// Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library) // Unit Test // Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Barend Gehrels, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. // Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License, // Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) #define BOOST_GEOMETRY_DEFINE_STREAM_OPERATOR_SEGMENT_RATIO //#define BOOST_GEOMETRY_TEST_ONLY_ONE_TYPE //#define BOOST_GEOMETRY_OVERLAY_NO_THROW //#define HAVE_TTMATH #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_TTMATH # include #endif #include // #define BOOST_GEOMETRY_DEBUG_ENRICH //#define BOOST_GEOMETRY_DEBUG_RELATIVE_ORDER // #define BOOST_GEOMETRY_REPORT_OVERLAY_ERROR // #define BOOST_GEOMETRY_DEBUG_SEGMENT_IDENTIFIER #define BOOST_GEOMETRY_TEST_OVERLAY_NOT_EXCHANGED #ifdef BOOST_GEOMETRY_DEBUG_ENRICH # define BOOST_GEOMETRY_DEBUG_IDENTIFIER #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(TEST_WITH_SVG) # include #endif #include #include template static inline std::string operation() { switch(Op) { case bg::overlay_union : return "union"; case bg::overlay_intersection : return "intersection"; case bg::overlay_difference : return "difference"; } return "unknown"; } namespace detail { template < typename G1, typename G2, bg::overlay_type OverlayType, bool Reverse1, bool Reverse2 > struct test_traverse { static void apply(std::string const& id, std::size_t expected_count, double expected_area, G1 const& g1, G2 const& g2, double precision) { // DEBUG ONE or FEW CASE(S) ONLY //if (! boost::contains(id, "36") || Direction != 1) return; //if (! boost::contains(id, "iet_") || boost::contains(id, "st")) return; //if (! boost::contains(id, "66") || Direction != 1) return; //if (! boost::contains(id, "92") && ! boost::contains(id, "96") ) return; //if (! (boost::contains(id, "58_st") || boost::contains(id, "59_st") || boost::contains(id, "60_st") || boost::contains(id, "83")) ) return; //if (! (boost::contains(id, "81") || boost::contains(id, "82") || boost::contains(id, "84") || boost::contains(id, "85") || boost::contains(id, "68")) ) return; //if (! (boost::contains(id, "81") || boost::contains(id, "86") || boost::contains(id, "88")) ) return; //if (! boost::contains(id, "58_") || Direction != 1) return; //if (! boost::contains(id, "55") || Direction != 1) return; //if (! boost::contains(id, "55_iet_iet") || Direction != 1) return; //if (! boost::contains(id, "55_st_iet") || Direction != 1) return; //if (! boost::contains(id, "55_iet_st") || Direction != 1) return; //if (! boost::contains(id, "54_st_st") || Direction != 1) return; //if (! boost::contains(id, "54_iet_st") || Direction != 1) return; //if (! (boost::contains(id, "54_") || boost::contains(id, "55_")) || Direction != 1) return; //if (Direction != 1) return; // END DEBUG ONE ... /*** FOR REVERSING ONLY { // If one or both are invalid (e.g. ccw), // they can be corrected by uncommenting this section G1 cg1 = g1; G2 cg2 = g2; bg::correct(cg1); bg::correct(cg2); std::cout << std::setprecision(12) << bg::wkt(cg1) << std::endl << bg::wkt(cg2) << std::endl; } ***/ #if defined(BOOST_GEOMETRY_DEBUG_OVERLAY) || defined(BOOST_GEOMETRY_DEBUG_ENRICH) bool const ccw = bg::point_order::value == bg::counterclockwise || bg::point_order::value == bg::counterclockwise; std::cout << std::endl << "TRAVERSE" << " " << id << (ccw ? "_ccw" : "") << " " << string_from_type::type>::name() << "(" << OverlayType << ")" << std::endl; //std::cout << bg::area(g1) << " " << bg::area(g2) << std::endl; #endif typedef typename bg::strategy::side::services::default_strategy < typename bg::cs_tag::type >::type side_strategy_type; typedef typename bg::point_type::type point_type; typedef typename bg::rescale_policy_type::type rescale_policy_type; rescale_policy_type rescale_policy = bg::get_rescale_policy(g1, g2); typedef bg::detail::overlay::traversal_turn_info < point_type, typename bg::detail::segment_ratio_type::type > turn_info; std::vector turns; bg::detail::overlay::operation_type const op = OverlayType == bg::overlay_union ? bg::detail::overlay::operation_union : bg::detail::overlay::operation_intersection; bg::detail::get_turns::no_interrupt_policy policy; bg::get_turns(g1, g2, rescale_policy, turns, policy); bg::enrich_intersection_points(turns, op, g1, g2, rescale_policy, side_strategy_type()); typedef bg::model::ring::type> ring_type; typedef std::vector out_vector; out_vector v; bg::detail::overlay::overlay_null_visitor visitor; bg::detail::overlay::traverse < Reverse1, Reverse2, G1, G2 >::apply(g1, g2, op, rescale_policy, turns, v, visitor); // Check number of resulting rings BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(expected_count == boost::size(v), "traverse: " << id << " (" << operation() << ")" << " #shapes expected: " << expected_count << " detected: " << boost::size(v) << " type: " << string_from_type ::type>::name() ); // Check total area of resulting rings typename bg::default_area_result::type total_area = 0; BOOST_FOREACH(ring_type const& ring, v) { total_area += bg::area(ring); //std::cout << bg::wkt(ring) << std::endl; } BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(expected_area, total_area, precision); #if defined(TEST_WITH_SVG) { std::ostringstream filename; filename << "traverse_" << operation() << "_" << id << "_" << string_from_type::type>::name() << ".svg"; std::ofstream svg(filename.str().c_str()); bg::svg_mapper::type> mapper(svg, 500, 500); mapper.add(g1); mapper.add(g2); // Input shapes in green (src=0) / blue (src=1) mapper.map(g1, "fill-opacity:0.5;fill:rgb(153,204,0);" "stroke:rgb(153,204,0);stroke-width:3"); mapper.map(g2, "fill-opacity:0.3;fill:rgb(51,51,153);" "stroke:rgb(51,51,153);stroke-width:3"); // Traversal rings in magenta outline/red fill -> over blue/green this gives brown BOOST_FOREACH(ring_type const& ring, v) { mapper.map(ring, "fill-opacity:0.2;stroke-opacity:0.4;fill:rgb(255,0,0);" "stroke:rgb(255,0,255);stroke-width:8"); } // turn points in orange, + enrichment/traversal info typedef typename bg::coordinate_type::type coordinate_type; // Simple map to avoid two texts at same place (note that can still overlap!) std::map, int> offsets; int index = 0; int const margin = 5; BOOST_FOREACH(turn_info const& turn, turns) { int lineheight = 8; mapper.map(turn.point, "fill:rgb(255,128,0);" "stroke:rgb(0,0,0);stroke-width:1", 3); { coordinate_type half = 0.5; coordinate_type ten = 10; // Map characteristics // Create a rounded off point std::pair p = std::make_pair( boost::numeric_cast(half + ten * bg::get<0>(turn.point)), boost::numeric_cast(half + ten * bg::get<1>(turn.point)) ); std::string style = "fill:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:Arial;font-size:8px"; if (turn.colocated) { style = "fill:rgb(255,0,0);font-family:Arial;font-size:8px"; } else if (turn.discarded) { style = "fill:rgb(92,92,92);font-family:Arial;font-size:6px"; lineheight = 6; } //if (! turn.is_discarded() && ! turn.blocked() && ! turn.both(bg::detail::overlay::operation_union)) //if (! turn.discarded) { std::ostringstream out; out << index << ": " << bg::method_char(turn.method) << std::endl << "op: " << bg::operation_char(turn.operations[0].operation) << " / " << bg::operation_char(turn.operations[1].operation) //<< (turn.is_discarded() ? " (discarded) " : turn.blocked() ? " (blocked)" : "") << std::endl; out << "r: " << turn.operations[0].fraction << " ; " << turn.operations[1].fraction << std::endl; if (turn.operations[0].enriched.next_ip_index != -1) { out << "ip: " << turn.operations[0].enriched.next_ip_index; } else { out << "vx: " << turn.operations[0].enriched.travels_to_vertex_index << " -> ip: " << turn.operations[0].enriched.travels_to_ip_index; } out << " / "; if (turn.operations[1].enriched.next_ip_index != -1) { out << "ip: " << turn.operations[1].enriched.next_ip_index; } else { out << "vx: " << turn.operations[1].enriched.travels_to_vertex_index << " -> ip: " << turn.operations[1].enriched.travels_to_ip_index; } out << std::endl; /*out << std::setprecision(3) << "dist: " << boost::numeric_cast(turn.operations[0].enriched.distance) << " / " << boost::numeric_cast(turn.operations[1].enriched.distance) << std::endl << "vis: " << bg::visited_char(turn.operations[0].visited) << " / " << bg::visited_char(turn.operations[1].visited); */ /* out << index << ": " << bg::operation_char(turn.operations[0].operation) << " " << bg::operation_char(turn.operations[1].operation) << " (" << bg::method_char(turn.method) << ")" << (turn.ignore() ? " (ignore) " : " ") << std::endl << "ip: " << turn.operations[0].enriched.travels_to_ip_index << "/" << turn.operations[1].enriched.travels_to_ip_index; if (turn.operations[0].enriched.next_ip_index != -1 || turn.operations[1].enriched.next_ip_index != -1) { out << " [" << turn.operations[0].enriched.next_ip_index << "/" << turn.operations[1].enriched.next_ip_index << "]" ; } out << std::endl; out << "vx:" << turn.operations[0].enriched.travels_to_vertex_index << "/" << turn.operations[1].enriched.travels_to_vertex_index << std::endl << std::setprecision(3) << "dist: " << turn.operations[0].fraction << " / " << turn.operations[1].fraction << std::endl; */ offsets[p] += lineheight; int offset = offsets[p]; offsets[p] += lineheight * 3; mapper.text(turn.point, out.str(), style, margin, offset, lineheight); } index++; } } } #endif } }; } template < typename G1, typename G2, bg::overlay_type OverlayType, bool Reverse1 = false, bool Reverse2 = false > struct test_traverse { typedef detail::test_traverse < G1, G2, OverlayType, Reverse1, Reverse2 > detail_test_traverse; inline static void apply(std::string const& id, std::size_t expected_count, double expected_area, std::string const& wkt1, std::string const& wkt2, double precision = 0.001) { if (wkt1.empty() || wkt2.empty()) { return; } G1 g1; bg::read_wkt(wkt1, g1); G2 g2; bg::read_wkt(wkt2, g2); bg::correct(g1); bg::correct(g2); //std::cout << bg::wkt(g1) << std::endl; //std::cout << bg::wkt(g2) << std::endl; // Try the overlay-function in both ways std::string caseid = id; //goto case_reversed; #ifdef BOOST_GEOMETRY_DEBUG_INTERSECTION std::cout << std::endl << std::endl << "# " << caseid << std::endl; #endif detail_test_traverse::apply(caseid, expected_count, expected_area, g1, g2, precision); #ifdef BOOST_GEOMETRY_DEBUG_INTERSECTION return; #endif //case_reversed: #if ! defined(BOOST_GEOMETRY_TEST_OVERLAY_NOT_EXCHANGED) caseid = id + "_rev"; #ifdef BOOST_GEOMETRY_DEBUG_INTERSECTION std::cout << std::endl << std::endl << "# " << caseid << std::endl; #endif detail_test_traverse::apply(caseid, expected_count, expected_area, g2, g1, precision); #endif } }; #if ! defined(BOOST_GEOMETRY_TEST_MULTI) template void test_all(bool test_self_tangencies = true, bool test_mixed = false) { typedef bg::model::point P; typedef bg::model::polygon

polygon; //typedef bg::model::box

box; typedef test_traverse < polygon, polygon, bg::overlay_intersection > test_traverse_intersection; typedef test_traverse < polygon, polygon, bg::overlay_union > test_traverse_union; // 1-6 test_traverse_intersection::apply("1", 1, 5.4736, case_1[0], case_1[1]); test_traverse_intersection::apply("2", 1, 12.0545, case_2[0], case_2[1]); test_traverse_intersection::apply("3", 1, 5, case_3[0], case_3[1]); test_traverse_intersection::apply("4", 1, 10.2212, case_4[0], case_4[1]); test_traverse_intersection::apply("5", 2, 12.8155, case_5[0], case_5[1]); test_traverse_intersection::apply("6", 1, 4.5, case_6[0], case_6[1]); // 7-12 test_traverse_intersection::apply("7", 0, 0, case_7[0], case_7[1]); test_traverse_intersection::apply("8", 0, 0, case_8[0], case_8[1]); test_traverse_intersection::apply("9", 0, 0, case_9[0], case_9[1]); test_traverse_intersection::apply("10", 0, 0, case_10[0], case_10[1]); test_traverse_intersection::apply("11", 1, 1, case_11[0], case_11[1]); test_traverse_intersection::apply("12", 2, 0.63333, case_12[0], case_12[1]); // 13-18 test_traverse_intersection::apply("13", 0, 0, case_13[0], case_13[1]); test_traverse_intersection::apply("14", 0, 0, case_14[0], case_14[1]); test_traverse_intersection::apply("15", 0, 0, case_15[0], case_15[1]); test_traverse_intersection::apply("16", 0, 0, case_16[0], case_16[1]); test_traverse_intersection::apply("17", 1, 2, case_17[0], case_17[1]); test_traverse_intersection::apply("18", 1, 2, case_18[0], case_18[1]); // 19-24 test_traverse_intersection::apply("19", 0, 0, case_19[0], case_19[1]); test_traverse_intersection::apply("20", 1, 5.5, case_20[0], case_20[1]); test_traverse_intersection::apply("21", 0, 0, case_21[0], case_21[1]); test_traverse_intersection::apply("22", 0, 0, case_22[0], case_22[1]); test_traverse_intersection::apply("23", 1, 1.4, case_23[0], case_23[1]); test_traverse_intersection::apply("24", 1, 1.0, case_24[0], case_24[1]); // 25-30 test_traverse_intersection::apply("25", 0, 0, case_25[0], case_25[1]); test_traverse_intersection::apply("26", 0, 0, case_26[0], case_26[1]); test_traverse_intersection::apply("27", 1, 0.9545454, case_27[0], case_27[1]); test_traverse_intersection::apply("28", 1, 0.9545454, case_28[0], case_28[1]); test_traverse_intersection::apply("29", 1, 1.4, case_29[0], case_29[1]); test_traverse_intersection::apply("30", 1, 0.5, case_30[0], case_30[1]); // 31-36 test_traverse_intersection::apply("31", 0, 0, case_31[0], case_31[1]); test_traverse_intersection::apply("32", 0, 0, case_32[0], case_32[1]); test_traverse_intersection::apply("33", 0, 0, case_33[0], case_33[1]); test_traverse_intersection::apply("34", 1, 0.5, case_34[0], case_34[1]); test_traverse_intersection::apply("35", 1, 1.0, case_35[0], case_35[1]); test_traverse_intersection::apply("36", 1, 1.625, case_36[0], case_36[1]); // 37-42 test_traverse_intersection::apply("37", 2, 0.666666, case_37[0], case_37[1]); test_traverse_intersection::apply("38", 2, 0.971429, case_38[0], case_38[1]); test_traverse_intersection::apply("39", 1, 24, case_39[0], case_39[1]); test_traverse_intersection::apply("40", 0, 0, case_40[0], case_40[1]); test_traverse_intersection::apply("41", 1, 5, case_41[0], case_41[1]); test_traverse_intersection::apply("42", 1, 5, case_42[0], case_42[1]); // 43-48 - invalid polygons //test_traverse_intersection::apply("43", 2, 0.75, case_43[0], case_43[1]); //test_traverse_intersection::apply("44", 1, 44, case_44[0], case_44[1]); //test_traverse_intersection::apply("45", 1, 45, case_45[0], case_45[1]); //test_traverse_intersection::apply("46", 1, 46, case_46[0], case_46[1]); //test_traverse_intersection::apply("47", 1, 47, case_47[0], case_47[1]); // 49-54 test_traverse_intersection::apply("50", 0, 0, case_50[0], case_50[1]); test_traverse_intersection::apply("51", 0, 0, case_51[0], case_51[1]); test_traverse_intersection::apply("52", 1, 10.5, case_52[0], case_52[1]); if (test_self_tangencies) { test_traverse_intersection::apply("53_st", 0, 0, case_53[0], case_53[1]); } test_traverse_intersection::apply("53_iet", 0, 0, case_53[0], case_53[2]); test_traverse_intersection::apply("54_iet_iet", 1, 2, case_54[1], case_54[3]); if (test_self_tangencies) { test_traverse_intersection::apply("54_st_iet", 1, 2, case_54[0], case_54[3]); test_traverse_intersection::apply("54_iet_st", 1, 2, case_54[1], case_54[2]); test_traverse_intersection::apply("54_st_st", 1, 2, case_54[0], case_54[2]); } if (test_self_tangencies) { // 55-60 test_traverse_intersection::apply("55_st_st", 1, 2, case_55[0], case_55[2]); } test_traverse_intersection::apply("55_st_iet", 1, 2, case_55[0], case_55[3]); test_traverse_intersection::apply("55_iet_st", 1, 2, case_55[1], case_55[2]); if (test_self_tangencies) { test_traverse_intersection::apply("56", 2, 4.5, case_56[0], case_56[1]); } test_traverse_intersection::apply("55_iet_iet", 1, 2, case_55[1], case_55[3]); test_traverse_intersection::apply("57", 2, 5.9705882, case_57[0], case_57[1]); if (test_self_tangencies) { test_traverse_intersection::apply("58_st", 2, 0.333333, case_58[0], case_58[1]); test_traverse_intersection::apply("59_st", 2, 1.5416667, case_59[0], case_59[1]); test_traverse_intersection::apply("60_st", 3, 2, case_60[0], case_60[1]); } test_traverse_intersection::apply("58_iet", 2, 0.333333, case_58[0], case_58[2]); test_traverse_intersection::apply("59_iet", 2, 1.5416667, case_59[0], case_59[2]); test_traverse_intersection::apply("60_iet", 3, 2, case_60[0], case_60[2]); test_traverse_intersection::apply("61_st", 0, 0, case_61[0], case_61[1]); test_traverse_intersection::apply("70", 2, 4, case_70[0], case_70[1]); test_traverse_intersection::apply("71", 2, 2, case_71[0], case_71[1]); test_traverse_intersection::apply("72", 3, 2.85, case_72[0], case_72[1]); test_traverse_intersection::apply("79", 2, 20, case_79[0], case_79[1]); // Should be 3 shapes test_traverse_intersection::apply("82a", 2, 2.0, case_82[0], case_82[1]); // Should be 3 shapes test_traverse_intersection::apply("82b", 2, 2.0, case_82[0], case_82[2]); // other #ifdef BOOST_GEOMETRY_TEST_FAILURES // simplified version of 82, area should be different // missing IP at (1.5 3.5) from (1 4,1.5 3.5,2 4)x(2 4,1 3) test_traverse_intersection::apply("83", 1, 0.0, case_83[0], case_83[1]); #endif // pies (went wrong when not all cases where implemented, especially some collinear (opposite) cases test_traverse_intersection::apply("pie_16_4_12", 1, 491866.5, pie_16_4_12[0], pie_16_4_12[1]); test_traverse_intersection::apply("pie_23_21_12_500", 2, 2363199.3313, pie_23_21_12_500[0], pie_23_21_12_500[1]); test_traverse_intersection::apply("pie_23_23_3_2000", 2, 1867779.9349, pie_23_23_3_2000[0], pie_23_23_3_2000[1]); test_traverse_intersection::apply("pie_23_16_16", 2, 2128893.9555, pie_23_16_16[0], pie_23_16_16[1]); test_traverse_intersection::apply("pie_16_2_15_0", 0, 0, pie_16_2_15_0[0], pie_16_2_15_0[1]); test_traverse_intersection::apply("pie_4_13_15", 1, 490887.06678, pie_4_13_15[0], pie_4_13_15[1]); test_traverse_intersection::apply("pie_20_20_7_100", 2, 2183372.2718, pie_20_20_7_100[0], pie_20_20_7_100[1]); // 1-6 test_traverse_union::apply("1", 1, 11.5264, case_1[0], case_1[1]); test_traverse_union::apply("2", 1, 17.9455, case_2[0], case_2[1]); test_traverse_union::apply("3", 1, 9, case_3[0], case_3[1]); test_traverse_union::apply("4", 3, 17.7788, case_4[0], case_4[1]); test_traverse_union::apply("5", 2, 18.4345, case_5[0], case_5[1]); test_traverse_union::apply("6", 1, 9, case_6[0], case_6[1]); // 7-12 test_traverse_union::apply("7", 1, 9, case_7[0], case_7[1]); test_traverse_union::apply("8", 1, 12, case_8[0], case_8[1]); test_traverse_union::apply("9", 0, 0 /*UU 2, 11*/, case_9[0], case_9[1]); test_traverse_union::apply("10", 1, 9, case_10[0], case_10[1]); test_traverse_union::apply("11", 1, 8, case_11[0], case_11[1]); test_traverse_union::apply("12", 2, 8.36667, case_12[0], case_12[1]); // 13-18 test_traverse_union::apply("13", 1, 4, case_13[0], case_13[1]); test_traverse_union::apply("14", 1, 12, case_14[0], case_14[1]); test_traverse_union::apply("15", 1, 12, case_15[0], case_15[1]); test_traverse_union::apply("16", 1, 9, case_16[0], case_16[1]); test_traverse_union::apply("17", 1, 8, case_17[0], case_17[1]); test_traverse_union::apply("18", 1, 8, case_18[0], case_18[1]); // 19-24 test_traverse_union::apply("19", 1, 10, case_19[0], case_19[1]); test_traverse_union::apply("20", 1, 5.5, case_20[0], case_20[1]); test_traverse_union::apply("21", 0, 0, case_21[0], case_21[1]); test_traverse_union::apply("22", 0, 0 /*UU 2, 9.5*/, case_22[0], case_22[1]); test_traverse_union::apply("23", 1, 6.1, case_23[0], case_23[1]); test_traverse_union::apply("24", 1, 5.5, case_24[0], case_24[1]); // 25-30 test_traverse_union::apply("25", 0, 0 /*UU 2, 7*/, case_25[0], case_25[1]); test_traverse_union::apply("26", 0, 0 /*UU 2, 7.5 */, case_26[0], case_26[1]); test_traverse_union::apply("27", 1, 8.04545, case_27[0], case_27[1]); test_traverse_union::apply("28", 1, 10.04545, case_28[0], case_28[1]); test_traverse_union::apply("29", 1, 8.1, case_29[0], case_29[1]); test_traverse_union::apply("30", 1, 6.5, case_30[0], case_30[1]); // 31-36 test_traverse_union::apply("31", 0, 0 /*UU 2, 4.5 */, case_31[0], case_31[1]); test_traverse_union::apply("32", 0, 0 /*UU 2, 4.5 */, case_32[0], case_32[1]); test_traverse_union::apply("33", 0, 0 /*UU 2, 4.5 */, case_33[0], case_33[1]); test_traverse_union::apply("34", 1, 6.0, case_34[0], case_34[1]); test_traverse_union::apply("35", 1, 10.5, case_35[0], case_35[1]); test_traverse_union::apply("36", 1 /*UU 2*/, 14.375, case_36[0], case_36[1]); // 37-42 test_traverse_union::apply("37", 1, 7.33333, case_37[0], case_37[1]); test_traverse_union::apply("38", 1, 9.52857, case_38[0], case_38[1]); test_traverse_union::apply("39", 1, 40.0, case_39[0], case_39[1]); test_traverse_union::apply("40", 0, 0 /*UU 2, 11 */, case_40[0], case_40[1]); test_traverse_union::apply("41", 1, 5, case_41[0], case_41[1]); test_traverse_union::apply("42", 1, 5, case_42[0], case_42[1]); // 43-48 //test_traverse_union::apply("43", 3, 8.1875, case_43[0], case_43[1]); //test_traverse_union::apply("44", 1, 44, case_44[0], case_44[1]); //test_traverse_union::apply("45", 1, 45, case_45[0], case_45[1]); //test_traverse_union::apply("46", 1, 46, case_46[0], case_46[1]); //test_traverse_union::apply("47", 1, 47, case_47[0], case_47[1]); // 49-54 test_traverse_union::apply("50", 1, 25, case_50[0], case_50[1]); test_traverse_union::apply("51", 0, 0, case_51[0], case_51[1]); test_traverse_union::apply("52", 1, 15.5, case_52[0], case_52[1]); if (test_self_tangencies) { test_traverse_union::apply("53_st", 2, 16, case_53[0], case_53[1]); } test_traverse_union::apply("53_iet", 2, 16, case_53[0], case_53[2]); if (test_self_tangencies) { test_traverse_union::apply("54_st_st", 2, 20, case_54[0], case_54[2]); test_traverse_union::apply("54_st_iet", 2, 20, case_54[0], case_54[3]); test_traverse_union::apply("54_iet_st", 2, 20, case_54[1], case_54[2]); } test_traverse_union::apply("54_iet_iet", 2, 20, case_54[1], case_54[3]); if (test_mixed) { test_traverse_union::apply("55_st_iet", 2, 18, case_55[0], case_55[3]); test_traverse_union::apply("55_iet_st", 2, 18, case_55[1], case_55[2]); // moved to mixed test_traverse_union::apply("55_iet_iet", 3, 18, case_55[1], case_55[3]); } // 55-60 if (test_self_tangencies) { // 55 with both input polygons having self tangencies (st_st) generates 1 correct shape test_traverse_union::apply("55_st_st", 1, 18, case_55[0], case_55[2]); // 55 with one of them self-tangency, other int/ext ring tangency generate 2 correct shapes test_traverse_union::apply("56", 2, 14, case_56[0], case_56[1]); } test_traverse_union::apply("57", 1, 14.029412, case_57[0], case_57[1]); if (test_self_tangencies) { test_traverse_union::apply("58_st", 4, 12.16666, case_58[0], case_58[1]); test_traverse_union::apply("59_st", 2, 17.208333, case_59[0], case_59[1]); test_traverse_union::apply("60_st", 3, 19, case_60[0], case_60[1]); } test_traverse_union::apply("58_iet", 4, 12.16666, case_58[0], case_58[2]); test_traverse_union::apply("59_iet", 1, -3.791666, // 2, 17.208333), outer ring (ii/ix) is done by ASSEMBLE case_59[0], case_59[2]); test_traverse_union::apply("60_iet", 3, 19, case_60[0], case_60[2]); test_traverse_union::apply("61_st", 1, 4, case_61[0], case_61[1]); test_traverse_union::apply("70", 1, 9, case_70[0], case_70[1]); test_traverse_union::apply("71", 2, 9, case_71[0], case_71[1]); test_traverse_union::apply("72", 1, 10.65, case_72[0], case_72[1]); // other test_traverse_union::apply("box_poly5", 2, 4.7191, "POLYGON((1.5 1.5, 1.5 2.5, 4.5 2.5, 4.5 1.5, 1.5 1.5))", "POLYGON((2 1.3,2.4 1.7,2.8 1.8,3.4 1.2,3.7 1.6,3.4 2,4.1 2.5,4.5 2.5,4.5 2.3,5.0 2.3,5.0 2.1,4.5 2.1,4.5 1.9,4.0 1.9,4.5 1.2,4.9 0.8,2.9 0.7,2 1.3))"); test_traverse_intersection::apply("collinear_overlaps", 1, 24, collinear_overlaps[0], collinear_overlaps[1]); test_traverse_union::apply("collinear_overlaps", 1, 50, collinear_overlaps[0], collinear_overlaps[1]); test_traverse_intersection::apply("many_situations", 1, 184, case_many_situations[0], case_many_situations[1]); test_traverse_union::apply("many_situations", 1, 207, case_many_situations[0], case_many_situations[1]); // From "intersection piets", robustness test. // This all went wrong in the past // (when not all cases (get_turns) where implemented, // especially important are some collinear (opposite) cases) test_traverse_union::apply("pie_16_4_12", 1, 3669665.5, pie_16_4_12[0], pie_16_4_12[1]); test_traverse_union::apply("pie_23_21_12_500", 1, 6295516.7185, pie_23_21_12_500[0], pie_23_21_12_500[1]); test_traverse_union::apply("pie_23_23_3_2000", 1, 7118735.0530, pie_23_23_3_2000[0], pie_23_23_3_2000[1]); test_traverse_union::apply("pie_23_16_16", 1, 5710474.5406, pie_23_16_16[0], pie_23_16_16[1]); test_traverse_union::apply("pie_16_2_15_0", 1, 3833641.5, pie_16_2_15_0[0], pie_16_2_15_0[1]); test_traverse_union::apply("pie_4_13_15", 1, 2208122.43322, pie_4_13_15[0], pie_4_13_15[1]); test_traverse_union::apply("pie_20_20_7_100", 1, 5577158.72823, pie_20_20_7_100[0], pie_20_20_7_100[1]); /* if (test_not_valid) { test_traverse_union::apply("pie_5_12_12_0_7s", 1, 3271710.48516, pie_5_12_12_0_7s[0], pie_5_12_12_0_7s[1]); } */ static const bool is_float = boost::is_same::value; static const double float_might_deviate_more = is_float ? 0.1 : 0.001; // In some cases up to 1 promille permitted // GCC: does not everywhere handle float correctly (in our algorithms) static bool const is_float_on_non_msvc = #if defined(_MSC_VER) false; #else is_float; #endif // From "Random Ellipse Stars", robustness test. // This all went wrong in the past // when using Determinant/ra/rb and comparing with 0/1 // Solved now by avoiding determinant / using sides // ("hv" means "high volume") { double deviation = is_float ? 0.01 : 0.001; test_traverse_union::apply("hv1", 1, 1624.508688461573, hv_1[0], hv_1[1], deviation); test_traverse_intersection::apply("hv1", 1, 1622.7200125123809, hv_1[0], hv_1[1], deviation); test_traverse_union::apply("hv2", 1, 1622.9193392726836, hv_2[0], hv_2[1], deviation); test_traverse_intersection::apply("hv2", 1, 1622.1733591429329, hv_2[0], hv_2[1], deviation); test_traverse_union::apply("hv3", 1, 1624.22079205664, hv_3[0], hv_3[1], deviation); test_traverse_intersection::apply("hv3", 1, 1623.8265057282042, hv_3[0], hv_3[1], deviation); if ( BOOST_GEOMETRY_CONDITION(! is_float) ) { test_traverse_union::apply("hv4", 1, 1626.5146964146334, hv_4[0], hv_4[1], deviation); test_traverse_intersection::apply("hv4", 1, 1626.2580370864305, hv_4[0], hv_4[1], deviation); test_traverse_union::apply("hv5", 1, 1624.2158307261871, hv_5[0], hv_5[1], deviation); test_traverse_intersection::apply("hv5", 1, 1623.4506071521519, hv_5[0], hv_5[1], deviation); // Case 2009-12-07 test_traverse_intersection::apply("hv6", 1, 1604.6318757402121, hv_6[0], hv_6[1], deviation); test_traverse_union::apply("hv6", 1, 1790.091872401327, hv_6[0], hv_6[1], deviation); // Case 2009-12-08, needing sorting on side in enrich_intersection_points test_traverse_union::apply("hv7", 1, 1624.5779453641017, hv_7[0], hv_7[1], deviation); test_traverse_intersection::apply("hv7", 1, 1623.6936420295772, hv_7[0], hv_7[1], deviation); } } // From "Random Ellipse Stars", robustness test. // This all went wrong in the past when distances (see below) were zero (dz) // "Distance zero", dz, means: the distance between two intersection points // on a same segment is 0, therefore it can't be sorted normally, therefore // the chance is 50% that the segments are not sorted correctly and the wrong // decision is taken. // Solved now (by sorting on sides in those cases) if ( BOOST_GEOMETRY_CONDITION(! is_float_on_non_msvc) ) { test_traverse_intersection::apply("dz_1", 2, 16.887537949472005, dz_1[0], dz_1[1]); test_traverse_union::apply("dz_1", 3, 1444.2621305732864, dz_1[0], dz_1[1]); test_traverse_intersection::apply("dz_2", 2, 68.678921274288541, dz_2[0], dz_2[1]); test_traverse_union::apply("dz_2", 1, 1505.4202304878663, dz_2[0], dz_2[1]); test_traverse_intersection::apply("dz_3", 5, 192.49316937645651, dz_3[0], dz_3[1]); test_traverse_union::apply("dz_3", 5, 1446.496005965641, dz_3[0], dz_3[1]); test_traverse_intersection::apply("dz_4", 1, 473.59423868207693, dz_4[0], dz_4[1]); test_traverse_union::apply("dz_4", 1, 1871.6125138873476, dz_4[0], dz_4[1]); } // Real-life problems // SNL (Subsidiestelsel Natuur & Landschap - verAANnen) test_traverse_intersection::apply("snl-1", 2, 286.996062095888, snl_1[0], snl_1[1], float_might_deviate_more); test_traverse_union::apply("snl-1", 2, 51997.5408506132, snl_1[0], snl_1[1], float_might_deviate_more); { test_traverse_intersection::apply("isov", 1, 88.1920, isovist[0], isovist[1], float_might_deviate_more); test_traverse_union::apply("isov", 1, 313.3604, isovist[0], isovist[1], float_might_deviate_more); } if ( BOOST_GEOMETRY_CONDITION(! is_float) ) { /* TODO check this BSG 2013-09-24 #if defined(_MSC_VER) double const expected = if_typed_tt(3.63794e-17, 0.0); int expected_count = if_typed_tt(1, 0); #else double const expected = if_typed(2.77555756156289135106e-17, 0.0); int expected_count = if_typed(1, 0); #endif // Calculate intersection/union of two triangles. Robustness case. // ttmath can form a very small intersection triangle // (which is even not accomplished by SQL Server/PostGIS) std::string const caseid = "ggl_list_20110820_christophe"; test_traverse_intersection::apply(caseid, expected_count, expected, ggl_list_20110820_christophe[0], ggl_list_20110820_christophe[1]); test_traverse_union::apply(caseid, 1, 67.3550722317627, ggl_list_20110820_christophe[0], ggl_list_20110820_christophe[1]); */ } test_traverse_union::apply("buffer_rt_f", 1, 4.60853, buffer_rt_f[0], buffer_rt_f[1]); test_traverse_intersection::apply("buffer_rt_f", 1, 0.0002943725152286, buffer_rt_f[0], buffer_rt_f[1], 0.01); test_traverse_union::apply("buffer_rt_g", 1, 16.571, buffer_rt_g[0], buffer_rt_g[1]); test_traverse_union::apply("buffer_rt_g_boxes1", 1, 20, buffer_rt_g_boxes[0], buffer_rt_g_boxes[1]); test_traverse_union::apply("buffer_rt_g_boxes2", 1, 24, buffer_rt_g_boxes[0], buffer_rt_g_boxes[2]); test_traverse_union::apply("buffer_rt_g_boxes3", 1, 28, buffer_rt_g_boxes[0], buffer_rt_g_boxes[3]); test_traverse_union::apply("buffer_rt_g_boxes43", 1, 30, buffer_rt_g_boxes[4], buffer_rt_g_boxes[3]); test_traverse_union::apply("buffer_rt_l", 1, 19.3995, buffer_rt_l[0], buffer_rt_l[1]); test_traverse_union::apply("buffer_mp2", 1, 36.7535642, buffer_mp2[0], buffer_mp2[1], 0.01); test_traverse_union::apply("collinear_opposite_rr", 1, 6.41, collinear_opposite_right[0], collinear_opposite_right[1]); test_traverse_union::apply("collinear_opposite_ll", 1, 11.75, collinear_opposite_left[0], collinear_opposite_left[1]); test_traverse_union::apply("collinear_opposite_ss", 1, 6, collinear_opposite_straight[0], collinear_opposite_straight[1]); test_traverse_union::apply("collinear_opposite_lr", 1, 8.66, collinear_opposite_left[0], collinear_opposite_right[1]); test_traverse_union::apply("collinear_opposite_rl", 1, 9, collinear_opposite_right[0], collinear_opposite_left[1]); test_traverse_intersection::apply("ticket_7462", 1, 0.220582, ticket_7462[0], ticket_7462[1]); test_traverse_intersection::apply ("ticket_9081_15", 1, 0.006889578, ticket_9081_15[0], ticket_9081_15[1]); #ifdef BOOST_GEOMETRY_OVERLAY_NO_THROW { // NOTE: currently throws (normally) std::string caseid = "ggl_list_20120229_volker"; test_traverse_union::apply(caseid, 1, 99, ggl_list_20120229_volker[0], ggl_list_20120229_volker[1]); test_traverse_intersection::apply(caseid, 1, 99, ggl_list_20120229_volker[0], ggl_list_20120229_volker[1]); caseid = "ggl_list_20120229_volker_2"; test_traverse_union::apply(caseid, 1, 99, ggl_list_20120229_volker[2], ggl_list_20120229_volker[1]); test_traverse_intersection::apply(caseid, 1, 99, ggl_list_20120229_volker[2], ggl_list_20120229_volker[1]); } #endif } #if ! defined(BOOST_GEOMETRY_TEST_ONLY_ONE_TYPE) template void test_open() { typedef bg::model::polygon < bg::model::point, true, false > polygon; typedef test_traverse < polygon, polygon, bg::overlay_intersection > test_traverse_intersection; typedef test_traverse < polygon, polygon, bg::overlay_union > test_traverse_union; test_traverse_intersection::apply("open_1", 1, 5.4736, open_case_1[0], open_case_1[1]); test_traverse_union::apply("open_1", 1, 11.5264, open_case_1[0], open_case_1[1]); } template void test_ccw() { typedef bg::model::polygon < bg::model::point, false, true > polygon; test_traverse::apply("ccw_1", 1, 5.4736, ccw_case_1[0], ccw_case_1[1]); test_traverse::apply("ccw_1", 1, 11.5264, ccw_case_1[0], ccw_case_1[1]); } #endif int test_main(int, char* []) { #if defined(BOOST_GEOMETRY_TEST_ONLY_ONE_TYPE) test_all(); #else test_all(); test_all(); test_open(); test_ccw(); #if ! defined(_MSC_VER) test_all(); #endif #ifdef HAVE_TTMATH test_all(); #endif #endif return 0; } #endif