/* EQ2Emulator: Everquest II Server Emulator Copyright (C) 2007 EQ2EMulator Development Team (http://www.eq2emulator.net) This file is part of EQ2Emulator. EQ2Emulator is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. EQ2Emulator is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with EQ2Emulator. If not, see . */ #include "Widget.h" #include "../common/ConfigReader.h" #include "Spells.h" #include "World.h" #include "../common/Log.h" #include "ClientPacketFunctions.h" #include "LuaInterface.h" extern World world; extern ConfigReader configReader; extern MasterSpellList master_spell_list; extern LuaInterface* lua_interface; Widget::Widget(){ widget_id = 0; widget_x = 0; widget_y = 0; widget_z = 0; action_spawn = 0; action_spawn_id = 0; linked_spawn = 0; linked_spawn_id = 0; appearance.pos.state = 1; appearance.encounter_level = 0; spawn_type = 2; appearance.activity_status = 64; include_location = true; include_heading = true; is_open = false; widget_type = 0; open_heading = -1; closed_heading = -1; open_y = 0; open_x = 0; open_z = 0; close_x = 0; close_z = 0; movement_index = 0; movement_interrupted = false; resume_movement = true; attack_resume_needed = false; multi_floor_lift = false; MMovementLoop.SetName("Widget::MMovementLoop"); last_movement_update = Timer::GetCurrentTime2(); } Widget::~Widget(){ } int32 Widget::GetWidgetID(){ return widget_id; } EQ2Packet* Widget::serialize(Player* player, int16 version){ return spawn_serialize(player, version); } void Widget::SetWidgetID(int32 val){ widget_id = val; } void Widget::SetWidgetX(float val){ widget_x = val; } float Widget::GetWidgetX(){ return widget_x; } void Widget::SetWidgetY(float val){ widget_y = val; } float Widget::GetWidgetY(){ return widget_y; } void Widget::SetWidgetZ(float val){ widget_z = val; } float Widget::GetWidgetZ(){ return widget_z; } void Widget::SetWidgetIcon(int8 val){ appearance.icon = val; } void Widget::SetOpenDuration(int16 val){ open_duration = val; } int16 Widget::GetOpenDuration(){ return open_duration; } Widget* Widget::Copy(){ Widget* new_spawn = new Widget(); if(GetOpenY() > 0) appearance.pos.state = 0; if(GetSizeOffset() > 0){ int8 offset = GetSizeOffset()+1; sint32 tmp_size = size + (rand()%offset - rand()%offset); if(tmp_size < 0) tmp_size = 1; else if(tmp_size >= 0xFFFF) tmp_size = 0xFFFF; new_spawn->size = (int16)tmp_size; } else new_spawn->size = size; new_spawn->SetCollector(IsCollector()); new_spawn->SetMerchantID(merchant_id); new_spawn->SetMerchantType(merchant_type); new_spawn->SetMerchantLevelRange(GetMerchantMinLevel(), GetMerchantMaxLevel()); new_spawn->SetPrimaryCommands(&primary_command_list); new_spawn->primary_command_list_id = primary_command_list_id; new_spawn->SetSecondaryCommands(&secondary_command_list); new_spawn->secondary_command_list_id = secondary_command_list_id; new_spawn->database_id = database_id; memcpy(&new_spawn->appearance, &appearance, sizeof(AppearanceData)); new_spawn->SetWidgetID(widget_id); new_spawn->SetWidgetX(widget_x); new_spawn->SetWidgetY(widget_y); new_spawn->SetWidgetZ(widget_z); new_spawn->SetIncludeHeading(include_heading); new_spawn->SetIncludeLocation(include_location); new_spawn->SetOpenY(open_y); new_spawn->SetCloseY(close_y); new_spawn->SetOpenDuration(open_duration); if(GetOpenSound()) new_spawn->SetOpenSound(GetOpenSound()); if(GetCloseSound()) new_spawn->SetCloseSound(GetCloseSound()); new_spawn->SetOpenHeading(open_heading); new_spawn->SetClosedHeading(closed_heading); new_spawn->SetWidgetType(widget_type); new_spawn->SetActionSpawnID(action_spawn_id); new_spawn->SetLinkedSpawnID(linked_spawn_id); new_spawn->SetTransporterID(GetTransporterID()); new_spawn->SetHouseID(GetHouseID()); new_spawn->SetCloseX(GetCloseX()); new_spawn->SetCloseZ(GetCloseZ()); new_spawn->SetOpenX(GetOpenX()); new_spawn->SetOpenZ(GetOpenZ()); new_spawn->SetMultiFloorLift(multi_floor_lift); new_spawn->SetSoundsDisabled(IsSoundsDisabled()); return new_spawn; } void Widget::SetIncludeLocation(bool val){ include_location = val; } bool Widget::GetIncludeLocation(){ return include_location; } void Widget::SetIncludeHeading(bool val){ include_heading = val; } bool Widget::GetIncludeHeading(){ return include_heading; } float Widget::GetOpenHeading(){ return open_heading; } void Widget::SetOpenHeading(float val){ open_heading = val; } float Widget::GetClosedHeading(){ return closed_heading; } void Widget::SetClosedHeading(float val){ closed_heading = val; } float Widget::GetOpenY(){ return open_y; } void Widget::SetOpenY(float val){ open_y = val; } float Widget::GetCloseY(){ return close_y; } void Widget::SetCloseY(float val){ close_y = val; } bool Widget::IsOpen(){ std::lock_guard lk(MWidgetMutex); bool widget_open = is_open; return widget_open; } int8 Widget::GetWidgetType(){ return widget_type; } void Widget::SetWidgetType(int8 val){ widget_type = val; } int32 Widget::GetActionSpawnID(){ return action_spawn_id; } void Widget::SetActionSpawnID(int32 id){ action_spawn_id = id; } int32 Widget::GetLinkedSpawnID(){ return linked_spawn_id; } void Widget::SetLinkedSpawnID(int32 id){ linked_spawn_id = id; } const char* Widget::GetOpenSound(){ if(open_sound.length() > 0) return open_sound.c_str(); else return 0; } void Widget::SetOpenSound(const char* name){ open_sound = string(name); } const char* Widget::GetCloseSound(){ if(close_sound.length() > 0) return close_sound.c_str(); else return 0; } void Widget::SetCloseSound(const char* name){ close_sound = string(name); } void Widget::HandleTimerUpdate(){ if(widget_type == WIDGET_TYPE_LIFT) return; //This Widget is a lift, return. else if (widget_type == WIDGET_TYPE_DOOR && is_open) HandleUse(nullptr, ""); } void Widget::OpenDoor(){ std::lock_guard lk(MWidgetMutex); if(GetOpenHeading() >= 0) SetHeading(GetOpenHeading()); float openX = GetOpenX(); float openY = GetOpenY(); float openZ = GetOpenZ(); if(openX != 0 || openY != 0 || openZ != 0 ) { float x = GetX(); float y = GetY(); float z = GetZ(); if(openX != 0) x = openX; if(openY != 0) y = openY; if(openZ != 0) z = openZ; AddRunningLocation(x, y, z, 4); float diff = GetDistance(GetX(), GetY(), GetZ(), x, y, z); if(diff < 0) diff*=-1; GetZone()->AddWidgetTimer(this, diff / 4); } if (widget_type != WIDGET_TYPE_LIFT) SetActivityStatus(0); is_open = true; if(open_duration > 0) GetZone()->AddWidgetTimer(this, open_duration); GetZone()->SendSpawnChanges(this); } void Widget::CloseDoor(){ std::lock_guard lk(MWidgetMutex); if(GetClosedHeading() > 0) SetHeading(GetClosedHeading()); else if(GetOpenHeading() >= 0) SetHeading(GetSpawnOrigHeading()); if (widget_type != WIDGET_TYPE_LIFT) SetActivityStatus(64); if (GetCloseX() != 0 || GetCloseY() != 0 || GetCloseZ() != 0 || GetOpenX() != 0 || GetOpenY() != 0 || GetOpenZ() != 0) { float x = GetSpawnOrigX(); float y = GetSpawnOrigY(); float z = GetSpawnOrigZ(); if (GetCloseX() != 0) x = GetCloseX(); if (GetCloseY() != 0) y = GetCloseY(); if (GetCloseZ() != 0) z = GetCloseZ(); AddRunningLocation(x, y, z, 4); float diff = GetDistance(GetX(), GetY(), GetZ(), x, y, z); if (diff < 0) diff *= -1; GetZone()->AddWidgetTimer(this, diff / 4); } is_open = false; GetZone()->SendSpawnChanges(this); } void Widget::ProcessUse(Spawn* caller){ if(widget_type == WIDGET_TYPE_LIFT && GetZone()->HasWidgetTimer(this)) //this door is a lift and in use, wait until it gets to the return; if (GetZone()->CallSpawnScript(this, SPAWN_SCRIPT_USEDOOR, caller, "", is_open)) { // handled in lua, nothing to do here! } else { bool wasOpen = IsOpen(); if(wasOpen) //close CloseDoor(); else //open OpenDoor(); bool isOpen = IsOpen(); if(isOpen){ if(GetOpenSound()) GetZone()->PlaySoundFile(0, GetOpenSound(), widget_x, widget_y, widget_z); } else if(GetCloseSound()) GetZone()->PlaySoundFile(0, GetCloseSound(), widget_x, widget_y, widget_z); } } void Widget::HandleUse(Client* client, string command, int8 overrideWidgetType){ vector destinations; //The following check disables the use of doors and other widgets if the player does not meet the quest requirements //If this is from a script ignore this check (client will be null) if (overrideWidgetType == 0xFF) overrideWidgetType = widget_type; if (client) { bool meets_quest_reqs = MeetsSpawnAccessRequirements(client->GetPlayer()); if (!meets_quest_reqs && (GetQuestsRequiredOverride() & 2) == 0) return; else if (meets_quest_reqs && appearance.show_command_icon != 1) return; } if (client && GetTransporterID() > 0) { client->SetTemporaryTransportID(0); GetZone()->GetTransporters(&destinations, client, GetTransporterID()); } if (destinations.size() && client) client->ProcessTeleport(this, &destinations, GetTransporterID()); else if (overrideWidgetType == WIDGET_TYPE_DOOR || overrideWidgetType == WIDGET_TYPE_LIFT){ Widget* widget = this; if (!action_spawn && action_spawn_id > 0){ Spawn* spawn = GetZone()->GetSpawnByDatabaseID(action_spawn_id); if (spawn && spawn->IsWidget()) action_spawn = (Widget*)spawn; } if (!linked_spawn && linked_spawn_id > 0){ Spawn* spawn = GetZone()->GetSpawnByDatabaseID(linked_spawn_id); if (spawn && spawn->IsWidget()) linked_spawn = (Widget*)spawn; } if (linked_spawn){ widget = linked_spawn; ProcessUse(client ? client->GetPlayer() : nullptr); //fire the first door, then fire the linked door below } else if (action_spawn) { widget = action_spawn; if (!widget->linked_spawn && widget->linked_spawn_id > 0) { Spawn* spawn = GetZone()->GetSpawnByDatabaseID(widget->linked_spawn_id); if (spawn && spawn->IsWidget()) widget->linked_spawn = (Widget*)spawn; } if (widget->linked_spawn) widget->linked_spawn->ProcessUse(client ? client->GetPlayer() : nullptr); } widget->ProcessUse(client ? client->GetPlayer() : nullptr); } else if (client && m_houseID > 0 && strncasecmp("access", command.c_str(), 6) == 0) { // Used a door to enter a house HouseZone* hz = world.GetHouseZone(m_houseID); PlayerHouse* ph = 0; if (hz) ph = world.GetPlayerHouseByHouseID(client->GetPlayer()->GetCharacterID(), hz->id); if (ph) { // if we aren't in our own house we should get the full list of houses we can visit if ( m_houseID && client->GetCurrentZone()->GetInstanceType() != Instance_Type::PERSONAL_HOUSE_INSTANCE ) ClientPacketFunctions::SendHouseVisitWindow(client, world.GetAllPlayerHousesByHouseID(m_houseID)); ClientPacketFunctions::SendBaseHouseWindow(client, hz, ph, client->GetPlayer()->GetID()); client->GetCurrentZone()->SendHouseItems(client); } else { if (hz) ClientPacketFunctions::SendHousePurchase(client, hz, 0); } } else if (client && strncasecmp("access", command.c_str(), 6) == 0 && GetZone()->GetInstanceType() > 0) { // Used a door within a house PlayerHouse* ph = world.GetPlayerHouseByInstanceID(GetZone()->GetInstanceID()); if (ph) { HouseZone* hz = world.GetHouseZone(ph->house_id); if (hz) { int32 id = client->GetPlayer()->GetIDWithPlayerSpawn(this); if (m_houseID) ClientPacketFunctions::SendHouseVisitWindow(client, world.GetAllPlayerHousesByHouseID(m_houseID)); ClientPacketFunctions::SendBaseHouseWindow(client, hz, ph, id); } } } else if (client && m_houseID > 0 && strncasecmp("visit", command.c_str(), 6) == 0) { ClientPacketFunctions::SendHousingList(client); ClientPacketFunctions::SendHouseVisitWindow(client, world.GetAllPlayerHousesByHouseID(m_houseID)); } else if (client && command.length() > 0) { EntityCommand* entity_command = FindEntityCommand(command); if (entity_command) client->GetCurrentZone()->ProcessEntityCommand(entity_command, client->GetPlayer(), client->GetPlayer()->GetTarget()); } }