/* EQ2Emulator: Everquest II Server Emulator Copyright (C) 2007 EQ2EMulator Development Team (http://www.eq2emulator.net) This file is part of EQ2Emulator. EQ2Emulator is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. EQ2Emulator is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with EQ2Emulator. If not, see . */ #ifndef _EQPROTOCOL_H #define _EQPROTOCOL_H #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef WIN32 #include #endif #include "EQPacket.h" #include "Mutex.h" #include "opcodemgr.h" #include "misc.h" #include "Condition.h" #include "Crypto.h" #include "zlib.h" #include "timer.h" using namespace std; typedef enum { ESTABLISHED, CLOSING, CLOSED } EQStreamState; #define FLAG_COMPRESSED 0x01 #define FLAG_ENCODED 0x04 #define RATEBASE 1048576 // 1 MB #define DECAYBASE 78642 // RATEBASE/10 #pragma pack(1) struct SessionRequest { uint32 UnknownA; uint32 Session; uint32 MaxLength; }; struct SessionResponse { uint32 Session; uint32 Key; uint8 UnknownA; uint8 Format; uint8 UnknownB; uint32 MaxLength; uint32 UnknownD; }; //Deltas are in ms, representing round trip times struct ClientSessionStats { /*000*/ uint16 RequestID; /*002*/ uint32 last_local_delta; /*006*/ uint32 average_delta; /*010*/ uint32 low_delta; /*014*/ uint32 high_delta; /*018*/ uint32 last_remote_delta; /*022*/ uint64 packets_sent; /*030*/ uint64 packets_recieved; /*038*/ }; struct ServerSessionStats { uint16 RequestID; uint32 current_time; uint32 unknown1; uint32 received_packets; uint32 unknown2; uint32 sent_packets; uint32 unknown3; uint32 sent_packets2; uint32 unknown4; uint32 received_packets2; }; #pragma pack() class OpcodeManager; extern OpcodeManager *EQNetworkOpcodeManager; class EQStreamFactory; typedef enum { UnknownStream=0, LoginStream, WorldStream, ZoneStream, ChatOrMailStream, ChatStream, MailStream, EQ2Stream, } EQStreamType; class EQStream { protected: uint32 received_packets; uint32 sent_packets; uint32 remote_ip; uint16 remote_port; uint8 buffer[8192]; unsigned char *oversize_buffer; uint32 oversize_offset,oversize_length; uint8 app_opcode_size; EQStreamType StreamType; bool compressed,encoded; //uint32 buffer_len; uint32 Session, Key; uint16 NextInSeq; uint16 NextOutSeq; uint32 MaxLen; uint16 MaxSends; int8 timeout_delays; uint8 active_users; //how many things are actively using this Mutex MInUse; EQStreamState State; Mutex MState; uint32 LastPacket; Mutex MVarlock; EQApplicationPacket* CombinedAppPacket; Mutex MCombinedAppPacket; long LastSeqSent; Mutex MLastSeqSent; void SetLastSeqSent(uint32); // Ack sequence tracking. long MaxAckReceived,NextAckToSend,LastAckSent; long GetMaxAckReceived(); long GetNextAckToSend(); long GetLastAckSent(); void SetMaxAckReceived(uint32 seq); void SetNextAckToSend(uint32); void SetLastAckSent(uint32); Mutex MAcks; // Packets waiting to be sent deque NonSequencedQueue; deque SequencedQueue; map OutOfOrderpackets; Mutex MOutboundQueue; // Packes waiting to be processed deque InboundQueue; Mutex MInboundQueue; static uint16 MaxWindowSize; sint32 BytesWritten; Mutex MRate; sint32 RateThreshold; sint32 DecayRate; EQStreamFactory *Factory; public: Mutex MCombineQueueLock; bool CheckCombineQueue(); deque combine_queue; Timer* combine_timer; Crypto* crypto; int8 EQ2_Compress(EQ2Packet* app, int8 offset = 3); z_stream stream; uchar* stream_buffer; int32 stream_buffer_size; bool eq2_compressed; int8 compressed_offset; int16 client_version; int16 GetClientVersion(){ return client_version; } void SetClientVersion(int16 version){ client_version = version; } EQStream() { init(); remote_ip = 0; remote_port = 0; State = CLOSED; StreamType = UnknownStream; compressed = true; encoded = false; app_opcode_size = 2;} EQStream(sockaddr_in addr); virtual ~EQStream() { RemoveData(); safe_delete(crypto); safe_delete(combine_timer); safe_delete(resend_que_timer); safe_delete_array(oversize_buffer); deque::iterator cmb; MCombineQueueLock.lock(); for (cmb = combine_queue.begin(); cmb != combine_queue.end(); cmb++){ safe_delete(*cmb); } MCombineQueueLock.unlock(); deflateEnd(&stream); map::iterator oop; for (oop = OutOfOrderpackets.begin(); oop != OutOfOrderpackets.end(); oop++){ safe_delete(oop->second); } } inline void SetFactory(EQStreamFactory *f) { Factory=f; } void init(); void SetMaxLen(uint32 length) { MaxLen=length; } int8 getTimeoutDelays(){ return timeout_delays; } void addTimeoutDelay(){ timeout_delays++; } void EQ2QueuePacket(EQ2Packet* app, bool attempted_combine = false); void PreparePacket(EQ2Packet* app, int8 offset = 0); void UnPreparePacket(EQ2Packet* app); void EncryptPacket(EQ2Packet* app, int8 compress_offset, int8 offset); void FlushCombinedPacket(); void SendPacket(EQApplicationPacket *p); void QueuePacket(EQProtocolPacket *p); void SendPacket(EQProtocolPacket *p); vector convert(EQApplicationPacket *p); void NonSequencedPush(EQProtocolPacket *p); void SequencedPush(EQProtocolPacket *p); Mutex MResendQue; Mutex MCompressData; dequeresend_que; void CheckResend(int eq_fd); void Write(int eq_fd); void WritePacket(int fd,EQProtocolPacket *p); void EncryptPacket(uchar* data, int16 size); uint32 GetKey() { return Key; } void SetKey(uint32 k) { Key=k; } void SetSession(uint32 s) { Session=s; } void SetLastPacketTime(uint32 t) {LastPacket=t;} void Process(const unsigned char *data, const uint32 length); void ProcessPacket(EQProtocolPacket *p); bool HandleEmbeddedPacket(EQProtocolPacket *p, int16 offset = 2, int16 length = 0); EQProtocolPacket * ProcessEncryptedPacket(EQProtocolPacket *p); EQProtocolPacket * ProcessEncryptedData(uchar* data, int32 size, int16 opcode); virtual void DispatchPacket(EQApplicationPacket *p) { p->DumpRaw(); } void SendSessionResponse(); void SendSessionRequest(); void SendDisconnect(bool setstate = true); void SendAck(uint16 seq); void SendOutOfOrderAck(uint16 seq); bool CheckTimeout(uint32 now, uint32 timeout=30) { return (LastPacket && (now-LastPacket) > timeout); } bool Stale(uint32 now, uint32 timeout=30) { return (LastPacket && (now-LastPacket) > timeout); } void InboundQueuePush(EQApplicationPacket *p); EQApplicationPacket *PopPacket(); // InboundQueuePop void InboundQueueClear(); void OutboundQueueClear(); bool HasOutgoingData(); void SendKeyRequest(); int16 processRSAKey(EQProtocolPacket *p); void RemoveData() { InboundQueueClear(); OutboundQueueClear(); if (CombinedAppPacket) delete CombinedAppPacket; } // inline bool IsInUse() { bool flag; MInUse.lock(); flag=(active_users>0); MInUse.unlock(); return flag; } inline void PutInUse() { MInUse.lock(); active_users++; MInUse.unlock(); } inline void ReleaseFromUse() { MInUse.lock(); if(active_users > 0) active_users--; MInUse.unlock(); } inline EQStreamState GetState() { return State; } inline void SetState(EQStreamState state) { State=state; } inline uint32 GetRemoteIP() { return remote_ip; } inline uint32 GetrIP() { return remote_ip; } inline uint16 GetRemotePort() { return remote_port; } inline uint16 GetrPort() { return remote_port; } static EQProtocolPacket *Read(int eq_fd, sockaddr_in *from); static sint8 CompareSequence(uint16 expected_seq , uint16 seq); void Close() { SendDisconnect(); } bool CheckActive() { return GetState()==ESTABLISHED; } bool CheckClosed() { return GetState()==CLOSED; } void SetOpcodeSize(uint8 s) { app_opcode_size = s; } void SetStreamType(EQStreamType t); inline const EQStreamType GetStreamType() const { return StreamType; } void ProcessQueue(); EQProtocolPacket* RemoveQueue(uint16 seq); void Decay(); void AdjustRates(uint32 average_delta); Timer* resend_que_timer; }; #endif