boost::sort Namespace Reference


template<class Data_type , class Cast_type >
Cast_type float_mem_cast (const Data_type &data)
 Casts a float to the specified integer type. More...
template<class RandomAccessIter >
void float_sort (RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last)
 float_sort with casting to the appropriate size. More...
template<class RandomAccessIter , class Right_shift >
void float_sort (RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, Right_shift rshift)
 Floating-point sort algorithm using random access iterators with just right-shift functor. More...
template<class RandomAccessIter , class Right_shift , class Compare >
void float_sort (RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, Right_shift rshift, Compare comp)
 Float sort algorithm using random access iterators with both right-shift and user-defined comparison operator. More...
template<class RandomAccessIter >
void integer_sort (RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last)
 Integer sort algorithm using random access iterators. (All variants fall back to std::sort if the data size is too small, < detail::min_sort_size). More...
template<class RandomAccessIter , class Right_shift , class Compare >
void integer_sort (RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, Right_shift shift, Compare comp)
 Integer sort algorithm using random access iterators with both right-shift and user-defined comparison operator. (All variants fall back to std::sort if the data size is too small, < detail::min_sort_size). More...
template<class RandomAccessIter , class Right_shift >
void integer_sort (RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, Right_shift shift)
 Integer sort algorithm using random access iterators with just right-shift functor. (All variants fall back to std::sort if the data size is too small, < detail::min_sort_size). More...
template<class RandomAccessIter >
boost::enable_if_c< std::numeric_limits< typename std::iterator_traits< RandomAccessIter >::value_type >::is_integer, void >::type spreadsort (RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last)
 Generic spreadsort variant detecting integer-type elements so call to integer_sort. More...
template<class RandomAccessIter >
boost::enable_if_c< !std::numeric_limits< typename std::iterator_traits< RandomAccessIter >::value_type >::is_integer &&std::numeric_limits< typename std::iterator_traits< RandomAccessIter >::value_type >::is_iec559, void >::type spreadsort (RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last)
 Generic spreadsort variant detecting float element type so call to float_sort. More...
template<class RandomAccessIter >
boost::enable_if_c< is_same< typename std::iterator_traits< RandomAccessIter >::value_type, typename std::string >::value||is_same< typename std::iterator_traits< RandomAccessIter >::value_type, typename std::wstring >::value, void >::type spreadsort (RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last)
 Generic spreadsort variant detecting string element type so call to string_sort for std::strings and std::wstrings. More...
template<class RandomAccessIter , class Unsigned_char_type >
void string_sort (RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, Unsigned_char_type unused)
 String sort algorithm using random access iterators, allowing character-type overloads.
(All variants fall back to std::sort if the data size is too small, < detail::min_sort_size). More...
template<class RandomAccessIter >
void string_sort (RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last)
 String sort algorithm using random access iterators, wraps using default of unsigned char. (All variants fall back to std::sort if the data size is too small, < detail::min_sort_size). More...
template<class RandomAccessIter , class Compare , class Unsigned_char_type >
void reverse_string_sort (RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, Compare comp, Unsigned_char_type unused)
 String sort algorithm using random access iterators, allowing character-type overloads. More...
template<class RandomAccessIter , class Compare >
void reverse_string_sort (RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, Compare comp)
 String sort algorithm using random access iterators, wraps using default of unsigned char. More...
template<class RandomAccessIter , class Get_char , class Get_length >
void string_sort (RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, Get_char get_character, Get_length length)
 String sort algorithm using random access iterators, wraps using default of unsigned char. More...
template<class RandomAccessIter , class Get_char , class Get_length , class Compare >
void string_sort (RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, Get_char get_character, Get_length length, Compare comp)
 String sort algorithm using random access iterators, wraps using default of unsigned char. More...
template<class RandomAccessIter , class Get_char , class Get_length , class Compare >
void reverse_string_sort (RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, Get_char get_character, Get_length length, Compare comp)
 Reverse String sort algorithm using random access iterators. More...

Detailed Description

Namespace for spreadsort sort variants for different data types.

Use hyperlinks (coloured) to get detailed information about functions.

Function Documentation

template<class Data_type , class Cast_type >
Cast_type boost::sort::float_mem_cast ( const Data_type &  data)

Casts a float to the specified integer type.

Template Parameters
Data_typeFloating-point IEEE 754/IEC559 type.
Cast_typeInteger type (same size) to which to cast.
struct rightshift {
int operator()(const DATA_TYPE &x, const unsigned offset) const {
return float_mem_cast<KEY_TYPE, CAST_TYPE>(x.key) >> offset;
template<class RandomAccessIter >
void boost::sort::float_sort ( RandomAccessIter  first,
RandomAccessIter  last 

float_sort with casting to the appropriate size.

Template Parameters
RandomAccessIterRandom access iterator
[in]firstIterator pointer to first element.
[in]lastIterator pointing to one beyond the end of data.

Some performance plots of runtime vs. n and log(range) are provided:

A simple example of sorting some floating-point is:
vector<float> vec;
spreadsort(vec.begin(), vec.end());
The sorted vector contains ascending values "1.0 1.3 2.3".
template<class RandomAccessIter , class Right_shift >
void boost::sort::float_sort ( RandomAccessIter  first,
RandomAccessIter  last,
Right_shift  rshift 

Floating-point sort algorithm using random access iterators with just right-shift functor.

Template Parameters
RandomAccessIterRandom access iterator
Right_shiftFunctor for right-shift by parameter shift bits.
[in]firstIterator pointer to first element.
[in]lastIterator pointing to one beyond the end of data.
[in]rshiftNumber of bits to right-shift (using functor).
template<class RandomAccessIter , class Right_shift , class Compare >
void boost::sort::float_sort ( RandomAccessIter  first,
RandomAccessIter  last,
Right_shift  rshift,
Compare  comp 

Float sort algorithm using random access iterators with both right-shift and user-defined comparison operator.

Template Parameters
RandomAccessIterRandom access iterator
Right_shiftfunctor for right-shift by parameter shift bits.
CompTo provide operator< for user-defined comparison.
[in]firstIterator pointer to first element.
[in]lastIterator pointing to one beyond the end of data.
[in]rshiftNumber of bits to right-shift (using functor).
[in]compcomparison functor.
template<class RandomAccessIter >
void boost::sort::integer_sort ( RandomAccessIter  first,
RandomAccessIter  last 

Integer sort algorithm using random access iterators. (All variants fall back to std::sort if the data size is too small, < detail::min_sort_size).

integer_sort is a fast templated in-place hybrid radix/comparison algorithm, which in testing tends to be roughly 50% to 2X faster than std::sort for large tests (>=100kB).
Worst-case performance is O(N * (lg(range)/s + s)) , so integer_sort is asymptotically faster than pure comparison-based algorithms. s is max_splits, which defaults to 11, so its worst-case with default settings for 32-bit integers is O(N * ((32/11) slow radix-based iterations fast comparison-based iterations).

Some performance plots of runtime vs. n and log(range) are provided:

Template Parameters
RandomAccessIterRandom access iterator
[in]firstIterator pointer to first element.
[in]lastIterator pointing to one beyond the end of data.
[first, last) is a valid range.
RandomAccessIter value_type is mutable.
RandomAccessIter value_type is LessThanComparable
RandomAccessIter value_type supports the operator>>, which returns an integer-type right-shifted a specified number of bits.
The elements in the range [first, last) are sorted in ascending order.
std::exceptionPropagates exceptions if any of the element comparisons, the element swaps (or moves), the right shift, subtraction of right-shifted elements, functors, or any operations on iterators throw.
Throwing an exception may cause data loss. This will also throw if a small vector resize throws, in which case there will be no data loss.
Invalid arguments cause undefined behaviour.
spreadsort function provides a wrapper that calls the fastest sorting algorithm available for a data type, enabling faster generic-programming.
The lesser of O(N*log(N)) comparisons and O(N*log(K/S + S)) operations worst-case, where:
* N is last - first,
* K is the log of the range in bits (32 for 32-bit integers using their full range),
* S is a constant called max_splits, defaulting to 11 (except for strings where it is the log of the character size).
template<class RandomAccessIter , class Right_shift , class Compare >
void boost::sort::integer_sort ( RandomAccessIter  first,
RandomAccessIter  last,
Right_shift  shift,
Compare  comp 

Integer sort algorithm using random access iterators with both right-shift and user-defined comparison operator. (All variants fall back to std::sort if the data size is too small, < detail::min_sort_size).

integer_sort is a fast templated in-place hybrid radix/comparison algorithm, which in testing tends to be roughly 50% to 2X faster than std::sort for large tests (>=100kB).
Worst-case performance is O(N * (lg(range)/s + s)) , so integer_sort is asymptotically faster than pure comparison-based algorithms. s is max_splits, which defaults to 11, so its worst-case with default settings for 32-bit integers is O(N * ((32/11) slow radix-based iterations fast comparison-based iterations).

Some performance plots of runtime vs. n and log(range) are provided:

Template Parameters
RandomAccessIterRandom access iterator
Right_shiftfunctor for right-shift by parameter shift bits.
CompTo provide operator< for user-defined comparison.
[in]firstIterator pointer to first element.
[in]lastIterator pointing to one beyond the end of data.
[in]shiftNumber of bits to right-shift (using functor).
[in]compcomparison functor.
[first, last) is a valid range.
RandomAccessIter value_type is mutable.
RandomAccessIter value_type is LessThanComparable
RandomAccessIter value_type supports the operator>>, which returns an integer-type right-shifted a specified number of bits.
The elements in the range [first, last) are sorted in ascending order.
std::exceptionPropagates exceptions if any of the element comparisons, the element swaps (or moves), the right shift, subtraction of right-shifted elements, functors, or any operations on iterators throw.
Throwing an exception may cause data loss. This will also throw if a small vector resize throws, in which case there will be no data loss.
Invalid arguments cause undefined behaviour.
spreadsort function provides a wrapper that calls the fastest sorting algorithm available for a data type, enabling faster generic-programming.
The lesser of O(N*log(N)) comparisons and O(N*log(K/S + S)) operations worst-case, where:
* N is last - first,
* K is the log of the range in bits (32 for 32-bit integers using their full range),
* S is a constant called max_splits, defaulting to 11 (except for strings where it is the log of the character size).
template<class RandomAccessIter , class Right_shift >
void boost::sort::integer_sort ( RandomAccessIter  first,
RandomAccessIter  last,
Right_shift  shift 

Integer sort algorithm using random access iterators with just right-shift functor. (All variants fall back to std::sort if the data size is too small, < detail::min_sort_size).

integer_sort is a fast templated in-place hybrid radix/comparison algorithm, which in testing tends to be roughly 50% to 2X faster than std::sort for large tests (>=100kB).

Worst-case performance is O(N * (lg(range)/s + s)) , so integer_sort is asymptotically faster than pure comparison-based algorithms. s is max_splits, which defaults to 11, so its worst-case with default settings for 32-bit integers is O(N * ((32/11) slow radix-based iterations fast comparison-based iterations).

Some performance plots of runtime vs. n and log(range) are provided:
Template Parameters
RandomAccessIterRandom access iterator
Right_shiftfunctor for right-shift by parameter shift bits.
[in]firstIterator pointer to first element.
[in]lastIterator pointing to one beyond the end of data.
[in]shiftNumber of bits to right-shift (using functor).
[first, last) is a valid range.
RandomAccessIter value_type is mutable.
RandomAccessIter value_type is LessThanComparable
RandomAccessIter value_type supports the operator>>, which returns an integer-type right-shifted a specified number of bits.
The elements in the range [first, last) are sorted in ascending order.
std::exceptionPropagates exceptions if any of the element comparisons, the element swaps (or moves), the right shift, subtraction of right-shifted elements, functors, or any operations on iterators throw.
Throwing an exception may cause data loss. This will also throw if a small vector resize throws, in which case there will be no data loss.
Invalid arguments cause undefined behaviour.
spreadsort function provides a wrapper that calls the fastest sorting algorithm available for a data type, enabling faster generic-programming.
The lesser of O(N*log(N)) comparisons and O(N*log(K/S + S)) operations worst-case, where:
* N is last - first,
* K is the log of the range in bits (32 for 32-bit integers using their full range),
* S is a constant called max_splits, defaulting to 11 (except for strings where it is the log of the character size).
template<class RandomAccessIter , class Compare , class Unsigned_char_type >
void boost::sort::reverse_string_sort ( RandomAccessIter  first,
RandomAccessIter  last,
Compare  comp,
Unsigned_char_type  unused 

String sort algorithm using random access iterators, allowing character-type overloads.

(All variants fall back to std::sort if the data size is too small, < detail::min_sort_size).

integer_sort is a fast templated in-place hybrid radix/comparison algorithm, which in testing tends to be roughly 50% to 2X faster than std::sort for large tests (>=100kB).
Worst-case performance is O(N * (lg(range)/s + s)) , so integer_sort is asymptotically faster than pure comparison-based algorithms. s is max_splits, which defaults to 11, so its worst-case with default settings for 32-bit integers is O(N * ((32/11) slow radix-based iterations fast comparison-based iterations).

Some performance plots of runtime vs. n and log(range) are provided:

Template Parameters
RandomAccessIterRandom access iterator
CompTo provide operator< for user-defined comparison.
Unsigned_char_typeUnsigned character type used for string.
[in]firstIterator pointer to first element.
[in]lastIterator pointing to one beyond the end of data.
[in]compcomparison functor.
[in]unusedUnused ???
[first, last) is a valid range.
RandomAccessIter value_type is mutable.
RandomAccessIter value_type is LessThanComparable
RandomAccessIter value_type supports the operator>>, which returns an integer-type right-shifted a specified number of bits.
The elements in the range [first, last) are sorted in ascending order.
std::exceptionPropagates exceptions if any of the element comparisons, the element swaps (or moves), the right shift, subtraction of right-shifted elements, functors, or any operations on iterators throw.
Throwing an exception may cause data loss. This will also throw if a small vector resize throws, in which case there will be no data loss.
Invalid arguments cause undefined behaviour.
spreadsort function provides a wrapper that calls the fastest sorting algorithm available for a data type, enabling faster generic-programming.
The lesser of O(N*log(N)) comparisons and O(N*log(K/S + S)) operations worst-case, where:
* N is last - first,
* K is the log of the range in bits (32 for 32-bit integers using their full range),
* S is a constant called max_splits, defaulting to 11 (except for strings where it is the log of the character size).
template<class RandomAccessIter , class Compare >
void boost::sort::reverse_string_sort ( RandomAccessIter  first,
RandomAccessIter  last,
Compare  comp 

String sort algorithm using random access iterators, wraps using default of unsigned char.

(All variants fall back to std::sort if the data size is too small, < detail::min_sort_size).

integer_sort is a fast templated in-place hybrid radix/comparison algorithm, which in testing tends to be roughly 50% to 2X faster than std::sort for large tests (>=100kB).
Worst-case performance is O(N * (lg(range)/s + s)) , so integer_sort is asymptotically faster than pure comparison-based algorithms. s is max_splits, which defaults to 11, so its worst-case with default settings for 32-bit integers is O(N * ((32/11) slow radix-based iterations fast comparison-based iterations).

Some performance plots of runtime vs. n and log(range) are provided:

Template Parameters
RandomAccessIterRandom access iterator
CompTo provide operator< for user-defined comparison.
[in]firstIterator pointer to first element.
[in]lastIterator pointing to one beyond the end of data.
[in]compComparison functor.
[first, last) is a valid range.
RandomAccessIter value_type is mutable.
RandomAccessIter value_type is LessThanComparable
RandomAccessIter value_type supports the operator>>, which returns an integer-type right-shifted a specified number of bits.
The elements in the range [first, last) are sorted in ascending order.
std::exceptionPropagates exceptions if any of the element comparisons, the element swaps (or moves), the right shift, subtraction of right-shifted elements, functors, or any operations on iterators throw.
Throwing an exception may cause data loss. This will also throw if a small vector resize throws, in which case there will be no data loss.
Invalid arguments cause undefined behaviour.
spreadsort function provides a wrapper that calls the fastest sorting algorithm available for a data type, enabling faster generic-programming.
The lesser of O(N*log(N)) comparisons and O(N*log(K/S + S)) operations worst-case, where:
* N is last - first,
* K is the log of the range in bits (32 for 32-bit integers using their full range),
* S is a constant called max_splits, defaulting to 11 (except for strings where it is the log of the character size).
template<class RandomAccessIter , class Get_char , class Get_length , class Compare >
void boost::sort::reverse_string_sort ( RandomAccessIter  first,
RandomAccessIter  last,
Get_char  get_character,
Get_length  length,
Compare  comp 

Reverse String sort algorithm using random access iterators.

(All variants fall back to std::sort if the data size is too small, < detail::min_sort_size).

integer_sort is a fast templated in-place hybrid radix/comparison algorithm, which in testing tends to be roughly 50% to 2X faster than std::sort for large tests (>=100kB).
Worst-case performance is O(N * (lg(range)/s + s)) , so integer_sort is asymptotically faster than pure comparison-based algorithms. s is max_splits, which defaults to 11, so its worst-case with default settings for 32-bit integers is O(N * ((32/11) slow radix-based iterations fast comparison-based iterations).

Some performance plots of runtime vs. n and log(range) are provided:

Template Parameters
RandomAccessIterRandom access iterator
Get_length??? TODO
CompTo provide operator< for user-defined comparison.
[in]firstIterator pointer to first element.
[in]lastIterator pointing to one beyond the end of data.
[in]compcomparison functor.
[first, last) is a valid range.
RandomAccessIter value_type is mutable.
RandomAccessIter value_type is LessThanComparable
The elements in the range [first, last) are sorted in ascending order.
std::exceptionPropagates exceptions if any of the element comparisons, the element swaps (or moves), the right shift, subtraction of right-shifted elements, functors, or any operations on iterators throw.
Throwing an exception may cause data loss. This will also throw if a small vector resize throws, in which case there will be no data loss.
Invalid arguments cause undefined behaviour.
spreadsort function provides a wrapper that calls the fastest sorting algorithm available for a data type, enabling faster generic-programming.
The lesser of O(N*log(N)) comparisons and O(N*log(K/S + S)) operations worst-case, where:
* N is last - first,
* K is the log of the range in bits (32 for 32-bit integers using their full range),
* S is a constant called max_splits, defaulting to 11 (except for strings where it is the log of the character size).
template<class RandomAccessIter >
boost::enable_if_c< std::numeric_limits< typename std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIter>::value_type >::is_integer, void >::type boost::sort::spreadsort ( RandomAccessIter  first,
RandomAccessIter  last 

Generic spreadsort variant detecting integer-type elements so call to integer_sort.

If the data type provided is an integer, integer_sort is used.

Sorting other data types requires picking between integer_sort, float_sort and string_sort directly, as spreadsort won't accept types that don't have the appropriate type_traits.
Template Parameters
RandomAccessIterRandom access iterator
[in]firstIterator pointer to first element.
[in]lastIterator pointing to one beyond the end of data.
[first, last) is a valid range.
RandomAccessIter value_type is mutable.
RandomAccessIter value_type is LessThanComparable
RandomAccessIter value_type supports the operator>>, which returns an integer-type right-shifted a specified number of bits.
The elements in the range [first, last) are sorted in ascending order.
template<class RandomAccessIter >
boost::enable_if_c< !std::numeric_limits< typename std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIter>::value_type >::is_integer && std::numeric_limits< typename std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIter>::value_type >::is_iec559, void >::type boost::sort::spreadsort ( RandomAccessIter  first,
RandomAccessIter  last 

Generic spreadsort variant detecting float element type so call to float_sort.

If the data type provided is a float or castable-float, float_sort is used.

Sorting other data types requires picking between integer_sort, float_sort and string_sort directly, as spreadsort won't accept types that don't have the appropriate type_traits.
Template Parameters
RandomAccessIterRandom access iterator
[in]firstIterator pointer to first element.
[in]lastIterator pointing to one beyond the end of data.
[first, last) is a valid range.
RandomAccessIter value_type is mutable.
RandomAccessIter value_type is LessThanComparable
RandomAccessIter value_type supports the operator>>, which returns an integer-type right-shifted a specified number of bits.
The elements in the range [first, last) are sorted in ascending order.
template<class RandomAccessIter >
boost::enable_if_c< is_same<typename std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIter>::value_type, typename std::string>::value || is_same<typename std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIter>::value_type, typename std::wstring>::value, void >::type boost::sort::spreadsort ( RandomAccessIter  first,
RandomAccessIter  last 

Generic spreadsort variant detecting string element type so call to string_sort for std::strings and std::wstrings.

If the data type provided is a string or wstring, string_sort is used.

Sorting other data types requires picking between integer_sort, float_sort and string_sort directly, as spreadsort won't accept types that don't have the appropriate type_traits.
Template Parameters
RandomAccessIterRandom access iterator
[in]firstIterator pointer to first element.
[in]lastIterator pointing to one beyond the end of data.
[first, last) is a valid range.
RandomAccessIter value_type is mutable.
RandomAccessIter value_type is LessThanComparable
RandomAccessIter value_type supports the operator>>, which returns an integer-type right-shifted a specified number of bits.
The elements in the range [first, last) are sorted in ascending order.
template<class RandomAccessIter , class Unsigned_char_type >
void boost::sort::string_sort ( RandomAccessIter  first,
RandomAccessIter  last,
Unsigned_char_type  unused 

String sort algorithm using random access iterators, allowing character-type overloads.
(All variants fall back to std::sort if the data size is too small, < detail::min_sort_size).

string_sort is a fast templated in-place hybrid radix/comparison algorithm, which in testing tends to be roughly 50% to 2X faster than std::sort for large tests (>=100kB).

Worst-case performance is O(N * (lg(range)/s + s)) , so integer_sort is asymptotically faster than pure comparison-based algorithms. s is max_splits, which defaults to 11, so its worst-case with default settings for 32-bit integers is O(N * ((32/11) slow radix-based iterations fast comparison-based iterations).

Some performance plots of runtime vs. n and log(range) are provided:
Template Parameters
RandomAccessIterRandom access iterator
Unsigned_char_typeUnsigned character type used for string.
[in]firstIterator pointer to first element.
[in]lastIterator pointing to one beyond the end of data.
[in]unusedUnused ???
[first, last) is a valid range.
RandomAccessIter value_type is mutable.
RandomAccessIter value_type is LessThanComparable
RandomAccessIter value_type supports the operator>>, which returns an integer-type right-shifted a specified number of bits.
The elements in the range [first, last) are sorted in ascending order.
std::exceptionPropagates exceptions if any of the element comparisons, the element swaps (or moves), the right shift, subtraction of right-shifted elements, functors, or any operations on iterators throw.
Throwing an exception may cause data loss. This will also throw if a small vector resize throws, in which case there will be no data loss.
Invalid arguments cause undefined behaviour.
spreadsort function provides a wrapper that calls the fastest sorting algorithm available for a data type, enabling faster generic-programming.
The lesser of O(N*log(N)) comparisons and O(N*log(K/S + S)) operations worst-case, where:
* N is last - first,
* K is the log of the range in bits (32 for 32-bit integers using their full range),
* S is a constant called max_splits, defaulting to 11 (except for strings where it is the log of the character size).
template<class RandomAccessIter >
void boost::sort::string_sort ( RandomAccessIter  first,
RandomAccessIter  last 

String sort algorithm using random access iterators, wraps using default of unsigned char. (All variants fall back to std::sort if the data size is too small, < detail::min_sort_size).

string_sort is a fast templated in-place hybrid radix/comparison algorithm, which in testing tends to be roughly 50% to 2X faster than std::sort for large tests (>=100kB).
Worst-case performance is O(N * (lg(range)/s + s)) , so integer_sort is asymptotically faster than pure comparison-based algorithms. s is max_splits, which defaults to 11, so its worst-case with default settings for 32-bit integers is O(N * ((32/11) slow radix-based iterations fast comparison-based iterations).

Some performance plots of runtime vs. n and log(range) are provided:

Template Parameters
RandomAccessIterRandom access iterator
[in]firstIterator pointer to first element.
[in]lastIterator pointing to one beyond the end of data.
[first, last) is a valid range.
RandomAccessIter value_type is mutable.
RandomAccessIter value_type is LessThanComparable
RandomAccessIter value_type supports the operator>>, which returns an integer-type right-shifted a specified number of bits.
The elements in the range [first, last) are sorted in ascending order.
std::exceptionPropagates exceptions if any of the element comparisons, the element swaps (or moves), the right shift, subtraction of right-shifted elements, functors, or any operations on iterators throw.
Throwing an exception may cause data loss. This will also throw if a small vector resize throws, in which case there will be no data loss.
Invalid arguments cause undefined behaviour.
spreadsort function provides a wrapper that calls the fastest sorting algorithm available for a data type, enabling faster generic-programming.
The lesser of O(N*log(N)) comparisons and O(N*log(K/S + S)) operations worst-case, where:
* N is last - first,
* K is the log of the range in bits (32 for 32-bit integers using their full range),
* S is a constant called max_splits, defaulting to 11 (except for strings where it is the log of the character size).
template<class RandomAccessIter , class Get_char , class Get_length >
void boost::sort::string_sort ( RandomAccessIter  first,
RandomAccessIter  last,
Get_char  get_character,
Get_length  length 

String sort algorithm using random access iterators, wraps using default of unsigned char.

(All variants fall back to std::sort if the data size is too small, < detail::min_sort_size).

integer_sort is a fast templated in-place hybrid radix/comparison algorithm, which in testing tends to be roughly 50% to 2X faster than std::sort for large tests (>=100kB).
Worst-case performance is O(N * (lg(range)/s + s)) , so integer_sort is asymptotically faster than pure comparison-based algorithms. s is max_splits, which defaults to 11, so its worst-case with default settings for 32-bit integers is O(N * ((32/11) slow radix-based iterations fast comparison-based iterations).

Some performance plots of runtime vs. n and log(range) are provided:

Template Parameters
RandomAccessIterRandom access iterator
Get_charBracket functor equivalent to operator[], taking a number corresponding to the character offset..
Get_lengthFunctor to get the length of the string in characters. TODO Check this and below and other places!!!
[in]firstIterator pointer to first element.
[in]lastIterator pointing to one beyond the end of data.
[in]get_characterNumber corresponding to the character offset from bracket functor equivalent to operator[].
[in]lengthFunctor to get the length of the string in characters.
[first, last) is a valid range.
RandomAccessIter value_type is mutable.
RandomAccessIter value_type is LessThanComparable
RandomAccessIter value_type supports the operator>>, which returns an integer-type right-shifted a specified number of bits.
The elements in the range [first, last) are sorted in ascending order.
std::exceptionPropagates exceptions if any of the element comparisons, the element swaps (or moves), the right shift, subtraction of right-shifted elements, functors, or any operations on iterators throw.
Throwing an exception may cause data loss. This will also throw if a small vector resize throws, in which case there will be no data loss.
Invalid arguments cause undefined behaviour.
spreadsort function provides a wrapper that calls the fastest sorting algorithm available for a data type, enabling faster generic-programming.
The lesser of O(N*log(N)) comparisons and O(N*log(K/S + S)) operations worst-case, where:
* N is last - first,
* K is the log of the range in bits (32 for 32-bit integers using their full range),
* S is a constant called max_splits, defaulting to 11 (except for strings where it is the log of the character size).
template<class RandomAccessIter , class Get_char , class Get_length , class Compare >
void boost::sort::string_sort ( RandomAccessIter  first,
RandomAccessIter  last,
Get_char  get_character,
Get_length  length,
Compare  comp 

String sort algorithm using random access iterators, wraps using default of unsigned char.

(All variants fall back to std::sort if the data size is too small, < detail::min_sort_size).

integer_sort is a fast templated in-place hybrid radix/comparison algorithm, which in testing tends to be roughly 50% to 2X faster than std::sort for large tests (>=100kB).
Worst-case performance is O(N * (lg(range)/s + s)) , so integer_sort is asymptotically faster than pure comparison-based algorithms. s is max_splits, which defaults to 11, so its worst-case with default settings for 32-bit integers is O(N * ((32/11) slow radix-based iterations fast comparison-based iterations).

Some performance plots of runtime vs. n and log(range) are provided:

Template Parameters
RandomAccessIterRandom access iterator
Get_length??? TODO
CompTo provide operator< for user-defined comparison.
[in]firstIterator pointer to first element.
[in]lastIterator pointing to one beyond the end of data.
[in]compcomparison functor.
[first, last) is a valid range.
RandomAccessIter value_type is mutable.
RandomAccessIter value_type is LessThanComparable
The elements in the range [first, last) are sorted in ascending order.
std::exceptionPropagates exceptions if any of the element comparisons, the element swaps (or moves), the right shift, subtraction of right-shifted elements, functors, or any operations on iterators throw.
Throwing an exception may cause data loss. This will also throw if a small vector resize throws, in which case there will be no data loss.
Invalid arguments cause undefined behaviour.
spreadsort function provides a wrapper that calls the fastest sorting algorithm available for a data type, enabling faster generic-programming.
The lesser of O(N*log(N)) comparisons and O(N*log(K/S + S)) operations worst-case, where:
* N is last - first,
* K is the log of the range in bits (32 for 32-bit integers using their full range),
* S is a constant called max_splits, defaulting to 11 (except for strings where it is the log of the character size).