// Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library) // Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Barend Gehrels, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. // This file was modified by Oracle on 2018. // Modifications copyright (c) 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. // Contributed and/or modified by Adam Wulkiewicz, on behalf of Oracle // Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License, // Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) #ifndef BOOST_GEOMETRY_ALGORITHMS_DETAIL_OVERLAY_TRAVERSAL_SWITCH_DETECTOR_HPP #define BOOST_GEOMETRY_ALGORITHMS_DETAIL_OVERLAY_TRAVERSAL_SWITCH_DETECTOR_HPP #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace boost { namespace geometry { #ifndef DOXYGEN_NO_DETAIL namespace detail { namespace overlay { // Generic function (is this used somewhere else too?) inline ring_identifier ring_id_by_seg_id(segment_identifier const& seg_id) { return ring_identifier(seg_id.source_index, seg_id.multi_index, seg_id.ring_index); } template < bool Reverse1, bool Reverse2, overlay_type OverlayType, typename Geometry1, typename Geometry2, typename Turns, typename Clusters, typename RobustPolicy, typename Visitor > struct traversal_switch_detector { static const operation_type target_operation = operation_from_overlay::value; static const operation_type opposite_operation = target_operation == operation_union ? operation_intersection : operation_union; enum isolation_type { isolation_unknown = -1, isolation_no = 0, isolation_yes = 1, isolation_multiple = 2 }; typedef typename boost::range_value::type turn_type; typedef typename turn_type::turn_operation_type turn_operation_type; typedef std::set set_type; // Per ring, first turns are collected (in turn_indices), and later // a region_id is assigned struct merged_ring_properties { signed_size_type region_id; set_type turn_indices; merged_ring_properties() : region_id(-1) {} }; struct connection_properties { std::size_t count; // Contains turn-index OR, if clustered, minus-cluster_id set_type unique_turn_ids; connection_properties() : count(0) {} }; typedef std::map connection_map; // Per region, a set of properties is maintained, including its connections // to other regions struct region_properties { signed_size_type region_id; isolation_type isolated; set_type unique_turn_ids; // Maps from connected region_id to their properties connection_map connected_region_counts; region_properties() : region_id(-1) , isolated(isolation_unknown) {} }; // Keeps turn indices per ring typedef std::map merge_map; typedef std::map region_connection_map; typedef set_type::const_iterator set_iterator; inline traversal_switch_detector(Geometry1 const& geometry1, Geometry2 const& geometry2, Turns& turns, Clusters& clusters, RobustPolicy const& robust_policy, Visitor& visitor) : m_geometry1(geometry1) , m_geometry2(geometry2) , m_turns(turns) , m_clusters(clusters) , m_robust_policy(robust_policy) , m_visitor(visitor) { } bool one_connection_to_another_region(region_properties const& region) const { // For example: // +----------------------+ // | __ | // | / \| // | | x // | \__/| // | | // +----------------------+ if (region.connected_region_counts.size() == 1) { connection_properties const& cprop = region.connected_region_counts.begin()->second; return cprop.count <= 1; } return region.connected_region_counts.empty(); } // TODO: might be combined with previous bool multiple_connections_to_one_region(region_properties const& region) const { // For example: // +----------------------+ // | __ | // | / \| // | | x // | \ /| // | / \| // | | x // | \__/| // | | // +----------------------+ if (region.connected_region_counts.size() == 1) { connection_properties const& cprop = region.connected_region_counts.begin()->second; return cprop.count > 1; } return false; } bool one_connection_to_multiple_regions(region_properties const& region) const { // For example: // +----------------------+ // | __ | __ // | / \|/ | // | | x | // | \__/|\__| // | | // +----------------------+ bool first = true; signed_size_type first_turn_id = 0; for (typename connection_map::const_iterator it = region.connected_region_counts.begin(); it != region.connected_region_counts.end(); ++it) { connection_properties const& cprop = it->second; if (cprop.count != 1) { return false; } signed_size_type const unique_turn_id = *cprop.unique_turn_ids.begin(); if (first) { first_turn_id = unique_turn_id; first = false; } else if (first_turn_id != unique_turn_id) { return false; } } return true; } bool ii_turn_connects_two_regions(region_properties const& region, region_properties const& connected_region, signed_size_type turn_index) const { turn_type const& turn = m_turns[turn_index]; if (! turn.both(operation_intersection)) { return false; } signed_size_type const id0 = turn.operations[0].enriched.region_id; signed_size_type const id1 = turn.operations[1].enriched.region_id; return (id0 == region.region_id && id1 == connected_region.region_id) || (id1 == region.region_id && id0 == connected_region.region_id); } bool isolated_multiple_connection(region_properties const& region, region_properties const& connected_region) const { if (connected_region.isolated != isolation_multiple) { return false; } // First step: compare turns of regions with turns of connected region set_type turn_ids = region.unique_turn_ids; for (set_iterator sit = connected_region.unique_turn_ids.begin(); sit != connected_region.unique_turn_ids.end(); ++sit) { turn_ids.erase(*sit); } // There should be one connection (turn or cluster) left if (turn_ids.size() != 1) { return false; } for (set_iterator sit = connected_region.unique_turn_ids.begin(); sit != connected_region.unique_turn_ids.end(); ++sit) { signed_size_type const id_or_index = *sit; if (id_or_index >= 0) { if (! ii_turn_connects_two_regions(region, connected_region, id_or_index)) { return false; } } else { signed_size_type const cluster_id = -id_or_index; typename Clusters::const_iterator it = m_clusters.find(cluster_id); if (it != m_clusters.end()) { cluster_info const& cinfo = it->second; for (set_iterator cit = cinfo.turn_indices.begin(); cit != cinfo.turn_indices.end(); ++cit) { if (! ii_turn_connects_two_regions(region, connected_region, *cit)) { return false; } } } } } return true; } bool has_only_isolated_children(region_properties const& region) const { bool first_with_turn = true; signed_size_type first_turn_id = 0; for (typename connection_map::const_iterator it = region.connected_region_counts.begin(); it != region.connected_region_counts.end(); ++it) { signed_size_type const region_id = it->first; connection_properties const& cprop = it->second; typename region_connection_map::const_iterator mit = m_connected_regions.find(region_id); if (mit == m_connected_regions.end()) { // Should not occur return false; } region_properties const& connected_region = mit->second; if (cprop.count != 1) { // If there are more connections, check their isolation if (! isolated_multiple_connection(region, connected_region)) { return false; } } if (connected_region.isolated != isolation_yes && connected_region.isolated != isolation_multiple) { signed_size_type const unique_turn_id = *cprop.unique_turn_ids.begin(); if (first_with_turn) { first_turn_id = unique_turn_id; first_with_turn = false; } else if (first_turn_id != unique_turn_id) { return false; } } } // If there is only one connection (with a 'parent'), and all other // connections are itself isolated, it is isolated return true; } void get_isolated_regions() { typedef typename region_connection_map::iterator it_type; // First time: check regions isolated (one connection only), // semi-isolated (multiple connections between same region), // and complex isolated (connection with multiple rings but all // at same point) for (it_type it = m_connected_regions.begin(); it != m_connected_regions.end(); ++it) { region_properties& properties = it->second; if (one_connection_to_another_region(properties)) { properties.isolated = isolation_yes; } else if (multiple_connections_to_one_region(properties)) { properties.isolated = isolation_multiple; } else if (one_connection_to_multiple_regions(properties)) { properties.isolated = isolation_yes; } } // Propagate isolation to next level // TODO: should be optimized std::size_t defensive_check = 0; bool changed = true; while (changed && defensive_check++ < m_connected_regions.size()) { changed = false; for (it_type it = m_connected_regions.begin(); it != m_connected_regions.end(); ++it) { region_properties& properties = it->second; if (properties.isolated == isolation_unknown && has_only_isolated_children(properties)) { properties.isolated = isolation_yes; changed = true; } } } } void assign_isolation() { for (std::size_t turn_index = 0; turn_index < m_turns.size(); ++turn_index) { turn_type& turn = m_turns[turn_index]; for (int op_index = 0; op_index < 2; op_index++) { turn_operation_type& op = turn.operations[op_index]; typename region_connection_map::const_iterator mit = m_connected_regions.find(op.enriched.region_id); if (mit != m_connected_regions.end()) { region_properties const& prop = mit->second; op.enriched.isolated = prop.isolated == isolation_yes; } } } } void assign_region_ids() { for (typename merge_map::const_iterator it = m_turns_per_ring.begin(); it != m_turns_per_ring.end(); ++it) { ring_identifier const& ring_id = it->first; merged_ring_properties const& properties = it->second; for (set_iterator sit = properties.turn_indices.begin(); sit != properties.turn_indices.end(); ++sit) { turn_type& turn = m_turns[*sit]; if (! acceptable(turn)) { // No assignment necessary continue; } for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { turn_operation_type& op = turn.operations[i]; if (ring_id_by_seg_id(op.seg_id) == ring_id) { op.enriched.region_id = properties.region_id; } } } } } void assign_connected_regions() { for (std::size_t turn_index = 0; turn_index < m_turns.size(); ++turn_index) { turn_type const& turn = m_turns[turn_index]; signed_size_type const unique_turn_id = turn.is_clustered() ? -turn.cluster_id : turn_index; turn_operation_type op0 = turn.operations[0]; turn_operation_type op1 = turn.operations[1]; signed_size_type const& id0 = op0.enriched.region_id; signed_size_type const& id1 = op1.enriched.region_id; // Add region (by assigning) and add involved turns if (id0 != -1) { m_connected_regions[id0].region_id = id0; m_connected_regions[id0].unique_turn_ids.insert(unique_turn_id); } if (id1 != -1 && id0 != id1) { m_connected_regions[id1].region_id = id1; m_connected_regions[id1].unique_turn_ids.insert(unique_turn_id); } if (id0 != id1 && id0 != -1 && id1 != -1) { // Assign connections connection_properties& prop0 = m_connected_regions[id0].connected_region_counts[id1]; connection_properties& prop1 = m_connected_regions[id1].connected_region_counts[id0]; // Reference this turn or cluster to later check uniqueness on ring if (prop0.unique_turn_ids.count(unique_turn_id) == 0) { prop0.count++; prop0.unique_turn_ids.insert(unique_turn_id); } if (prop1.unique_turn_ids.count(unique_turn_id) == 0) { prop1.count++; prop1.unique_turn_ids.insert(unique_turn_id); } } } } inline bool acceptable(turn_type const& turn) const { // Discarded turns don't connect rings to the same region // Also xx are not relevant // (otherwise discarded colocated uu turn could make a connection) return ! turn.discarded && ! turn.both(operation_blocked); } inline bool connects_same_region(turn_type const& turn) const { if (! acceptable(turn)) { return false; } if (! turn.is_clustered()) { // If it is a uu/ii-turn (non clustered), it is never same region return ! (turn.both(operation_union) || turn.both(operation_intersection)); } if (BOOST_GEOMETRY_CONDITION(target_operation == operation_union)) { // It is a cluster, check zones // (assigned by sort_by_side/handle colocations) of both operations return turn.operations[0].enriched.zone == turn.operations[1].enriched.zone; } // For an intersection, two regions connect if they are not ii // (ii-regions are isolated) or, in some cases, not iu (for example // when a multi-polygon is inside an interior ring and connecting it) return ! (turn.both(operation_intersection) || turn.combination(operation_intersection, operation_union)); } inline signed_size_type get_region_id(turn_operation_type const& op) const { return op.enriched.region_id; } void create_region(signed_size_type& new_region_id, ring_identifier const& ring_id, merged_ring_properties& properties, signed_size_type region_id = -1) { if (properties.region_id > 0) { // Already handled return; } // Assign new id if this is a new region if (region_id == -1) { region_id = new_region_id++; } // Assign this ring to specified region properties.region_id = region_id; #if defined(BOOST_GEOMETRY_DEBUG_TRAVERSAL_SWITCH_DETECTOR) std::cout << " ADD " << ring_id << " TO REGION " << region_id << std::endl; #endif // Find connecting rings, recursively for (set_iterator sit = properties.turn_indices.begin(); sit != properties.turn_indices.end(); ++sit) { signed_size_type const turn_index = *sit; turn_type const& turn = m_turns[turn_index]; if (! connects_same_region(turn)) { // This is a non clustered uu/ii-turn, or a cluster connecting different 'zones' continue; } // Union: This turn connects two rings (interior connected), create the region // Intersection: This turn connects two rings, set same regions for these two rings for (int op_index = 0; op_index < 2; op_index++) { turn_operation_type const& op = turn.operations[op_index]; ring_identifier connected_ring_id = ring_id_by_seg_id(op.seg_id); if (connected_ring_id != ring_id) { propagate_region(new_region_id, connected_ring_id, region_id); } } } } void propagate_region(signed_size_type& new_region_id, ring_identifier const& ring_id, signed_size_type region_id) { typename merge_map::iterator it = m_turns_per_ring.find(ring_id); if (it != m_turns_per_ring.end()) { create_region(new_region_id, ring_id, it->second, region_id); } } void iterate() { #if defined(BOOST_GEOMETRY_DEBUG_TRAVERSAL_SWITCH_DETECTOR) std::cout << "BEGIN ITERATION GETTING REGION_IDS" << std::endl; #endif // Collect turns per ring m_turns_per_ring.clear(); m_connected_regions.clear(); for (std::size_t turn_index = 0; turn_index < m_turns.size(); ++turn_index) { turn_type const& turn = m_turns[turn_index]; if (turn.discarded && BOOST_GEOMETRY_CONDITION(target_operation == operation_intersection)) { // Discarded turn (union currently still needs it to determine regions) continue; } for (int op_index = 0; op_index < 2; op_index++) { turn_operation_type const& op = turn.operations[op_index]; m_turns_per_ring[ring_id_by_seg_id(op.seg_id)].turn_indices.insert(turn_index); } } // All rings having turns are in turns/ring map. Process them. { signed_size_type new_region_id = 1; for (typename merge_map::iterator it = m_turns_per_ring.begin(); it != m_turns_per_ring.end(); ++it) { create_region(new_region_id, it->first, it->second); } assign_region_ids(); assign_connected_regions(); get_isolated_regions(); assign_isolation(); } #if defined(BOOST_GEOMETRY_DEBUG_TRAVERSAL_SWITCH_DETECTOR) std::cout << "END ITERATION GETTIN REGION_IDS" << std::endl; for (std::size_t turn_index = 0; turn_index < m_turns.size(); ++turn_index) { turn_type const& turn = m_turns[turn_index]; if ((turn.both(operation_union) || turn.both(operation_intersection)) && ! turn.is_clustered()) { std::cout << "UU/II RESULT " << turn_index << " -> " << turn.operations[0].enriched.region_id << " " << turn.operations[1].enriched.region_id << std::endl; } } for (typename Clusters::const_iterator it = m_clusters.begin(); it != m_clusters.end(); ++it) { cluster_info const& cinfo = it->second; std::cout << "CL RESULT " << it->first << " -> " << cinfo.open_count << std::endl; } #endif } private: Geometry1 const& m_geometry1; Geometry2 const& m_geometry2; Turns& m_turns; Clusters& m_clusters; merge_map m_turns_per_ring; region_connection_map m_connected_regions; RobustPolicy const& m_robust_policy; Visitor& m_visitor; }; }} // namespace detail::overlay #endif // DOXYGEN_NO_DETAIL }} // namespace boost::geometry #endif // BOOST_GEOMETRY_ALGORITHMS_DETAIL_OVERLAY_TRAVERSAL_SWITCH_DETECTOR_HPP