// // Copyright 2007-2012 Christian Henning, Lubomir Bourdev // // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0 // See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt // #ifndef BOOST_GIL_EXTENSION_IO_TIFF_DETAIL_WRITE_HPP #define BOOST_GIL_EXTENSION_IO_TIFF_DETAIL_WRITE_HPP #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include extern "C" { #include "tiff.h" #include "tiffio.h" } namespace boost { namespace gil { #if BOOST_WORKAROUND(BOOST_MSVC, >= 1400) #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable:4512) //assignment operator could not be generated #endif namespace detail { template struct my_interleaved_pixel_iterator_type_from_pixel_reference { private: using pixel_t = typename std::remove_reference::type::value_type; public: using type = typename iterator_type_from_pixel < pixel_t, false, false, true >::type; }; template< typename Channel , typename Layout , bool Mutable > struct my_interleaved_pixel_iterator_type_from_pixel_reference< const bit_aligned_pixel_reference< byte_t , Channel , Layout , Mutable > > : public iterator_type_from_pixel< const bit_aligned_pixel_reference< uint8_t , Channel , Layout , Mutable > ,false ,false ,true > {}; struct tiff_write_is_supported { template< typename View > struct apply : public is_write_supported< typename get_pixel_type< View >::type , tiff_tag > {}; }; } // namespace detail /// /// TIFF Writer /// template < typename Device, typename Log > class writer< Device , tiff_tag , Log > : public writer_backend< Device , tiff_tag > { private: using backend_t = writer_backend; public: writer( const Device& io_dev , const image_write_info< tiff_tag >& info ) : backend_t( io_dev , info ) {} template void apply( const View& view ) { write_view( view ); } private: template< typename View > void write_view( const View& view ) { using pixel_t = typename View::value_type; // get the type of the first channel (heterogeneous pixels might be broken for now!) using channel_t = typename channel_traits::type>::value_type; tiff_bits_per_sample::type bits_per_sample = detail::unsigned_integral_num_bits< channel_t >::value; tiff_samples_per_pixel::type samples_per_pixel = num_channels< pixel_t >::value; this->write_header( view ); if( this->_info._is_tiled == false ) { write_data( view , (view.width() * samples_per_pixel * bits_per_sample + 7) / 8 , typename is_bit_aligned< pixel_t >::type() ); } else { tiff_tile_width::type tw = this->_info._tile_width; tiff_tile_length::type th = this->_info._tile_length; if(!this->_io_dev.check_tile_size( tw, th )) { io_error( "Tile sizes need to be multiples of 16." ); } // tile related tags this->_io_dev.template set_property ( tw ); this->_io_dev.template set_property( th ); write_tiled_data( view , tw , th , typename is_bit_aligned< pixel_t >::type() ); } } ////////////////////////////// template void write_bit_aligned_view_to_dev( const View& view , const std::size_t row_size_in_bytes , const std::true_type& // has_alpha ) { byte_vector_t row( row_size_in_bytes ); using x_it_t = typename View::x_iterator; x_it_t row_it = x_it_t( &(*row.begin())); auto pm_view = premultiply_view (view); for( typename View::y_coord_t y = 0; y < pm_view.height(); ++y ) { std::copy( pm_view.row_begin( y ) , pm_view.row_end( y ) , row_it ); this->_io_dev.write_scaline( row , (uint32) y , 0 ); // @todo: do optional bit swapping here if you need to... } } template void write_bit_aligned_view_to_dev( const View& view , const std::size_t row_size_in_bytes , const std::false_type& // has_alpha ) { byte_vector_t row( row_size_in_bytes ); using x_it_t = typename View::x_iterator; x_it_t row_it = x_it_t( &(*row.begin())); for( typename View::y_coord_t y = 0; y < view.height(); ++y ) { std::copy( view.row_begin( y ) , view.row_end( y ) , row_it ); this->_io_dev.write_scaline( row , (uint32) y , 0 ); // @todo: do optional bit swapping here if you need to... } } ///////////////////////////// template< typename View > void write_data( const View& view , std::size_t row_size_in_bytes , const std::true_type& // bit_aligned ) { using colour_space_t = typename color_space_type::type; using has_alpha_t = mp11::mp_contains; write_bit_aligned_view_to_dev(view, row_size_in_bytes, has_alpha_t()); } template< typename View> void write_tiled_data( const View& view , tiff_tile_width::type tw , tiff_tile_length::type th , const std::true_type& // bit_aligned ) { byte_vector_t row( this->_io_dev.get_tile_size() ); using x_it_t = typename View::x_iterator; x_it_t row_it = x_it_t( &(*row.begin())); internal_write_tiled_data(view, tw, th, row, row_it); } template< typename View > void write_data( const View& view , std::size_t , const std::false_type& // bit_aligned ) { std::vector< pixel< typename channel_type< View >::type , layout::type > > > row( view.size() ); byte_t* row_addr = reinterpret_cast< byte_t* >( &row.front() ); // @todo: is there an overhead to doing this when there's no // alpha to premultiply by? I'd hope it's optimised out. auto pm_view = premultiply_view (view); for( typename View::y_coord_t y = 0; y < pm_view.height(); ++y ) { std::copy( pm_view.row_begin( y ) , pm_view.row_end( y ) , row.begin() ); this->_io_dev.write_scaline( row_addr , (uint32) y , 0 ); // @todo: do optional bit swapping here if you need to... } } template< typename View > void write_tiled_data( const View& view , tiff_tile_width::type tw , tiff_tile_length::type th , const std::false_type& // bit_aligned ) { byte_vector_t row( this->_io_dev.get_tile_size() ); using x_iterator = typename detail::my_interleaved_pixel_iterator_type_from_pixel_reference::type; x_iterator row_it = x_iterator( &(*row.begin())); internal_write_tiled_data(view, tw, th, row, row_it); } ////////////////////////////// template< typename View , typename IteratorType > void write_tiled_view_to_dev( const View& view , IteratorType it , const std::true_type& // has_alpha ) { auto pm_view = premultiply_view ( view ); std::copy( pm_view.begin() , pm_view.end() , it ); } template< typename View , typename IteratorType > void write_tiled_view_to_dev( const View& view , IteratorType it , const std::false_type& // has_alpha ) { std::copy( view.begin() , view.end() , it ); } ///////////////////////////// template< typename View, typename IteratorType > void internal_write_tiled_data( const View& view , tiff_tile_width::type tw , tiff_tile_length::type th , byte_vector_t& row , IteratorType it ) { std::ptrdiff_t i = 0, j = 0; View tile_subimage_view; while( i < view.height() ) { while( j < view.width() ) { if( j + tw < view.width() && i + th < view.height() ) { // a tile is fully included in the image: just copy values tile_subimage_view = subimage_view( view , static_cast< int >( j ) , static_cast< int >( i ) , static_cast< int >( tw ) , static_cast< int >( th ) ); using colour_space_t = typename color_space_type::type; using has_alpha_t = mp11::mp_contains; write_tiled_view_to_dev(tile_subimage_view, it, has_alpha_t()); } else { std::ptrdiff_t width = view.width(); std::ptrdiff_t height = view.height(); std::ptrdiff_t current_tile_width = ( j + tw < width ) ? tw : width - j; std::ptrdiff_t current_tile_length = ( i + th < height) ? th : height - i; tile_subimage_view = subimage_view( view , static_cast< int >( j ) , static_cast< int >( i ) , static_cast< int >( current_tile_width ) , static_cast< int >( current_tile_length ) ); for( typename View::y_coord_t y = 0; y < tile_subimage_view.height(); ++y ) { std::copy( tile_subimage_view.row_begin( y ) , tile_subimage_view.row_end( y ) , it ); std::advance(it, tw); } it = IteratorType( &(*row.begin())); } this->_io_dev.write_tile( row , static_cast< uint32 >( j ) , static_cast< uint32 >( i ) , 0 , 0 ); j += tw; } j = 0; i += th; } // @todo: do optional bit swapping here if you need to... } }; /// /// TIFF Dynamic Image Writer /// template< typename Device > class dynamic_image_writer< Device , tiff_tag > : public writer< Device , tiff_tag > { using parent_t = writer; public: dynamic_image_writer( const Device& io_dev , const image_write_info< tiff_tag >& info ) : parent_t( io_dev , info ) {} template< typename Views > void apply( const any_image_view< Views >& views ) { detail::dynamic_io_fnobj< detail::tiff_write_is_supported , parent_t > op( this ); apply_operation( views, op ); } }; #if BOOST_WORKAROUND(BOOST_MSVC, >= 1400) #pragma warning(pop) #endif } // namespace gil } // namespace boost #endif