_if_c<Pred1>( then_functor_template1 ).template else_if_c<Pred2>( // Optional. then_functor_template2 ) // Optionally, other `else_if_c` or ... // `else_if`. .else_( // Optional for `void` functors, else_functor_template // but required for non `void`. ) Optional functor templates for else-if-branches and the else-branch can be specified as needed (the else-branch function template is required if f returns non-void).See Also: Assertion Requirements A call-if statement so else and else-if statements can be specified if needed. Eventually, this will be the return value of the one functor template call being compiled and executed (which could also be void). call_if_statement< Pred::value, Then >ThenThen-branch nullary functor template. The functor template call f() is compiled and executed if and only if Pred::value is true. The return type of other functor template calls specified for this call-if statement (else-branch, else-if-branches, etc.) must be the same as (or implicitly convertible to) the return type of then-branch functor template call f().Select compilation and execution of functor template calls using a nullary boolean meta-function (not needed on C++17 compilers, use if constexpr instead). This is equivalent to boost::contract::call_if_c<Pred::value>(f). Create a call-if object with the specified then-branch functor template:boost::contract::call_if<Pred1>( then_functor_template1 ).template else_if<Pred2>( // Optional. then_functor_template2 ) // Optionally, other `else_if` or ... // `else_if_c`. .else_( // Optional for `void` functors, else_functor_template // but required for non `void`. ) Optional functor templates for else-if-branches and the else-branch can be specified as needed (the else-branch functor template is required if f returns non-void).See Also: Assertion Requirements A call-if statement so else and else-if statements can be specified if needed. Eventually, this will be the return value of the one functor template call being compiled and executed (which could also be void). boolThenNullary boolean functor template. The functor template call f() is compiled and executed if and only if Pred is true.booltrueBoolean value to return when Pred is false (instead of compiling and executing the functor template call f()).Select compilation and execution of a boolean functor template condition using a static boolean predicate (not needed on C++17 compilers, use if constexpr instead). Compile and execute the nullary boolean functor template call f() if and only if the specified static boolean predicate Pred is true, otherwise trivially return else_ (true by default) at run-time.A call to boost::contract::condition_if_c<Pred>(f, else_) is logically equivalent to boost::contract::call_if_c<Pred>(f, [] { return else_; }) (but its internal implementation is optimized and it does not actually use call_if_c).See Also: Assertion Requirements Boolean value returned by f() if the static predicate Pred is true. Otherwise, trivially return else_. boolThenNullary boolean functor template. The functor template call f() is compiled and executed if and only if Pred::value is true. booltrueBoolean value to return when Pred::value is false (instead of compiling and executing the functor template call f()).Select compilation and execution of a boolean functor template condition using a nullary boolean meta-function (not needed on C++17 compilers, use if constexpr instead). This is equivalent to boost::contract::condition_if_c<Pred::value>(f, else_). Compile and execute the nullary boolean functor template call f() if and only if the specified nullary boolean meta-function Pred::value is true, otherwise trivially return else_ (true by default) at run-time.See Also: Assertion Requirements Boolean value returned by f() if the static predicate Pred::value is true. Otherwise, trivially return else_.
RAII object that checks contracts. RAII object that checks the contracts. In general, when this object is constructed it checks class invariants at entry, preconditions, and makes old value copies at body. When it is destructed, it checks class invariants at exist, postconditions, and exception guarantees. This object enforces the following (see Contract Programming Overview): Postconditions are checked only if the body does not throw an exception. Exceptions guarantees are checked only if the body throws an exception. Constructor entry never checks class invariants. Destructor exit checks class invariants only if the body throws an exception (even if destructors should usually not be programmed to throw exceptions in C++ and they are implicitly declared noexcept since C++11). Static invariants are always checked at entry and exit (and regardless of the body throwing exceptions or not). When used this way, this object is constructed and initialized to the return value of one of the contract functions boost::contract::function, boost::contract::constructor, boost::contract::destructor, or boost::contract::public_function. In addition to that, this object can be constructed from a nullary functor when it is used to program implementation checks.See Also: Tutorial, Implementation Checks F const &Nullary functor that asserts implementation checks. f() will be called as soon as this object is constructed at the point it is declared within the implementation code (see Implementation Checks). Construct this object for implementation checks. This can be used to program checks within implementation code (body, etc.). This constructor is not declared explicit so initializations can use assignment syntax =.Throws: This can throw in case programmers specify contract failure handlers that throw exceptions instead of terminating the program (see Throw on Failure). check const &Copied-from object. Construct this object copying it from the specified one. This object will check the contract, the copied-from object will not (i.e., contract check ownership is transferred from the copied object to the new object being created by this constructor). specify_precondition_old_postcondition_except< VirtualResult > const &Contract to be checked (usually the return value of boost::contract::function or boost::contract::public_function).Construct this object to check the specified contract. This checks class invariants at entry (if those were specified for the given contract). This constructor is not declared explicit so initializations can use assignment syntax =.Throws: This can throw in case programmers specify contract failure handlers that throw exceptions instead of terminating the program (see Throw on Failure). specify_old_postcondition_except< VirtualResult > const &Contract to be checked (usually the return value of boost::contract::function, boost::contract::constructor, boost::contract::destructor, or boost::contract::public_function).Construct this object to check the specified contract. This checks class invariants at entry and preconditions (if any of those were specified for the given contract). This constructor is not declared explicit so initializations can use assignment syntax =.Throws: This can throw in case programmers specify contract failure handlers that throw exceptions instead of terminating the program (see Throw on Failure). specify_postcondition_except< VirtualResult > const &Contract to be checked (usually the return value of boost::contract::function, boost::contract::constructor, boost::contract::destructor, or boost::contract::public_function).Construct this object to check the specified contract. This checks class invariants at entry and preconditions then it makes old value copies at body (if any of those were specified for the given contract). This constructor is not declared explicit so initializations can use assignment syntax =.Throws: This can throw in case programmers specify contract failure handlers that throw exceptions instead of terminating te program (see Throw on Failure). specify_except const &Contract to be checked (usually the return value of boost::contract::function, boost::contract::constructor, boost::contract::destructor, or boost::contract::public_function).Construct this object to check the specified contract. This checks class invariants at entry and preconditions then it makes old value copies at body, plus the destructor of this object will also check postconditions in this case (if any of those were specified for the given contract). This constructor is not declared explicit so initializations can use assignment syntax =.Throws: This can throw in case programmers specify contract failure handlers that throw exceptions instead of terminating the program (see Throw on Failure). specify_nothing const &Contract to be checked (usually the return value of boost::contract::function, boost::contract::constructor, boost::contract::destructor, or boost::contract::public_function).Construct this object to check the specified contract. This checks class invariants at entry and preconditions then it makes old value copies at body, plus the destructor of this object will also check postconditions and exception guarantees in this case (if any of those were specified for the given contract). This constructor is not declared explicit so initializations can use assignment syntax =.Throws: This can throw in case programmers specify contract failure handlers that throw exceptions instead of terminating the program (see Throw on Failure). Destruct this object. This checks class invariants at exit and either postconditions when the enclosing function body did not throw an exception, or exception guarantees when the function body threw an exception (if class invariants, postconditions, and exception guarantees respectively were specified for the enclosing class and the contract parameter given when constructing this object).Throws: This can throw in case programmers specify contract failure handlers that throw exceptions instead of terminating the program (see Throw on Failure). (This is declared noexcept(false) since C++11.)
Program contracts for constructors. specify_old_postcondition_exceptClass *The object this from the scope of the enclosing constructor declaring the contract. (Constructors check all class invariants, including static and volatile invariants, see Class Invariants and Volatile Public Functions).Program contracts for constructors. This is used to specify postconditions, exception guarantees, old value copies at body, and check class invariants for constructors (see boost::contract::constructor_precondition to specify preconditions for constructors):class u { friend class boost::contract:access; void invariant() const { // Optional (as for static and volatile). BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(...); ... } public: u(...) { boost::contract::old_ptr<old_type> old_var; boost::contract::check c = boost::contract::constructor(this) // No `.precondition` (use `constructor_precondition` instead). .old([&] { // Optional. old_var = BOOST_CONTRACT_OLDOF(old_expr); ... }) .postcondition([&] { // Optional. BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(...); ... }) .except([&] { // Optional. BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(...); ... }) ; ... // Constructor body. } ... }; For optimization, this can be omitted for constructors that do not have postconditions and exception guarantees, within classes that have no invariants.See Also: Constructors The result of this function must be assigned to a variable of type boost::contract::check declared explicitly (i.e., without using C++11 auto declarations) and locally just before the code of the constructor body (otherwise this library will generate a run-time error, see BOOST_CONTRACT_ON_MISSING_CHECK_DECL).
Allow to declare invariants, base types, etc all as private members. Declare this class as friend to program invariants and base types as private members. Declare this class a friend of the user-defined class specifying the contracts and then invariant functions and the base types typedef can be declared as non-public members:class u #define BASES public b, private w : BASES { friend class boost::contract::access; typedef BOOST_CONTRACT_BASE_TYPES(BASES) base_types; // Private. #undef BASES void invariant() const { ... } // Private (same for static and volatile). public: ... }; In real code, programmers will likely chose to declare this class as friend so to fully control public interfaces of their user-defined classes (this is not extensively done in the examples of this documentation only for brevity). This class is not intended to be directly used by programmers a part from being declared as friend (and that is why this class does not have any public member and it is not copyable).Not declaring this class friend of user-defined classes will cause compiler errors on some compilers (e.g., MSVC) because the private members needed to check the contracts will not be accessible. On other compilers (e.g., GCC and CLang), the private access will instead fail SFINAE and no compiler error will be reported while invariants and subcontracting will be silently skipped at run-time. Therefore, programmers must make sure to either declare this class as friend or to always declare invariant functions and base types typedef as public members. See Also: Access Specifiers
Macros for implementation checks. Boolean condition to check within implementation code (function body, etc.). (This is not a variadic macro parameter so any comma it might contain must be protected by round parenthesis and BOOST_CONTRACT_CHECK((cond)) will always work.) Preferred way to assert implementation check conditions. It is preferred to use this macro instead of programming implementation checks in a nullary functor passed to boost::contract::check constructor because this macro will completely remove implementation checks from the code when BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_CHECKS is defined:void f() { ... BOOST_CONTRACT_CHECK(cond); ... } BOOST_CONTRACT_CHECK, BOOST_CONTRACT_CHECK_AUDIT, and BOOST_CONTRACT_CHECK_AXIOM are the three assertion levels predefined by this library for implementation checks.See Also: Implementation Checks Boolean condition to check within implementation code (function body, etc.). (This is not a variadic macro parameter so any comma it might contain must be protected by round parenthesis and BOOST_CONTRACT_CHECK_AUDIT((cond)) will always work.) Preferred way to assert implementation check conditions that are computationally expensive, at least compared to the computational cost of executing the function body. The specified condition will always be compiled and validated syntactically, but it will not be checked at run-time unless BOOST_CONTRACT_AUDITS is defined (undefined by default). This macro is defined by code equivalent to:#ifdef BOOST_CONTRACT_AUDITS #define BOOST_CONTRACT_CHECK_AUDIT(cond) \ BOOST_CONTRACT_CHECK(cond) #else #define BOOST_CONTRACT_CHECK_AUDIT(cond) \ BOOST_CONTRACT_CHECK(true || cond) #endif BOOST_CONTRACT_CHECK, BOOST_CONTRACT_CHECK_AUDIT, and BOOST_CONTRACT_CHECK_AXIOM are the three assertion levels predefined by this library for implementation checks. If there is a need, programmers are free to implement their own assertion levels defining macros similar to the one above.See Also: Assertion Levels Boolean condition to check within implementation code (function body, etc.). (This is not a variadic macro parameter so any comma it might contain must be protected by round parenthesis and BOOST_CONTRACT_CHECK_AXIOM((cond)) will always work.) Preferred way to document in the code implementation check conditions that are computationally prohibitive, at least compared to the computational cost of executing the function body. The specified condition will always be compiled and validated syntactically, but it will never be checked at run-time. This macro is defined by code equivalent to:#define BOOST_CONTRACT_CHECK_AXIOM(cond) \ BOOST_CONTRACT_CHECK(true || cond) BOOST_CONTRACT_CHECK, BOOST_CONTRACT_CHECK_AUDIT, and BOOST_CONTRACT_CHECK_AXIOM are the three assertion levels predefined by this library for implementation checks. If there is a need, programmers are free to implement their own assertion levels defining macros similar to the one above.See Also: Assertion Levels
Configure this library compile-time and run-time behaviours. Define this macro to compile this library as a shared library (recommended). If this macro is defined, this library is compiled so it can be linked as a shared library (a.k.a., Dynamically Linked Library or DLL) to user code. This library will automatically define this macro when Boost libraries are built as shared libraries (e.g., defining BOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK or using bjam link=shared ...).In general this library will correctly check contracts at run-time only when compiled as a shared library, unless user code checks contracts in a single program unit (e.g., a single program with only statically linked libraries). Therefore, it is recommended to build and use this library as a shared library by defining this macro (or equivalently by building all Boost libraries as shared libraries). See Also: Getting Started Define this macro to compile this library as a static library (not recommended). If this macro is defined, this library is compiled so it can be linked statically to user code. This library will automatically define this macro when Boost libraries are built as static libraries.This library is not guaranteed to always work correctly at run-time when this macro is defined (define BOOST_CONTRACT_DYN_LINK or BOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK instead). However, this macro can be defined and this library can be safely used as a static library for user code that checks contracts in a single program unit (e.g., a single program with only statically linked libraries). See Also: Getting Started Automatically defined by this library when it is being used as a header-only library (not recommended). This macro is not a configuration macro and this library will generate a compile-time error if users try to define it directly. This library will automatically define this macro when users do not define BOOST_CONTRACT_DYN_LINK (or BOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK) and BOOST_CONTRACT_STATIC_LINK. When used as a header-only library, this library code does not have to be compiled separately from user code, this library headers are simply included and compiled as part of the user program.This library is not guaranteed to always work correctly at run-time when this macro is defined (define BOOST_CONTRACT_DYN_LINK or BOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK instead). However, this macro can be defined and this library can be safely used as a header-only library for user code that checks contracts in a single program unit (e.g., a single program with only statically linked libraries). See Also: Getting Started Define this macro to not lock internal library data for thread safety (undefined by default). Defining this macro will make the library implementation code not thread safe so this macro should not be defined unless the library is being used by single-threaded applications only. This library will automatically define this macro when Boost libraries are built without threads (e.g., defining BOOST_DISABLE_THREADS).When this macro is left undefined this library needs to internally use some sort of global lock (to ensure contract checking is globally disabled when other contracts are being checked and also to safely access failure handler functors). That could introduce an undesired amount of synchronization in some multi-threaded applications. See Also: Assertions Maximum number of arguments for public function overrides on compilers that do not support variadic templates (default to 10). On compilers that do not support C++11 variadic templates, this macro is defined to the maximum number of arguments that public function overrides can have and pass to boost::contract::public_function (users can redefine this macro to a different value). On compilers that support variadic templates, this macro has no effect.Regardless of the value of this macro and of compiler support for variadic templates, there might be an intrinsic limit of about 18 arguments for public function overrides (because of similar limits in Boost.MPL and Boost.FunctionTypes internally used by this library). See Also: No Macros Define the name of the base type typedef (base_types by default). This macro expands to the name of the typedef that lists the base classes for subcontracting via BOOST_CONTRACT_BASE_TYPES:class u #define BASES public b, private w : BASES { friend class boost::contract:access; typedef BOOST_CONTRACT_BASE_TYPES(BASES) BOOST_CONTRACT_TYPEDEF; #undef BASES ... }; When used this way, users can redefine this macro if the typedef must have a name different from base_types (because of name clashes in user code, etc.).See Also: Base Classes Define the name of the class invariant member function (invariant by default). This macro expands to the name of the const and const volatile member functions that check class invariants and volatile class invariants respectively:class u { friend class boost::contract::access; void BOOST_CONTRACT_INVARIANT_FUNC() const { BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(...); ... } void BOOST_CONTRACT_INVARIANT_FUNC() const volatile { BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(...); ... } ... }; When used this way, users can redefine this macro if the invariant functions must have a name different from invariant (because of name clashes in user code, etc.).C++ does not allow to overload member functions based on the static classifier, so this macro must always be defined to be different than the function name defined for BOOST_CONTRACT_STATIC_INVARIANT_FUNC. See Also: Class Invariants, Volatile Public Functions Define the name of the static invariant member function (static_invariant by default). This macro expands to the name of the static member function that checks static class invariants:class u { friend class boost::contract::access; static void BOOST_CONTRACT_STATIC_INVARIANT_FUNC() { BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(...); ... } ... }; When used this way, users can redefine this macro if the static invariant function must have a name different from static_invariant (because of name clashes in user code, etc.).C++ does not allow to overload member functions based on the static classifier, so this macro must always be defined to be different than the function name defined for BOOST_CONTRACT_INVARIANT_FUNC. See Also: Class Invariants Disable some compile-time errors generated by this library (undefined by default). Defining this macro disables a number of static checks and related compile-time errors generated by this library, for example: The static invariant member function named as BOOST_CONTRACT_STATIC_INVARIANT_FUNC must be declared static. Non-static invariant member functions named as BOOST_CONTRACT_INVARIANT_FUNC must be declared either const, const volatile, or volatile const. Derived classes that program contracts for one or more public function overrides via boost::contract::public_function must also define the BOOST_CONTRACT_BASE_TYPES typedef. In general, it is not recommended to define this macro because these compile-time checks can guard against misuses of this library.See Also: Class Invariants, Base Classes Code block to execute if contracts are not assigned to a boost::contract::check variable (undefined and executes BOOST_ASSERT(false) by default). In general, there is a logic error in the program when contracts are not explicitly assigned to a local variable of type boost::contract::check and without using C++11 auto declarations (because that is a misuse of this library). Therefore, by default (i.e., when this macro is not defined) this library calls BOOST_ASSERT(false) in those cases. If this macro is defined, this library will execute the code expanded by this macro instead of calling BOOST_ASSERT(false) (if programmers prefer to throw an exception, etc.).This macro can also be defined to be any block of code (and use empty curly brackets {} to generate no error, not recommended), for example (on GCC): gcc -DBOOST_CONTRACT_ON_MISSING_CHECK_DECL='{ throw std::logic_error("missing contract check declaration"); }' ... See Also: Tutorial Define this macro to not disable other assertions while checking preconditions (undefined by default). Not disabling other assertions while checking preconditions can lead to infinite recursion in user code so by default this macro is not defined.However, the [N1962] proposal does not disable assertions while checking preconditions because arguments can reach the function body unchecked if assertions are disabled while checking preconditions (e.g., when these same functions bodies are called to check the preconditions in question). This macro can be defined to obtain the behaviour specified in [N1962] (at the risk of infinite recursion).See Also: Feature Summary Define this macro to not disable any assertion while checking other assertions (undefined by default). Not disabling assertions while checking other assertions can lead to infinite recursion in user code so by default this macro is not defined. (Defining this macro automatically implies that other assertion checking is disabled while checking preconditions as if BOOST_CONTRACT_PRECONDITIONS_DISABLE_NO_ASSERTION was also defined.)See Also: Feature Summary Define this macro to evaluate and check audit assertions at run-time (undefined by default). Audit assertions and implementation checks programmed via BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT_AUDIT and BOOST_CONTRACT_CHECK_AUDIT are always compiled and validated syntactically. However, they are not evaluated and checked at run-time unless this macro is defined (because these conditions can be computationally expensive, at least compared to the computational cost of executing the function body).See Also: Assertion Levels If defined, this library disables implementation checks (undefined by default). If this macro is defined, this library internal code is also optimized to reduce compile-time (not just run-time) overhead associated with implementation checks. In addition, users can manually program #ifndef statements in their code using this macro to completely disable compilation of implementation checks or use BOOST_CONTRACT_CHECK (recommended).See Also: Implementation Checks, Disable Contract Checking, Disable Contract Compilation If defined, this library does not check preconditions (undefined by default). If this macro is defined, this library internal code is also optimized to reduce compile-time (not just run-time) overhead associated with checking preconditions. In addition, users can manually program #ifndef statements in their code using this macro to completely disable compilation of preconditions or use the macros defined in boost/contract_macro.hpp (recommended only for applications where it is truly necessary to completely remove contract code compilation from production code).See Also: Preconditions, Disable Contract Checking, Disable Contract Compilation If defined, this library does not check postconditions (undefined by default). If this macro is defined, this library internal code is also optimized to reduce compile-time (not just run-time) overhead associated with checking postconditions. In addition, users can manually program #ifndef statements in their code using this macro to completely disable compilation of postconditions or use the macros defined in boost/contract_macro.hpp (recommended only for applications where it is truly necessary to completely remove contract code compilation from production code).It is necessary to disable both postconditions and exception guarantees defining BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_POSTCONDITIONS and BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_EXCEPTS in order to disable old value copies (see BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_OLDS).See Also: Postconditions, Disable Contract Checking, Disable Contract Compilation If defined, this library does not check exception guarantees (undefined by default). If this macro is defined, this library internal code is also optimized to reduce compile-time (not just run-time) overhead associated with checking exception guarantees. In addition, users can manually program #ifndef statements in their code using this macro to completely disable compilation of exception guarantees or use the macros defined in boost/contract_macro.hpp (recommended only for applications where it is truly necessary to completely remove contract code compilation from production code).It is necessary to disable both postconditions and exception guarantees defining BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_POSTCONDITIONS and BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_EXCEPTS in order to disable old value copies (see BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_OLDS).See Also: Exception Guarantees, Disable Contract Checking, Disable Contract Compilation If defined, this library does not check class invariants at entry (undefined by default). If this macro is defined, this library internal code is also optimized to reduce compile-time (not just run-time) overhead associated with checking class invariants at entry. In addition, users can manually program #ifndef statements in their code using this macro to completely disable compilation of entry class invariants or use the macros defined in boost/contract_macro.hpp (recommended only for applications where it is truly necessary to completely remove contract code compilation from production code).This macro is automatically defined when BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_INVARIANTS is defined.See Also: Class Invariants, Disable Contract Checking, Disable Contract Compilation If defined, this library does not check class invariants at exit (undefined by default). If this macro is defined, this library internal code is also optimized to reduce compile-time (not just run-time) overhead associated with checking class invariants at exit. In addition, users can manually program #ifndef statements in their code using this macro to completely disable compilation of exit class invariants or use the macros defined in boost/contract_macro.hpp (recommended only for applications where it is truly necessary to completely remove contract code compilation from production code).This macro is automatically defined when BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_INVARIANTS is defined.See Also: Class Invariants, Disable Contract Checking, Disable Contract Compilation If defined, this library does not check class invariants (undefined by default). If this macro is defined, this library internal code is also optimized to reduce compile-time (not just run-time) overhead associated with checking class invariants. In addition, users can manually program #ifndef statements in their code using this macro to completely disable compilation of class invariants or use the macros defined in boost/contract_macro.hpp (recommended only for applications where it is truly necessary to completely remove contract code compilation from production code).Defining this macro is equivalent to defining both BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_ENTRY_INVARIANTS and BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_EXIT_INVARIANTS.See Also: Class Invariants, Disable Contract Checking, Disable Contract Compilation Automatically defined by this library when old value copies are not to be performed. This macro is not a configuration macro and this library will generate a compile-time error if users try to define it directly. This library will automatically define this macro when users define both BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_POSTCONDITIONS and BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_EXCEPTS. Users can manually program #ifndef statements in their code using this macro to completely disable compilation of old value copies or use the macros defined in boost/contract_macro.hpp (recommended only for applications where it is truly necessary to completely remove contract code compilation from production code).See Also: Old Values, Old Values Copied at Body, Disable Contract Compilation Automatically defined by this library when contracts are not checked for constructors. This macro is not a configuration macro and this library will generate a compile-time error if users try to define it directly. This library will automatically define this macro when users define all BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_INVARIANTS, BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_POSTCONDITIONS, and BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_EXCEPTS. Users can manually program #ifndef statements in their code using this macro to completely disable compilation of contracts for constructors or use the macros defined in boost/contract_macro.hpp (recommended only for applications where it is truly necessary to completely remove contract code compilation from production code).Constructor preconditions are checked separately by boost::contract::constructor_precondition so they are disabled by BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_PRECONDITIONS instead. See Also: Constructors, Disable Contract Compilation Automatically defined by this library when contracts are not checked for destructors. This macro is not a configuration macro and this library will generate a compile-time error if users try to define it directly. This library will automatically define this macro when users define all BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_INVARIANTS, BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_POSTCONDITIONS, and BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_EXCEPTS. Users can manually program #ifndef statements in their code using this macro to completely disable compilation of contracts for destructors or use the macros defined in boost/contract_macro.hpp (recommended only for applications where it is truly necessary to completely remove contract code compilation from production code).See Also: Destructors, Disable Contract Compilation Automatically defined by this library when contracts are not checked for public functions. This macro is not a configuration macro and this library will generate a compile-time error if users try to define it directly. This library will automatically define this macro when users define all BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_INVARIANTS, BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_PRECONDITIONS, BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_POSTCONDITIONS, and BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_EXCEPTS. Users can manually program #ifndef statements in their code using this macro to completely disable compilation of contracts for public functions or use the macros defined in boost/contract_macro.hpp (recommended only for applications where it is truly necessary to completely remove contract code compilation from production code).See Also: Public Functions, Disable Contract Compilation Automatically defined by this library when contracts are not checked for non-member, private, or protected functions. This macro is not a configuration macro and this library will generate a compile-time error if users try to define it directly. This library will automatically define this macro when users define all BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_PRECONDITIONS, BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_POSTCONDITIONS, and BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_EXCEPTS. Users can manually program #ifndef statements in their code using this macro to completely disable compilation of contracts for non-member, private and protected functions, or use the macros defined in boost/contract_macro.hpp (recommended only for applications where it is truly necessary to completely remove contract code compilation from production code).This macro is also used when contracts are not checked for private or protected functions, lambda functions, code blocks, loops, etc.See Also: Non-Member Functions, Private and Protected Functions, Lambdas, Loops, Code Blocks, Disable Contract Compilation Automatically defined by this library when contracts are not checked for preconditions, postconditions, exceptions guarantees, and class invariants (excluding implementation checks). This macro is not a configuration macro and this library will generate a compile-time error if users try to define it directly. This library will automatically define this macro when users define all BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_PRECONDITIONS, BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_POSTCONDITIONS, BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_EXCEPTS, and BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_INVARIANTS. Users can manually program #ifndef statements in their code using this macro to completely disable compilation of contracts within specifications (so excluding implementation checks which are contracts within implementations instead), or use the macros defined in boost/contract_macro.hpp (recommended only for applications where it is truly necessary to completely remove contract code compilation from production code).See Also: Disable Contract Compilation Automatically defined by this library when contracts are not checked at all (neither for specifications nor for implementations). This macro is not a configuration macro and this library will generate a compile-time error if users try to define it directly. This library will automatically define this macro when users define all BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_INVARIANTS, BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_PRECONDITIONS, BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_POSTCONDITIONS, BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_EXCEPTS, and BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_CHECKS. For example, users can manually program #ifndef statements in their code using this macro to avoid including the boost/contract.hpp header all together:#include <boost/contract/core/config.hpp> #ifndef BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_ALL #include <boost/contract.hpp> #endif Or, use the boost/contract_macro.hpp header and related macros instead (because the boost/contract_macro.hpp header is already optimized to not include other headers from this library when contracts are not checked, but recommended only for applications where it is truly necessary to completely remove contract code compilation from production code).See Also: Disable Contract Compilation
Program preconditions for constructors. Program preconditions for constructors. This class must be the very first base of the class declaring the constructor for which preconditions are programmed (that way constructor arguments can be checked by preconditions even before they are used to initialize other base classes):class u #define BASES private boost::contract::constructor_precondition<u>, \ public b : BASES { friend class boost::contract::access; typedef BOOST_CONTRACT_BASE_TYPES(BASES) base_types; #undef BASES public: explicit u(unsigned x) : boost::contract::constructor_precondition<u>([&] { BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(x != 0); ... }), b(1.0 / float(x)) { ... } ... }; User-defined classes should inherit privately from this class (to not alter the public interface of user-defined classes). In addition, this class should never be declared as a virtual base (because virtual bases are initialized only once across the entire inheritance hierarchy preventing preconditions of other base classes from being checked).This class cannot be used this way in a union because unions cannot have base classes in C++. Instead, this class is used in a union to declare a local object within the constructor definition just before boost::contract::constructor is used (see Unions).See Also: Constructors Construct this object without specifying constructor preconditions. This is implicitly called for those constructors of the contracted class that do not specify preconditions.The implementation of this library is optimized so that calling this default constructor should amount to negligible compile-time and run-time overheads (likely to be optimized away completely by most compilers). F const &Nullary functor called by this library to check constructor preconditions f(). Assertions within this functor call are usually programmed using BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT, but any exception thrown by a call to this functor indicates a contract failure (and will result in this library calling boost::contract::precondition_failure). This functor should capture variables by (constant) value, or better by (constant) reference to avoid extra copies. Construct this object specifying constructor preconditions.
Handle contract assertion failures. std::exceptionboost::contract::exceptionException typically used to report a contract assertion failure. This exception is thrown by code expanded by BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT (but it can also be thrown by user code programmed manually without that macro). This exception is typically used to report contract assertion failures because it contains detailed information about the file name, line number, and source code of the asserted condition (so it can be used by this library to provide detailed error messages when handling contract assertion failures).However, any other exception can be used to report a contract assertion failure (including user-defined exceptions). This library will call the appropriate contract failure handler function ( boost::contract::precondition_failure, etc.) when this or any other exception is thrown while checking contracts (by default, these failure handler functions print an error message to std::cerr and terminate the program, but they can be customized to take any other action).See Also: Throw on Failure, No Macros char const *String describing the failed assertion. Throws: This is declared noexcept (or throw() before C++11). A string formatted similarly to the following: assertion "`code()`" failed: file "`file()`", line `line()` (where `` indicate execution quotes). File, line, and code will be omitted from this string if they were not specified when constructing this object. char const *Name of the file containing the assertion. File name as specified at construction (or "" if no file was specified). unsigned longNumber of the line containing the assertion. Line number as specified at construction (or 0 if no line number was specified). char const *Text listing the source code of the assertion condition. Assertion condition source code as specified at construction (or "" if no source code text was specified). char const *""Name of the file containing the assertion (usually set using __FILE__). unsigned long0Number of the line containing the assertion (usually set using __LINE__). char const *""Text listing the source code of the assertion condition. Construct this object with file name, line number, and source code text of an assertion condition (all optional). This constructor can also be used to specify no information (default constructor), or to specify only file name and line number but not source code text (because of the parameter default values). char const *Text listing the source code of the assertion condition. Construct this object only with the source code text of the assertion condition. Destruct this object. Throws: This is declared noexcept (or throw() before C++11). std::bad_castboost::contract::exceptionException thrown when inconsistent return values are passed to overridden virtual public functions. This exception is thrown when programmers pass to this library return value parameters for public function overrides in derived classes that are not consistent with the return type parameter passed for the virtual public function being overridden from the base classes. This allows this library to give more descriptive error messages in such cases of misuse.This exception is internally thrown by this library and programmers should not need to throw it from user code.See Also: Public Function Overrides char const *Description for this error (containing both from- and to- type names). Throws: This is declared noexcept (or throw() before C++11). char const *Name of the from-type (source of the cast). char const *Name of the to-type (destination of the cast). Construct this object with the name of the from- and to- result types. Destruct this object. Throws: This is declared noexcept (or throw() before C++11). Public base class for all exceptions directly thrown by this library. This class does not inherit from std::exception because exceptions deriving from this class will do that (inheriting from std::exception, std::bad_cast, etc.).See Also: boost::contract::assertion_failure, boost::contract::bad_virtual_result_cast, etc. Destruct this object. Throws: This is declared noexcept (or throw() before C++11). Assertion failed when checking contracts for constructors. Assertion failed when checking contracts for destructors . Assertion failed when checking contracts for functions (members or not, public or not). Indicate the kind of operation where the contract assertion failed. This is passed as a parameter to the assertion failure handler functions. For example, it might be necessary to know in which operation an assertion failed to make sure exceptions are never thrown from destructors, not even when contract failure handlers are programmed by users to throw exceptions instead of terminating the program.See Also: Throw on Failure Type of assertion failure handler functions (with from parameter). Assertion failure handler functions specified by this type must be functors returning void and taking a single parameter of type boost::contract::from. For example, this is used to specify contract failure handlers for class invariants, preconditions, postconditions, and exception guarantees.See Also: Throw on Failure boost::function< void(from)> Type of assertion failure handler functions (without from parameter). Assertion failure handler functions specified by this type must be nullary functors returning void. For example, this is used to specify contract failure handlers for implementation checks.See Also: Throw on Failure boost::function< void()> failure_handler const &failure_handler const &New failure handler functor to set.Set failure handler for implementation checks. Set a new failure handler and returns it.Throws: This is declared noexcept (or throw() before C++11). See Also: Throw on Failure, Implementation Checks Same failure handler functor f passed as parameter (e.g., for concatenating function calls). failure_handlerReturn failure handler currently set for implementation checks. This is often called only internally by this library.Throws: This is declared noexcept (or throw() before C++11). See Also: Throw on Failure, Implementation Checks A copy of the failure handler currently set. voidCall failure handler for implementation checks. This is often called only internally by this library.Throws: This can throw in case programmers specify a failure handler that throws exceptions on implementation check failures (not the default).See Also: Throw on Failure, Implementation Checks from_failure_handler const &from_failure_handler const &New failure handler functor to set.Set failure handler for preconditions. Set a new failure handler and returns it.Throws: This is declared noexcept (or throw() before C++11). See Also: Throw on Failure, Preconditions Same failure handler functor f passed as parameter (e.g., for concatenating function calls). from_failure_handlerReturn failure handler currently set for preconditions. This is often called only internally by this library.Throws: This is declared noexcept (or throw() before C++11). See Also: Throw on Failure, Preconditions A copy of the failure handler currently set. voidfromOperation that failed the contract assertion (when this function is called by this library, this parameter will never be from_destructor because destructors do not have preconditions).Call failure handler for preconditions. This is often called only internally by this library.Throws: This can throw in case programmers specify a failure handler that throws exceptions on contract assertion failures (not the default). See Also: Throw on Failure, Preconditions from_failure_handler const &from_failure_handler const &New failure handler functor to set.Set failure handler for postconditions. Set a new failure handler and returns it.Throws: This is declared noexcept (or throw() before C++11). See Also: Throw on Failure, Postconditions Same failure handler functor f passed as parameter (e.g., for concatenating function calls). from_failure_handlerReturn failure handler currently set for postconditions. This is often called only internally by this library.Throws: This is declared noexcept (or throw() before C++11). See Also: Throw on Failure, Postconditions A copy of the failure handler currently set. voidfromOperation that failed the contract assertion (e.g., this might be useful to program failure handler functors that never throw from destructors, not even when they are programmed by users to throw exceptions instead of terminating the program).Call failure handler for postconditions. This is often called only internally by this library.Throws: This can throw in case programmers specify a failure handler that throws exceptions on contract assertion failures (not the default). See Also: Throw on Failure, Postconditions from_failure_handler const &from_failure_handler const &New failure handler functor to set.Set failure handler for exception guarantees. Set a new failure handler and returns it.Throws: This is declared noexcept (or throw() before C++11). See Also: Throw on Failure, Exception Guarantees Same failure handler functor f passed as parameter (e.g., for concatenating function calls). from_failure_handlerReturn failure handler currently set for exception guarantees. This is often called only internally by this library.Throws: This is declared noexcept (or throw() before C++11). See Also: Throw on Failure, Exception Guarantees A copy of the failure handler currently set. voidfromOperation that failed the contract assertion.Call failure handler for exception guarantees. This is often called only internally by this library.Throws: This can throw in case programmers specify a failure handler that throws exceptions on contract assertion failures (not the default), however:When this failure handler is called there is already an active exception (the one that caused the exception guarantees to be checked in the first place). Therefore, programming this failure handler to throw yet another exception will force C++ to automatically terminate the program. See Also: Throw on Failure, Exception Guarantees from_failure_handler const &from_failure_handler const &New failure handler functor to set.Set failure handler for old values copied at body. Set a new failure handler and returns it.Throws: This is declared noexcept (or throw() before C++11). See Also: Throw on Failure, Old Values Copied at Body Same failure handler functor f passed as parameter (e.g., for concatenating function calls). from_failure_handlerReturn failure handler currently set for old values copied at body. This is often called only internally by this library.Throws: This is declared noexcept (or throw() before C++11). See Also: Throw on Failure, Old Values Copied at Body A copy of the failure handler currently set. voidfromOperation that failed the old value copy (e.g., this might be useful to program failure handler functors that never throw from destructors, not even when they are programmed by users to throw exceptions instead of terminating the program).Call failure handler for old values copied at body. This is often called only internally by this library.Throws: This can throw in case programmers specify a failure handler that throws exceptions on contract assertion failures (not the default). See Also: Throw on Failure, Old Values Copied at Body from_failure_handler const &from_failure_handler const &New failure handler functor to set.Set failure handler for class invariants at entry. Set a new failure handler and returns it.Throws: This is declared noexcept (or throw() before C++11). See Also: Throw on Failure, Class Invariants, Volatile Public Functions Same failure handler functor f passed as parameter (e.g., for concatenating function calls). from_failure_handlerReturn failure handler currently set for class invariants at entry. This is often called only internally by this library.Throws: This is declared noexcept (or throw() before C++11). See Also: Throw on Failure, Class Invariants, Volatile Public Functions A copy of the failure handler currently set. voidfromOperation that failed the contract assertion (e.g., this might be useful to program failure handler functors that never throw from destructors, not even when they are programmed by users to throw exceptions instead of terminating the program).Call failure handler for class invariants at entry. This is often called only internally by this library.Throws: This can throw in case programmers specify a failure handler that throws exceptions on contract assertion failures (not the default). See Also: Throw on Failure, Class Invariants, Volatile Public Functions from_failure_handler const &from_failure_handler const &New failure handler functor to set.Set failure handler for class invariants at exit. Set a new failure handler and returns it.Throws: This is declared noexcept (or throw() before C++11). See Also: Throw on Failure, Class Invariants, Volatile Public Functions Same failure handler functor f passed as parameter (e.g., for concatenating function calls). from_failure_handlerReturn failure handler currently set for class invariants at exit. This is often called only internally by this library.Throws: This is declared noexcept (or throw() before C++11). See Also: Throw on Failure, Class Invariants, Volatile Public Functions A copy of the failure handler currently set. voidfromOperation that failed the contract assertion (e.g., this might be useful to program failure handler functors that never throw from destructors, not even when they are programmed by users to throw exceptions instead of terminating the program).Call failure handler for class invariants at exit. This is often called only internally by this library.Throws: This can throw in case programmers specify a failure handler that throws exceptions on contract assertion failures (not the default). See Also: Throw on Failure, Class Invariants, Volatile Public Functions from_failure_handler const &from_failure_handler const &New failure handler functor to set for both entry and exit invariants.Set failure handler for class invariants (at both entry and exit). This is provided for convenience and it is equivalent to call both boost::contract::set_entry_invariant_failure and boost::contract::set_exit_invariant_failure with the same functor parameter f.Throws: This is declared noexcept (or throw() before C++11). See Also: Throw on Failure, Class Invariants, Volatile Public Functions Same failure handler functor f passed as parameter (e.g., for concatenating function calls).
Specify preconditions, old values copied at body, postconditions, and exception guarantees. Preconditions, old values copied at body, postconditions, and exception guarantees are all optionals but, when they are specified, they need to be specified in that order. Allow to specify exception guarantees. Allow to specify the functor this library will call to check exception guarantees. This object is internally constructed by the library when users specify contracts calling boost::contract::function and similar functions (that is why this class does not have a public constructor).See Also: Exception Guarantees specify_nothingF const &Nullary functor called by this library to check exception guarantees f(). Assertions within this functor are usually programmed using BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT, but any exception thrown by a call to this functor indicates a contract assertion failure (and will result in this library calling boost::contract::except_failure). This functor should capture variables by (constant) references (to access the values they will have at function exit).Allow to specify exception guarantees. After exception guarantees have been specified, the object returned by this function does not allow to specify any additional contract. Destruct this object. Throws: This is declared noexcept(false) since C++11 to allow users to program failure handlers that throw exceptions on contract assertion failures (not the default, see Throw on Failure). Used to prevent setting other contract conditions after exception guarantees. This class has no member function so it is used to prevent specifying additional functors to check any other contract. This object is internally constructed by the library when users specify contracts calling boost::contract::function and similar functions (that is why this class does not have a public constructor).See Also: Tutorial Destruct this object. Throws: This is declared noexcept(false) since C++11 to allow users to program failure handlers that throw exceptions on contract assertion failures (not the default, see Throw on Failure). Allow to specify old values copied at body, postconditions, and exception guarantees. Allow to specify functors this library will call to copy old values at body, check postconditions, and check exception guarantees. This object is internally constructed by the library when users specify contracts calling boost::contract::function and similar functions (that is why this class does not have a public constructor).See Also: Old Values Copied at Body, Postconditions, Exception Guarantees specify_postcondition_except< VirtualResult >F const &Nullary functor called by this library f() to assign old value copies just before the body is executed but after entry invariants (when they apply) and preconditions are checked. Old value pointers within this functor call are usually assigned using BOOST_CONTRACT_OLDOF. Any exception thrown by a call to this functor will result in this library calling boost::contract::old_failure (because old values could not be copied to check postconditions and exception guarantees). This functor should capture old value pointers by references so they can be assigned (all other variables needed to evaluate old value expressions can be captured by (constant) value, or better by (constant) reference to avoid extra copies).Allow to specify old values copied at body. It should often be sufficient to initialize old value pointers as soon as they are declared, without using this function (see Old Values Copied at Body). After old values copied at body have been specified, the object returned by this function allows to optionally specify postconditions and exception guarantees. specify_exceptF const &Functor called by this library to check postconditions f() or f(result). Assertions within this functor are usually programmed using BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT, but any exception thrown by a call to this functor indicates a contract assertion failure (and will result in this library calling boost::contract::postcondition_failure). This functor should capture variables by (constant) references (to access the values they will have at function exit). This functor must be a nullary functor f() if VirtualResult is void, otherwise it must be a unary functor f(result) accepting the return value result as a parameter of type VirtualResult const& (to avoid extra copies of the return value, or of type VirtualResult or VirtualResult const if extra copies of the return value are irrelevant).Allow to specify postconditions. After postconditions have been specified, the object returned by this function allows to optionally specify exception guarantees. specify_nothingF const &Nullary functor called by this library to check exception guarantees f(). Assertions within this functor are usually programmed using BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT, but any exception thrown by a call to this functor indicates a contract assertion failure (and will result in this library calling boost::contract::except_failure). This functor should capture variables by (constant) references (to access the values they will have at function exit).Allow to specify exception guarantees. After exception guarantees have been specified, the object returned by this function does not allow to specify any additional contract. Destruct this object. Throws: This is declared noexcept(false) since C++11 to allow users to program failure handlers that throw exceptions on contract assertion failures (not the default, see Throw on Failure). Allow to specify postconditions or exception guarantees. Allow to specify functors this library will call to check postconditions or exception guarantees. This object is internally constructed by the library when users specify contracts calling boost::contract::function and similar functions (that is why this class does not have a public constructor).See Also: Postconditions, Exception Guarantees specify_exceptF const &Functor called by this library to check postconditions f() or f(result). Assertions within this functor are usually programmed using BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT, but any exception thrown by a call to this functor indicates a contract assertion failure (and will result in this library calling boost::contract::postcondition_failure). This functor should capture variables by (constant) references (to access the values they will have at function exit). This functor must be a nullary functor f() if VirtualResult is void, otherwise it must be a unary functor f(result) accepting the return value result as a parameter of type VirtualResult const& (to avoid extra copies of the return value, or of type VirtualResult or VirtualResult const if extra copies of the return value are irrelevant).Allow to specify postconditions. After postconditions have been specified, the object returned by this function allows to optionally specify exception guarantees. specify_nothingF const &Nullary functor called by this library to check exception guarantees f(). Assertions within this functor are usually programmed using BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT, but any exception thrown by a call to this functor indicates a contract assertion failure (and will result in this library calling boost::contract::except_failure). This functor should capture variables by (constant) references (to access the values they will have at function exit).Allow to specify exception guarantees. After exception guarantees have been specified, the object returned by this function does not allow to specify any additional contract. Destruct this object. Throws: This is declared noexcept(false) since C++11 to allow users to program failure handlers that throw exceptions on contract assertion failures (not the default, see Throw on Failure). Allow to specify preconditions, old values copied at body, postconditions, and exception guarantees. Allow to specify functors this library will call to check preconditions, copy old values at body, check postconditions, and check exception guarantees. This object is internally constructed by the library when users specify contracts calling boost::contract::function and similar functions (that is why this class does not have a public constructor).See Also: Preconditions, Old Values Copied at Body, Postconditions, Exception Guarantees specify_old_postcondition_except< VirtualResult >F const &Nullary functor called by this library to check preconditions f(). Assertions within this functor are usually programmed using BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT, but any exception thrown by a call to this functor indicates a contract assertion failure (and will result in this library calling boost::contract::precondition_failure). This functor should capture variables by (constant) value, or better by (constant) reference (to avoid extra copies).Allow to specify preconditions. After preconditions have been specified, the object returned by this function allows to optionally specify old values copied at body, postconditions, and exception guarantees. specify_postcondition_except< VirtualResult >F const &Nullary functor called by this library f() to assign old value copies just before the body is executed but after entry invariants (when they apply) and preconditions are checked. Old value pointers within this functor call are usually assigned using BOOST_CONTRACT_OLDOF. Any exception thrown by a call to this functor will result in this library calling boost::contract::old_failure (because old values could not be copied to check postconditions and exception guarantees). This functor should capture old value pointers by references so they can be assigned (all other variables needed to evaluate old value expressions can be captured by (constant) value, or better by (constant) reference to avoid extra copies).Allow to specify old values copied at body. It should often be sufficient to initialize old value pointers as soon as they are declared, without using this function (see Old Values Copied at Body). After old values copied at body have been specified, the object returned by this functions allows to optionally specify postconditions and exception guarantees. specify_exceptF const &Functor called by this library to check postconditions f() or f(result). Assertions within this functor are usually programmed using BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT, but any exception thrown by a call to this functor indicates a contract assertion failure (and will result in this library calling boost::contract::postcondition_failure). This functor should capture variables by (constant) references (to access the values they will have at function exit). This functor must be a nullary functor f() if VirtualResult is void, otherwise it must be a unary functor f(result) accepting the return value result as a parameter of type VirtualResult const& (to avoid extra copies of the return value, or of type VirtualResult or VirtualResult const if extra copies of the return value are irrelevant).Allow to specify postconditions. After postconditions have been specified, the object returned by this function allows to optionally specify exception guarantees. specify_nothingF const &Nullary functor called by this library to check exception guarantees f(). Assertions within this functor are usually programmed using BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT, but any exception thrown by a call to this functor indicates a contract assertion failure (and will result in this library calling boost::contract::except_failure). This functor should capture variables by (constant) references (to access the values they will have at function exit).Allow to specify exception guarantees. After exception guarantees have been specified, the object returned by this function does not allow to specify any additional contract. Destruct this object. Throws: This is declared noexcept(false) since C++11 to allow users to program failure handlers that throw exceptions on contract assertion failures (not the default, see Throw on Failure).
Handle virtual public functions with contracts (for subcontracting). Type of extra function parameter to handle contracts for virtual public functions (for subcontracting). Virtual public functions (and therefore also public function overrides) declaring contracts using this library must specify an extra function parameter at the very end of their parameter list. This parameter must be a pointer to this class and it must have default value 0 or nullptr (this extra parameter is often named v in this documentation, but any name can be used):class u { public: virtual void f(int x, boost::contract::virtual_* v = 0) { // Declare `v`. ... // Contract declaration (which will use `v`) and function body. } ... }; In practice this extra parameter does not alter the calling interface of the enclosing function declaring the contract because it is always the very last parameter and it has a default value (so it can always be omitted when users call the function). This extra parameter must be passed to boost::contract::public_function, BOOST_CONTRACT_OLDOF, and all other operations of this library that accept a pointer to boost::contract::virtual_. A part from that, this class is not intended to be directly used by programmers (and that is why this class does not have any public member and it is not copyable).See Also: Virtual Public Functions, Public Function Overrides
Program contracts for destructors. specify_old_postcondition_exceptClass *The object this from the scope of the enclosing destructor declaring the contract. (Destructors check all class invariants, including static and volatile invariants, see Class Invariants and Volatile Public Functions).Program contracts for destructors. This is used to specify postconditions, exception guarantees, old value copies at body, and check class invariants for destructors (destructors cannot have preconditions, see Destructor Calls):class u { friend class boost::contract::access; void invariant() const { // Optional (as for static and volatile). BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(...); ... } public: ~u() { boost::contract::old_ptr<old_type> old_var; boost::contract::check c = boost::contract::destructor(this) // No `.precondition` (destructors have no preconditions). .old([&] { // Optional. old_var = BOOST_CONTRACT_OLDOF(old_expr); ... }) .postcondition([&] { // Optional. BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(...); ... }) .except([&] { // Optional. BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(...); ... }) ; ... // Destructor body. } ... }; For optimization, this can be omitted for destructors that do not have postconditions and exception guarantees, within classes that have no invariants.See Also: Destructors The result of this function must be assigned to a variable of type boost::contract::check declared explicitly (i.e., without using C++11 auto declarations) and locally just before the code of the destructor body (otherwise this library will generate a run-time error, see BOOST_CONTRACT_ON_MISSING_CHECK_DECL).
Program contracts for (non-public) functions. specify_precondition_old_postcondition_exceptProgram contracts for non-member, private and protected functions. This is used to specify preconditions, postconditions, exception guarantees, and old value copies at body for non-member, private and protected functions (these functions never check class invariants, see Function Calls):void f(...) { boost::contract::old_ptr<old_type> old_var; boost::contract::check c = boost::contract::function() .precondition([&] { // Optional. BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(...); ... }) .old([&] { // Optional. old_var = BOOST_CONTRACT_OLDOF(old_expr); ... }) .postcondition([&] { // Optional. BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(...); ... }) .except([&] { // Optional. BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(...); ... }) ; ... // Function body. } This can be used also to program contracts in implementation code for lambda functions, loops, and arbitrary blocks of code. For optimization, this can be omitted for code that does not have preconditions, postconditions, and exception guarantees.See Also: Non-Member Functions, Private and Protected Functions, Lambdas, Loops, Code Blocks The result of this function must be assigned to a variable of type boost::contract::check declared explicitly (i.e., without using C++11 auto declarations) and locally just before the code of the function body (otherwise this library will generate a run-time error, see BOOST_CONTRACT_ON_MISSING_CHECK_DECL).
Handle old values. boost::is_copy_constructible< T >Trait to check if an old value type can be copied or not. By default, this unary boolean meta-function is equivalent to boost::is_copy_constructible<T> but programmers can chose to specialize it for user-defined types (in general some kind of specialization is also needed on compilers that do not support C++11, see boost::is_copy_constructible):class u; // Some user-defined type for which old values shall not be copied. namespace boost { namespace contract { template<> // Specialization to not copy old values of type `u`. struct is_old_value_copyable<u> : boost::false_type {}; } } // namespace A given old value type T is copied only if boost::contract::is_old_value_copyable<T>::value is true. A copyable old value type V is always copied using boost::contract::old_value_copy<V>. A non-copyable old value type W generates a compile-time error when boost::contract::old_ptr<W> is dereferenced, but instead leaves boost::contract::old_ptr_if_copyable<W> always null (without generating compile-time errors).See Also: Old Value Requirements Convert old value copies into old value pointers. This class is usually only implicitly used by this library and it does not explicitly appear in user code (that is why this class does not have public constructors, etc.). old_ptr_if_copyable< T >Convert this object to an actual old value pointer for which the old value type T might or not be copyable. For example, this is implicitly called when assigning or initializing old value pointers of type boost::contract::old_ptr_if_copyable. old_ptr< T >Convert this object to an actual old value pointer for which the old value type T must be copyable. For example, this is implicitly called when assigning or initializing old value pointers of type boost::contract::old_ptr. Old value pointer that requires the pointed old value type to be copyable. This pointer can be set to point an actual old value copy using either BOOST_CONTRACT_OLDOF or boost::contract::make_old (that is why this class does not have public non-default constructors):class u { public: virtual void f(..., boost::contract::virtual_* v = 0) { boost::contract::old_ptr<old_type> old_var = // For copyable `old_type`. BOOST_CONTRACT_OLDOF(v, old_expr); ... } ... }; See Also: Old Values Pointed old value type. T T const &Dereference this old value pointer. This will generate a run-time error if this pointer is null and a compile-time error if the pointed type T is not copyable (i.e., if boost::contract::is_old_value_copyable<T>::value is false). The pointed old value. Contract assertions should not change the state of the program so this member function is const and it returns the old value as a reference to a constant object (see Constant Correctness). T const *Structure-dereference this old value pointer. This will generate a compile-time error if the pointed type T is not copyable (i.e., if boost::contract::is_old_value_copyable<T>::value is false). A pointer to the old value (null if this old value pointer is null). Contract assertions should not change the state of the program so this member function is const and it returns the old value as a pointer to a constant object (see Constant Correctness). boolQuery if this old value pointer is null or not (safe-bool operator). (This is implemented using safe-bool emulation on compilers that do not support C++11 explicit type conversion operators.) True if this pointer is not null, false otherwise. Construct this old value pointer as null. Old value pointer that does not require the pointed old value type to be copyable. This pointer can be set to point to an actual old value copy using either BOOST_CONTRACT_OLDOF or boost::contract::make_old:template<typename T> // Type `T` might or not be copyable. class u { public: virtual void f(..., boost::contract::virtual_* v = 0) { boost::contract::old_ptr_if_copyable<T> old_var = BOOST_CONTRACT_OLDOF(v, old_expr); ... if(old_var) ... // Always null for non-copyable types. ... } ... }; See Also: Old Value Requirements Pointed old value type. T T const &Dereference this old value pointer. This will generate a run-time error if this pointer is null, but no compile-time error is generated if the pointed type T is not copyable (i.e., if boost::contract::is_old_value_copyable<T>::value is false). The pointed old value. Contract assertions should not change the state of the program so this member function is const and it returns the old value as a reference to a constant object (see Constant Correctness). T const *Structure-dereference this old value pointer. This will return null but will not generate a compile-time error if the pointed type T is not copyable (i.e., if boost::contract::is_old_value_copyable<T>::value is false). A pointer to the old value (null if this old value pointer is null). Contract assertions should not change the state of the program so this member function is const and it returns the old value as a pointer to a constant object (see Constant Correctness). boolQuery if this old value pointer is null or not (safe-bool operator). (This is implemented using safe-bool emulation on compilers that do not support C++11 explicit type conversion operators.) True if this pointer is not null, false otherwise. Construct this old value pointer as null. old_ptr< T > const &Old value pointer that requires the old value type to be copyable. Construct this old value pointer from an old value pointer that requires the old value type to be copyable. Ownership of the pointed value object is transferred to this pointer. This constructor is implicitly called by this library when assigning an object of this type using BOOST_CONTRACT_OLDOF (this constructor is usually not explicitly called by user code). Convert user-specified expressions to old values. This class is usually only implicitly used by this library and it does not explicitly appear in user code.On older compilers that cannot correctly deduce the boost::contract::is_old_value_copyable trait used in the declaration of this class, programmers can manually specialize that trait to make sure that only old value types that are copyable are actually copied.See Also: Old Value Requirements T const &Old value to be copied.typename boost::enable_if< boost::contract::is_old_value_copyable< T > >::type *0Construct this object from the specified old value when the old value type is copy constructible. The specified old value old is copied (one time only) using boost::contract::old_value_copy, in which case the related old value pointer will not be null (but no copy is made if postconditions and exception guarantees are not being checked, see BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_OLDS). T const &Old value (that will not be copied in this case).typename boost::disable_if< boost::contract::is_old_value_copyable< T > >::type *0Construct this object from the specified old value when the old value type is not copyable. The specified old value old cannot be copied in this case so it is not copied and the related old value pointer will always be null (thus calls to this constructor have no effect and they will likely be optimized away by most compilers). Trait to copy an old value. By default, the implementation of this trait uses T's copy constructor to make one single copy of the specified value. However, programmers can specialize this trait to copy old values using user-specific operations different from T's copy constructor. The default implementation of this trait is equivalent to:template<typename T> class old_value_copy { public: explicit old_value_copy(T const& old) : old_(old) // One single copy of value using T's copy constructor. {} T const& old() const { return old_; } private: T const old_; // The old value copy. }; This library will instantiate and use this trait only on old value types T that are copyable (i.e., for which boost::contract::is_old_value_copyable<T>::value is true).See Also: Old Value Requirements T const &Return a (constant) reference to the old value that was copied. Contract assertions should not change the state of the program so the old value copy is returned as const (see Constant Correctness). T const &The old value to copy. Construct this object by making one single copy of the specified old value. This is the only operation within this library that actually copies old values. This ensures this library makes one and only one copy of an old value (if they actually need to be copied, see BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_OLDS). old_valueReturn a "null" old value. The related old value pointer will also be null. This function is usually only called by the code expanded by BOOST_CONTRACT_OLDOF.See Also: No Macros Null old value. old_pointerold_value const &Old value which is usually implicitly constructed from the user old value expression to be copied (use the ternary operator ?: to completely avoid to evaluate the old value expression when boost::contract::copy_old() is false).Make an old value pointer (but not for virtual public functions and public functions overrides). The related old value pointer will not be null if the specified old value was actually copied. This function is usually only called by code expanded by BOOST_CONTRACT_OLDOF(old_expr) as in:boost::contract::make_old(boost::contract::copy_old() ? old_expr : boost::contract::null_old()) See Also: No Macros Old value pointer (usually implicitly converted to either boost::contract::old_ptr or boost::contract::old_ptr_if_copyable in user code). old_pointervirtual_ *The trailing parameter of type boost::contract::virtual_* and default value 0 from the enclosing virtual or overriding public function declaring the contract. old_value const &Old value which is usually implicitly constructed from the user old value expression to be copied (use the ternary operator ?: to completely avoid to evaluate the old value expression when boost::contract::copy_old(v) is false).Make an old value pointer (for virtual public functions and public functions overrides). The related old value pointer will not be null if the specified old value was actually copied. This function is usually only called by code expanded by BOOST_CONTRACT_OLDOF(v, old_expr) as in:boost::contract::make_old(v, boost::contract::copy_old(v) ? old_expr : boost::contract::null_old()) See Also: No Macros Old value pointer (usually implicitly converted to either boost::contract::old_ptr or boost::contract::old_ptr_if_copyable in user code). boolQuery if old values need to be copied (but not for virtual public functions and public function overrides). For example, this function always returns false when both postconditions and exception guarantees are not being checked (see BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_OLDS). This function is usually only called by the code expanded by BOOST_CONTRACT_OLDOF.See Also: No Macros True if old values need to be copied, false otherwise. boolvirtual_ *The trailing parameter of type boost::contract::virtual_* and default value 0 from the enclosing virtual or overriding public function declaring the contract.Query if old values need to be copied (for virtual public functions and public function overrides). For example, this function always returns false when both postconditions and exception guarantees are not being checked (see BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_OLDS). In addition, this function returns false when overridden functions are being called subsequent times by this library to support subcontracting. This function is usually only called by the code expanded by BOOST_CONTRACT_OLDOF.See Also: No Macros True if old values need to be copied, false otherwise. Macro typically used to copy an old value expression and assign it to an old value pointer. The expression expanded by this macro should be assigned to an old value pointer of type boost::contract::old_ptr or boost::contract::old_ptr_if_copyable. This is an overloaded variadic macro and it can be used in the following different ways.1. From within virtual public functions and public functions overrides:BOOST_CONTRACT_OLDOF(v, old_expr) 2. From all other operations:BOOST_CONTRACT_OLDOF(old_expr) Where: v is the extra parameter of type boost::contract::virtual_* and default value 0 from the enclosing virtual public function or public function overrides declaring the contract. old_expr is the expression to be evaluated and copied into the old value pointer. (This is not a variadic macro parameter so any comma it might contain must be protected by round parenthesis and BOOST_CONTRACT_OLDOF(v, (old_expr)) will always work.) On compilers that do not support variadic macros, programmers can manually copy old value expressions without using this macro (see No Macros).See Also: Old Values
Handle public function overrides (for subcontracting). Name of the override type trait this macro will declare. (This is not a variadic macro parameter but it should never contain commas because it is an identifier.) Function name of the public function override. This macro is called just once even if the function name is overloaded (the same override type trait is used for all overloaded functions with the same name, see Function Overloads). (This is not a variadic macro parameter but it should never contain commas because it is an identifier.) Declare an override type trait with an arbitrary name. Declare the override type trait named type_name to pass as an explicit template parameter to boost::contract::public_function for public function overrides.See Also: Named Overrides Function name of the public function override. This macro is called just once even if the function name is overloaded (the same override type trait is used for all overloaded functions with the same name, see Function Overloads). (This is not a variadic macro parameter but it should never contain any comma because it is an identifier.) Declare an override type trait named override_func_name. Declare the override type trait named override_func_name to pass as an explicit template parameter to boost::contract::public_function for public function overrides. Use BOOST_CONTRACT_NAMED_OVERRIDE to generate an override type trait with a name different than override_func_name (usually not needed).See Also: Public Function Overrides A comma separated list of one or more function names of public function overrides. (Each function name should never contain commas because it is an identifier.) Declare multiple override type traits at once naming them override_... (for convenience). This variadic macro is provided for convenience as BOOST_CONTRACT_OVERRIDES(f_1, f_2, ..., f_n) expands to code equivalent to:BOOST_CONTRACT_OVERRIDE(f_1) BOOST_CONTRACT_OVERRIDE(f_2) ... BOOST_CONTRACT_OVERRIDE(f_n) On compilers that do not support variadic macros, the override type traits can be equivalently programmed one-by-one calling BOOST_CONTRACT_OVERRIDE for each function name as shown above.See Also: Public Function Overrides
Program contracts for public functions (including subcontracting). The different overloads handle public functions that are static, virtual void, virtual non-void, overriding void, and overriding non-void. specify_precondition_old_postcondition_exceptProgram contracts for static public functions. This is used to specify preconditions, postconditions, exception guarantees, old value copies at body, and check static class invariants for static public functions:class u { friend class boost::contract::access; static void static_invariant() { // Optional (as for non-static). BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(...); ... } public: static void f(...) { boost::contract::old_ptr<old_type> old_var; boost::contract::check c = boost::contract::public_function<u>() .precondition([&] { // Optional. BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(...); ... }) .old([&] { // Optional. old_var = BOOST_CONTRACT_OLDOF(old_expr); ... }) .postcondition([&] { // Optional. BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(...); ... }) .except([&] { // Optional. BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(...); ... }) ; ... // Function body. } ... }; For optimization, this can be omitted for static public functions that do not have preconditions, postconditions and exception guarantees, within classes that have no static invariants.See Also: Static Public Functions The result of this function must be assigned to a variable of type boost::contract::check declared explicitly (i.e., without using C++11 auto declarations) and locally just before the code of the static public function body (otherwise this library will generate a run-time error, see BOOST_CONTRACT_ON_MISSING_CHECK_DECL). specify_precondition_old_postcondition_exceptClass *The object this from the scope of the enclosing public function declaring the contract. This object might be mutable, const, volatile, or const volatile depending on the cv-qualifier of the enclosing function (volatile public functions will check volatile class invariants, see Volatile Public Functions).Program contracts for public functions that are not static, not virtual, and do not not override. This is used to specify preconditions, postconditions, exception guarantees, old value copies at body, and check class invariants for public functions that are not static, not virtual, and do not override:class u { friend class boost::contract::access; void invariant() const { // Optional (as for static and volatile). BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(...); ... } public: void f(...) { boost::contract::old_ptr<old_type> old_var; boost::contract::check c = boost::contract::public_function(this) .precondition([&] { // Optional. BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(...); ... }) .old([&] { // Optional. old_var = BOOST_CONTRACT_OLDOF(old_expr); ... }) .postcondition([&] { // Optional. BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(...); ... }) .except([&] { // Optional. BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(...); ... }) ; ... // Function body. } ... }; For optimization, this can be omitted for public functions that do not have preconditions, postconditions and exception guarantees, within classes that have no invariants.See Also: Public Functions The result of this function must be assigned to a variable of type boost::contract::check declared explicitly (i.e., without using C++11 auto declarations) and locally just before the code of the public function body (otherwise this library will generate a run-time error, see BOOST_CONTRACT_ON_MISSING_CHECK_DECL). specify_precondition_old_postcondition_exceptvirtual_ *The trailing parameter of type boost::contract::virtual_* and default value 0 from the enclosing virtual public function. Class *The object this from the scope of the enclosing virtual public function declaring the contract. This object might be mutable, const, volatile, or const volatile depending on the cv-qualifier of the enclosing function (volatile public functions will check volatile class invariants, see Volatile Public Functions).Program contracts for void virtual public functions that do not override. This is used to specify preconditions, postconditions, exception guarantees, old value copies at body, and check class invariants for public functions that are virtual, do not override, and return void: class u { friend class boost::contract::access; void invariant() const { // Optional (as for static and volatile). BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(...); ... } public: void f(..., boost::contract::virtual_* v = 0) { boost::contract::old_ptr<old_type> old_var; boost::contract::check c = boost::contract::public_function(v, this) .precondition([&] { // Optional. BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(...); ... }) .old([&] { // Optional. old_var = BOOST_CONTRACT_OLDOF(v, old_expr); ... }) .postcondition([&] { // Optional. BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(...); ... }) .except([&] { // Optional. BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(...); ... }) ; ... // Function body. } ... }; A virtual public function should always call boost::contract::public_function otherwise this library will not be able to correctly use it for subcontracting.See Also: Virtual Public Functions The result of this function must be assigned to a variable of type boost::contract::check declared explicitly (i.e., without using C++11 auto declarations) and locally just before the code of the public function body (otherwise this library will generate a run-time error, see BOOST_CONTRACT_ON_MISSING_CHECK_DECL). specify_precondition_old_postcondition_except< VirtualResult >virtual_ *The trailing parameter of type boost::contract::virtual_* and default value 0 from the enclosing virtual public function. VirtualResult &A reference to the return value of the enclosing virtual public function declaring the contract. This is usually a local variable declared by the enclosing virtual public function just before the contract, but programmers must set it to the actual value being returned by the function at each return statement. Class *The object this from the scope of the enclosing virtual public function declaring the contract. This object might be mutable, const, volatile, or const volatile depending on the cv-qualifier of the enclosing function (volatile public functions will check volatile class invariants, see Volatile Public Functions).Program contracts for non-void virtual public functions that do not override. This is used to specify preconditions, postconditions, exception guarantees, old value copies at body, and check class invariants for public functions that are virtual, do not override, and do not return void: class u { friend class boost::contract::access; void invariant() const { // Optional (as for static and volatile). BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(...); ... } public: t f(..., boost::contract::virtual_* v = 0) { t result; boost::contract::old_ptr<old_type> old_var; boost::contract::check c = boost::contract::public_function( v, result, this) .precondition([&] { // Optional. BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(...); ... }) .old([&] { // Optional. old_var = BOOST_CONTRACT_OLDOF(v, old_expr); ... }) .postcondition([&] (t const& result) { // Optional. BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(...); ... }) .except([&] { // Optional. BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(...); ... }) ; ... // Function body (use `return result = return_expr`). } ... }; A virtual public function should always call boost::contract::public_function otherwise this library will not be able to correctly use it for subcontracting.See Also: Virtual Public Functions The result of this function must be assigned to a variable of type boost::contract::check declared explicitly (i.e., without using C++11 auto declarations) and locally just before the code of the public function body (otherwise this library will generate a run-time error, see BOOST_CONTRACT_ON_MISSING_CHECK_DECL). specify_precondition_old_postcondition_exceptvirtual_ *The trailing parameter of type boost::contract::virtual_* and default value 0 from the enclosing public function override. FA pointer to the enclosing public function override declaring the contract (but see Function Overloads). Class *The object this from the scope of the enclosing public function override declaring the contract. This object might be mutable, const, volatile, or const volatile depending on the cv-qualifier of the enclosing function (volatile public functions will check volatile class invariants, see Volatile Public Functions). Args &...All arguments passed to the enclosing public function override declaring the contract (by reference and in the order they appear in the enclosing function declaration), but excluding the trailing argument v.Program contracts for void public functions overrides (virtual or not). This is used to specify preconditions, postconditions, exception guarantees, old value copies at body, and check class invariants for public function overrides (virtual or not) that return void: class u #define BASES private boost::contract::constructor_precondition<u>, \ public b, private w : BASES { friend class boost::contract::access; typedef BOOST_CONTRACT_BASE_TYPES(BASES) base_types; #undef BASES void invariant() const { // Optional (as for static and volatile). BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(...); ... } BOOST_CONTRACT_OVERRIDES(f) public: // Override from `b::f`. void f(t_1 a_1, ..., t_n a_n, boost::contract::virtual_* v = 0) { boost::contract::old_ptr<old_type> old_var; boost::contract::check c = boost::contract::public_function< override_f>(v, &u::f, this, a_1, ..., a_n) .precondition([&] { // Optional. BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(...); ... }) .old([&] { // Optional. old_var = BOOST_CONTRACT_OLDOF(v, old_expr); ... }) .postcondition([&] { // Optional. BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(...); ... }) .except([&] { // Optional. BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(...); ... }) ; ... // Function body. } ... }; A public function override should always call boost::contract::public_function otherwise this library will not be able to correctly use it for subcontracting.See Also: Public Function Overrides The result of this function must be assigned to a variable of type boost::contract::check declared explicitly (i.e., without using C++11 auto declarations) and locally just before the code of the public function body (otherwise this library will generate a run-time error, see BOOST_CONTRACT_ON_MISSING_CHECK_DECL). specify_precondition_old_postcondition_except< VirtualResult >virtual_ *The trailing parameter of type boost::contract::virtual_* and default value 0 from the enclosing public function override. VirtualResult &A reference to the return value of the enclosing public function override declaring the contract. This is usually a local variable declared by the enclosing public function override just before the contract, but programmers must set it to the actual value being returned by the function at each return statement. FA pointer to the enclosing public function override declaring the contract (but see Function Overloads). Class *The object this from the scope of the enclosing public function override declaring the contract. This object might be mutable, const, volatile, or const volatile depending on the cv-qualifier of the enclosing function (volatile public functions will check volatile class invariants, see Volatile Public Functions). Args &...All arguments passed to the enclosing public function override declaring the contract (by reference and in the order they appear in the enclosing function declaration), but excluding the trailing argument v.Program contracts for non-void public functions overrides (virtual or not). This is used to specify preconditions, postconditions, exception guarantees, old value copies at body, and check class invariants for public function overrides (virtual or not) that do not return void: class u #define BASES private boost::contract::constructor_precondition<u>, \ public b, private w : BASES { friend class boost::contract::access; typedef BOOST_CONTRACT_BASE_TYPES(BASES) base_types; #undef BASES void invariant() const { // Optional (as for static and volatile). BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(...); ... } BOOST_CONTRACT_OVERRIDES(f) public: // Override from `b::f`. t f(t_1 a_1, ..., t_n a_n, boost::contract::virtual_* v = 0) { t result; boost::contract::old_ptr<old_type> old_var; boost::contract::check c = boost::contract::public_function< override_f>(v, result, &u::f, this, a_1, ..., a_n) .precondition([&] { // Optional. BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(...); ... }) .old([&] { // Optional. old_var = BOOST_CONTRACT_OLDOF(v, old_expr); ... }) .postcondition([&] (t const& result) { // Optional. BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(...); ... }) .except([&] { // Optional. BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(...); ... }) ; ... // Function body (use `return result = return_expr`). } ... }; A public function override should always call boost::contract::public_function otherwise this library will not be able to correctly use it for subcontracting.See Also: Public Function Overrides The result of this function must be assigned to a variable of type boost::contract::check declared explicitly (i.e., without using C++11 auto declarations) and locally just before the code of the public function body (otherwise this library will generate a run-time error, see BOOST_CONTRACT_ON_MISSING_CHECK_DECL).
Allow to disable contracts to completely remove their compile-time and run-time overhead. This header automatically includes all header files boost/contract/*.hpp necessary to use its macros.Almost all the macros defined in this header file are variadic macros. On compilers that do not support variadic macros, programmers can manually code #ifndef BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_... statements instead (see Disable Contract Compilation). Program preconditions that can be completely disabled at compile-time. BOOST_CONTRACT_PRECONDITION(f) expands to code equivalent to the following (note that no code is generated when BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_PRECONDITIONS is defined):#ifndef BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_PRECONDITIONS .precondition(f) #endif Where: f is the nullay functor called by this library to check preconditions f(). Assertions within this functor are usually programmed using BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT, but any exception thrown by a call to this functor indicates a contract assertion failure (and will result in this library calling boost::contract::precondition_failure). This functor should capture variables by (constant) value, or better by (constant) reference (to avoid extra copies). (This is a variadic macro parameter so it can contain commas not protected by round parenthesis.) See Also: Disable Contract Compilation, Preconditions Program postconditions that can be completely disabled at compile-time. BOOST_CONTRACT_POSTCONDITION(f) expands to code equivalent to the following (note that no code is generated when BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_POSTCONDITIONS is defined):#ifndef BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_POSTCONDITIONS .postcondition(f) #endif Where: f is the functor called by this library to check postconditions f() or f(result). Assertions within this functor are usually programmed using BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT, but any exception thrown by a call to this functor indicates a contract assertion failure (and will result in this library calling boost::contract::postcondition_failure). This functor should capture variables by (constant) references (to access the values they will have at function exit). This functor takes the return value (preferably by const&) result as its one single parameter f(result) but only for virtual public functions and public functions overrides, otherwise it takes no parameter f(). (This is a variadic macro parameter so it can contain commas not protected by round parenthesis.) See Also: Disable Contract Compilation, Postconditions Program exception guarantees that can be completely disabled at compile-time. BOOST_CONTRACT_EXCEPT(f) expands to code equivalent to the following (note that no code is generated when BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_EXCEPTS is defined):#ifndef BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_EXCEPTS .except(f) #endif Where: f is the nullary functor called by this library to check exception guarantees f(). Assertions within this functor are usually programmed using BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT, but any exception thrown by a call to this functor indicates a contract assertion failure (and will result in this library calling boost::contract::except_failure). This functor should capture variables by (constant) references (to access the values they will have at function exit). (This is a variadic macro parameter so it can contain commas not protected by round parenthesis.) See Also: Disable Contract Compilation, Exception Guarantees Program old value copies at body that can be completely disabled at compile-time. BOOST_CONTRACT_OLD(f) expands to code equivalent to the following (note that no code is generated when BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_OLDS is defined):#ifndef BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_OLDS .old(f) #endif Where: f is the nullary functor called by this library f() to assign old value copies just before the body is execute but after entry invariants (when they apply) and preconditions are checked. Old value pointers within this functor call are usually assigned using BOOST_CONTRACT_OLDOF. Any exception thrown by a call to this functor will result in this library calling boost::contract::old_failure (because old values could not be copied to check postconditions and exception guarantees). This functor should capture old value pointers by references so they can be assigned (all other variables needed to evaluate old value expressions can be captured by (constant) value, or better by (constant) reference to avoid extra copies). (This is a variadic macro parameter so it can contain commas not protected by round parenthesis.) See Also: Disable Contract Compilation, Old Values Copied at Body Program old values that can be completely disabled at compile-time for old value types that are required to be copyable. This is used to program old value copies for copyable types:class u { public: void f(...) { BOOST_CONTRACT_OLD_PTR(old_type_a)(old_var_a); // Null... BOOST_CONTRACT_OLD_PTR(old_type_b)(old_var_b, old_expr_b); // Set. BOOST_CONTRACT_PUBLIC_FUNCTION(this) ... BOOST_CONTRACT_OLD([&] { old_var_a = BOOST_CONTRACT_OLDOF(old_expr_a); // ...set. ... }) ... ; ... // Function body. } virtual void g(..., boost::contract::virtual_* v = 0) { BOOST_CONTRACT_OLD_PTR(old_type_a)(old_var_a); // No `v` BOOST_CONTRACT_OLD_PTR(old_type_b)(v, old_var_b, old_expr_b); // `v` BOOST_CONTRACT_PUBLIC_FUNCTION(v, this) ... BOOST_CONTRACT_OLD([&] { old_var_a = BOOST_CONTRACT_OLDOF(v, old_expr_a); // `v` ... }) ... ; ... // Function body. } ... }; This is an overloaded variadic macro and it can be used in the following different ways (note that no code is generated when BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_OLDS is defined).1. BOOST_CONTRACT_OLD_PTR(old_type)(old_var) expands to code equivalent to the following (this leaves the old value pointer null):#ifndef BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_OLDS // This declaration does not need to use `v`. boost::contract::old_ptr<old_type> old_var #endif 2. BOOST_CONTRACT_OLD_PTR(old_type)(old_var, old_expr) expands to code equivalent to the following (this initializes the pointer to the old value copy, but not to be used for virtual public functions and public function overrides):#ifndef BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_OLDS boost::contract::old_ptr<old_type> old_var = BOOST_CONTRACT_OLDOF(old_expr) #endif 3. BOOST_CONTRACT_OLD_PTR(old_type)(v, old_var, old_expr) expands to code equivalent to the following (this initializes the pointer to the old value copy for virtual public functions and public function overrides):#ifndef BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_OLDS boost::contract::old_ptr<old_type> old_var = BOOST_CONTRACT_OLDOF(v, old_expr) #endif Where: old_type is the type of the pointed old value. This type must be copyable (i.e., boost::contract::is_old_value_copyable<old_type>::value is true), otherwise this pointer will always be null and this library will generate a compile-time error when the pointer is dereferenced (see BOOST_CONTRACT_OLD_PTR_IF_COPYABLE). (This is a variadic macro parameter so it can contain commas not protected by round parenthesis.) (Rationale: Template parameters like this one are specified to this library macro interface using their own set of parenthesis SOME_MACRO(template_params)(other_params).) v is the extra training parameter of type boost::contract::virtual_* and default value 0 from the enclosing virtual public function or public function override declaring the contract. (This is not a variadic macro parameter but it should never contain commas because it is an identifier.) old_var is the name of the old value pointer variable. (This is not a variadic macro parameter but it should never contain commas because it is an identifier.) old_expr is the expression to be evaluated and copied in the old value pointer. (This is not a variadic macro parameter so any comma it might contain must be protected by round parenthesis and BOOST_CONTRACT_OLD_PTR(old_type)(v, old_var, (old_expr)) will always work.) See Also: Disable Contract Compilation, Old Values Program old values that can be completely disabled at compile-time for old value types that are not required to be copyable. This is used to program old value copies for types that might or might not be copyable:template<typename T> // Type `T` might or not be copyable. class u { public: void f(...) { BOOST_CONTRACT_OLD_PTR_IF_COPYABLE(old_type_a)(old_var_a); BOOST_CONTRACT_OLD_PTR_IF_COPYABLE(old_type_b)(old_var_b, old_expr_b); BOOST_CONTRACT_PUBLIC_FUNCTION(this) ... BOOST_CONTRACT_OLD([&] { old_var_a = BOOST_CONTRACT_OLDOF(old_expr_a); ... }) ... // In postconditions or exception guarantees: if(old_var_a) ... // Always null for non-copyable types. if(old_var_b) ... // Always null for non-copyable types. ... ; ... // Function body. } virtual void g(..., boost::contract::virtual_* v = 0) { BOOST_CONTRACT_OLD_PTR_IF_COPYABLE(old_type_a)(old_var_a); BOOST_CONTRACT_OLD_PTR_IF_COPYABLE(old_type_b)(v, old_var_b, old_expr_b); BOOST_CONTRACT_PUBLIC_FUNCTION(v, this) ... BOOST_CONTRACT_OLD([&] { old_var_a = BOOST_CONTRACT_OLDOF(v, old_expr_a); ... }) ... // In postconditions or exception guarantees: if(old_var_a) ... // Always null for non-copyable types. if(old_var_b) ... // Always null for non-copyable types. ... ; ... // Function body. } ... }; This is an overloaded variadic macro and it can be used in the following different ways (note that no code is generated when BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_OLDS is defined).1. BOOST_CONTRACT_OLD_PTR_IF_COPYABLE(old_type)(old_var) expands to code equivalent to the following (this leaves the old value pointer null):#ifndef BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_OLDS // This declaration does not need to use `v`. boost::contract::old_ptr_if_copyable<old_type> old_var #endif 2. BOOST_CONTRACT_OLD_PTR_IF_COPYABLE(old_type)(old_var, old_expr) expands to code equivalent to the following (this initializes the pointer to the old value copy, but not to be used for virtual public functions and public function overrides):#ifndef BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_OLDS boost::contract::old_ptr_if_copyable<old_type> old_var = BOOST_CONTRACT_OLDOF(old_expr) #endif 3. BOOST_CONTRACT_OLD_PTR_IF_COPYABLE(old_type)(v, old_var, old_expr) expands to code equivalent to the following (this initializes the pointer to the old value copy for virtual public functions and public function overrides):#ifndef BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_OLDS boost::contract::old_ptr_if_copyable<old_type> old_var = BOOST_CONTRACT_OLDOF(v, old_expr) #endif Where: old_type is the type of the pointed old value. If this type is not copyable (i.e., boost::contract::is_old_value_copyable<old_type>::value is false), this pointer will always be null, but this library will not generate a compile-time error when this pointer is dereferenced (see BOOST_CONTRACT_OLD_PTR). (This is a variadic macro parameter so it can contain commas not protected by round parenthesis.) v is the extra trailing parameter of type boost::contract::virtual_* and default value 0 from the enclosing virtual public function or public function override declaring the contract. (This is not a variadic macro parameter but it should never contain commas because it is an identifier.) old_var is the name of the old value pointer variable. (This is not a variadic macro parameter but it should never contain commas because it is an identifier.) old_expr is the expression to be evaluated and copied in the old value pointer. (This is not a variadic macro parameter so any comma it might contain must be protected by round parenthesis and BOOST_CONTRACT_OLD_PTR_IF_COPYABLE(old_type)(v, old_var, (old_expr)) will always work.) See Also: Disable Contract Compilation, Old Value Requirements Program (constant) class invariants that can be completely disabled at compile-time. BOOST_CONTRACT_INVARIANT({ ... }) expands to code equivalent to the following (note that no code is generated when BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_INVARIANTS is defined):#ifndef BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_INVARIANTS void BOOST_CONTRACT_INVARIANT_FUNC() const { ... } #endif Where: { ... } is the definition of the function that checks class invariants for public functions that are not static and not volatile (see BOOST_CONTRACT_STATIC_INVARIANT and BOOST_CONTRACT_INVARIANT_VOLATILE). The curly parenthesis are mandatory (rationale: this is so the syntax of this macro resembles mote the syntax of the lambda functions usually used to specify preconditions, etc.). Assertions within this function are usually programmed using BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT, but any exception thrown by a call to this function indicates a contract assertion failure (and will result in this library calling either boost::contract::entry_invariant_failure or boost::contract::exit_invariant_failure). (This is a variadic macro parameter so it can contain commas not protected by round parenthesis.) See Also: Disable Contract Compilation, Class Invariants Program volatile class invariants that can be completely disabled at compile-time. BOOST_CONTRACT_INVARIANT_VOLATILE({ ... }) expands to code equivalent to the following (note that no code is generated when BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_INVARIANTS is defined):#ifndef BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_INVARIANTS void BOOST_CONTRACT_INVARIANT_FUNC() const volatile { ... } #endif Where: { ... } is the definition of the function that checks class invariants for volatile public functions (see BOOST_CONTRACT_INVARIANT and BOOST_CONTRACT_STATIC_INVARIANT). The curly parenthesis are mandatory. Assertions within this function are usually programmed using BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT, but any exception thrown by a call to this function indicates a contract assertion failure (and will result in this library calling either boost::contract::entry_invariant_failure or boost::contract::exit_invariant_failure). (This is a variadic macro parameter so it can contain commas not protected by round parenthesis.) See Also: Disable Contract Compilation, Volatile Public Functions Program static class invariants that can be completely disabled at compile-time. BOOST_CONTRACT_STATIC_INVARIANT({ ... }) expands to code equivalent to the following (note that no code is generated when BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_INVARIANTS is defined):#ifndef BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_INVARIANTS static void BOOST_CONTRACT_STATIC_INVARIANT_FUNC() { ... } #endif Where: { ... } is the definition of the function that checks class invariants for static public functions (see BOOST_CONTRACT_INVARIANT and BOOST_CONTRACT_INVARIANT_VOLATILE). The curly parenthesis are mandatory. Assertions within this function are usually programmed using BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT, but any exception thrown by a call to this function indicates a contract assertion failure (and will result in this library calling either boost::contract::entry_invariant_failure or boost::contract::exit_invariant_failure). (This is a variadic macro parameter so it can contain commas not protected by round parenthesis.) See Also: Disable Contract Compilation, Class Invariants Program contracts that can be completely disabled at compile-time for constructors. This is used together with BOOST_CONTRACT_POSTCONDITION, BOOST_CONTRACT_EXCEPT, and BOOST_CONTRACT_OLD to specify postconditions, exception guarantees, and old value copies at body that can be completely disabled at compile-time for constructors (see BOOST_CONTRACT_CONSTRUCTOR_PRECONDITION to specify preconditions for constructors):class u { friend class boost::contract::access; BOOST_CONTRACT_INVARIANT({ // Optional (as for static and volatile). BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(...); ... }) public: u(...) { BOOST_CONTRACT_OLD_PTR(old_type)(old_var); BOOST_CONTRACT_CONSTRUCTOR(this) // No `PRECONDITION` (use `CONSTRUCTOR_PRECONDITION` if needed). BOOST_CONTRACT_OLD([&] { // Optional. old_var = BOOST_CONTRACT_OLDOF(old_epxr); ... }) BOOST_CONTRACT_POSTCONDITION([&] { // Optional. BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(...); ... }) BOOST_CONTRACT_EXCEPT([&] { // Optional. BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(...); ... }) ; // Trailing `;` is required. ... // Constructor body. } ... }; For optimization, this can be omitted for constructors that do not have postconditions and exception guarantees, within classes that have no invariants.BOOST_CONTRACT_CONSTRUCTOR(obj) expands to code equivalent to the following (note that no code is generated when BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_CONSTRUCTORS is defined):#ifndef BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_CONSTRUCTORS boost::contract::check internal_var = boost::contract::constructor(obj) #endif Where: obj is the object this from the scope of the enclosing constructor declaring the contract. Constructors check all class invariants, including static and volatile invariants (see BOOST_CONTRACT_INVARIANT, BOOST_CONTRACT_STATIC_INVARIANT, and BOOST_CONTRACT_INVARIANT_VOLATILE). (This is a variadic macro parameter so it can contain commas not protected by round parenthesis.) internal_var is a variable name internally generated by this library (this name is unique but only on different line numbers so this macro cannot be expanded multiple times on the same line). See Also: Disable Contract Compilation, Constructors Program preconditions that can be disabled at compile-time for constructors. This is used together with BOOST_CONTRACT_CONSTRUCTOR to specify contracts for constructors. Constructors that do not have preconditions do not use this macro. When at least one of the class constructors uses this macro, boost::contract::constructor_precondition must be the first and private base of the class declaring the constructor for which preconditions are programmed:class u #define BASES private boost::contract::constructor_precondition<u>, \ public b : BASES { friend class boost::contract::access; typedef BOOST_CONTRACT_BASE_TYPES(BASES) base_types; #undef BASES ... public: explicit u(unsigned x) : BOOST_CONTRACT_CONSTRUCTOR_PRECONDITION(u)([&] { BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(x != 0); }), b(1 / x) { ... } ... }; BOOST_CONTRACT_CONSTRUCTOR_PRECONDITION(class_type)(f) expands to code equivalent to the following (note that when BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_PRECONDITIONS is defined, this macro trivially expands to a default constructor call that is internally implemented to do nothing so this should have minimal to no overhead):// Guarded only by NO_PRECONDITIONS (and not also by NO_CONSTRUCTORS) // because for constructor's preconditions (not for postconditions, etc.). #ifndef BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_PRECONDITIONS boost::contract::constructor_precondition<class_type>(f) #else // No-op call (likely optimized away, minimal to no overhead). boost::contract::constructor_precondition<class_type>() #endif Where: class_type is the type of the class containing the constructor for which preconditions are being programmed. (This is a variadic macro parameter so it can contain commas not protected by round parenthesis.) f is the nullary functor called by this library to check constructor preconditions f(). Assertions within this functor call are usually programmed using BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT, but any exception thrown by a call to this functor indicates a contract failure (and will result in this library calling boost::contract::precondition_failure). This functor should capture variables by (constant) value, or better by (constant) reference to avoid extra copies. (This is a variadic macro parameter so it can contain commas not protected by round parenthesis.) See Also: Disable Contract Compilation, Constructors Program contracts that can be completely disabled at compile-time for destructors. This is used together with BOOST_CONTRACT_POSTCONDITION, BOOST_CONTRACT_EXCEPT, and BOOST_CONTRACT_OLD to specify postconditions, exception guarantees, and old value copies at body that can be completely disabled at compile-time for destructors (destructors cannot have preconditions, see Destructor Calls):class u { friend class boost::contract::access; BOOST_CONTRACT_INVARIANT({ // Optional (as for static and volatile). BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(...); ... }) public: ~u() { BOOST_CONTRACT_OLD_PTR(old_type)(old_var); BOOST_CONTRACT_DESTRUCTOR(this) // No `PRECONDITION` (destructors have no preconditions). BOOST_CONTRACT_OLD([&] { // Optional. old_var = BOOST_CONTRACT_OLDOF(old_expr); ... }) BOOST_CONTRACT_POSTCONDITION([&] { // Optional. BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(...); ... }) BOOST_CONTRACT_EXCEPT([&] { // Optional. BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(...); ... }) ; // Trailing `;` is required. ... // Destructor body. } ... }; For optimization, this can be omitted for destructors that do not have postconditions and exception guarantees, within classes that have no invariants.BOOST_CONTRACT_DESTRUCTOR(obj) expands to code equivalent to the following (note that no code is generated when BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_DESTRUCTORS is defined):#ifndef BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_DESTRUCTORS boost::contract::check internal_var = boost::contract::destructor(obj) #endif Where: obj is the object this from the scope of the enclosing destructor declaring the contract. Destructors check all class invariants, including static and volatile invariants (see Class Invariants and Volatile Public Functions). (This is a variadic macro parameter so it can contain commas not protected by round parenthesis.) internal_var is a variable name internally generated by this library (this name is unique but only on different line numbers so this macro cannot be expanded multiple times on the same line). See Also: Disable Contract Compilation, Destructors Program contracts that can be completely disabled at compile-time for (non-public) functions. This is used together with BOOST_CONTRACT_PRECONDITION, BOOST_CONTRACT_POSTCONDITION, BOOST_CONTRACT_EXCEPT, and BOOST_CONTRACT_OLD to specify preconditions, postconditions, exception guarantees, and old value copies at body that can be completely disabled at compile-time for (non-public) functions:void f(...) { BOOST_CONTRACT_OLD_PTR(old_type)(old_var); BOOST_CONTRACT_FUNCTION() BOOST_CONTRACT_PRECONDITION([&] { // Optional. BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(...); ... }) BOOST_CONTRACT_OLD([&] { // Optional. old_var = BOOST_CONTRACT_OLDOF(old_expr); ... }) BOOST_CONTRACT_POSTCONDITION([&] { // Optional. BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(...); ... }) BOOST_CONTRACT_EXCEPT([&] { // Optional. BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(...); ... }) ; // Trailing `;` is required. ... // Function body. } This can be used to program contracts for non-member functions but also for private and protected functions, lambda functions, loops, arbitrary blocks of code, etc. For optimization, this can be omitted for code that does not have preconditions, postconditions, and exception guarantees.BOOST_CONTRACT_FUNCTION() expands to code equivalent to the following (note that no code is generated when BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_FUNCTIONS is defined):#ifndef BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_FUNCTIONS boost::contract::check internal_var = boost::contract::function() #endif Where: internal_var is a variable name internally generated by this library (this name is unique but only on different line numbers so this macro cannot be expanded multiple times on the same line). See Also: Disable Contract Compilation, Non-Member Functions, Private and Protected Functions, Lambdas, Loops, Code Blocks Program contracts that can be completely disabled at compile-time for static public functions. This is used together with BOOST_CONTRACT_PRECONDITION, BOOST_CONTRACT_POSTCONDITION, BOOST_CONTRACT_EXCEPT, and BOOST_CONTRACT_OLD to specify preconditions, postconditions, exception guarantees, and old value copies at body that can be completely disabled at compile-time for static public functions:class u { friend class boost::contract::access; BOOST_CONTRACT_STATIC_INVARIANT({ // Optional (as for non-static). BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(...); ... }) public: static void f(...) { BOOST_CONTRACT_OLD_PTR(old_type)(old_var); BOOST_CONTRACT_PUBLIC_FUNCTION(u) BOOST_CONTRACT_PRECONDITION([&] { // Optional. BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(...); ... }) BOOST_CONTRACT_OLD([&] { // Optional. old_var = BOOST_CONTRACT_OLDOF(old_expr); ... }) BOOST_CONTRACT_POSTCONDITION([&] { // Optional. BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(...); ... }) BOOST_CONTRACT_EXCEPT([&] { // Optional. BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(...); ... }) ; // Trailing `;` is required. ... // Function body. } ... }; For optimization, this can be omitted for static public functions that do not have preconditions, postconditions and exception guarantees, within classes that have no static invariants.BOOST_CONTRACT_STATIC_PUBLIC_FUNCTION(class_type) expands to code equivalent to the following (note that no code is generated when BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_PUBLIC_FUNCTIONS is defined):#ifndef BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_PUBLIC_FUNCTIONS boost::contract::check internal_var = boost::contract::public_function<class_type>() #endif Where: class_type is the type of the class containing the static public function declaring the contract. (This is a variadic macro parameter so it can contain commas not protected by round parenthesis.) internal_var is a variable name internally generated by this library (this name is unique but only on different line numbers so this macro cannot be expanded multiple times on the same line). See Also: Disable Contract Compilation, Static Public Functions Program contracts that can be completely disabled at compile-time for non-static public functions that do not override. This is used together with BOOST_CONTRACT_PRECONDITION, BOOST_CONTRACT_POSTCONDITION, BOOST_CONTRACT_EXCEPT, and BOOST_CONTRACT_OLD to specify preconditions, postconditions, exception guarantees, and old value copies at body that can be completely disabled at compile-time for non-static public functions (virtual or not, void or not) that do not override:class u { friend class boost::contract::access; BOOST_CONTRACT_INVARIANT({ // Optional (as for static and volatile). BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(...); ... }) public: // Non-virtual (same if void). t f(...) { t result; BOOST_CONTRACT_OLD_PTR(old_type)(old_var); BOOST_CONTRACT_PUBLIC_FUNCTION(this) BOOST_CONTRACT_PRECONDITION([&] { // Optional. BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(...); ... }) BOOST_CONTRACT_OLD([&] { // Optional. old_var = BOOST_CONTRACT_OLDOF(old_expr); ... }) BOOST_CONTRACT_POSTCONDITION([&] { // Optional. BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(...); ... }) BOOST_CONTRACT_EXCEPT([&] { // Optional. BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(...); ... }) ; // Trailing `;` is required. ... // Function body (use `return result = return_expr`). } // Virtual and void. virtual void g(..., boost::contract::virtual_* v = 0) { BOOST_CONTRACT_OLD_PTR(old_type)(old_var); BOOST_CONTRACT_PUBLIC_FUNCTION(v, this) ... BOOST_CONTRACT_OLD([&] { // Optional. old_var = BOOST_CONTRACT_OLDOF(v, old_expr); ... }) ... ; // Trailing `;` is required. ... // Function body. } // Virtual and non-void. virtual t h(..., boost::contract::virtual_* v = 0) { t result; BOOST_CONTRACT_OLD_PTR(old_type)(old_var); BOOST_CONTRACT_PUBLIC_FUNCTION(v, result, this) ... BOOST_CONTRACT_OLD([&] { // Optional. old_var = BOOST_CONTRACT_OLDOF(v, old_expr); ... }) BOOST_CONTRACT_POSTCONDITION([&] (t const& result) { // Optional BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(...); ... }) ... ; // Trailing `;` is required. ... // Function body (use `return result = return_expr`). } ... }; For optimization, this can be omitted for non-virtual public functions that do not have preconditions, postconditions and exception guarantees, within classes that have no invariants. Virtual public functions should always use BOOST_CONTRACT_PUBLIC_FUNCTION otherwise this library will not be able to correctly use them for subcontracting.This is an overloaded variadic macro and it can be used in the following different ways (note that no code is generated when BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_PUBLIC_FUNCTIONS is defined).1. BOOST_CONTRACT_PUBLIC_FUNCTION(obj) expands to code equivalent to the following (for non-virtual public functions that are not static and do not override, returning void or not):#ifndef BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_PUBLIC_FUNCTIONS boost::contract::check internal_var = boost::contract::public_function(obj) #endif 2. BOOST_CONTRACT_PUBLIC_FUNCTION(v, obj) expands to code equivalent to the following (for virtual public functions that do not override, returning void):#ifndef BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_PUBLIC_FUNCTIONS boost::contract::check internal_var = boost::contract::public_function(v, obj) #endif 3. BOOST_CONTRACT_PUBLIC_FUNCTION(v, r, obj) expands to code equivalent to the following (for virtual public functions that do not override, not returning void):#ifndef BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_PUBLIC_FUNCTIONS boost::contract::check internal_var = boost::contract::public_function(v, r, obj) #endif Where (these are all variadic macro parameters so they can contain commas not protected by round parenthesis): v is the extra parameter of type boost::contract::virtual_* and default value 0 from the enclosing virtual public function declaring the contract. r is a reference to the return value of the enclosing virtual public function declaring the contract. This is usually a local variable declared by the enclosing virtual public function just before the contract, but programmers must set it to the actual value being returned by the function at each return statement. obj is the object this from the scope of the enclosing public function declaring the contract. This object might be mutable, const, volatile, or const volatile depending on the cv-qualifier of the enclosing function (volatile public functions will check volatile class invariants, see Volatile Public Functions). internal_var is a variable name internally generated by this library (this name is unique but only on different line numbers so this macro cannot be expanded multiple times on the same line). See Also: Disable Contract Compilation, Public Functions, Virtual Public Functions Program contracts that can be completely disabled at compile-time for public function overrides. This is used together with BOOST_CONTRACT_PRECONDITION, BOOST_CONTRACT_POSTCONDITION, BOOST_CONTRACT_EXCEPT, and BOOST_CONTRACT_OLD to specify preconditions, postconditions, exception guarantees, and old value copies at body that can be completely disabled at compile-time for public function overrides (virtual or not):class u #define BASES private boost::contract::constructor_precondition<u>, \ public b, private w : BASES { friend class boost::contract::access; typedef BOOST_CONTRACT_BASE_TYPES(BASES) base_types; #undef BASES BOOST_CONTRACT_INVARIANT({ // Optional (as for static and volatile). BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(...); ... }) BOOST_CONTRACT_OVERRIDES(f, g) public: // Override from `b::f`, and void. void f(t_1 a_1, ..., t_n a_n, boost::contract::virtual_* v = 0) { BOOST_CONTRACT_OLD_PTR(old_type)(old_var); BOOST_CONTRACT_PUBLIC_FUNCTION_OVERRIDE(override_f)( v, &u::f, this, a_1, ..., a_n) BOOST_CONTRACT_PRECONDITION([&] { // Optional. BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(...); ... }) BOOST_CONTRACT_OLD([&] { // Optional. old_var = BOOST_CONTRACT_OLDOF(v, old_expr); ... }) BOOST_CONTRACT_POSTCONDITION([&] { // Optional. BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(...); ... }) BOOST_CONTRACT_EXCEPT([&] { // Optional. BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(...); ... }) ; // Trailing `;` is required. ... // Function body. } // Override from `b::g`, and void. t g(t_1 a_1, ..., t_n a_n, boost::contract::virtual_* v = 0) { t result; BOOST_CONTRACT_OLD_PTR(old_type)(old_var); BOOST_CONTRACT_PUBLIC_FUNCTION_OVERRIDE(override_g)( v, result, &u::g, this, a_1, ..., a_n) ... BOOST_CONTRACT_OLD([&] { // Optional. old_var = BOOST_CONTRACT_OLDOF(v, old_expr); ... }) BOOST_CONTRACT_POSTCONDITION([&] (t const& result) { // Optional BOOST_CONTRACT_ASSERT(...); ... }) ... ; // Trailing `;` is required. ... // Function body (use `return result = return_expr`). } ... }; Public function overrides should always use BOOST_CONTRACT_PUBLIC_FUNCTION_OVERRIDE otherwise this library will not be able to correctly use it for subcontracting.This is an overloaded variadic macro and it can be used in the following different ways (note that no code is generated when BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_PUBLIC_FUNCTIONS is defined).1. BOOST_CONTRACT_PUBLIC_FUNCTION_OVERRIDE(override_type)(v, f, obj, ...) expands to code equivalent to the following (for public function overrides that return void):#ifndef BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_PUBLIC_FUNCTIONS boost::contract::check internal_var = boost::contract:: public_function<override_type>(v, f, obj, ...) #endif 2. BOOST_CONTRACT_PUBLIC_FUNCTION_OVERRIDE(override_type)(v, r, f, obj, ...) expands to code equivalent to the following (for public function overrides that do not return void):#ifndef BOOST_CONTRACT_NO_PUBLIC_FUNCTIONS boost::contract::check internal_var = boost::contract:: public_function<override_type>(v, r, f, obj, ...) #endif Where (these are all variadic macro parameters so they can contain commas not protected by round parenthesis): override_type is the type override_function-name declared using the BOOST_CONTRACT_OVERRIDE or related macros. v is the extra parameter of type boost::contract::virtual_* and default value 0 from the enclosing virtual public function declaring the contract. r is a reference to the return value of the enclosing virtual public function declaring the contract. This is usually a local variable declared by the enclosing virtual public function just before the contract, but programmers must set it to the actual value being returned by the function at each return statement. f is a pointer to the enclosing public function override declaring the contract. obj is the object this from the scope of the enclosing public function declaring the contract. This object might be mutable, const, volatile, or const volatile depending on the cv-qualifier of the enclosing function (volatile public functions will check volatile class invariants, see Volatile Public Functions). ... is a variadic macro parameter listing all the arguments passed to the enclosing public function override declaring the contract (by reference and in the order they appear in the enclosing function declaration), but excluding the trailing argument v. internal_var is a variable name internally generated by this library (this name is unique but only on different line numbers so this macro cannot be expanded multiple times on the same line). See Also: Disable Contract Compilation, Public Function Overrides