/////////1/////////2/////////3/////////4/////////5/////////6/////////7/////////8 // test_singleton_inherited.cpp: // Test the singleton class for a "inherited" singleton (used as Foo:public singleton) // This can be uses as singleton::get_const_instance() OR Foo::get_const_instance() // // - is_destroyed returns false when singleton is active or uninitialized // - is_destroyed returns true when singleton is destructed // - the singleton is eventually destructed (no memory leak) // (C) Copyright 2018 Alexander Grund // Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software // License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) #include "test_tools.hpp" #include #include #include // Can't use BOOST_TEST because: // a) destructors are called after program exit // b) This is intended to be used by shared libraries too which would then need their own report_errors call // We halso have to disable the Wterminate warning as we call this from dtors // C++ will terminate the program in such cases which is OK here #pragma GCC diagnostic push #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wterminate" #define THROW_ON_FALSE(cond) if(!(cond)) throw std::runtime_error(__FILE__ "(" BOOST_PP_STRINGIZE(__LINE__) ") Assertion failed: " #cond) // Enum to designate the state of the singletonized instances enum ConstructionState{CS_UNINIT, CS_INIT, CS_DESTROYED}; // We need another singleton to check for the destruction of the singletons at program exit // We don't need all the magic for shared library anti-optimization and can keep it very simple struct controller{ static controller& getInstance(){ static controller instance; return instance; } ConstructionState state; private: controller() { state = CS_UNINIT; } ~controller(); }; // A simple class that sets its construction state in the controller singleton struct Foo: boost::serialization::singleton{ Foo(): i(42) { // access controller singleton. Therefore controller will be constructed before this THROW_ON_FALSE(controller::getInstance().state == CS_UNINIT); controller::getInstance().state = CS_INIT; } ~Foo() { // Because controller is constructed before this, it will be destructed AFTER this. Hence controller is still valid THROW_ON_FALSE(controller::getInstance().state == CS_INIT); controller::getInstance().state = CS_DESTROYED; } // Volatile to prevent compiler optimization from removing this volatile int i; }; controller::~controller() { // If this fails, the singletons were not freed and memory is leaked THROW_ON_FALSE(state == CS_DESTROYED); // If this fails, then the destroyed flag is not set and one may use a deleted instance if relying on this flag THROW_ON_FALSE(boost::serialization::singleton::is_destroyed()); THROW_ON_FALSE(Foo::is_destroyed()); } int test_main( int /* argc */, char* /* argv */[] ) { // Check if the singleton is alive and use it BOOST_CHECK(!boost::serialization::singleton::is_destroyed()); BOOST_CHECK(!Foo::is_destroyed()); BOOST_CHECK(boost::serialization::singleton::get_const_instance().i == 42); BOOST_CHECK(Foo::get_const_instance().i == 42); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }