// Copyright (c) 2008 Joseph Gauterin, Niels Dekker // // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // Tests swapping an array of arrays of swap_test_class objects by means of boost::swap. #include #include #define BOOST_CHECK BOOST_TEST #define BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL BOOST_TEST_EQ //Put test class in the global namespace #include "./swap_test_class.hpp" #include //for std::copy and std::equal #include //for std::size_t //Provide swap function in both the namespace of swap_test_class //(which is the global namespace), and the std namespace. //It's common to provide a swap function for a class in both //namespaces. Scott Meyers recommends doing so: Effective C++, //Third Edition, item 25, "Consider support for a non-throwing swap". void swap(swap_test_class& left, swap_test_class& right) { left.swap(right); } namespace std { template <> void swap(swap_test_class& left, swap_test_class& right) { left.swap(right); } } int main() { const std::size_t array_size = 2; const swap_test_class initial_array1[array_size] = { swap_test_class(1), swap_test_class(2) }; const swap_test_class initial_array2[array_size] = { swap_test_class(3), swap_test_class(4) }; swap_test_class array1[array_size]; swap_test_class array2[array_size]; std::copy(initial_array1, initial_array1 + array_size, array1); std::copy(initial_array2, initial_array2 + array_size, array2); swap_test_class::reset(); boost::swap(array1, array2); BOOST_CHECK(std::equal(array1, array1 + array_size, initial_array2)); BOOST_CHECK(std::equal(array2, array2 + array_size, initial_array1)); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(swap_test_class::swap_count(), array_size); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(swap_test_class::copy_count(), 0); return boost::report_errors(); }