// Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library) // Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Barend Gehrels, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. // Copyright (c) 2017 Adam Wulkiewicz, Lodz, Poland. // This file was modified by Oracle on 2016-2019. // Modifications copyright (c) 2016-2019 Oracle and/or its affiliates. // Contributed and/or modified by Adam Wulkiewicz, on behalf of Oracle // Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License, // Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) #ifndef BOOST_GEOMETRY_ALGORITHMS_DETAIL_BUFFER_BUFFERED_PIECE_COLLECTION_HPP #define BOOST_GEOMETRY_ALGORITHMS_DETAIL_BUFFER_BUFFERED_PIECE_COLLECTION_HPP #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace boost { namespace geometry { #ifndef DOXYGEN_NO_DETAIL namespace detail { namespace buffer { enum segment_relation_code { segment_relation_on_left, segment_relation_on_right, segment_relation_within, segment_relation_disjoint }; /* * Terminology * * Suppose we make a buffer (using blocked corners) of this rectangle: * * +-------+ * | | * | rect | * | | * +-------+ * * For the sides we get these four buffered side-pieces (marked with s) * and four buffered corner pieces (marked with c) * * c---+---s---+---c * | | piece | | <- see below for details of the middle top-side-piece * +---+-------+---+ * | | | | * s | rect | s <- two side pieces left/right of rect * | | | | * +---+-------+---+ * | | piece | | <- one side-piece below, and two corner pieces * c---+---s---+---c * * The outer part of the picture above, using all pieces, * form together the offsetted ring (marked with o below) * The 8 pieces are part of the piece collection and use for inside-checks * The inner parts form (using 1 or 2 points per piece, often co-located) * form together the robust_polygons (marked with r below) * The remaining piece-segments are helper-segments (marked with h) * * ooooooooooooooooo * o h h o * ohhhrrrrrrrrrhhho * o r r o * o r r o * o r r o * ohhhrrrrrrrrrhhho * o h h o * ooooooooooooooooo * */ template struct buffered_piece_collection { typedef buffered_piece_collection < Ring, IntersectionStrategy, RobustPolicy > this_type; typedef typename geometry::point_type::type point_type; typedef typename geometry::coordinate_type::type coordinate_type; typedef typename geometry::robust_point_type < point_type, RobustPolicy >::type robust_point_type; // Robust ring/polygon type, always clockwise typedef geometry::model::ring robust_ring_type; typedef geometry::model::box robust_box_type; typedef typename default_comparable_distance_result < robust_point_type >::type robust_comparable_radius_type; typedef typename IntersectionStrategy::side_strategy_type side_strategy_type; typedef typename IntersectionStrategy::envelope_strategy_type envelope_strategy_type; typedef typename IntersectionStrategy::expand_strategy_type expand_strategy_type; typedef typename IntersectionStrategy::template area_strategy < point_type >::type area_strategy_type; typedef typename IntersectionStrategy::template area_strategy < robust_point_type >::type robust_area_strategy_type; typedef typename area_strategy_type::template result_type < point_type >::type area_result_type; typedef typename robust_area_strategy_type::template result_type < robust_point_type >::type robust_area_result_type; typedef typename IntersectionStrategy::template point_in_geometry_strategy < robust_point_type, robust_ring_type >::type point_in_geometry_strategy_type; typedef typename geometry::rescale_policy_type < typename geometry::point_type::type, typename IntersectionStrategy::cs_tag >::type rescale_policy_type; typedef geometry::segment_ratio < typename geometry::coordinate_type::type > ratio_type; typedef buffer_turn_info < point_type, robust_point_type, ratio_type > buffer_turn_info_type; typedef buffer_turn_operation < point_type, ratio_type > buffer_turn_operation_type; typedef std::vector turn_vector_type; struct robust_turn { std::size_t turn_index; int operation_index; robust_point_type point; segment_identifier seg_id; ratio_type fraction; }; struct piece { typedef robust_ring_type piece_robust_ring_type; typedef geometry::section section_type; strategy::buffer::piece_type type; signed_size_type index; signed_size_type left_index; // points to previous piece of same ring signed_size_type right_index; // points to next piece of same ring // The next two members (1, 2) form together a complete clockwise ring // for each piece (with one dupped point) // The complete clockwise ring is also included as a robust ring (3) // 1: half, part of offsetted_rings segment_identifier first_seg_id; signed_size_type last_segment_index; // no segment-identifier - it is the same as first_seg_id signed_size_type offsetted_count; // part in robust_ring which is part of offsetted ring #if defined(BOOST_GEOMETRY_BUFFER_USE_HELPER_POINTS) // 2: half, not part of offsetted rings - part of robust ring std::vector helper_points; // 4 points for side, 3 points for join - 0 points for flat-end #endif bool is_flat_start; bool is_flat_end; bool is_deflated; bool is_convex; bool is_monotonic_increasing[2]; // 0=x, 1=y bool is_monotonic_decreasing[2]; // 0=x, 1=y // Monotonic sections of pieces around points std::vector sections; // Robust representations // 3: complete ring robust_ring_type robust_ring; robust_box_type robust_envelope; robust_box_type robust_offsetted_envelope; std::vector robust_turns; // Used only in insert_rescaled_piece_turns - we might use a map instead robust_point_type robust_center; robust_comparable_radius_type robust_min_comparable_radius; robust_comparable_radius_type robust_max_comparable_radius; piece() : type(strategy::buffer::piece_type_unknown) , index(-1) , left_index(-1) , right_index(-1) , last_segment_index(-1) , offsetted_count(-1) , is_flat_start(false) , is_flat_end(false) , is_deflated(false) , is_convex(false) , robust_min_comparable_radius(0) , robust_max_comparable_radius(0) { is_monotonic_increasing[0] = false; is_monotonic_increasing[1] = false; is_monotonic_decreasing[0] = false; is_monotonic_decreasing[1] = false; } }; struct robust_original { typedef robust_ring_type original_robust_ring_type; typedef geometry::sections sections_type; inline robust_original() : m_is_interior(false) , m_has_interiors(true) {} inline robust_original(robust_ring_type const& ring, bool is_interior, bool has_interiors, envelope_strategy_type const& envelope_strategy, expand_strategy_type const& expand_strategy) : m_ring(ring) , m_is_interior(is_interior) , m_has_interiors(has_interiors) { geometry::envelope(m_ring, m_box, envelope_strategy); // create monotonic sections in x-dimension // The dimension is critical because the direction is later used // in the optimization for within checks using winding strategy // and this strategy is scanning in x direction. typedef boost::mpl::vector_c dimensions; geometry::sectionalize(m_ring, detail::no_rescale_policy(), m_sections, envelope_strategy, expand_strategy); } robust_ring_type m_ring; robust_box_type m_box; sections_type m_sections; bool m_is_interior; bool m_has_interiors; }; typedef std::vector piece_vector_type; piece_vector_type m_pieces; turn_vector_type m_turns; signed_size_type m_first_piece_index; bool m_deflate; bool m_has_deflated; buffered_ring_collection > offsetted_rings; // indexed by multi_index std::vector robust_originals; // robust representation of the original(s) robust_ring_type current_robust_ring; buffered_ring_collection traversed_rings; segment_identifier current_segment_id; // Specificly for offsetted rings around points // but also for large joins with many points typedef geometry::sections sections_type; sections_type monotonic_sections; // Define the clusters, mapping cluster_id -> turns typedef std::map < signed_size_type, detail::overlay::cluster_info > cluster_type; cluster_type m_clusters; IntersectionStrategy m_intersection_strategy; side_strategy_type m_side_strategy; area_strategy_type m_area_strategy; envelope_strategy_type m_envelope_strategy; expand_strategy_type m_expand_strategy; point_in_geometry_strategy_type m_point_in_geometry_strategy; robust_area_strategy_type m_robust_area_strategy; RobustPolicy const& m_robust_policy; struct redundant_turn { inline bool operator()(buffer_turn_info_type const& turn) const { return turn.remove_on_multi; } }; buffered_piece_collection(IntersectionStrategy const& intersection_strategy, RobustPolicy const& robust_policy) : m_first_piece_index(-1) , m_deflate(false) , m_has_deflated(false) , m_intersection_strategy(intersection_strategy) , m_side_strategy(intersection_strategy.get_side_strategy()) , m_area_strategy(intersection_strategy .template get_area_strategy()) , m_envelope_strategy(intersection_strategy.get_envelope_strategy()) , m_expand_strategy(intersection_strategy.get_expand_strategy()) , m_point_in_geometry_strategy(intersection_strategy .template get_point_in_geometry_strategy()) , m_robust_area_strategy(intersection_strategy .template get_area_strategy()) , m_robust_policy(robust_policy) {} #if defined(BOOST_GEOMETRY_BUFFER_ENLARGED_CLUSTERS) // Will (most probably) be removed later template inline void adapt_mapped_robust_point(OccupationMap const& map, buffer_turn_info_type& turn, int distance) const { for (int x = -distance; x <= distance; x++) { for (int y = -distance; y <= distance; y++) { robust_point_type rp = turn.robust_point; geometry::set<0>(rp, geometry::get<0>(rp) + x); geometry::set<1>(rp, geometry::get<1>(rp) + y); if (map.find(rp) != map.end()) { turn.mapped_robust_point = rp; return; } } } } #endif inline void get_occupation( #if defined(BOOST_GEOMETRY_BUFFER_ENLARGED_CLUSTERS) int distance = 0 #endif ) { typedef occupation_info > buffer_occupation_info; typedef std::map < robust_point_type, buffer_occupation_info, geometry::less > occupation_map_type; occupation_map_type occupation_map; // 1: Add all intersection points to occupation map typedef typename boost::range_iterator::type iterator_type; for (iterator_type it = boost::begin(m_turns); it != boost::end(m_turns); ++it) { if (it->location == location_ok) { #if defined(BOOST_GEOMETRY_BUFFER_ENLARGED_CLUSTERS) if (distance > 0 && ! occupation_map.empty()) { adapt_mapped_robust_point(occupation_map, *it, distance); } #endif occupation_map[it->get_robust_point()].count++; } } // Remove all points with one or more u/u points from the map // (Alternatively, we could NOT do this here and change all u/u // behaviour in overlay. Currently nothing is done: each polygon is // just followed there. We could also always switch polygons there. For // buffer behaviour, where 3 pieces might meet of which 2 (or more) form // a u/u turn, this last option would have been better, probably). for (iterator_type it = boost::begin(m_turns); it != boost::end(m_turns); ++it) { if (it->both(detail::overlay::operation_union)) { typename occupation_map_type::iterator mit = occupation_map.find(it->get_robust_point()); if (mit != occupation_map.end()) { occupation_map.erase(mit); } } } // 2: Remove all points from map which has only one typename occupation_map_type::iterator it = occupation_map.begin(); while (it != occupation_map.end()) { if (it->second.count <= 1) { typename occupation_map_type::iterator to_erase = it; ++it; occupation_map.erase(to_erase); } else { ++it; } } if (occupation_map.empty()) { return; } // 3: Add vectors (incoming->intersection-point, // intersection-point -> outgoing) // for all (co-located) points still present in the map for (iterator_type tit = boost::begin(m_turns); tit != boost::end(m_turns); ++tit) { typename occupation_map_type::iterator mit = occupation_map.find(tit->get_robust_point()); if (mit != occupation_map.end()) { buffer_occupation_info& info = mit->second; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { add_incoming_and_outgoing_angles(tit->get_robust_point(), *tit, m_pieces, i, tit->operations[i].seg_id, info); } tit->count_on_multi++; } } #if defined(BOOST_GEOMETRY_BUFFER_ENLARGED_CLUSTERS) // X: Check rounding issues if (distance == 0) { for (typename occupation_map_type::const_iterator it = occupation_map.begin(); it != occupation_map.end(); ++it) { if (it->second.has_rounding_issues(it->first)) { if(distance == 0) { get_occupation(distance + 1); return; } } } } #endif // Get left turns from all clusters for (typename occupation_map_type::iterator mit = occupation_map.begin(); mit != occupation_map.end(); ++mit) { mit->second.get_left_turns(mit->first, m_turns, m_side_strategy); } } inline void classify_turns() { for (typename boost::range_iterator::type it = boost::begin(m_turns); it != boost::end(m_turns); ++it) { if (it->count_within > 0) { it->location = inside_buffer; } if (it->count_within_near_offsetted > 0) { // Within can have in rare cases a rounding issue. We don't discard this // point, so it can be used to continue started rings in traversal. But // will never start a new ring from this type of points. it->operations[0].enriched.startable = false; it->operations[1].enriched.startable = false; } } } struct deflate_properties { bool has_inflated; std::size_t count; inline deflate_properties() : has_inflated(false) , count(0u) {} }; inline void discard_turns_for_deflate() { // Deflate cases should have at least 3 points PER deflated original // to form a correct triangle // But if there are intersections between a deflated ring and another // ring, it is all accepted // In deflate most turns are i/u by nature, but u/u is also possible std::map properties; for (typename boost::range_iterator::type it = boost::begin(m_turns); it != boost::end(m_turns); ++it) { const buffer_turn_info_type& turn = *it; if (turn.location == location_ok) { const buffer_turn_operation_type& op0 = turn.operations[0]; const buffer_turn_operation_type& op1 = turn.operations[1]; if (! m_pieces[op0.seg_id.piece_index].is_deflated || ! m_pieces[op1.seg_id.piece_index].is_deflated) { properties[op0.seg_id.multi_index].has_inflated = true; properties[op1.seg_id.multi_index].has_inflated = true; continue; } // It is deflated, update counts for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { const buffer_turn_operation_type& op = turn.operations[i]; if (op.operation == detail::overlay::operation_union || op.operation == detail::overlay::operation_continue) { properties[op.seg_id.multi_index].count++; } } } } for (typename boost::range_iterator::type it = boost::begin(m_turns); it != boost::end(m_turns); ++it) { buffer_turn_info_type& turn = *it; if (turn.location == location_ok) { const buffer_turn_operation_type& op0 = turn.operations[0]; const buffer_turn_operation_type& op1 = turn.operations[1]; signed_size_type const multi0 = op0.seg_id.multi_index; signed_size_type const multi1 = op1.seg_id.multi_index; if (multi0 == multi1) { const deflate_properties& prop = properties[multi0]; // NOTE: Keep brackets around prop.count // avoid gcc-bug "parse error in template argument list" // GCC versions 5.4 and 5.5 (and probably more) if (! prop.has_inflated && (prop.count) < 3) { // Property is not inflated // Not enough points, this might be caused by where // detection turn-in-original failed because of numeric errors turn.location = location_discard; } } else { // Two different (possibly deflated) rings } } } } template inline void check_remaining_points(DistanceStrategy const& distance_strategy) { // Check if a turn is inside any of the originals typedef turn_in_original_ovelaps_box < typename IntersectionStrategy::disjoint_point_box_strategy_type > turn_in_original_ovelaps_box_type; typedef original_ovelaps_box < typename IntersectionStrategy::disjoint_box_box_strategy_type > original_ovelaps_box_type; turn_in_original_visitor < turn_vector_type, point_in_geometry_strategy_type > visitor(m_turns, m_point_in_geometry_strategy); geometry::partition < robust_box_type, include_turn_policy, detail::partition::include_all_policy >::apply(m_turns, robust_originals, visitor, turn_get_box(), turn_in_original_ovelaps_box_type(), original_get_box(), original_ovelaps_box_type()); bool const deflate = distance_strategy.negative(); for (typename boost::range_iterator::type it = boost::begin(m_turns); it != boost::end(m_turns); ++it) { buffer_turn_info_type& turn = *it; if (turn.location == location_ok) { if (deflate && turn.count_in_original <= 0) { // For deflate/negative buffers: it is not in original, discard turn.location = location_discard; } else if (! deflate && turn.count_in_original > 0) { // For inflate: it is in original, discard turn.location = location_discard; } } } if (m_has_deflated) { // Either strategy was negative, or there were interior rings discard_turns_for_deflate(); } } inline bool assert_indices_in_robust_rings() const { geometry::equal_to comparator; for (typename boost::range_iterator::type it = boost::begin(m_turns); it != boost::end(m_turns); ++it) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { robust_point_type const &p1 = m_pieces[it->operations[i].piece_index].robust_ring [it->operations[i].index_in_robust_ring]; robust_point_type const &p2 = it->robust_point; if (! comparator(p1, p2)) { return false; } } } return true; } inline void insert_rescaled_piece_turns() { // Add rescaled turn points to corresponding pieces // (after this, each turn occurs twice) std::size_t index = 0; for (typename boost::range_iterator::type it = boost::begin(m_turns); it != boost::end(m_turns); ++it, ++index) { geometry::recalculate(it->robust_point, it->point, m_robust_policy); #if defined(BOOST_GEOMETRY_BUFFER_ENLARGED_CLUSTERS) it->mapped_robust_point = it->robust_point; #endif robust_turn turn; it->turn_index = index; turn.turn_index = index; turn.point = it->robust_point; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { turn.operation_index = i; turn.seg_id = it->operations[i].seg_id; turn.fraction = it->operations[i].fraction; piece& pc = m_pieces[it->operations[i].piece_index]; pc.robust_turns.push_back(turn); // Take into account for the box (intersection points should fall inside, // but in theory they can be one off because of rounding geometry::expand(pc.robust_envelope, it->robust_point); geometry::expand(pc.robust_offsetted_envelope, it->robust_point); } } if (! use_side_of_intersection::type>::value) { // Insert all rescaled turn-points into these rings, to form a // reliable integer-based ring. All turns can be compared (inside) to this // rings to see if they are inside. for (typename boost::range_iterator::type it = boost::begin(m_pieces); it != boost::end(m_pieces); ++it) { piece& pc = *it; signed_size_type piece_segment_index = pc.first_seg_id.segment_index; if (! pc.robust_turns.empty()) { if (pc.robust_turns.size() > 1u) { std::sort(pc.robust_turns.begin(), pc.robust_turns.end(), buffer_operation_less()); } // Walk through them, in reverse to insert at right index signed_size_type index_offset = static_cast(pc.robust_turns.size()) - 1; for (typename boost::range_reverse_iterator >::type rit = boost::const_rbegin(pc.robust_turns); rit != boost::const_rend(pc.robust_turns); ++rit, --index_offset) { signed_size_type const index_in_vector = 1 + rit->seg_id.segment_index - piece_segment_index; BOOST_GEOMETRY_ASSERT ( index_in_vector > 0 && index_in_vector < pc.offsetted_count ); pc.robust_ring.insert(boost::begin(pc.robust_ring) + index_in_vector, rit->point); pc.offsetted_count++; m_turns[rit->turn_index].operations[rit->operation_index].index_in_robust_ring = index_in_vector + index_offset; } } } BOOST_GEOMETRY_ASSERT(assert_indices_in_robust_rings()); } } template static inline void determine_monotonicity(piece& pc, robust_point_type const& current, robust_point_type const& next) { if (geometry::get(current) >= geometry::get(next)) { pc.is_monotonic_increasing[Dimension] = false; } if (geometry::get(current) <= geometry::get(next)) { pc.is_monotonic_decreasing[Dimension] = false; } } inline void determine_properties(piece& pc) const { pc.is_monotonic_increasing[0] = true; pc.is_monotonic_increasing[1] = true; pc.is_monotonic_decreasing[0] = true; pc.is_monotonic_decreasing[1] = true; pc.is_convex = geometry::is_convex(pc.robust_ring, m_side_strategy); if (pc.offsetted_count < 2) { return; } typename robust_ring_type::const_iterator current = pc.robust_ring.begin(); typename robust_ring_type::const_iterator next = current + 1; for (signed_size_type i = 1; i < pc.offsetted_count; i++) { determine_monotonicity<0>(pc, *current, *next); determine_monotonicity<1>(pc, *current, *next); current = next; ++next; } } void determine_properties() { for (typename piece_vector_type::iterator it = boost::begin(m_pieces); it != boost::end(m_pieces); ++it) { determine_properties(*it); } } inline void reverse_negative_robust_rings() { for (typename piece_vector_type::iterator it = boost::begin(m_pieces); it != boost::end(m_pieces); ++it) { piece& pc = *it; if (geometry::area(pc.robust_ring, m_robust_area_strategy) < 0) { // Rings can be ccw: // - in a concave piece // - in a line-buffer with a negative buffer-distance std::reverse(pc.robust_ring.begin(), pc.robust_ring.end()); } } } inline void prepare_buffered_point_piece(piece& pc) { // create monotonic sections in y-dimension typedef boost::mpl::vector_c dimensions; geometry::sectionalize(pc.robust_ring, detail::no_rescale_policy(), pc.sections, m_envelope_strategy, m_expand_strategy); // Determine min/max radius typedef geometry::model::referring_segment robust_segment_type; typename robust_ring_type::const_iterator current = pc.robust_ring.begin(); typename robust_ring_type::const_iterator next = current + 1; for (signed_size_type i = 1; i < pc.offsetted_count; i++) { robust_segment_type s(*current, *next); robust_comparable_radius_type const d = geometry::comparable_distance(pc.robust_center, s); if (i == 1 || d < pc.robust_min_comparable_radius) { pc.robust_min_comparable_radius = d; } if (i == 1 || d > pc.robust_max_comparable_radius) { pc.robust_max_comparable_radius = d; } current = next; ++next; } } inline void prepare_buffered_point_pieces() { for (typename piece_vector_type::iterator it = boost::begin(m_pieces); it != boost::end(m_pieces); ++it) { if (it->type == geometry::strategy::buffer::buffered_point) { prepare_buffered_point_piece(*it); } } } template inline void get_turns(DistanceStrategy const& distance_strategy) { for(typename boost::range_iterator::type it = boost::begin(monotonic_sections); it != boost::end(monotonic_sections); ++it) { enlarge_box(it->bounding_box, 1); } { // Calculate the turns piece_turn_visitor < piece_vector_type, buffered_ring_collection >, turn_vector_type, IntersectionStrategy, RobustPolicy > visitor(m_pieces, offsetted_rings, m_turns, m_intersection_strategy, m_robust_policy); typedef detail::section::get_section_box < typename IntersectionStrategy::expand_box_strategy_type > get_section_box_type; typedef detail::section::overlaps_section_box < typename IntersectionStrategy::disjoint_box_box_strategy_type > overlaps_section_box_type; geometry::partition < robust_box_type >::apply(monotonic_sections, visitor, get_section_box_type(), overlaps_section_box_type()); } insert_rescaled_piece_turns(); reverse_negative_robust_rings(); determine_properties(); prepare_buffered_point_pieces(); { // Check if it is inside any of the pieces turn_in_piece_visitor < typename geometry::cs_tag::type, turn_vector_type, piece_vector_type, DistanceStrategy, point_in_geometry_strategy_type, side_strategy_type > visitor(m_turns, m_pieces, distance_strategy, m_point_in_geometry_strategy, m_side_strategy); typedef turn_ovelaps_box < typename IntersectionStrategy::disjoint_point_box_strategy_type > turn_ovelaps_box_type; typedef piece_ovelaps_box < typename IntersectionStrategy::disjoint_box_box_strategy_type > piece_ovelaps_box_type; geometry::partition < robust_box_type >::apply(m_turns, m_pieces, visitor, turn_get_box(), turn_ovelaps_box_type(), piece_get_box(), piece_ovelaps_box_type()); } } inline void start_new_ring(bool deflate) { signed_size_type const n = static_cast(offsetted_rings.size()); current_segment_id.source_index = 0; current_segment_id.multi_index = n; current_segment_id.ring_index = -1; current_segment_id.segment_index = 0; offsetted_rings.resize(n + 1); current_robust_ring.clear(); m_first_piece_index = static_cast(boost::size(m_pieces)); m_deflate = deflate; if (deflate) { // Pieces contain either deflated exterior rings, or inflated // interior rings which are effectively deflated too m_has_deflated = true; } } inline void abort_ring() { // Remove all created pieces for this ring, sections, last offsetted while (! m_pieces.empty() && m_pieces.back().first_seg_id.multi_index == current_segment_id.multi_index) { m_pieces.erase(m_pieces.end() - 1); } while (! monotonic_sections.empty() && monotonic_sections.back().ring_id.multi_index == current_segment_id.multi_index) { monotonic_sections.erase(monotonic_sections.end() - 1); } offsetted_rings.erase(offsetted_rings.end() - 1); current_robust_ring.clear(); m_first_piece_index = -1; } inline void update_closing_point() { BOOST_GEOMETRY_ASSERT(! offsetted_rings.empty()); buffered_ring& added = offsetted_rings.back(); if (! boost::empty(added)) { range::back(added) = range::front(added); } } inline void update_last_point(point_type const& p, buffered_ring& ring) { // For the first point of a new piece, and there were already // points in the offsetted ring, for some piece types the first point // is a duplicate of the last point of the previous piece. // TODO: disable that, that point should not be added // For now, it is made equal because due to numerical instability, // it can be a tiny bit off, possibly causing a self-intersection BOOST_GEOMETRY_ASSERT(boost::size(m_pieces) > 0); if (! ring.empty() && current_segment_id.segment_index == m_pieces.back().first_seg_id.segment_index) { ring.back() = p; } } inline void set_piece_center(point_type const& center) { BOOST_GEOMETRY_ASSERT(! m_pieces.empty()); geometry::recalculate(m_pieces.back().robust_center, center, m_robust_policy); } inline void finish_ring(strategy::buffer::result_code code, bool is_interior = false, bool has_interiors = false) { if (code == strategy::buffer::result_error_numerical) { abort_ring(); return; } if (m_first_piece_index == -1) { return; } if (m_first_piece_index < static_cast(boost::size(m_pieces))) { // If piece was added // Reassign left-of-first and right-of-last geometry::range::at(m_pieces, m_first_piece_index).left_index = static_cast(boost::size(m_pieces)) - 1; geometry::range::back(m_pieces).right_index = m_first_piece_index; } m_first_piece_index = -1; update_closing_point(); if (! current_robust_ring.empty()) { BOOST_GEOMETRY_ASSERT ( geometry::equals(current_robust_ring.front(), current_robust_ring.back()) ); robust_originals.push_back( robust_original(current_robust_ring, is_interior, has_interiors, m_envelope_strategy, m_expand_strategy)); } } inline void set_current_ring_concave() { BOOST_GEOMETRY_ASSERT(boost::size(offsetted_rings) > 0); offsetted_rings.back().has_concave = true; } inline signed_size_type add_point(point_type const& p) { BOOST_GEOMETRY_ASSERT(boost::size(offsetted_rings) > 0); buffered_ring& current_ring = offsetted_rings.back(); update_last_point(p, current_ring); current_segment_id.segment_index++; current_ring.push_back(p); return static_cast(current_ring.size()); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline piece& create_piece(strategy::buffer::piece_type type, bool decrease_segment_index_by_one) { if (type == strategy::buffer::buffered_concave) { offsetted_rings.back().has_concave = true; } piece pc; pc.type = type; pc.index = static_cast(boost::size(m_pieces)); pc.is_deflated = m_deflate; current_segment_id.piece_index = pc.index; pc.first_seg_id = current_segment_id; // Assign left/right (for first/last piece per ring they will be re-assigned later) pc.left_index = pc.index - 1; pc.right_index = pc.index + 1; std::size_t const n = boost::size(offsetted_rings.back()); pc.first_seg_id.segment_index = decrease_segment_index_by_one ? n - 1 : n; pc.last_segment_index = pc.first_seg_id.segment_index; m_pieces.push_back(pc); return m_pieces.back(); } inline void init_rescale_piece(piece& pc, std::size_t helper_points_size) { if (pc.first_seg_id.segment_index < 0) { // This indicates an error situation: an earlier piece was empty // It currently does not happen // std::cout << "EMPTY " << pc.type << " " << pc.index << " " << pc.first_seg_id.multi_index << std::endl; pc.offsetted_count = 0; return; } BOOST_GEOMETRY_ASSERT(pc.first_seg_id.multi_index >= 0); BOOST_GEOMETRY_ASSERT(pc.last_segment_index >= 0); pc.offsetted_count = pc.last_segment_index - pc.first_seg_id.segment_index; BOOST_GEOMETRY_ASSERT(pc.offsetted_count >= 0); pc.robust_ring.reserve(pc.offsetted_count + helper_points_size); // Add rescaled offsetted segments { buffered_ring const& ring = offsetted_rings[pc.first_seg_id.multi_index]; typedef typename boost::range_iterator >::type it_type; for (it_type it = boost::begin(ring) + pc.first_seg_id.segment_index; it != boost::begin(ring) + pc.last_segment_index; ++it) { robust_point_type point; geometry::recalculate(point, *it, m_robust_policy); pc.robust_ring.push_back(point); } } } inline robust_point_type add_helper_point(piece& pc, const point_type& point) { #if defined(BOOST_GEOMETRY_BUFFER_USE_HELPER_POINTS) pc.helper_points.push_back(point); #endif robust_point_type rob_point; geometry::recalculate(rob_point, point, m_robust_policy); pc.robust_ring.push_back(rob_point); return rob_point; } // TODO: this is shared with sectionalize, move to somewhere else (assign?) template inline void enlarge_box(Box& box, Value value) { geometry::set<0, 0>(box, geometry::get<0, 0>(box) - value); geometry::set<0, 1>(box, geometry::get<0, 1>(box) - value); geometry::set<1, 0>(box, geometry::get<1, 0>(box) + value); geometry::set<1, 1>(box, geometry::get<1, 1>(box) + value); } inline void calculate_robust_envelope(piece& pc) { if (pc.offsetted_count == 0) { return; } geometry::envelope(pc.robust_ring, pc.robust_envelope, m_envelope_strategy); geometry::assign_inverse(pc.robust_offsetted_envelope); for (signed_size_type i = 0; i < pc.offsetted_count; i++) { geometry::expand(pc.robust_offsetted_envelope, pc.robust_ring[i]); } // Take roundings into account, enlarge boxes with 1 integer enlarge_box(pc.robust_envelope, 1); enlarge_box(pc.robust_offsetted_envelope, 1); } inline void sectionalize(piece& pc) { buffered_ring const& ring = offsetted_rings.back(); typedef geometry::detail::sectionalize::sectionalize_part < point_type, boost::mpl::vector_c // x,y dimension > sectionalizer; // Create a ring-identifier. The source-index is the piece index // The multi_index is as in this collection (the ring), but not used here // The ring_index is not used ring_identifier ring_id(pc.index, pc.first_seg_id.multi_index, -1); sectionalizer::apply(monotonic_sections, boost::begin(ring) + pc.first_seg_id.segment_index, boost::begin(ring) + pc.last_segment_index, m_robust_policy, ring_id, 10); } inline void finish_piece(piece& pc) { init_rescale_piece(pc, 0u); calculate_robust_envelope(pc); sectionalize(pc); } inline void finish_piece(piece& pc, const point_type& point1, const point_type& point2, const point_type& point3) { init_rescale_piece(pc, 3u); if (pc.offsetted_count == 0) { return; } add_helper_point(pc, point1); robust_point_type mid_point = add_helper_point(pc, point2); add_helper_point(pc, point3); calculate_robust_envelope(pc); sectionalize(pc); current_robust_ring.push_back(mid_point); } inline void finish_piece(piece& pc, const point_type& point1, const point_type& point2, const point_type& point3, const point_type& point4) { init_rescale_piece(pc, 4u); add_helper_point(pc, point1); robust_point_type mid_point2 = add_helper_point(pc, point2); robust_point_type mid_point1 = add_helper_point(pc, point3); add_helper_point(pc, point4); sectionalize(pc); calculate_robust_envelope(pc); // Add mid-points in other order to current helper_ring current_robust_ring.push_back(mid_point1); current_robust_ring.push_back(mid_point2); } inline void add_piece(strategy::buffer::piece_type type, point_type const& p, point_type const& b1, point_type const& b2) { piece& pc = create_piece(type, false); add_point(b1); pc.last_segment_index = add_point(b2); finish_piece(pc, b2, p, b1); } template inline void add_range_to_piece(piece& pc, Range const& range, bool add_front) { BOOST_GEOMETRY_ASSERT(boost::size(range) != 0u); typename Range::const_iterator it = boost::begin(range); // If it follows a non-join (so basically the same piece-type) point b1 should be added. // There should be two intersections later and it should be discarded. // But for now we need it to calculate intersections if (add_front) { add_point(*it); } for (++it; it != boost::end(range); ++it) { pc.last_segment_index = add_point(*it); } } template inline void add_piece(strategy::buffer::piece_type type, Range const& range, bool decrease_segment_index_by_one) { piece& pc = create_piece(type, decrease_segment_index_by_one); if (boost::size(range) > 0u) { add_range_to_piece(pc, range, offsetted_rings.back().empty()); } finish_piece(pc); } template inline void add_side_piece(point_type const& p1, point_type const& p2, Range const& range, bool first) { BOOST_GEOMETRY_ASSERT(boost::size(range) >= 2u); piece& pc = create_piece(strategy::buffer::buffered_segment, ! first); add_range_to_piece(pc, range, first); finish_piece(pc, range.back(), p2, p1, range.front()); } template inline void add_piece(strategy::buffer::piece_type type, point_type const& p, Range const& range) { piece& pc = create_piece(type, true); if (boost::size(range) > 0u) { add_range_to_piece(pc, range, offsetted_rings.back().empty()); finish_piece(pc, range.back(), p, range.front()); } else { finish_piece(pc); } } template inline void add_endcap(EndcapStrategy const& strategy, Range const& range, point_type const& end_point) { boost::ignore_unused(strategy); if (range.empty()) { return; } strategy::buffer::piece_type pt = strategy.get_piece_type(); if (pt == strategy::buffer::buffered_flat_end) { // It is flat, should just be added, without helper segments add_piece(pt, range, true); } else { // Normal case, it has an "inside", helper segments should be added add_piece(pt, end_point, range); } } inline void mark_flat_start() { if (! m_pieces.empty()) { piece& back = m_pieces.back(); back.is_flat_start = true; } } inline void mark_flat_end() { if (! m_pieces.empty()) { piece& back = m_pieces.back(); back.is_flat_end = true; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void enrich() { enrich_intersection_points(m_turns, m_clusters, offsetted_rings, offsetted_rings, m_robust_policy, m_intersection_strategy); } // Discards all rings which do have not-OK intersection points only. // Those can never be traversed and should not be part of the output. inline void discard_rings() { for (typename boost::range_iterator::type it = boost::begin(m_turns); it != boost::end(m_turns); ++it) { if (it->location != location_ok) { offsetted_rings[it->operations[0].seg_id.multi_index].has_discarded_intersections = true; offsetted_rings[it->operations[1].seg_id.multi_index].has_discarded_intersections = true; } else { offsetted_rings[it->operations[0].seg_id.multi_index].has_accepted_intersections = true; offsetted_rings[it->operations[1].seg_id.multi_index].has_accepted_intersections = true; } } } inline bool point_coveredby_original(point_type const& point) { typedef typename IntersectionStrategy::disjoint_point_box_strategy_type d_pb_strategy_type; robust_point_type any_point; geometry::recalculate(any_point, point, m_robust_policy); signed_size_type count_in_original = 0; // Check of the robust point of this outputted ring is in // any of the robust original rings // This can go quadratic if the input has many rings, and there // are many untouched deflated rings around for (typename std::vector::const_iterator it = robust_originals.begin(); it != robust_originals.end(); ++it) { robust_original const& original = *it; if (detail::disjoint::disjoint_point_box(any_point, original.m_box, d_pb_strategy_type())) { continue; } int const geometry_code = detail::within::point_in_geometry(any_point, original.m_ring, m_point_in_geometry_strategy); if (geometry_code == -1) { // Outside, continue continue; } // Apply for possibly nested interior rings if (original.m_is_interior) { count_in_original--; } else if (original.m_has_interiors) { count_in_original++; } else { // Exterior ring without interior rings return true; } } return count_in_original > 0; } // For a deflate, all rings around inner rings which are untouched // (no intersections/turns) and which are OUTSIDE the original should // be discarded inline void discard_nonintersecting_deflated_rings() { for(typename buffered_ring_collection >::iterator it = boost::begin(offsetted_rings); it != boost::end(offsetted_rings); ++it) { buffered_ring& ring = *it; if (! ring.has_intersections() && boost::size(ring) > 0u && geometry::area(ring, m_area_strategy) < 0) { if (! point_coveredby_original(geometry::range::front(ring))) { ring.is_untouched_outside_original = true; } } } } inline void block_turns() { // To fix left-turn issues like #rt_u13 // But currently it causes more other issues than it fixes // m_turns.erase // ( // std::remove_if(boost::begin(m_turns), boost::end(m_turns), // redundant_turn()), // boost::end(m_turns) // ); for (typename boost::range_iterator::type it = boost::begin(m_turns); it != boost::end(m_turns); ++it) { buffer_turn_info_type& turn = *it; if (turn.location != location_ok) { // Discard this turn (don't set it to blocked to avoid colocated // clusters being discarded afterwards turn.discarded = true; } } } inline void traverse() { typedef detail::overlay::traverse < false, false, buffered_ring_collection >, buffered_ring_collection >, overlay_buffer, backtrack_for_buffer > traverser; std::map turn_info_per_ring; traversed_rings.clear(); buffer_overlay_visitor visitor; traverser::apply(offsetted_rings, offsetted_rings, m_intersection_strategy, m_robust_policy, m_turns, traversed_rings, turn_info_per_ring, m_clusters, visitor); } inline void reverse() { for(typename buffered_ring_collection >::iterator it = boost::begin(offsetted_rings); it != boost::end(offsetted_rings); ++it) { if (! it->has_intersections()) { std::reverse(it->begin(), it->end()); } } for (typename boost::range_iterator >::type it = boost::begin(traversed_rings); it != boost::end(traversed_rings); ++it) { std::reverse(it->begin(), it->end()); } } template inline OutputIterator assign(OutputIterator out) const { typedef detail::overlay::ring_properties properties; std::map selected; // Select all rings which do not have any self-intersection // Inner rings, for deflate, which do not have intersections, and // which are outside originals, are skipped // (other ones should be traversed) signed_size_type index = 0; for(typename buffered_ring_collection >::const_iterator it = boost::begin(offsetted_rings); it != boost::end(offsetted_rings); ++it, ++index) { if (! it->has_intersections() && ! it->is_untouched_outside_original) { properties p = properties(*it, m_area_strategy); if (p.valid) { ring_identifier id(0, index, -1); selected[id] = p; } } } // Select all created rings index = 0; for (typename boost::range_iterator const>::type it = boost::begin(traversed_rings); it != boost::end(traversed_rings); ++it, ++index) { properties p = properties(*it, m_area_strategy); if (p.valid) { ring_identifier id(2, index, -1); selected[id] = p; } } detail::overlay::assign_parents(offsetted_rings, traversed_rings, selected, m_intersection_strategy); return detail::overlay::add_rings(selected, offsetted_rings, traversed_rings, out, m_area_strategy); } }; }} // namespace detail::buffer #endif // DOXYGEN_NO_DETAIL }} // namespace boost::geometry #endif // BOOST_GEOMETRY_ALGORITHMS_DETAIL_BUFFER_BUFFERED_PIECE_COLLECTION_HPP