// boost timer_test.cpp --------------------------------------------------------------// // Copyright Beman Dawes 2006, 2011 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // See http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt // See http://www.boost.org/libs/timer for documentation. #include #include #include #include // for atol() #include #include #include using std::string; using std::cout; using std::endl; using boost::timer::default_places; using boost::timer::nanosecond_type; using boost::timer::cpu_times; using boost::timer::format; using boost::timer::cpu_timer; using boost::timer::auto_cpu_timer; namespace { void unit_test() { cout << "unit test..." << endl; string default_format(" %ws wall, %us user + %ss system = %ts CPU (%p%)\n"); // each constructor auto_cpu_timer t1; BOOST_TEST(!t1.is_stopped()); // the following, and similar below, are giving false failures on MinGW/gcc // so comment them out for now //BOOST_TEST(&t1.ostream() == &cout); BOOST_TEST_EQ(t1.places(), default_places); BOOST_TEST_EQ(t1.format_string(), default_format); t1.stop(); BOOST_TEST(t1.is_stopped()); auto_cpu_timer t1a(t1); BOOST_TEST(t1a.is_stopped()); BOOST_TEST_EQ(t1a.elapsed().wall, t1.elapsed().wall); BOOST_TEST_EQ(t1a.elapsed().user, t1.elapsed().user); BOOST_TEST_EQ(t1a.elapsed().system, t1.elapsed().system); //BOOST_TEST(&t1a.ostream() == &cout); BOOST_TEST_EQ(t1a.places(), default_places); BOOST_TEST_EQ(t1a.format_string(), default_format); auto_cpu_timer t1b; BOOST_TEST(!t1b.is_stopped()); t1b = t1; BOOST_TEST(t1b.is_stopped()); BOOST_TEST_EQ(t1b.elapsed().wall, t1.elapsed().wall); BOOST_TEST_EQ(t1b.elapsed().user, t1.elapsed().user); BOOST_TEST_EQ(t1b.elapsed().system, t1.elapsed().system); //BOOST_TEST(&t1b.ostream() == &cout); BOOST_TEST_EQ(t1b.places(), default_places); BOOST_TEST_EQ(t1b.format_string(), default_format); auto_cpu_timer t2(1); BOOST_TEST(!t2.is_stopped()); //BOOST_TEST(&t2.ostream() == &cout); BOOST_TEST_EQ(t2.places(), 1); BOOST_TEST_EQ(t2.format_string(), default_format); auto_cpu_timer t3("foo"); BOOST_TEST(!t3.is_stopped()); //BOOST_TEST(&t3.ostream() == &cout); BOOST_TEST_EQ(t3.places(), default_places); BOOST_TEST_EQ(t3.format_string(), string("foo")); auto_cpu_timer t4(1, "foo"); BOOST_TEST(!t4.is_stopped()); //BOOST_TEST(&t4.ostream() == &cout); BOOST_TEST_EQ(t4.places(), 1); BOOST_TEST_EQ(t4.format_string(), string("foo")); auto_cpu_timer t5(std::cerr); BOOST_TEST(!t5.is_stopped()); BOOST_TEST(&t5.ostream() == &std::cerr); BOOST_TEST_EQ(t5.places(), default_places); BOOST_TEST_EQ(t5.format_string(), default_format); auto_cpu_timer t6(std::cerr, 1); BOOST_TEST(!t6.is_stopped()); BOOST_TEST(&t6.ostream() == &std::cerr); BOOST_TEST_EQ(t6.places(), 1); BOOST_TEST_EQ(t6.format_string(), default_format); auto_cpu_timer t7(std::cerr, "foo"); BOOST_TEST(!t7.is_stopped()); BOOST_TEST(&t7.ostream() == &std::cerr); BOOST_TEST_EQ(t7.places(), default_places); BOOST_TEST_EQ(t7.format_string(), string("foo")); auto_cpu_timer t8(std::cerr, 1, "foo"); BOOST_TEST(!t8.is_stopped()); BOOST_TEST(&t8.ostream() == &std::cerr); BOOST_TEST_EQ(t8.places(), 1); BOOST_TEST_EQ(t8.format_string(), string("foo")); t1.stop(); t1a.stop(); t1b.stop(); t2.stop(); t3.stop(); t4.stop(); t5.stop(); t6.stop(); t7.stop(); t8.stop(); cout << " unit test complete" << endl; } void format_test() { cout << "format test..." << endl; cpu_times times; times.wall = 5123456789LL; times.user = 2123456789LL; times.system = 1234567890LL; cout << " times.wall is " << times.wall << '\n'; cout << " times.user is " << times.user << '\n'; cout << " times.system is " << times.system << '\n'; cout << " user+system is " << times.user + times.system << '\n'; cout << " format(times, 9) output: " << format(times, 9); BOOST_TEST_EQ(format(times, 9), string(" 5.123456789s wall, 2.123456789s user + 1.234567890s system = 3.358024679s CPU (65.5%)\n")); BOOST_TEST_EQ(format(times, 8), string(" 5.12345679s wall, 2.12345679s user + 1.23456789s system = 3.35802468s CPU (65.5%)\n")); BOOST_TEST_EQ(format(times, 7), string(" 5.1234568s wall, 2.1234568s user + 1.2345679s system = 3.3580247s CPU (65.5%)\n")); BOOST_TEST_EQ(format(times, 6), string(" 5.123457s wall, 2.123457s user + 1.234568s system = 3.358025s CPU (65.5%)\n")); BOOST_TEST_EQ(format(times, 5), string(" 5.12346s wall, 2.12346s user + 1.23457s system = 3.35802s CPU (65.5%)\n")); BOOST_TEST_EQ(format(times, 4), string(" 5.1235s wall, 2.1235s user + 1.2346s system = 3.3580s CPU (65.5%)\n")); BOOST_TEST_EQ(format(times, 3), string(" 5.123s wall, 2.123s user + 1.235s system = 3.358s CPU (65.5%)\n")); BOOST_TEST_EQ(format(times, 2), string(" 5.12s wall, 2.12s user + 1.23s system = 3.36s CPU (65.5%)\n")); BOOST_TEST_EQ(format(times, 1), string(" 5.1s wall, 2.1s user + 1.2s system = 3.4s CPU (65.5%)\n")); BOOST_TEST_EQ(format(times, 0), string(" 5s wall, 2s user + 1s system = 3s CPU (65.5%)\n")); BOOST_TEST_EQ(format(times, 10), string(" 5.123456789s wall, 2.123456789s user + 1.234567890s system = 3.358024679s CPU (65.5%)\n")); BOOST_TEST_EQ(format(times, -1), string(" 5.123457s wall, 2.123457s user + 1.234568s system = 3.358025s CPU (65.5%)\n")); BOOST_TEST_EQ(format(times), string(" 5.123457s wall, 2.123457s user + 1.234568s system = 3.358025s CPU (65.5%)\n")); BOOST_TEST_EQ(format(times, 5, " %w, %u, %s, %t, %%p%"), string(" 5.12346, 2.12346, 1.23457, 3.35802, %65.5%")); BOOST_TEST_EQ(format(times, 5, "boo"), string("boo")); cout << " format test complete" << endl; } void std_c_consistency_test() { cout << "C library consistency test..." << endl; // This test is designed to account for C timer resolution and for the possibility // that another active process may take up a lot of time. cpu_timer t; // calls start(), so ensures any cpu_timer dll loaded std::time(0); // ensure any system dll's loaded std::time_t stop_time, start_time = std::time(0); // wait until the time() clock ticks while (std::time(0) == start_time) {} // start both timers start_time = std::time(0); t.start(); // wait until the time() clock ticks again while (std::time(0) == start_time) {} // stop both timers stop_time = std::time(0); t.stop(); cout << " std::time() elapsed is " << (stop_time - start_time) * 1.0L << " seconds\n"; cout << " cpu_timer wall elapsed is " << t.elapsed().wall / 1000000000.0L << " seconds\n"; cout << " The two clocks whose elapsed time is compared by this test are started\n" " and stopped one right after the other. If the operating system suspends\n" " the process in the interim, the test may fail. Thus no single failure\n" " of this test is meaningful.\n"; // These tests allow lots of fuzz to reduce false positives BOOST_TEST(t.elapsed().wall / 1000000000.0L > (stop_time - start_time) * 0.75L); BOOST_TEST(t.elapsed().wall / 1000000000.0L < (stop_time - start_time) * 1.25L); cout << " C library consistency test complete" << endl; } } // unnamed namespace //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// int cpp_main(int, char *[]) { cout << "---------- timer_test ----------\n"; unit_test(); format_test(); std_c_consistency_test(); return ::boost::report_errors(); }