[chapter Support Resources [quickbook 1.7] [id support] ] [h2 Synopsis] This is a list of available resources for support with Boost.Python problems and feature requests. Please try to resist emailing the Boost.Python developers directly for support. Use the following resources instead; the developers are listening! [h2 Support] * The _bp_list_ is a forum for discussing Python/C++ interoperability, and Boost.Python in particular. Post your Boost.Python questions here. * The _bb_list_ is a forum for discussing Boost's Build System. * The Boost.Python [@https://github.com/boostorg/python/issues Issue tracker] [note In the past we used Trac, which still hosts a considerable number of [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/query?status=!closed&component=python+USE+GITHUB open issues]. We hope to be able to either close them or migrate them to the new issue tracker.] * The Boost.Python [@https://github.com/boostorg/python/wiki Wiki] * Boost.Python [@https://github.com/boostorg/python Source repository]