.. Distributed under the Boost .. Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying .. file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) .. Version 1.3 of this ReStructuredText document corresponds to n1530_, the paper accepted by the LWG for TR1. .. Copyright David Abrahams, Jeremy Siek, and Thomas Witt 2003. .. parsed-literal:: template < class Derived , class Value , class CategoryOrTraversal , class Reference = Value& , class Difference = ptrdiff_t > class iterator_facade { public: typedef remove_const::type value_type; typedef Reference reference; typedef Value\* pointer; typedef Difference difference_type; typedef /* see below__ \*/ iterator_category; reference operator\*() const; /* see below__ \*/ operator->() const; /* see below__ \*/ operator[](difference_type n) const; Derived& operator++(); Derived operator++(int); Derived& operator--(); Derived operator--(int); Derived& operator+=(difference_type n); Derived& operator-=(difference_type n); Derived operator-(difference_type n) const; protected: typedef iterator_facade iterator_facade\_; }; // Comparison operators template typename enable_if_interoperable::type // exposition operator ==(iterator_facade const& lhs, iterator_facade const& rhs); template typename enable_if_interoperable::type operator !=(iterator_facade const& lhs, iterator_facade const& rhs); template typename enable_if_interoperable::type operator <(iterator_facade const& lhs, iterator_facade const& rhs); template typename enable_if_interoperable::type operator <=(iterator_facade const& lhs, iterator_facade const& rhs); template typename enable_if_interoperable::type operator >(iterator_facade const& lhs, iterator_facade const& rhs); template typename enable_if_interoperable::type operator >=(iterator_facade const& lhs, iterator_facade const& rhs); // Iterator difference template /* see below__ \*/ operator-(iterator_facade const& lhs, iterator_facade const& rhs); // Iterator addition template Derived operator+ (iterator_facade const&, typename Derived::difference_type n); template Derived operator+ (typename Derived::difference_type n, iterator_facade const&); __ `iterator category`_ __ `operator arrow`_ __ brackets_ __ minus_ .. _`iterator category`: The ``iterator_category`` member of ``iterator_facade`` is .. parsed-literal:: *iterator-category*\ (CategoryOrTraversal, reference, value_type) where *iterator-category* is defined as follows: .. include:: facade_iterator_category.rst The ``enable_if_interoperable`` template used above is for exposition purposes. The member operators should only be in an overload set provided the derived types ``Dr1`` and ``Dr2`` are interoperable, meaning that at least one of the types is convertible to the other. The ``enable_if_interoperable`` approach uses SFINAE to take the operators out of the overload set when the types are not interoperable. The operators should behave *as-if* ``enable_if_interoperable`` were defined to be:: template enable_if_interoperable_impl {}; template enable_if_interoperable_impl { typedef T type; }; template struct enable_if_interoperable : enable_if_interoperable_impl< is_convertible::value || is_convertible::value , T > {}; ``iterator_facade`` Requirements -------------------------------- The following table describes the typical valid expressions on ``iterator_facade``\ 's ``Derived`` parameter, depending on the iterator concept(s) it will model. The operations in the first column must be made accessible to member functions of class ``iterator_core_access``. In addition, ``static_cast(iterator_facade*)`` shall be well-formed. In the table below, ``F`` is ``iterator_facade``, ``a`` is an object of type ``X``, ``b`` and ``c`` are objects of type ``const X``, ``n`` is an object of ``F::difference_type``, ``y`` is a constant object of a single pass iterator type interoperable with ``X``, and ``z`` is a constant object of a random access traversal iterator type interoperable with ``X``. .. _`core operations`: .. topic:: ``iterator_facade`` Core Operations +--------------------+----------------------+-------------------------+---------------------------+ |Expression |Return Type |Assertion/Note |Used to implement Iterator | | | | |Concept(s) | +====================+======================+=========================+===========================+ |``c.dereference()`` |``F::reference`` | |Readable Iterator, Writable| | | | |Iterator | +--------------------+----------------------+-------------------------+---------------------------+ |``c.equal(y)`` |convertible to bool |true iff ``c`` and ``y`` |Single Pass Iterator | | | |refer to the same | | | | |position. | | +--------------------+----------------------+-------------------------+---------------------------+ |``a.increment()`` |unused | |Incrementable Iterator | +--------------------+----------------------+-------------------------+---------------------------+ |``a.decrement()`` |unused | |Bidirectional Traversal | | | | |Iterator | +--------------------+----------------------+-------------------------+---------------------------+ |``a.advance(n)`` |unused | |Random Access Traversal | | | | |Iterator | +--------------------+----------------------+-------------------------+---------------------------+ |``c.distance_to(z)``|convertible to |equivalent to |Random Access Traversal | | |``F::difference_type``|``distance(c, X(z))``. |Iterator | +--------------------+----------------------+-------------------------+---------------------------+ ``iterator_facade`` operations ------------------------------ The operations in this section are described in terms of operations on the core interface of ``Derived`` which may be inaccessible (i.e. private). The implementation should access these operations through member functions of class ``iterator_core_access``. ``reference operator*() const;`` :Returns: ``static_cast(this)->dereference()`` ``operator->() const;`` (see below__) __ `operator arrow`_ :Returns: If ``reference`` is a reference type, an object of type ``pointer`` equal to:: &static_cast(this)->dereference() Otherwise returns an object of unspecified type such that, ``(*static_cast(this))->m`` is equivalent to ``(w = **static_cast(this), w.m)`` for some temporary object ``w`` of type ``value_type``. .. _brackets: *unspecified* ``operator[](difference_type n) const;`` :Returns: an object convertible to ``value_type``. For constant objects ``v`` of type ``value_type``, and ``n`` of type ``difference_type``, ``(*this)[n] = v`` is equivalent to ``*(*this + n) = v``, and ``static_cast((*this)[n])`` is equivalent to ``static_cast(*(*this + n))`` ``Derived& operator++();`` :Effects: :: static_cast(this)->increment(); return *static_cast(this); ``Derived operator++(int);`` :Effects: :: Derived tmp(static_cast(this)); ++*this; return tmp; ``Derived& operator--();`` :Effects: :: static_cast(this)->decrement(); return *static_cast(this); ``Derived operator--(int);`` :Effects: :: Derived tmp(static_cast(this)); --*this; return tmp; ``Derived& operator+=(difference_type n);`` :Effects: :: static_cast(this)->advance(n); return *static_cast(this); ``Derived& operator-=(difference_type n);`` :Effects: :: static_cast(this)->advance(-n); return *static_cast(this); ``Derived operator-(difference_type n) const;`` :Effects: :: Derived tmp(static_cast(this)); return tmp -= n; :: template Derived operator+ (iterator_facade const&, typename Derived::difference_type n); template Derived operator+ (typename Derived::difference_type n, iterator_facade const&); :Effects: :: Derived tmp(static_cast(this)); return tmp += n; :: template typename enable_if_interoperable::type operator ==(iterator_facade const& lhs, iterator_facade const& rhs); :Returns: if ``is_convertible::value`` then ``((Dr1 const&)lhs).equal((Dr2 const&)rhs)``. Otherwise, ``((Dr2 const&)rhs).equal((Dr1 const&)lhs)``. :: template typename enable_if_interoperable::type operator !=(iterator_facade const& lhs, iterator_facade const& rhs); :Returns: if ``is_convertible::value`` then ``!((Dr1 const&)lhs).equal((Dr2 const&)rhs)``. Otherwise, ``!((Dr2 const&)rhs).equal((Dr1 const&)lhs)``. :: template typename enable_if_interoperable::type operator <(iterator_facade const& lhs, iterator_facade const& rhs); :Returns: if ``is_convertible::value`` then ``((Dr1 const&)lhs).distance_to((Dr2 const&)rhs) < 0``. Otherwise, ``((Dr2 const&)rhs).distance_to((Dr1 const&)lhs) > 0``. :: template typename enable_if_interoperable::type operator <=(iterator_facade const& lhs, iterator_facade const& rhs); :Returns: if ``is_convertible::value`` then ``((Dr1 const&)lhs).distance_to((Dr2 const&)rhs) <= 0``. Otherwise, ``((Dr2 const&)rhs).distance_to((Dr1 const&)lhs) >= 0``. :: template typename enable_if_interoperable::type operator >(iterator_facade const& lhs, iterator_facade const& rhs); :Returns: if ``is_convertible::value`` then ``((Dr1 const&)lhs).distance_to((Dr2 const&)rhs) > 0``. Otherwise, ``((Dr2 const&)rhs).distance_to((Dr1 const&)lhs) < 0``. :: template typename enable_if_interoperable::type operator >=(iterator_facade const& lhs, iterator_facade const& rhs); :Returns: if ``is_convertible::value`` then ``((Dr1 const&)lhs).distance_to((Dr2 const&)rhs) >= 0``. Otherwise, ``((Dr2 const&)rhs).distance_to((Dr1 const&)lhs) <= 0``. .. _minus: :: template typename enable_if_interoperable::type operator -(iterator_facade const& lhs, iterator_facade const& rhs); :Return Type: if ``is_convertible::value`` then ``difference`` shall be ``iterator_traits::difference_type``. Otherwise ``difference`` shall be ``iterator_traits::difference_type`` :Returns: if ``is_convertible::value`` then ``-((Dr1 const&)lhs).distance_to((Dr2 const&)rhs)``. Otherwise, ``((Dr2 const&)rhs).distance_to((Dr1 const&)lhs)``.