--[[ Script Name : SpawnScripts/BeggarsCourt/OverseerZerrin.lua Script Author : Dorbin Script Date : 2022.10.02 07:10:39 Script Purpose : : --]] function spawn(NPC) end function hailed(NPC, Spawn) local choice = MakeRandomInt(1,2) if choice == 1 then PlayFlavor(NPC,"voiceover/english/overseer_zerrin/fprt_hood04/qst_overseer_zerrin_callout1_5fcc363d.mp3","Ever wonder how long you can breathe water? Keep talking to me and you'll find out.","glare",1789839755,3380246682,Spawn) elseif choice == 2 then PlayFlavor(NPC,"","Did you just drop off the boat here or something? I'm not making money by giving it away. I'd like to retire someday, you know.","no",50468124,3582989183,Spawn) end if GetQuestStep(Spawn, 5758)==2 then SetStepComplete(Spawn, 5758,2) end end function respawn(NPC) spawn(NPC) end