// Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library) // Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. // Contributed and/or modified by Vissarion Fysikopoulos, on behalf of Oracle // Contributed and/or modified by Menelaos Karavelas, on behalf of Oracle // Contributed and/or modified by Adam Wulkiewicz, on behalf of Oracle // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) #ifndef BOOST_GEOMETRY_ALGORITHMS_DETAIL_ENVELOPE_RANGE_OF_BOXES_HPP #define BOOST_GEOMETRY_ALGORITHMS_DETAIL_ENVELOPE_RANGE_OF_BOXES_HPP #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace boost { namespace geometry { #ifndef DOXYGEN_NO_DETAIL namespace detail { namespace envelope { template class longitude_interval { typedef T const& reference_type; public: typedef T value_type; typedef T difference_type; longitude_interval(T const& left, T const& right) { m_end[0] = left; m_end[1] = right; } template reference_type get() const { return m_end[Index]; } difference_type length() const { return get<1>() - get<0>(); } private: T m_end[2]; }; template struct envelope_range_of_longitudes { template struct longitude_less { template inline bool operator()(Interval const& i1, Interval const& i2) const { return math::smaller(i1.template get(), i2.template get()); } }; template static inline void apply(RangeOfLongitudeIntervals const& range, Longitude& lon_min, Longitude& lon_max) { typedef typename math::detail::constants_on_spheroid < Longitude, Units > constants; Longitude const zero = 0; Longitude const period = constants::period(); lon_min = lon_max = zero; // the range of longitude intervals can be empty if all input boxes // degenerate to the north or south pole (or combination of the two) // in this case the initialization values for lon_min and // lon_max are valid choices if (! boost::empty(range)) { lon_min = std::min_element(boost::begin(range), boost::end(range), longitude_less<0>())->template get<0>(); lon_max = std::max_element(boost::begin(range), boost::end(range), longitude_less<1>())->template get<1>(); if (math::larger(lon_max - lon_min, constants::half_period())) { Longitude max_gap_left, max_gap_right; Longitude max_gap = geometry::maximum_gap(range, max_gap_left, max_gap_right); BOOST_GEOMETRY_ASSERT(! math::larger(lon_min, lon_max)); BOOST_GEOMETRY_ASSERT (! math::larger(lon_max, constants::max_longitude())); BOOST_GEOMETRY_ASSERT (! math::smaller(lon_min, constants::min_longitude())); BOOST_GEOMETRY_ASSERT (! math::larger(max_gap_left, max_gap_right)); BOOST_GEOMETRY_ASSERT (! math::larger(max_gap_right, constants::max_longitude())); BOOST_GEOMETRY_ASSERT (! math::smaller(max_gap_left, constants::min_longitude())); if (math::larger(max_gap, zero)) { Longitude wrapped_gap = period + lon_min - lon_max; if (math::larger(max_gap, wrapped_gap)) { lon_min = max_gap_right; lon_max = max_gap_left + period; } } } } } }; template struct envelope_range_of_boxes_by_expansion { template static inline void apply(RangeOfBoxes const& range_of_boxes, Box& mbr) { typedef typename boost::range_value::type box_type; typedef typename boost::range_iterator < RangeOfBoxes const >::type iterator_type; // first initialize MBR detail::indexed_point_view mbr_min(mbr); detail::indexed_point_view mbr_max(mbr); detail::indexed_point_view first_box_min(range::front(range_of_boxes)); detail::indexed_point_view first_box_max(range::front(range_of_boxes)); detail::conversion::point_to_point < detail::indexed_point_view, detail::indexed_point_view, Dimension, DimensionCount >::apply(first_box_min, mbr_min); detail::conversion::point_to_point < detail::indexed_point_view, detail::indexed_point_view, Dimension, DimensionCount >::apply(first_box_max, mbr_max); // now expand using the remaining boxes iterator_type it = boost::begin(range_of_boxes); for (++it; it != boost::end(range_of_boxes); ++it) { detail::expand::indexed_loop < min_corner, Dimension, DimensionCount >::apply(mbr, *it); detail::expand::indexed_loop < max_corner, Dimension, DimensionCount >::apply(mbr, *it); } } }; struct envelope_range_of_boxes { template struct latitude_less { template inline bool operator()(Box const& box1, Box const& box2) const { return math::smaller(geometry::get(box1), geometry::get(box2)); } }; template static inline void apply(RangeOfBoxes const& range_of_boxes, Box& mbr) { // boxes in the range are assumed to be normalized already typedef typename boost::range_value::type box_type; typedef typename coordinate_type::type coordinate_type; typedef typename detail::cs_angular_units::type units_type; typedef typename boost::range_iterator < RangeOfBoxes const >::type iterator_type; static const bool is_equatorial = ! boost::is_same < typename cs_tag::type, spherical_polar_tag >::value; typedef math::detail::constants_on_spheroid < coordinate_type, units_type, is_equatorial > constants; typedef longitude_interval interval_type; typedef std::vector interval_range_type; BOOST_GEOMETRY_ASSERT(! boost::empty(range_of_boxes)); iterator_type it_min = std::min_element(boost::begin(range_of_boxes), boost::end(range_of_boxes), latitude_less()); iterator_type it_max = std::max_element(boost::begin(range_of_boxes), boost::end(range_of_boxes), latitude_less()); coordinate_type const min_longitude = constants::min_longitude(); coordinate_type const max_longitude = constants::max_longitude(); coordinate_type const period = constants::period(); interval_range_type intervals; for (iterator_type it = boost::begin(range_of_boxes); it != boost::end(range_of_boxes); ++it) { if (is_inverse_spheroidal_coordinates(*it)) { continue; } coordinate_type lat_min = geometry::get(*it); coordinate_type lat_max = geometry::get(*it); if (math::equals(lat_min, constants::max_latitude()) || math::equals(lat_max, constants::min_latitude())) { // if the box degenerates to the south or north pole // just ignore it continue; } coordinate_type lon_left = geometry::get(*it); coordinate_type lon_right = geometry::get(*it); if (math::larger(lon_right, max_longitude)) { intervals.push_back(interval_type(lon_left, max_longitude)); intervals.push_back (interval_type(min_longitude, lon_right - period)); } else { intervals.push_back(interval_type(lon_left, lon_right)); } } coordinate_type lon_min = 0; coordinate_type lon_max = 0; envelope_range_of_longitudes < units_type >::apply(intervals, lon_min, lon_max); // do not convert units; conversion will be performed at a // higher level // assign now the min/max longitude/latitude values detail::indexed_point_view mbr_min(mbr); detail::indexed_point_view mbr_max(mbr); geometry::set<0>(mbr_min, lon_min); geometry::set<1>(mbr_min, geometry::get(*it_min)); geometry::set<0>(mbr_max, lon_max); geometry::set<1>(mbr_max, geometry::get(*it_max)); // what remains to be done is to compute the envelope range // for the remaining dimensions (if any) envelope_range_of_boxes_by_expansion < 2, dimension::value >::apply(range_of_boxes, mbr); } }; }} // namespace detail::envelope #endif // DOXYGEN_NO_DETAIL }} // namespace boost::geometry #endif // BOOST_GEOMETRY_ALGORITHMS_DETAIL_ENVELOPE_RANGE_OF_BOXES_HPP