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Struct location

boost::execution_exception::location — Simple model for the location of failure in a source code.


// In header: <boost/test/execution_monitor.hpp>

// Simple model for the location of failure in a source code.

struct location {
  // construct/copy/destruct
  explicit location(char const * = 0, size_t = 0, char const * = 0);
  explicit location(const_string, size_t = 0, char const * = 0);

  // public data members
  const_string m_file_name;  // File name. 
  size_t m_line_num;  // Line number. 
  const_string m_function;  // Function name. 


location public construct/copy/destruct

  1. explicit location(char const * file_name = 0, size_t line_num = 0, 
                      char const * func = 0);
  2. explicit location(const_string file_name, size_t line_num = 0, 
                      char const * func = 0);
