Shared Library Reference
Includes alias methods and macro. You can include this header or boost/dll/shared_library.hpp to reduce dependencies in case you do not use the refcountable functions. Define this macro to explicitly specify translation unit in which alias must be instantiated. See section 'Limitations' for more info. You may find usage examples in source codes of almost each tutorial. Must be used in code, when BOOST_DLL_FORCE_NO_WEAK_EXPORTS is defined Define this macro to disable exporting weak symbols and start using the BOOST_DLL_FORCE_ALIAS_INSTANTIATION. This may be useful for working around linker problems or to test your program for compatibility with linkers that do not support export of weak symbols. Macro that allows linker to select any occurrence of this symbol instead of failing with 'multiple definitions' error at linktime. This macro does not work on Android, IBM XL C/C++ and MinGW+Windows because of linker problems with exporting weak symbols (See, Name of the section. Must be a valid C identifier without quotes not longer than 8 bytes. Can be "read" or "write" (without quotes!). Macro that puts symbol to a specific section. On MacOS all the sections are put into "__DATA" segment. Function or variable for which an alias must be made. Name of the alias. Must be a valid C identifier.Makes an alias name for exported function or variable. This macro is useful in cases of long mangled C++ names. For example some void boost::foo(std::string) function name will change to something like N5boostN3foosE after mangling. Importing function by N5boostN3foosE name does not looks user friendly, especially assuming the fact that different compilers have different mangling schemes. AliasName is the name that won't be mangled and can be used as a portable import name.Can be used in any namespace, including global. FunctionOrVar must be fully qualified, so that address of it could be taken. Multiple different aliases for a single variable/function are allowed.Make sure that AliasNames are unique per library/executable. Functions or variables in global namespace must not have names same as AliasNames.Same AliasName in different translation units must point to the same FunctionOrVar.Puts all the aliases into the "boostdll" read only section of the binary. Equal to BOOST_DLL_ALIAS_SECTIONED(FunctionOrVar, AliasName, boostdll). Example: namespace foo { void bar(std::string&); BOOST_DLL_ALIAS(foo::bar, foo_bar) } BOOST_DLL_ALIAS(foo::bar, foo_bar_another_alias_name) See: BOOST_DLL_ALIAS_SECTIONED for making alias in a specific section. Function or variable for which an alias must be made. Name of the alias. Must be a valid C identifier. Name of the section. Must be a valid C identifier without quotes not longer than 8 bytes.Same as BOOST_DLL_ALIAS but puts alias name into the user specified section. Example: namespace foo { void bar(std::string&); BOOST_DLL_ALIAS_SECTIONED(foo::bar, foo_bar, sect_1) // section "sect_1" now exports "foo_bar" } Function or variable for which an unmangled alias must be made.Exports variable or function with unmangled alias name. This macro is useful in cases of long mangled C++ names. For example some void boost::foo(std::string) function name will change to something like N5boostN3foosE after mangling. Importing function by N5boostN3foosE name does not looks user friendly, especially assuming the fact that different compilers have different mangling schemes.*Must be used in scope where FunctionOrVar declared. FunctionOrVar must be a valid C name, which means that it must not contain ::.Functions or variables in global namespace must not have names same as FunctionOrVar.Puts all the aliases into the "boostdll" read only section of the binary. Almost same as BOOST_DLL_ALIAS(FunctionOrVar, FunctionOrVar). Example: namespace foo { void bar(std::string&); BOOST_DLL_AUTO_ALIAS(bar) } See: BOOST_DLL_ALIAS for making an alias with different names.
Imports filesystem, error_code, errc, system_error, make_error_code from Boost or C++17 into boost::dll::fs namespace. Alias to std::filesystem::path if BOOST_DLL_USE_STD_FS is defined by user. Alias to boost::filesystem::path otherwise. std::conditional_t< BOOST_DLL_USE_STD_FS, std::filesystem::path, boost::filesystem::path > Alias to std::error_code if BOOST_DLL_USE_STD_FS is defined by user. boost::system::error_code otherwise. std::conditional_t< BOOST_DLL_USE_STD_FS, std::error_code, boost::system::error_code > Alias to std::system_error if BOOST_DLL_USE_STD_FS is defined by user. Alias to boost::system::system_error otherwise. std::conditional_t< BOOST_DLL_USE_STD_FS, std::system_error, boost::system::system_error > Define this macro to make Boost.DLL use C++17's std::filesystem::path, std::system_error and std::error_code.
Contains only the boost::dll::library_info class that is capable of extracting different information from binaries. noncopyableClass that is capable of extracting different information from a library or binary file. Currently understands ELF, MACH-O and PE formats on all the platforms. std::vector< std::string > List of sections that exist in binary file. std::vector< std::string > List of all the exportable symbols from all the sections that exist in binary file. std::vector< std::string >const char *Name of the section from which symbol names must be returned. List of symbols from the specified section. std::vector< std::string >const std::string &This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. const boost::dll::fs::path &Path to the binary file from which the info must be extracted. booltrueThrow an exception if this file format is not supported by OS. Opens file with specified path and prepares for information extraction. Nothing.
Provides methods for getting acceptable by boost::dll::shared_library location of symbol, source line or program. boost::dll::fs::pathTPointer to symbol which location is to be determined. boost::dll::fs::error_code &Variable that will be set to the result of the operation. boost::dll::fs::pathTOn success returns full path and name to the binary object that holds symbol pointed by ptr_to_symbol. Examples: int main() { dll::symbol_location_ptr(std::set_terminate(0)); // returns "/some/path/" dll::symbol_location_ptr(::signal(SIGSEGV, SIG_DFL)); // returns "/some/path/" } Path to the binary object that holds symbol or empty path in case error. std::bad_alloc in case of insufficient memory. Overload that does not accept boost::dll::fs::error_code also throws boost::dll::fs::system_error. boost::dll::fs::pathconst T &Symbol which location is to be determined. boost::dll::fs::error_code &Variable that will be set to the result of the operation. boost::dll::fs::pathconst T &On success returns full path and name of the binary object that holds symbol. Examples: int var; void foo() {} int main() { dll::symbol_location(var); // returns program location dll::symbol_location(foo); // returns program location dll::symbol_location(std::cerr); // returns location of libstdc++: "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/" dll::symbol_location(std::placeholders::_1); // returns location of libstdc++: "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/" dll::symbol_location(std::puts); // returns location of libc: "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/" } Path to the binary object that holds symbol or empty path in case error. std::bad_alloc in case of insufficient memory. Overload that does not accept boost::dll::fs::error_code also throws boost::dll::fs::system_error. boost::dll::fs::pathboost::dll::fs::error_code &Variable that will be set to the result of the operation. boost::dll::fs::pathOn success returns full path and name of the binary object that holds the current line of code (the line in which the this_line_location() method was called). std::bad_alloc in case of insufficient memory. Overload that does not accept boost::dll::fs::error_code also throws boost::dll::fs::system_error. boost::dll::fs::pathboost::dll::fs::error_code &Variable that will be set to the result of the operation. boost::dll::fs::pathOn success returns full path and name of the currently running program (the one which contains the main() function).Return value can be used as a parameter for shared_library. See Tutorial "Linking plugin into the executable" for usage example. Flag '-rdynamic' must be used when linking the plugin into the executable on Linux OS. std::bad_alloc in case of insufficient memory. Overload that does not accept boost::dll::fs::error_code also throws boost::dll::fs::system_error.
Contains the boost::dll::shared_library class, core class for all the DLL/DSO operations. This class can be used to load a Dynamic link libraries (DLL's) or Shared Libraries, also know as dynamic shared objects (DSO's) and get their exported symbols (functions and variables). shared_library instances share reference count to an actual loaded DLL/DSO, so it is safe and memory efficient to have multiple instances of shared_library referencing the same DLL/DSO even if those instances were loaded using different paths (relative + absolute) referencing the same object.On Linux/POSIX link with library "dl". "-fvisibility=hidden" flag is also recommended for use on Linux/POSIX. platform_specific shared_library &const shared_library &A library to copy. boost::dll::fs::error_code &Variable that will be set to the result of the operation. Makes *this share the same shared object as lib. If *this is loaded, then unloads it. lib.location() == this->location(), lib == *this std::bad_alloc in case of insufficient memory. shared_library &const shared_library &A library instance to assign from. Makes *this share the same shared object as lib. If *this is loaded, then unloads it. lib.location() == this->location() voidconst boost::dll::fs::path &Library file name. Can handle std::string, const char*, std::wstring, const wchar_t* or boost::dll::fs::path. load_mode::typeload_mode::default_modeA mode that will be used on library load. Loads a library by specified path with a specified mode.Note that if some library is already loaded in this instance, load will call unload() and then load the new provided library. voidconst boost::dll::fs::path &Library file name. Can handle std::string, const char*, std::wstring, const wchar_t* or boost::dll::fs::path. boost::dll::fs::error_code &Variable that will be set to the result of the operation. load_mode::typeload_mode::default_modeA mode that will be used on library load. Loads a library by specified path with a specified mode.Note that if some library is already loaded in this instance, load will call unload() and then load the new provided library. std::bad_alloc in case of insufficient memory. voidconst boost::dll::fs::path &load_mode::typeboost::dll::fs::error_code &This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. voidUnloads a shared library. If library was loaded multiple times by different instances, the actual DLL/DSO won't be unloaded until there is at least one instance that references the DLL/DSO. this->is_loaded() returns false. Nothing. boolCheck if an library is loaded. true if a library has been loaded. Nothing. boolCheck if an library is not loaded. true if a library has not been loaded. Nothing. boolCheck if an library is loaded. true if a library has been loaded. Nothing. boolconst char *Null-terminated symbol name. Can handle std::string, char*, const char*. Search for a given symbol on loaded library. Works for all symbols, including alias names. true if the loaded library contains a symbol with a given name. Nothing. boolconst std::string &This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. boost::enable_if_c< boost::is_member_pointer< T >::value||boost::is_reference< T >::value, T >::typeconst std::string &Null-terminated symbol name. Can handle std::string, char*, const char*. Returns reference to the symbol (function or variable) with the given name from the loaded library. This call will always succeed and throw nothing if call to has(const char* ) member function with the same symbol name returned true.Example: int& i0 = lib.get<int>("integer_name"); int& i1 = *lib.get<int*>("integer_alias_name"); Reference to the symbol. boost::disable_if_c< boost::is_member_pointer< T >::value||boost::is_reference< T >::value, T & >::typeconst std::string &This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. boost::enable_if_c< boost::is_member_pointer< T >::value||boost::is_reference< T >::value, T >::typeconst char *This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. boost::disable_if_c< boost::is_member_pointer< T >::value||boost::is_reference< T >::value, T & >::typeconst char *This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. T &const char *Null-terminated alias symbol name. Can handle std::string, char*, const char*. Returns a symbol (function or variable) from a shared library by alias name of the symbol.Example: int& i = lib.get_alias<int>("integer_alias_name"); T &const std::string &This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. native_handle_tReturns the native handler of the loaded library. Platform-specific handle. boost::dll::fs::pathReturns full path and name of this shared object.Example: shared_library lib("test_lib.dll"); filesystem::path full_path = lib.location(); // C:\Windows\System32\test_lib.dll Full path to the shared library. boost::dll::fs::pathboost::dll::fs::error_code &Variable that will be set to the result of the operation. Returns full path and name of shared module.Example: shared_library lib("test_lib.dll"); filesystem::path full_path = lib.location(); // C:\Windows\System32\test_lib.dll Full path to the shared library. std::bad_alloc. voidshared_library &Library to swap with. Swaps two libraries. Does not invalidate existing symbols and functions loaded from libraries. Nothing. Creates in anstance that does not reference any DLL/DSO. this->is_loaded() returns false. Nothing. const shared_library &A library to copy. Copy constructor that increments the reference count of an underlying shared library. Same as calling constructor with lib.location() parameter. lib == *this const shared_library &A shared library to copy. boost::dll::fs::error_code &Variable that will be set to the result of the operation. Copy constructor that increments the reference count of an underlying shared library. Same as calling constructor with lib.location(), ec parameters. lib == *this std::bad_alloc in case of insufficient memory. shared_library &&A shared library to move from. Move constructor. Does not invalidate existing symbols and functions loaded from lib. lib.is_loaded() returns false, this->is_loaded() return true. Nothing. const boost::dll::fs::path &Library file name. Can handle std::string, const char*, std::wstring, const wchar_t* or boost::dll::fs::path. load_mode::typeload_mode::default_modeA mode that will be used on library load. Loads a library by specified path with a specified mode. const boost::dll::fs::path &Library file name. Can handle std::string, const char*, std::wstring, const wchar_t* or boost::dll::fs::path. boost::dll::fs::error_code &Variable that will be set to the result of the operation. load_mode::typeload_mode::default_modeA mode that will be used on library load. Loads a library by specified path with a specified mode. std::bad_alloc in case of insufficient memory. const boost::dll::fs::path &load_mode::typeboost::dll::fs::error_code &This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. shared_library &const shared_library &A shared library to assign from. Assignment operator. If this->is_loaded() then calls this->unload(). Does not invalidate existing symbols and functions loaded from lib. lib == *this shared_library &shared_library &&A library to move from. Move assignment operator. If this->is_loaded() then calls this->unload(). Does not invalidate existing symbols and functions loaded from lib. lib.is_loaded() returns false. Nothing. Destroys the object by calling unload(). If library was loaded multiple times by different instances, the actual DLL/DSO won't be unloaded until there is at least one instance that references the DLL/DSO. Nothing. boost::dll::fs::pathReturns suffix of shared module: in a call to load() or the constructor/load. The suffix od shared module: ".dll" (Windows), ".so" (Unix/Linux/BSD), ".dylib" (MacOS/IOS) boost::dll::fs::pathconst boost::dll::fs::path &the module name and path to decorate - for instance : /usr/lib/boostReturns the decorated path to a shared module name, i.e. with needed prefix/suffix added.Recommendations: Use load with load_mode::append_decorations instead of constructing the decorated path via decorate() and loading by it.For instance, for a path like "path/to/boost" it returns : path/to/ on posix platforms path/to/libboost.dylib on OSX path/to/boost.dll on Windows Method handles both relative and absolute paths. Windows note: decorate() does not prepend "lib" to the decorated path. Use load with load_mode::append_decorations for MinGW compatibility purpose. Posix note: if the initial module name is already prepended with lib, only the suffix() is appended to the path The decorated unportable path that may not exists in the filesystem or could be wrong due to platform specifics. boolconst shared_library &const shared_library &Very fast equality check that compares the actual DLL/DSO objects. Throws nothing. boolconst shared_library &const shared_library &Very fast inequality check that compares the actual DLL/DSO objects. Throws nothing. boolconst shared_library &const shared_library &Compare the actual DLL/DSO objects without any guarantee to be stable between runs. Throws nothing. voidshared_library &shared_library &Swaps two shared libraries. Does not invalidate symbols and functions loaded from libraries. Throws nothing.
Contains only the boost::dll::load_mode::type enum and operators related to it. Default open mode. See the Default: comments below to find out the flags that are enabled by default. Platforms: WindowsDefault: disabledIf this value is used, and the executable module is a DLL, the system does not call DllMain for process and thread initialization and termination. Also, the system does not load additional executable modules that are referenced by the specified module.Note Do not use this value; it is provided only for backward compatibility. If you are planning to access only data or resources in the DLL, use LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE_EXCLUSIVE or LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_IMAGE_RESOURCE or both. Platforms: WindowsDefault: disabledIf this value is used, the system does not check AppLocker rules or apply Software Restriction Policies for the DLL. Platforms: WindowsDefault: disabledIf this value is used and lpFileName specifies an absolute path, the system uses the alternate file search strategy.This value cannot be combined with any LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH flag. Platforms: POSIXDefault: enabledRelocations shall be performed at an implementation-defined time, ranging from the time of the dlopen() call until the first reference to a given symbol occurs.Specifying RTLD_LAZY should improve performance on implementations supporting dynamic symbol binding as a process may not reference all of the functions in any given object. And, for systems supporting dynamic symbol resolution for normal process execution, this behavior mimics the normal handling of process execution. Platforms: POSIXDefault: disabledAll necessary relocations shall be performed when the object is first loaded. This may waste some processing if relocations are performed for functions that are never referenced. This behavior may be useful for plugins that need to know as soon as an object is loaded that all symbols referenced during execution are available. Platforms: POSIXDefault: disabledThe object's symbols shall be made available for the relocation processing of any other object. In addition, symbol lookup using dlopen(0, mode) and an associated dlsym() allows objects loaded with this mode to be searched. Platforms: POSIXDefault: enabledThe object's symbols shall not be made available for the relocation processing of any other object.This is a default Windows behavior that can not be changed. Platforms: POSIX (requires glibc >= 2.3.4)Default: disabledThe object will use its own symbols in preference to global symbols with the same name contained in libraries that have already been loaded. This flag is not specified in POSIX.1-2001. Platforms: Windows, POSIXDefault: disabledAppend a platform specific extension and prefix to shared library filename before trying to load it. If load attempt fails, try to load with exactly specified name.Example: // Opens `./my_plugins/plugin1.dll` on Windows, `./my_plugins/` on Linux, `./my_plugins/libplugin1.dylib` on MacOS. // If that fails, loads `./my_plugins/plugin1` boost::dll::shared_library lib("./my_plugins/plugin1", load_mode::append_decorations); Platforms: Windows, POSIXDefault: disabledAllow loading from system folders if path to library contains no parent path. Library load modes.Each of system family provides own modes. Flags not supported by a particular platform will be silently ignored.For a detailed description of platform specific options see: Windows specific options, POSIX specific options. BOOST_CONSTEXPR typetypetypeFree operators for load_mode::type flag manipulation. BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR type &type &type BOOST_CONSTEXPR typetypetype BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR type &type &type BOOST_CONSTEXPR typetypetype BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR type &type &type BOOST_CONSTEXPR typetype
Contains the boost::dll::experimental::smart_library class for loading mangled symbols. Extremely experimental! Requires C++14! Will change in next version of Boost! boost/dll/smart_library.hpp is not included in boost/dll.hpp This class is an extension of shared_library, which allows to load C++ symbols. This class allows type safe loading of overloaded functions, member-functions, constructors and variables. It also allows to overwrite classes so they can be loaded, while being declared with different names.Is still very experimental. Currently known limitations:Member functions must be defined outside of the class to be exported. That is: //not exported: struct BOOST_SYMBOL_EXPORT my_class { void func() {}}; //exported struct BOOST_SYMBOL_EXPORT my_class { void func();}; void my_class::func() {}; With the current analysis, the first version does get exported in MSVC. MinGW also does export it, BOOST_SYMBOL_EXPORT is written before it. To allow this on windows one can use BOOST_DLL_MEMBER_EXPORT for this, so that MinGW and MSVC can provide those functions. This does however not work with gcc on linux.Direct initialization of members. On linux the following member variable i will not be initialized when using the allocating constructor: struct BOOST_SYMBOL_EXPORT my_class { int i; my_class() : i(42) {} }; This does however not happen when the value is set inside the constructor function. unspecified const shared_library &Get the underlying shared_library const mangled_storage &Access to the mangled storage, which is created on construction. Nothing. mangled_storage &Overload, for current development. voidconst boost::dll::fs::path &Library file name. Can handle std::string, const char*, std::wstring, const wchar_t* or boost::dll::fs::path. load_mode::typeload_mode::default_modeA mode that will be used on library load. Loads a library by specified path with a specified mode.Note that if some library is already loaded in this instance, load will call unload() and then load the new provided library. voidconst boost::dll::fs::path &Library file name. Can handle std::string, const char*, std::wstring, const wchar_t* or boost::dll::fs::path. boost::dll::fs::error_code &Variable that will be set to the result of the operation. load_mode::typeload_mode::default_modeA mode that will be used on library load. Loads a library by specified path with a specified mode.Note that if some library is already loaded in this instance, load will call unload() and then load the new provided library. std::bad_alloc in case of insufficient memory. voidconst boost::dll::fs::path &load_mode::typeboost::dll::fs::error_code &This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. T &const std::string &Name of the variable Load a variable from the referenced library.Unlinke shared_library::get this function will also load scoped variables, which also includes static class members.When mangled, MSVC will also check the type. A reference to the variable of type T. Func &const std::string &Name of the function. Load a function from the referenced library.Example: smart_library lib(""); typedef int (&add_ints)(int, int); typedef double (&add_doubles)(double, double); add_ints f1 = lib.get_function<int(int, int)> ("func_name"); add_doubles f2 = lib.get_function<double(double, double)>("func_name"); When mangled, MSVC will also check the return type. A reference to the function of type F. unspecifiedconst std::string &Name of the function. Load a member-function from the referenced library.Example (import class is MyClass, which is available inside the library and the host):smart_library lib(""); typedef int MyClass(*func)(int); typedef int MyClass(*func_const)(int) const; add_ints f1 = lib.get_mem_fn<MyClass, int(int)> ("MyClass::function"); add_doubles f2 = lib.get_mem_fn<const MyClass, double(double)>("MyClass::function"); When mangled, MSVC will also check the return type. A pointer to the member-function with the signature provided constructor< Signature >Load a constructor from the referenced library.Example (import class is MyClass, which is available inside the library and the host):smart_library lib(""); constructor<MyClass(int) f1 = lib.get_mem_fn<MyClass(int)>(); A constructor object. destructor< Class >Load a destructor from the referenced library.Example (import class is MyClass, which is available inside the library and the host):smart_library lib(""); destructor<MyClass> f1 = lib.get_mem_fn<MyClass>(); A destructor object. const std::type_info &Load the typeinfo of the given type.Example (import class is MyClass, which is available inside the library and the host):smart_library lib(""); std::type_info &ti = lib.get_Type_info<MyClass>(); A reference to a type_info object. voidconst std::string &Name of the class the alias is for.This function can be used to add a type alias.This is to be used, when a class shall be imported, which is not declared on the host side.Example: smart_library lib(""); lib.add_type_alias<MyAlias>("MyClass"); //when using MyAlias, the library will look for MyClass //get the destructor of MyClass destructor<MyAlias> dtor = lib.get_destructor<MyAlias>(); If the alias-type is not large enough for the imported class, it will result in undefined behaviour. The alias will only be applied for the type signature, it will not replace the token in the scoped name. voidUnloads a shared library. If library was loaded multiple times by different instances, the actual DLL/DSO won't be unloaded until there is at least one instance that references the DLL/DSO. this->is_loaded() returns false. Nothing. boolCheck if an library is loaded. true if a library has been loaded. Nothing. boolCheck if an library is not loaded. true if a library has not been loaded. Nothing. boolbool() const bool() const boolconst char *Null-terminated symbol name. Can handle std::string, char*, const char*. Search for a given symbol on loaded library. Works for all symbols, including alias names. true if the loaded library contains a symbol with a given name. Nothing. boolconst std::string &This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. smart_library &const smart_library &A library instance to assign from. Makes *this share the same shared object as lib. If *this is loaded, then unloads it. lib.location() == this->location() voidsmart_library &Library to swap with. Swaps two libraries. Does not invalidate existing symbols and functions loaded from libraries. Nothing. Creates in anstance that does not reference any DLL/DSO. this->is_loaded() returns false. Nothing. const boost::dll::fs::path &Library file name. Can handle std::string, const char*, std::wstring, const wchar_t* or boost::dll::fs::path. load_mode::typeload_mode::default_modeA mode that will be used on library load. Loads a library by specified path with a specified mode. const boost::dll::fs::path &Library file name. Can handle std::string, const char*, std::wstring, const wchar_t* or boost::dll::fs::path. boost::dll::fs::error_code &Variable that will be set to the result of the operation. load_mode::typeload_mode::default_modeA mode that will be used on library load. Loads a library by specified path with a specified mode. std::bad_alloc in case of insufficient memory. const boost::dll::fs::path &load_mode::typeboost::dll::fs::error_code &This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. const smart_library &A smart_library to move from.copy a smart_library object. Nothing. smart_library &&A smart_library to move from.Move a smart_library object. Nothing. const shared_library &A shared_library to move from.Construct from a shared_library object. Nothing. shared_library &&A shared_library to move from.Construct from a shared_library object. Nothing. Destroys the smart_library. unload() is called if the DLL/DSO was loaded. If library was loaded multiple times by different instances of shared_library, the actual DLL/DSO won't be unloaded until there is at least one instance of shared_library. Nothing. boolconst smart_library &const smart_library &Very fast equality check that compares the actual DLL/DSO objects. Throws nothing. boolconst smart_library &const smart_library &Very fast inequality check that compares the actual DLL/DSO objects. Throws nothing. boolconst smart_library &const smart_library &Compare the actual DLL/DSO objects without any guarantee to be stable between runs. Throws nothing. voidsmart_library &smart_library &Swaps two shared libraries. Does not invalidate symbols and functions loaded from libraries. Throws nothing. voidconst smart_library &A reference to the smart_library const std::string &The name of the entity to import Helper functions for overloads.Gets either a variable, function or member-function, depending on the signature.smart_library sm(""); get<int>(sm, "space::value"); //import a variable get<void(int)>(sm, "space::func"); //import a function get<some_class, void(int)>(sm, "space::class_::mem_fn"); //import a member function T &const smart_library &const std::string &typename boost::enable_if< boost::is_object< T >, T >::type *nullptr autoconst smart_library &const std::string &typename boost::enable_if< boost::is_function< T >>::type *nullptr autoconst smart_library &A reference to the smart_library const std::string &The name of the entity to import Helper functions for overloads.Gets either a variable, function or member-function, depending on the signature.smart_library sm(""); get<int>(sm, "space::value"); //import a variable get<void(int)>(sm, "space::func"); //import a function get<some_class, void(int)>(sm, "space::class_::mem_fn"); //import a member function