// Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library) // Unit Test // Copyright (c) 2007-2015 Barend Gehrels, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. // Copyright (c) 2017 Adam Wulkiewicz, Lodz, Poland. // This file was modified by Oracle on 2016, 2017, 2019. // Modifications copyright (c) 2016-2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. // Contributed and/or modified by Adam Wulkiewicz, on behalf of Oracle // Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License, // Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) #ifndef BOOST_GEOMETRY_TEST_DIFFERENCE_HPP #define BOOST_GEOMETRY_TEST_DIFFERENCE_HPP #include #include #include #include #include "../setop_output_type.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(TEST_WITH_SVG) # define BOOST_GEOMETRY_DEBUG_SEGMENT_IDENTIFIER # define BOOST_GEOMETRY_DEBUG_IDENTIFIER # include # include #endif struct ut_settings { double percentage; bool sym_difference; bool remove_spikes; bool test_validity; ut_settings() : percentage(0.0001) , sym_difference(true) , remove_spikes(false) , test_validity(true) {} }; inline ut_settings tolerance(double percentage) { ut_settings result; result.percentage = percentage; return result; } template void difference_output(std::string const& caseid, G1 const& g1, G2 const& g2, Output const& output) { boost::ignore_unused(caseid, g1, g2, output); #if defined(TEST_WITH_SVG) { typedef typename bg::coordinate_type::type coordinate_type; typedef typename bg::point_type::type point_type; bool const ccw = bg::point_order::value == bg::counterclockwise || bg::point_order::value == bg::counterclockwise; bool const open = bg::closure::value == bg::open || bg::closure::value == bg::open; std::ostringstream filename; filename << "difference_" << caseid << "_" << string_from_type::name() << (ccw ? "_ccw" : "") << (open ? "_open" : "") #if defined(BOOST_GEOMETRY_USE_RESCALING) << "_rescaled" #endif << ".svg"; std::ofstream svg(filename.str().c_str()); bg::svg_mapper mapper(svg, 500, 500); mapper.add(g1); mapper.add(g2); mapper.map(g1, "fill-opacity:0.3;fill:rgb(51,51,153);stroke:rgb(51,51,153);stroke-width:3"); mapper.map(g2, "fill-opacity:0.5;fill:rgb(153,204,0);stroke:rgb(153,204,0);stroke-width:3"); for (typename Output::const_iterator it = output.begin(); it != output.end(); ++it) { mapper.map(*it, //sym ? "fill-opacity:0.2;stroke-opacity:0.4;fill:rgb(255,255,0);stroke:rgb(255,0,255);stroke-width:8" : "fill-opacity:0.2;stroke-opacity:0.4;fill:rgb(255,0,0);stroke:rgb(255,0,255);stroke-width:8"); } } #endif } template std::string test_difference(std::string const& caseid, G1 const& g1, G2 const& g2, int expected_count, int expected_rings_count, int expected_point_count, double expected_area, bool sym, ut_settings const& settings) { typedef typename bg::coordinate_type::type coordinate_type; boost::ignore_unused(); bg::model::multi_polygon result; if (sym) { bg::sym_difference(g1, g2, result); } else { bg::difference(g1, g2, result); } if (settings.remove_spikes) { bg::remove_spikes(result); } #if ! defined(BOOST_GEOMETRY_TEST_ONLY_ONE_TYPE) { bg::model::multi_polygon result_s; typedef typename bg::strategy::relate::services::default_strategy < G1, G2 >::type strategy_type; if (sym) { bg::sym_difference(g1, g2, result_s, strategy_type()); } else { bg::difference(g1, g2, result_s, strategy_type()); } if (settings.remove_spikes) { bg::remove_spikes(result_s); } BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(bg::num_points(result), bg::num_points(result_s)); } #endif std::ostringstream return_string; return_string << bg::wkt(result); typename bg::default_area_result::type const area = bg::area(result); #if ! defined(BOOST_GEOMETRY_NO_BOOST_TEST) #if ! defined(BOOST_GEOMETRY_TEST_ALWAYS_CHECK_VALIDITY) if (settings.test_validity) #endif { // std::cout << bg::dsv(result) << std::endl; typedef bg::model::multi_polygon result_type; std::string message; bool const valid = check_validity::apply(result, caseid, g1, g2, message); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(valid, "difference: " << caseid << " not valid " << message << " type: " << (type_for_assert_message())); } #endif difference_output(caseid, g1, g2, result); #if ! (defined(BOOST_GEOMETRY_TEST_ONLY_ONE_TYPE) \ || defined(BOOST_GEOMETRY_DEBUG_ASSEMBLE)) { // Test inserter functionality // Test if inserter returns output-iterator (using Boost.Range copy) typename setop_output_type::type inserted, array_with_one_empty_geometry; array_with_one_empty_geometry.push_back(OutputType()); if (sym) { boost::copy(array_with_one_empty_geometry, bg::detail::sym_difference::sym_difference_insert (g1, g2, std::back_inserter(inserted))); } else { boost::copy(array_with_one_empty_geometry, bg::detail::difference::difference_insert( g1, g2, std::back_inserter(inserted))); } BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(boost::size(result), boost::size(inserted) - 1); } #endif #if ! defined(BOOST_GEOMETRY_NO_BOOST_TEST) #if defined(BOOST_GEOMETRY_USE_RESCALING) if (expected_point_count >= 0) { std::size_t const n = bg::num_points(result); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(bg::math::abs(int(n) - expected_point_count) < 3, "difference: " << caseid << " #points expected: " << expected_point_count << " detected: " << n << " type: " << (type_for_assert_message()) ); } #endif if (expected_count >= 0) { BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(int(boost::size(result)) == expected_count, "difference: " << caseid << " #outputs expected: " << expected_count << " detected: " << result.size() << " type: " << (type_for_assert_message()) ); } if (expected_rings_count >= 0) { int nrings = int(boost::size(result) + bg::num_interior_rings(result)); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(nrings == expected_rings_count, "difference: " << caseid << " #rings expected: " << expected_rings_count << " detected: " << nrings << " type: " << (type_for_assert_message()) ); } if (expected_area > 0) { BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(area, expected_area, settings.percentage); } else { // Compare 0 with 0 or a very small detected area BOOST_CHECK_LE(area, settings.percentage); } #endif return return_string.str(); } template std::string test_difference(std::string const& caseid, G1 const& g1, G2 const& g2, int expected_count, int expected_point_count, double expected_area, bool sym, ut_settings const& settings) { return test_difference(caseid, g1, g2, expected_count, -1, expected_point_count, expected_area, sym, settings); } #ifdef BOOST_GEOMETRY_CHECK_WITH_POSTGIS static int counter = 0; #endif template std::string test_one(std::string const& caseid, std::string const& wkt1, std::string const& wkt2, int expected_count1, int expected_rings_count1, int expected_point_count1, double expected_area1, int expected_count2, int expected_rings_count2, int expected_point_count2, double expected_area2, int expected_count_s, int expected_rings_count_s, int expected_point_count_s, double expected_area_s, ut_settings const& settings = ut_settings()) { G1 g1; bg::read_wkt(wkt1, g1); G2 g2; bg::read_wkt(wkt2, g2); bg::correct(g1); bg::correct(g2); std::string result = test_difference(caseid + "_a", g1, g2, expected_count1, expected_rings_count1, expected_point_count1, expected_area1, false, settings); #ifdef BOOST_GEOMETRY_DEBUG_ASSEMBLE return result; #endif test_difference(caseid + "_b", g2, g1, expected_count2, expected_rings_count2, expected_point_count2, expected_area2, false, settings); #if ! defined(BOOST_GEOMETRY_TEST_ALWAYS_CHECK_SYMDIFFERENCE) if (settings.sym_difference) #endif { test_difference(caseid + "_s", g1, g2, expected_count_s, expected_rings_count_s, expected_point_count_s, expected_area_s, true, settings); } return result; } template std::string test_one(std::string const& caseid, std::string const& wkt1, std::string const& wkt2, int expected_count1, int expected_rings_count1, int expected_point_count1, double expected_area1, int expected_count2, int expected_rings_count2, int expected_point_count2, double expected_area2, ut_settings const& settings = ut_settings()) { return test_one(caseid, wkt1, wkt2, expected_count1, expected_rings_count1, expected_point_count1, expected_area1, expected_count2, expected_rings_count2, expected_point_count2, expected_area2, expected_count1 + expected_count2, expected_rings_count1 + expected_rings_count2, expected_point_count1 >= 0 && expected_point_count2 >= 0 ? (expected_point_count1 + expected_point_count2) : -1, expected_area1 + expected_area2, settings); } template std::string test_one(std::string const& caseid, std::string const& wkt1, std::string const& wkt2, int expected_count1, int expected_point_count1, double expected_area1, int expected_count2, int expected_point_count2, double expected_area2, int expected_count_s, int expected_point_count_s, double expected_area_s, ut_settings const& settings = ut_settings()) { return test_one(caseid, wkt1, wkt2, expected_count1, -1, expected_point_count1, expected_area1, expected_count2, -1, expected_point_count2, expected_area2, expected_count_s, -1, expected_point_count_s, expected_area_s, settings); } template std::string test_one(std::string const& caseid, std::string const& wkt1, std::string const& wkt2, int expected_count1, int expected_point_count1, double expected_area1, int expected_count2, int expected_point_count2, double expected_area2, ut_settings const& settings = ut_settings()) { return test_one(caseid, wkt1, wkt2, expected_count1, expected_point_count1, expected_area1, expected_count2, expected_point_count2, expected_area2, expected_count1 + expected_count2, expected_point_count1 >= 0 && expected_point_count2 >= 0 ? (expected_point_count1 + expected_point_count2) : -1, expected_area1 + expected_area2, settings); } template void test_one_lp(std::string const& caseid, std::string const& wkt1, std::string const& wkt2, std::size_t expected_count, int expected_point_count, double expected_length) { G1 g1; bg::read_wkt(wkt1, g1); G2 g2; bg::read_wkt(wkt2, g2); bg::correct(g1); bg::correct(g2); typedef typename setop_output_type::type result_type; result_type pieces; bg::difference(g1, g2, pieces); typename bg::default_length_result::type length = 0; std::size_t n = 0; std::size_t piece_count = 0; for (typename result_type::iterator it = pieces.begin(); it != pieces.end(); ++it) { if (expected_point_count >= 0) { n += bg::num_points(*it); } piece_count++; length += bg::length(*it); } BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(piece_count == expected_count, "difference: " << caseid << " #outputs expected: " << expected_count << " detected: " << pieces.size() ); if (expected_point_count >= 0) { BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(n == std::size_t(expected_point_count), "difference: " << caseid << " #points expected: " << std::size_t(expected_point_count) << " detected: " << n << " type: " << (type_for_assert_message()) ); } BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(length, expected_length, 0.001); std::string lp = "lp_"; difference_output(lp + caseid, g1, g2, pieces); } #endif