# Paths for the reference.html Path Decomposition Table # # This is the input file for path_table, which generates the actual html # # Copyright Beman Dawes 2010 # # Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. # See www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt # # Note that an empty line is treated as input rather than as a comment . .. foo / /foo foo/ /foo/ foo/bar /foo/bar //net //net/foo ///foo/// ///foo///bar /. ./ /.. ../ foo/. foo/.. foo/./ foo/./bar foo/.. foo/../ foo/../bar c: c:/ c:foo c:/foo c:foo/ c:/foo/ c:/foo/bar prn: c:\ c:foo c:\foo c:foo\ c:\foo\ c:\foo/ c:/foo\bar