/* * Copyright Andrey Semashev 2007 - 2015. * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. * (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at * http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) */ /*! * \file decomposed_time.hpp * \author Andrey Semashev * \date 07.11.2012 * * \brief This header is the Boost.Log library implementation, see the library documentation * at http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/release/libs/log/doc/html/index.html. */ #ifndef BOOST_LOG_DETAIL_DECOMPOSED_TIME_HPP_INCLUDED_ #define BOOST_LOG_DETAIL_DECOMPOSED_TIME_HPP_INCLUDED_ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef BOOST_HAS_PRAGMA_ONCE #pragma once #endif namespace boost { BOOST_LOG_OPEN_NAMESPACE namespace aux { //! Date and time suitable for formatting struct decomposed_time { // Subseconds are microseconds enum _ { subseconds_per_second = 1000000, subseconds_digits10 = 6 }; uint32_t year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds, subseconds; bool negative; decomposed_time() : year(0), month(1), day(1), hours(0), minutes(0), seconds(0), subseconds(0), negative(false) { } decomposed_time(uint32_t y, uint32_t mo, uint32_t d, uint32_t h, uint32_t mi, uint32_t s, uint32_t ss = 0, bool neg = false) : year(y), month(mo), day(d), hours(h), minutes(mi), seconds(s), subseconds(ss), negative(neg) { } unsigned int week_day() const { unsigned int a = (14u - month) / 12u; unsigned int y = year - a; unsigned int m = month + 12u * a - 2u; return (day + y + (y / 4u) - (y / 100u) + (y / 400u) + (31u * m) / 12u) % 7u; } unsigned int year_day() const { bool is_leap_year = (!(year % 4u)) && ((year % 100u) || (!(year % 400u))); static const unsigned int first_day_offset[] = { 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334 }; return first_day_offset[month - 1] + day + (month > 2 && is_leap_year); } }; inline std::tm to_tm(decomposed_time const& t) { std::tm res = {}; res.tm_year = static_cast< int >(t.year) - 1900; res.tm_mon = t.month - 1; res.tm_mday = t.day; res.tm_hour = t.hours; res.tm_min = t.minutes; res.tm_sec = t.seconds; res.tm_wday = t.week_day(); res.tm_yday = t.year_day(); res.tm_isdst = -1; return res; } template< typename T > struct decomposed_time_wrapper : public boost::log::aux::decomposed_time { typedef boost::log::aux::decomposed_time base_type; typedef T value_type; value_type m_time; BOOST_DEFAULTED_FUNCTION(decomposed_time_wrapper(), {}) explicit decomposed_time_wrapper(value_type const& time) : m_time(time) { } }; template< typename CharT > BOOST_LOG_API void put_integer(boost::log::aux::basic_ostringstreambuf< CharT >& strbuf, uint32_t value, unsigned int width, CharT fill_char); template< typename T, typename CharT > class date_time_formatter { BOOST_COPYABLE_AND_MOVABLE_ALT(date_time_formatter) protected: // Note: This typedef is needed to work around MSVC 2012 crappy name lookup in the derived classes typedef date_time_formatter date_time_formatter_; public: typedef void result_type; typedef T value_type; typedef CharT char_type; typedef std::basic_string< char_type > string_type; typedef basic_formatting_ostream< char_type > stream_type; struct context { date_time_formatter const& self; stream_type& strm; value_type const& value; unsigned int literal_index, literal_pos; context(date_time_formatter const& self_, stream_type& strm_, value_type const& value_) : self(self_), strm(strm_), value(value_), literal_index(0), literal_pos(0) { } BOOST_DELETED_FUNCTION(context(context const&)) BOOST_DELETED_FUNCTION(context& operator=(context const&)) }; private: typedef void (*formatter_type)(context&); typedef std::vector< formatter_type > formatters; typedef std::vector< unsigned int > literal_lens; protected: formatters m_formatters; literal_lens m_literal_lens; string_type m_literal_chars; public: BOOST_DEFAULTED_FUNCTION(date_time_formatter(), {}) date_time_formatter(date_time_formatter const& that) : m_formatters(that.m_formatters), m_literal_lens(that.m_literal_lens), m_literal_chars(that.m_literal_chars) { } date_time_formatter(BOOST_RV_REF(date_time_formatter) that) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { this->swap(static_cast< date_time_formatter& >(that)); } date_time_formatter& operator= (date_time_formatter that) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { this->swap(that); return *this; } result_type operator() (stream_type& strm, value_type const& value) const { // Some formatters will put characters directly to the underlying string, so we have to flush stream buffers before formatting strm.flush(); context ctx(*this, strm, value); for (typename formatters::const_iterator it = m_formatters.begin(), end = m_formatters.end(); strm.good() && it != end; ++it) { (*it)(ctx); } } void add_formatter(formatter_type fun) { m_formatters.push_back(fun); } void add_literal(iterator_range< const char_type* > const& lit) { m_literal_chars.append(lit.begin(), lit.end()); m_literal_lens.push_back(static_cast< unsigned int >(lit.size())); m_formatters.push_back(&date_time_formatter_::format_literal); } void swap(date_time_formatter& that) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { m_formatters.swap(that.m_formatters); m_literal_lens.swap(that.m_literal_lens); m_literal_chars.swap(that.m_literal_chars); } public: template< char FormatCharV > static void format_through_locale(context& ctx) { typedef std::time_put< char_type > facet_type; typedef typename facet_type::iter_type iter_type; std::tm t = to_tm(static_cast< decomposed_time const& >(ctx.value)); std::use_facet< facet_type >(ctx.strm.getloc()).put(iter_type(ctx.strm.stream()), ctx.strm.stream(), ' ', &t, FormatCharV); ctx.strm.flush(); } static void format_full_year(context& ctx) { (put_integer)(*ctx.strm.rdbuf(), ctx.value.year, 4, static_cast< char_type >('0')); } static void format_short_year(context& ctx) { (put_integer)(*ctx.strm.rdbuf(), ctx.value.year % 100u, 2, static_cast< char_type >('0')); } static void format_numeric_month(context& ctx) { (put_integer)(*ctx.strm.rdbuf(), ctx.value.month, 2, static_cast< char_type >('0')); } template< char_type FillCharV > static void format_month_day(context& ctx) { (put_integer)(*ctx.strm.rdbuf(), ctx.value.day, 2, static_cast< char_type >(FillCharV)); } static void format_week_day(context& ctx) { (put_integer)(*ctx.strm.rdbuf(), static_cast< decomposed_time const& >(ctx.value).week_day(), 1, static_cast< char_type >('0')); } template< char_type FillCharV > static void format_hours(context& ctx) { (put_integer)(*ctx.strm.rdbuf(), ctx.value.hours, 2, static_cast< char_type >(FillCharV)); } template< char_type FillCharV > static void format_hours_12(context& ctx) { (put_integer)(*ctx.strm.rdbuf(), ctx.value.hours % 12u + 1u, 2, static_cast< char_type >(FillCharV)); } static void format_minutes(context& ctx) { (put_integer)(*ctx.strm.rdbuf(), ctx.value.minutes, 2, static_cast< char_type >('0')); } static void format_seconds(context& ctx) { (put_integer)(*ctx.strm.rdbuf(), ctx.value.seconds, 2, static_cast< char_type >('0')); } static void format_fractional_seconds(context& ctx) { (put_integer)(*ctx.strm.rdbuf(), ctx.value.subseconds, decomposed_time::subseconds_digits10, static_cast< char_type >('0')); } template< bool UpperCaseV > static void format_am_pm(context& ctx) { static const char_type am[] = { static_cast< char_type >(UpperCaseV ? 'A' : 'a'), static_cast< char_type >(UpperCaseV ? 'M' : 'm'), static_cast< char_type >(0) }; static const char_type pm[] = { static_cast< char_type >(UpperCaseV ? 'P' : 'p'), static_cast< char_type >(UpperCaseV ? 'M' : 'm'), static_cast< char_type >(0) }; ctx.strm.rdbuf()->append(((static_cast< decomposed_time const& >(ctx.value).hours > 11) ? pm : am), 2u); } template< bool DisplayPositiveV > static void format_sign(context& ctx) { if (static_cast< decomposed_time const& >(ctx.value).negative) ctx.strm.rdbuf()->push_back('-'); else if (DisplayPositiveV) ctx.strm.rdbuf()->push_back('+'); } private: static void format_literal(context& ctx) { unsigned int len = ctx.self.m_literal_lens[ctx.literal_index], pos = ctx.literal_pos; ++ctx.literal_index; ctx.literal_pos += len; const char_type* lit = ctx.self.m_literal_chars.c_str(); ctx.strm.rdbuf()->append(lit + pos, len); } }; template< typename FormatterT, typename CharT > class decomposed_time_formatter_builder : public date_time_format_parser_callback< CharT > { public: typedef date_time_format_parser_callback< CharT > base_type; typedef typename base_type::char_type char_type; typedef FormatterT formatter_type; typedef typename formatter_type::value_type value_type; typedef typename formatter_type::stream_type stream_type; typedef typename stream_type::string_type string_type; protected: formatter_type& m_formatter; public: explicit decomposed_time_formatter_builder(formatter_type& fmt) : m_formatter(fmt) { } void on_literal(iterator_range< const char_type* > const& lit) { m_formatter.add_literal(lit); } void on_short_year() { m_formatter.add_formatter(&formatter_type::format_short_year); } void on_full_year() { m_formatter.add_formatter(&formatter_type::format_full_year); } void on_numeric_month() { m_formatter.add_formatter(&formatter_type::format_numeric_month); } void on_short_month() { m_formatter.add_formatter(&formatter_type::BOOST_NESTED_TEMPLATE format_through_locale< 'b' >); } void on_full_month() { m_formatter.add_formatter(&formatter_type::BOOST_NESTED_TEMPLATE format_through_locale< 'B' >); } void on_month_day(bool leading_zero) { if (leading_zero) m_formatter.add_formatter(&formatter_type::BOOST_NESTED_TEMPLATE format_month_day< '0' >); else m_formatter.add_formatter(&formatter_type::BOOST_NESTED_TEMPLATE format_month_day< ' ' >); } void on_numeric_week_day() { m_formatter.add_formatter(&formatter_type::format_week_day); } void on_short_week_day() { m_formatter.add_formatter(&formatter_type::BOOST_NESTED_TEMPLATE format_through_locale< 'a' >); } void on_full_week_day() { m_formatter.add_formatter(&formatter_type::BOOST_NESTED_TEMPLATE format_through_locale< 'A' >); } void on_hours(bool leading_zero) { if (leading_zero) m_formatter.add_formatter(&formatter_type::BOOST_NESTED_TEMPLATE format_hours< '0' >); else m_formatter.add_formatter(&formatter_type::BOOST_NESTED_TEMPLATE format_hours< ' ' >); } void on_hours_12(bool leading_zero) { if (leading_zero) m_formatter.add_formatter(&formatter_type::BOOST_NESTED_TEMPLATE format_hours_12< '0' >); else m_formatter.add_formatter(&formatter_type::BOOST_NESTED_TEMPLATE format_hours_12< ' ' >); } void on_minutes() { m_formatter.add_formatter(&formatter_type::format_minutes); } void on_seconds() { m_formatter.add_formatter(&formatter_type::format_seconds); } void on_fractional_seconds() { m_formatter.add_formatter(&formatter_type::format_fractional_seconds); } void on_am_pm(bool upper_case) { if (upper_case) m_formatter.add_formatter(&formatter_type::BOOST_NESTED_TEMPLATE format_am_pm< true >); else m_formatter.add_formatter(&formatter_type::BOOST_NESTED_TEMPLATE format_am_pm< false >); } void on_duration_sign(bool display_positive) { if (display_positive) m_formatter.add_formatter(&formatter_type::BOOST_NESTED_TEMPLATE format_sign< true >); else m_formatter.add_formatter(&formatter_type::BOOST_NESTED_TEMPLATE format_sign< false >); } void on_iso_time_zone() { } void on_extended_iso_time_zone() { } }; } // namespace aux BOOST_LOG_CLOSE_NAMESPACE // namespace log } // namespace boost #include #endif // BOOST_LOG_DETAIL_DECOMPOSED_TIME_HPP_INCLUDED_