#include "../WorldDatabase.h" #include "../World.h" extern World world; void WorldDatabase::LoadHouseZones() { Query query; MYSQL_ROW row; MYSQL_RES* result = query.RunQuery2(Q_SELECT, "SELECT * FROM `houses`"); if (result && mysql_num_rows(result) > 0) { while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(result))) { world.AddHouseZone(atoul(row[0]), row[1], atoi64(row[2]), atoul(row[3]), atoi64(row[4]), atoul(row[5]), atoi(row[6]), atoi(row[7]), atoi(row[8]), atoul(row[9]), atoul(row[10]), atof(row[11]), atof(row[12]), atof(row[13]), atof(row[14])); } } } int64 WorldDatabase::AddPlayerHouse(int32 char_id, int32 house_id, int32 instance_id, int32 upkeep_due) { Query query; string insert = string("INSERT INTO character_houses (char_id, house_id, instance_id, upkeep_due) VALUES (%u, %u, %u, %u) "); query.RunQuery2(Q_INSERT, insert.c_str(), char_id, house_id, instance_id, upkeep_due); int64 unique_id = query.GetLastInsertedID(); return unique_id; } void WorldDatabase::SetHouseUpkeepDue(int32 char_id, int32 house_id, int32 instance_id, int32 upkeep_due) { Query query; string update = string("UPDATE character_houses set upkeep_due=%u where char_id = %u and house_id = %u and instance_id = %u"); query.RunQuery2(Q_UPDATE, update.c_str(), upkeep_due, char_id, house_id, instance_id); } void WorldDatabase::RemovePlayerHouse(int32 char_id, int32 house_id) { } void WorldDatabase::LoadPlayerHouses() { Query query; MYSQL_ROW row; MYSQL_RES* result = query.RunQuery2(Q_SELECT, "SELECT h.id, h.char_id, h.house_id, h.instance_id, h.upkeep_due, h.escrow_coins, h.escrow_status, c.name FROM character_houses h, characters c WHERE h.char_id = c.id"); if (result && mysql_num_rows(result) > 0) { while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(result))) { world.AddPlayerHouse(atoul(row[1]), atoul(row[2]), atoi64(row[0]), atoul(row[3]), atoul(row[4]), atoi64(row[5]), atoul(row[6]), row[7]); } } }