/*============================================================================= Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Dan Nuffer Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Joel de Guzman http://spirit.sourceforge.net/ Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) =============================================================================*/ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Full calculator example with variables // [ JDG 9/18/2002 ] // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace BOOST_SPIRIT_CLASSIC_NS; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Semantic actions // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// struct push_num { push_num(stack& eval_) : eval(eval_) {} void operator()(double n) const { eval.push(n); cout << "push\t" << n << endl; } stack& eval; }; template struct do_op { do_op(op const& the_op, stack& eval_) : m_op(the_op), eval(eval_) {} void operator()(char const*, char const*) const { double rhs = eval.top(); eval.pop(); double lhs = eval.top(); eval.pop(); cout << "popped " << lhs << " and " << rhs << " from the stack. "; cout << "pushing " << m_op(lhs, rhs) << " onto the stack.\n"; eval.push(m_op(lhs, rhs)); } op m_op; stack& eval; }; template do_op make_op(op const& the_op, stack& eval) { return do_op(the_op, eval); } struct do_negate { do_negate(stack& eval_) : eval(eval_) {} void operator()(char const*, char const*) const { double lhs = eval.top(); eval.pop(); cout << "popped " << lhs << " from the stack. "; cout << "pushing " << -lhs << " onto the stack.\n"; eval.push(-lhs); } stack& eval; }; struct get_var { get_var(stack& eval_) : eval(eval_) {} void operator()(double n) const { eval.push(n); cout << "push\t" << n << endl; } stack& eval; }; struct set_var { set_var(double*& var_) : var(var_) {} void operator()(double& n) const { var = &n; } double*& var; }; struct redecl_var { void operator()(double& /*n*/) const { cout << "Warning. You are attempting to re-declare a var.\n"; } }; struct do_assign { do_assign(double*& var_, stack& eval_) : var(var_), eval(eval_) {} void operator()(char const*, char const*) const { if (var != 0) { *var = eval.top(); cout << "assigning\n"; } } double*& var; stack& eval; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Our calculator grammar // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// struct calculator : public grammar { calculator(stack& eval_) : eval(eval_) {} template struct definition { definition(calculator const& self) { factor = real_p[push_num(self.eval)] | vars[get_var(self.eval)] | '(' >> expression >> ')' | ('-' >> factor)[do_negate(self.eval)] ; term = factor >> *( ('*' >> factor)[make_op(multiplies(), self.eval)] | ('/' >> factor)[make_op(divides(), self.eval)] ) ; expression = term >> *( ('+' >> term)[make_op(plus(), self.eval)] | ('-' >> term)[make_op(minus(), self.eval)] ) ; assignment = vars[set_var(self.var)] >> '=' >> expression[do_assign(self.var, self.eval)] ; var_decl = lexeme_d [ ((alpha_p >> *(alnum_p | '_')) - vars[redecl_var()])[vars.add] ] ; declaration = lexeme_d["var" >> space_p] >> var_decl >> *(',' >> var_decl) ; statement = declaration | assignment | '?' >> expression ; } symbols vars; rule statement, declaration, var_decl, assignment, expression, term, factor; rule const& start() const { return statement; } }; mutable double* var; stack& eval; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Main program // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int main() { cout << "/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n\n"; cout << "\t\tThe calculator with variables...\n\n"; cout << "/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n\n"; cout << "Type a statement...or [q or Q] to quit\n\n"; cout << "Variables may be declared:\t\tExample: var i, j, k\n"; cout << "Assigning to a variable:\t\tExample: i = 10 * j\n"; cout << "To evaluate an expression:\t\tExample: ? i * 3.33E-3\n\n"; stack eval; calculator calc(eval); // Our parser string str; while (getline(cin, str)) { if (str.empty() || str[0] == 'q' || str[0] == 'Q') break; parse_info<> info = parse(str.c_str(), calc, space_p); if (info.full) { cout << "-------------------------\n"; cout << "Parsing succeeded\n"; cout << "-------------------------\n"; } else { cout << "-------------------------\n"; cout << "Parsing failed\n"; cout << "stopped at: \": " << info.stop << "\"\n"; cout << "-------------------------\n"; } } cout << "Bye... :-) \n\n"; return 0; }