/* * Copyright Andrey Semashev 2007 - 2015. * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. * (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at * http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) */ /*! * \file attribute_value_set.hpp * \author Andrey Semashev * \date 21.04.2007 * * This header file contains definition of attribute value set. The set is constructed from * three attribute sets (global, thread-specific and source-specific) and contains attribute * values. */ #ifndef BOOST_LOG_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_SET_HPP_INCLUDED_ #define BOOST_LOG_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_SET_HPP_INCLUDED_ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef BOOST_HAS_PRAGMA_ONCE #pragma once #endif namespace boost { BOOST_LOG_OPEN_NAMESPACE /*! * \brief A set of attribute values * * The set of attribute values is an associative container with attribute name as a key and * a pointer to attribute value object as a mapped type. This is a collection of elements with unique * keys, that is, there can be only one attribute value with a given name in the set. With respect to * read-only capabilities, the set interface is close to \c std::unordered_map. * * The set is designed to be only capable of adding elements to it. Once added, the attribute value * cannot be removed from the set. * * An instance of attribute value set can be constructed from three attribute sets. The constructor attempts to * accommodate values of all attributes from the sets. The situation when a same-named attribute is found * in more than one attribute set is possible. This problem is solved on construction of the value set: the three * attribute sets have different priorities when it comes to solving conflicts. * * From the library perspective the three source attribute sets are global, thread-specific and source-specific * attributes, with the latter having the highest priority. This feature allows to override attributes of wider scopes * with the more specific ones. * * For sake of performance, the attribute values are not immediately acquired from attribute sets at construction. * Instead, on-demand acquisition is performed either on iterator dereferencing or on call to the \c freeze method. * Once acquired, the attribute value stays within the set until its destruction. This nuance does not affect * other set properties, such as size or lookup ability. The logging core automatically freezes the set * at the right point, so users should not be bothered unless they manually create attribute value sets. * * \note The attribute sets that were used for the value set construction must not be modified or destroyed * until the value set is frozen. Otherwise the behavior is undefined. */ class attribute_value_set { BOOST_COPYABLE_AND_MOVABLE_ALT(attribute_value_set) public: //! Key type typedef attribute_name key_type; //! Mapped attribute type typedef attribute_value mapped_type; //! Value type typedef std::pair< const key_type, mapped_type > value_type; //! Reference type typedef value_type& reference; //! Const reference type typedef value_type const& const_reference; //! Pointer type typedef value_type* pointer; //! Const pointer type typedef value_type const* const_pointer; //! Size type typedef std::size_t size_type; //! Pointer difference type typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type; #ifndef BOOST_LOG_DOXYGEN_PASS private: struct implementation; friend struct implementation; //! A base class for the container nodes struct node_base { node_base* m_pPrev; node_base* m_pNext; node_base(); BOOST_DELETED_FUNCTION(node_base(node_base const&)) BOOST_DELETED_FUNCTION(node_base& operator= (node_base const&)) }; //! Container elements struct node; friend struct node; struct node : public node_base { value_type m_Value; bool m_DynamicallyAllocated; node(key_type const& key, mapped_type& data, bool dynamic); }; public: class const_iterator; friend class const_iterator; class const_iterator { public: // Standard typedefs typedef attribute_value_set::difference_type difference_type; typedef attribute_value_set::value_type value_type; typedef attribute_value_set::const_reference reference; typedef attribute_value_set::const_pointer pointer; typedef std::bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category; public: // Constructors BOOST_CONSTEXPR const_iterator() : m_pNode(NULL), m_pContainer(NULL) {} explicit const_iterator(node_base* n, attribute_value_set* cont) BOOST_NOEXCEPT : m_pNode(n), m_pContainer(cont) { } // Comparison bool operator== (const_iterator const& that) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return (m_pNode == that.m_pNode); } bool operator!= (const_iterator const& that) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return (m_pNode != that.m_pNode); } // Modification const_iterator& operator++ () { m_pContainer->freeze(); m_pNode = m_pNode->m_pNext; return *this; } const_iterator& operator-- () { m_pContainer->freeze(); m_pNode = m_pNode->m_pPrev; return *this; } const_iterator operator++ (int) { const_iterator tmp(*this); m_pContainer->freeze(); m_pNode = m_pNode->m_pNext; return tmp; } const_iterator operator-- (int) { const_iterator tmp(*this); m_pContainer->freeze(); m_pNode = m_pNode->m_pPrev; return tmp; } // Dereferencing pointer operator-> () const BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return &(static_cast< node* >(m_pNode)->m_Value); } reference operator* () const BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return static_cast< node* >(m_pNode)->m_Value; } private: node_base* m_pNode; attribute_value_set* m_pContainer; }; #else /*! * Constant iterator type with bidirectional capabilities. */ typedef implementation_defined const_iterator; #endif // BOOST_LOG_DOXYGEN_PASS private: //! Pointer to the container implementation implementation* m_pImpl; public: /*! * Default constructor * * The constructor creates an empty set which can be filled later by subsequent * calls of \c insert method. Optionally, the amount of storage reserved for elements * to be inserted may be passed to the constructor. * The constructed set is frozen. * * \param reserve_count Number of elements to reserve space for. */ BOOST_LOG_API explicit attribute_value_set(size_type reserve_count = 8); /*! * Move constructor */ attribute_value_set(BOOST_RV_REF(attribute_value_set) that) BOOST_NOEXCEPT : m_pImpl(that.m_pImpl) { that.m_pImpl = NULL; } /*! * The constructor adopts three attribute sets into the value set. * The \a source_attrs attributes have the greatest preference when a same-named * attribute is found in several sets, \a global_attrs has the least. * The constructed set is not frozen. * * \param source_attrs A set of source-specific attributes. * \param thread_attrs A set of thread-specific attributes. * \param global_attrs A set of global attributes. * \param reserve_count Amount of elements to reserve space for, in addition to the elements in the three attribute sets provided. */ BOOST_LOG_API attribute_value_set( attribute_set const& source_attrs, attribute_set const& thread_attrs, attribute_set const& global_attrs, size_type reserve_count = 8); /*! * The constructor adopts three attribute sets into the value set. * The \a source_attrs attributes have the greatest preference when a same-named * attribute is found in several sets, \a global_attrs has the least. * The constructed set is not frozen. * * \pre The \a source_attrs set is frozen. * * \param source_attrs A set of source-specific attributes. * \param thread_attrs A set of thread-specific attributes. * \param global_attrs A set of global attributes. * \param reserve_count Amount of elements to reserve space for, in addition to the elements in the three attribute sets provided. */ BOOST_LOG_API attribute_value_set( attribute_value_set const& source_attrs, attribute_set const& thread_attrs, attribute_set const& global_attrs, size_type reserve_count = 8); /*! * The constructor adopts three attribute sets into the value set. * The \a source_attrs attributes have the greatest preference when a same-named * attribute is found in several sets, \a global_attrs has the least. * The constructed set is not frozen. * * \pre The \a source_attrs set is frozen. * * \param source_attrs A set of source-specific attributes. * \param thread_attrs A set of thread-specific attributes. * \param global_attrs A set of global attributes. * \param reserve_count Amount of elements to reserve space for, in addition to the elements in the three attribute sets provided. */ attribute_value_set( BOOST_RV_REF(attribute_value_set) source_attrs, attribute_set const& thread_attrs, attribute_set const& global_attrs, size_type reserve_count = 8) : m_pImpl(NULL) { construct(static_cast< attribute_value_set& >(source_attrs), thread_attrs, global_attrs, reserve_count); } /*! * Copy constructor. * * \pre The original set is frozen. * \post The constructed set is frozen, std::equal(begin(), end(), that.begin()) == true */ BOOST_LOG_API attribute_value_set(attribute_value_set const& that); /*! * Destructor. Releases all referenced attribute values. */ BOOST_LOG_API ~attribute_value_set() BOOST_NOEXCEPT; /*! * Assignment operator */ attribute_value_set& operator= (attribute_value_set that) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { this->swap(that); return *this; } /*! * Swaps two sets * * \b Throws: Nothing. */ void swap(attribute_value_set& that) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { implementation* const p = m_pImpl; m_pImpl = that.m_pImpl; that.m_pImpl = p; } /*! * \return Iterator to the first element of the set. */ BOOST_LOG_API const_iterator begin() const; /*! * \return Iterator to the after-the-last element of the set. */ BOOST_LOG_API const_iterator end() const; /*! * \return Number of elements in the set. */ BOOST_LOG_API size_type size() const; /*! * \return \c true if there are no elements in the container, \c false otherwise. */ bool empty() const { return (this->size() == 0); } /*! * The method finds the attribute value by name. * * \param key Attribute name. * \return Iterator to the found element or \c end() if the attribute with such name is not found. */ BOOST_LOG_API const_iterator find(key_type key) const; /*! * Alternative lookup syntax. * * \param key Attribute name. * \return A pointer to the attribute value if it is found with \a key, default-constructed mapped value otherwise. */ mapped_type operator[] (key_type key) const { const_iterator it = this->find(key); if (it != this->end()) return it->second; else return mapped_type(); } /*! * Alternative lookup syntax. * * \param keyword Attribute keyword. * \return A \c value_ref with extracted attribute value if it is found, empty \c value_ref otherwise. */ template< typename DescriptorT, template< typename > class ActorT > typename result_of::extract< typename expressions::attribute_keyword< DescriptorT, ActorT >::value_type, DescriptorT >::type operator[] (expressions::attribute_keyword< DescriptorT, ActorT > const& keyword) const { typedef typename expressions::attribute_keyword< DescriptorT, ActorT >::value_type attr_value_type; typedef typename result_of::extract< attr_value_type, DescriptorT >::type result_type; const_iterator it = this->find(keyword.get_name()); if (it != this->end()) return it->second.extract< attr_value_type, DescriptorT >(); else return result_type(); } /*! * The method counts the number of the attribute value occurrences in the set. Since there can be only one * attribute value with a particular key, the method always return 0 or 1. * * \param key Attribute name. * \return The number of times the attribute value is found in the container. */ size_type count(key_type key) const { return size_type(this->find(key) != this->end()); } /*! * The method acquires values of all adopted attributes. * * \post The set is frozen. */ BOOST_LOG_API void freeze(); /*! * Inserts an element into the set. The complexity of the operation is amortized constant. * * \pre The set is frozen. * * \param key The attribute name. * \param mapped The attribute value. * * \returns An iterator to the inserted element and \c true if insertion succeeded. Otherwise, * if the set already contains a same-named attribute value, iterator to the * existing element and \c false. */ BOOST_LOG_API std::pair< const_iterator, bool > insert(key_type key, mapped_type const& mapped); /*! * Inserts an element into the set. The complexity of the operation is amortized constant. * * \pre The set is frozen. * * \param value The attribute name and value. * * \returns An iterator to the inserted element and \c true if insertion succeeded. Otherwise, * if the set already contains a same-named attribute value, iterator to the * existing element and \c false. */ std::pair< const_iterator, bool > insert(const_reference value) { return this->insert(value.first, value.second); } /*! * Mass insertion method. The complexity of the operation is linear to the number of elements inserted. * * \pre The set is frozen. * * \param begin A forward iterator that points to the first element to be inserted. * \param end A forward iterator that points to the after-the-last element to be inserted. */ template< typename FwdIteratorT > void insert(FwdIteratorT begin, FwdIteratorT end) { for (; begin != end; ++begin) this->insert(*begin); } /*! * Mass insertion method with ability to acquire iterators to the inserted elements. * The complexity of the operation is linear to the number of elements inserted times the complexity * of filling the \a out iterator. * * \pre The set is frozen. * * \param begin A forward iterator that points to the first element to be inserted. * \param end A forward iterator that points to the after-the-last element to be inserted. * \param out An output iterator that receives results of insertion of the elements. */ template< typename FwdIteratorT, typename OutputIteratorT > void insert(FwdIteratorT begin, FwdIteratorT end, OutputIteratorT out) { for (; begin != end; ++begin, ++out) *out = this->insert(*begin); } #ifndef BOOST_LOG_DOXYGEN_PASS private: //! Constructs the object by moving from \a source_attrs. This function is mostly needed to maintain ABI stable between C++03 and C++11. BOOST_LOG_API void construct( attribute_value_set& source_attrs, attribute_set const& thread_attrs, attribute_set const& global_attrs, size_type reserve_count); #endif // BOOST_LOG_DOXYGEN_PASS }; /*! * Free swap overload */ inline void swap(attribute_value_set& left, attribute_value_set& right) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { left.swap(right); } BOOST_LOG_CLOSE_NAMESPACE // namespace log } // namespace boost #include #endif // BOOST_LOG_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_SET_HPP_INCLUDED_