/* EQ2Emulator: Everquest II Server Emulator Copyright (C) 2007 EQ2EMulator Development Team (http://www.eq2emulator.net) This file is part of EQ2Emulator. EQ2Emulator is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. EQ2Emulator is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with EQ2Emulator. If not, see . */ #ifndef LUA_INTERFACE_H #define LUA_INTERFACE_H #include "Spawn.h" #include "Spells.h" #include "../common/Mutex.h" #include "Quests.h" #include "zoneserver.h" #include "client.h" #include "../LUA/lua.hpp" using namespace std; struct ConversationOption{ string option; string function; }; struct OptionWindowOption { string optionName; string optionDescription; string optionCommand; int32 optionIconSheet; int16 optionIconID; string optionConfirmTitle; }; //Bitmask Values #define EFFECT_FLAG_STUN 1 #define EFFECT_FLAG_ROOT 2 #define EFFECT_FLAG_MEZ 4 #define EFFECT_FLAG_STIFLE 8 #define EFFECT_FLAG_DAZE 16 #define EFFECT_FLAG_FEAR 32 #define EFFECT_FLAG_SPELLBONUS 64 #define EFFECT_FLAG_SKILLBONUS 128 #define EFFECT_FLAG_STEALTH 256 #define EFFECT_FLAG_INVIS 512 #define EFFECT_FLAG_SNARE 1024 #define EFFECT_FLAG_WATERWALK 2048 #define EFFECT_FLAG_WATERJUMP 4096 #define EFFECT_FLAG_FLIGHT 8192 #define EFFECT_FLAG_GLIDE 16384 #define EFFECT_FLAG_AOE_IMMUNE 32768 #define EFFECT_FLAG_STUN_IMMUNE 65536 #define EFFECT_FLAG_MEZ_IMMUNE 131072 #define EFFECT_FLAG_DAZE_IMMUNE 262144 #define EFFECT_FLAG_ROOT_IMMUNE 524288 #define EFFECT_FLAG_STIFLE_IMMUNE 1048576 #define EFFECT_FLAG_FEAR_IMMUNE 2097152 #define EFFECT_FLAG_SAFEFALL 4194304 struct LuaSpell{ Entity* caster; int32 initial_target; vector targets; Spell* spell; lua_State* state; string file_name; Timer timer; int16 num_calls; int16 num_triggers; int8 slot_pos; int32 damage_remaining; bool resisted; bool interrupted; bool crit; bool last_spellattack_hit; bool cancel_after_all_triggers; bool had_triggers; bool had_dmg_remaining; Mutex MSpellTargets; int32 effect_bitmask; }; class LUAUserData{ public: LUAUserData(); virtual ~LUAUserData(){}; virtual bool IsCorrectlyInitialized(); virtual bool IsConversationOption(); virtual bool IsSpawnList(); virtual bool IsOptionWindow(); virtual bool IsSpawn(); virtual bool IsQuest(); virtual bool IsZone(); virtual bool IsItem(); virtual bool IsSkill(); virtual bool IsSpell(); bool correctly_initialized; Item* item; ZoneServer* zone; Spawn* spawn; vector* conversation_options; vector* option_window_option; vector* spawn_list; Quest* quest; Skill* skill; LuaSpell* spell; }; class LUAConversationOptionWrapper : public LUAUserData{ public: LUAConversationOptionWrapper(); bool IsConversationOption(); }; class LUASpawnListWrapper: public LUAUserData{ public: LUASpawnListWrapper(); ~LUASpawnListWrapper() { safe_delete(spawn_list); } bool IsSpawnList(); }; class LUAOptionWindowWrapper : public LUAUserData { public: LUAOptionWindowWrapper(); bool IsOptionWindow(); }; class LUASpawnWrapper : public LUAUserData{ public: LUASpawnWrapper(); bool IsSpawn(); }; class LUAZoneWrapper : public LUAUserData{ public: LUAZoneWrapper(); bool IsZone(); }; class LUAQuestWrapper : public LUAUserData{ public: LUAQuestWrapper(); bool IsQuest(); }; class LUAItemWrapper : public LUAUserData{ public: LUAItemWrapper(); bool IsItem(); }; class LUASkillWrapper: public LUAUserData { public: LUASkillWrapper(); bool IsSkill(); }; class LUASpellWrapper : public LUAUserData { public: LUASpellWrapper(); bool IsSpell(); }; class LuaInterface { public: LuaInterface(); ~LuaInterface(); bool LoadLuaSpell(const char* name); bool LoadLuaSpell(string name); bool LoadItemScript(string name); bool LoadItemScript(const char* name); bool LoadSpawnScript(string name); bool LoadSpawnScript(const char* name); bool LoadZoneScript(string name); bool LoadZoneScript(const char* name); void RemoveSpell(LuaSpell* spell, bool call_remove_function = true, bool can_delete = true, string reason = ""); Spawn* GetSpawn(lua_State* state, int8 arg_num = 1); Item* GetItem(lua_State* state, int8 arg_num = 1); Quest* GetQuest(lua_State* state, int8 arg_num = 1); ZoneServer* GetZone(lua_State* state, int8 arg_num = 1); Skill* GetSkill(lua_State* state, int8 arg_num = 1); LuaSpell* GetSpell(lua_State* state, int8 arg_num = 1); vector* GetConversation(lua_State* state, int8 arg_num = 1); vector* GetSpawnList(lua_State* state, int8 arg_num = 1); vector* GetOptionWindow(lua_State* state, int8 arg_num = 1); int8 GetInt8Value(lua_State* state, int8 arg_num = 1); int16 GetInt16Value(lua_State* state, int8 arg_num = 1); int32 GetInt32Value(lua_State* state, int8 arg_num = 1); sint32 GetSInt32Value(lua_State* state, int8 arg_num = 1); float GetFloatValue(lua_State* state, int8 arg_num = 1); string GetStringValue(lua_State* state, int8 arg_num = 1); bool GetBooleanValue(lua_State*state, int8 arg_num = 1); void Process(); void SetInt32Value(lua_State* state, int32 value); void SetSInt32Value(lua_State* state, sint32 value); void SetFloatValue(lua_State* state, float value); void SetBooleanValue(lua_State* state, bool value); void SetStringValue(lua_State* state, const char* value); void SetSpawnValue(lua_State* state, Spawn* spawn); void SetSkillValue(lua_State* state, Skill* skill); void SetItemValue(lua_State* state, Item* item); void SetQuestValue(lua_State* state, Quest* quest); void SetZoneValue(lua_State* state, ZoneServer* zone); void SetSpawnListValue(lua_State* state, vector* spawnList); void SetSpellValue(lua_State* state, LuaSpell* spell); void SetConversationValue(lua_State* state, vector* conversation); void SetOptionWindowValue(lua_State* state, vector* optionWindow); void AddSpawnPointers(LuaSpell* spell, bool first_cast, bool precast = false, const char* function = 0, SpellScriptTimer* timer = 0); LuaSpell* GetCurrentSpell(lua_State* state); bool CallSpellProcess(LuaSpell* spell, int8 num_parameters); LuaSpell* GetSpell(const char* name); void UseItemScript(const char* name, lua_State* state, bool val); void UseSpawnScript(const char* name, lua_State* state, bool val); void UseZoneScript(const char* name, lua_State* state, bool val); lua_State* GetItemScript(const char* name, bool create_new = true, bool use = false); lua_State* GetSpawnScript(const char* name, bool create_new = true, bool use = false); lua_State* GetZoneScript(const char* name, bool create_new = true, bool use = false); Quest* LoadQuest(int32 id, const char* name, const char* type, const char* zone, int8 level, const char* description, char* script_name); const char* GetScriptName(lua_State* state); void RemoveSpawnScript(const char* name); bool RunItemScript(string script_name, const char* function_name, Item* item, Spawn* spawn = 0); bool CallItemScript(lua_State* state, int8 num_parameters); bool RunSpawnScript(string script_name, const char* function_name, Spawn* npc, Spawn* spawn = 0, const char* message = 0); bool CallSpawnScript(lua_State* state, int8 num_parameters); bool RunZoneScript(string script_name, const char* function_name, ZoneServer* zone, Spawn* spawn = 0, int32 int32_arg1 = 0, const char* str_arg1 = 0, Spawn* spawn_arg1 = 0, int32 int32_arg2 = 0, const char* str_arg2 = 0, Spawn* spawn_arg2 = 0); bool CallZoneScript(lua_State* state, int8 num_parameters); void ResetFunctionStack(lua_State* state); void DestroySpells(); void DestroySpawnScripts(); void DestroyItemScripts(); void ReloadSpells(); void DestroyQuests(bool reload = false); void DestroyZoneScripts(); void SimpleLogError(const char* error); void LogError(const char* error, ...); void CallQuestFunction(Quest* quest, const char* function, Spawn* player, int32 step_id = 0xFFFFFFFF); void RemoveDebugClients(Client* client); void UpdateDebugClients(Client* client); void ProcessErrorMessage(const char* message); map GetDebugClients(){ return debug_clients; } void AddUserDataPtr(LUAUserData* data); void DeleteUserDataPtrs(bool all); void DeletePendingSpells(bool all); void DeletePendingSpell(LuaSpell* spell); Mutex* GetSpawnScriptMutex(const char* name); Mutex* GetItemScriptMutex(const char* name); Mutex* GetZoneScriptMutex(const char* name); Mutex* GetQuestMutex(Quest* quest); void SetSpawnScriptsReloading(bool val) { spawn_scripts_reloading = val; } void AddPendingSpellDelete(LuaSpell* spell); void AddCustomSpell(LuaSpell* spell); void RemoveCustomSpell(int32 id); void FindCustomSpellLock() { MCustomSpell.readlock(); } void FindCustomSpellUnlock() { MCustomSpell.releasereadlock(); } LuaSpell* FindCustomSpell(int32 id); int32 GetFreeCustomSpellID(); private: bool shutting_down; bool spawn_scripts_reloading; map spells_pending_delete; Timer* user_data_timer; Timer* spell_delete_timer; map user_data; map debug_clients; map current_spells; vector* GetDirectoryListing(const char* directory); lua_State* LoadLuaFile(const char* name); void RegisterFunctions(lua_State* state); map spells; map inverse_spells; map quests; map quest_states; map > item_scripts; map > spawn_scripts; map > zone_scripts; map custom_spells; std::deque custom_free_spell_ids; map item_inverse_scripts; map spawn_inverse_scripts; map zone_inverse_scripts; map item_scripts_mutex; map spawn_scripts_mutex; map zone_scripts_mutex; map quests_mutex; Mutex MDebugClients; Mutex MSpells; Mutex MSpawnScripts; Mutex MItemScripts; Mutex MZoneScripts; Mutex MQuests; Mutex MLUAUserData; Mutex MLUAMain; Mutex MSpellDelete; Mutex MCustomSpell; }; #endif