// Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library) // Copyright (c) 2007-2015 Barend Gehrels, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. // Copyright (c) 2008-2015 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France. // Copyright (c) 2009-2015 Mateusz Loskot, London, UK. // Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Adam Wulkiewicz, Lodz, Poland. // This file was modified by Oracle on 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019. // Modifications copyright (c) 2013-2019 Oracle and/or its affiliates. // Contributed and/or modified by Adam Wulkiewicz, on behalf of Oracle // Contributed and/or modified by Menelaos Karavelas, on behalf of Oracle // Parts of Boost.Geometry are redesigned from Geodan's Geographic Library // (geolib/GGL), copyright (c) 1995-2010 Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. // Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License, // Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) #ifndef BOOST_GEOMETRY_ALGORITHMS_DETAIL_SECTIONS_SECTIONALIZE_HPP #define BOOST_GEOMETRY_ALGORITHMS_DETAIL_SECTIONS_SECTIONALIZE_HPP #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace boost { namespace geometry { /*! \brief Structure containing section information \details Section information consists of a bounding box, direction information (if it is increasing or decreasing, per dimension), index information (begin-end, ring, multi) and the number of segments in this section \tparam Box box-type \tparam DimensionCount number of dimensions for this section \ingroup sectionalize */ template < typename Box, std::size_t DimensionCount > struct section { typedef Box box_type; static std::size_t const dimension_count = DimensionCount; int directions[DimensionCount]; ring_identifier ring_id; Box bounding_box; // NOTE: size_type could be passed as template parameter // NOTE: these probably also could be of type std::size_t signed_size_type begin_index; signed_size_type end_index; std::size_t count; std::size_t range_count; bool duplicate; signed_size_type non_duplicate_index; bool is_non_duplicate_first; bool is_non_duplicate_last; inline section() : begin_index(-1) , end_index(-1) , count(0) , range_count(0) , duplicate(false) , non_duplicate_index(-1) , is_non_duplicate_first(false) , is_non_duplicate_last(false) { assign_inverse(bounding_box); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < DimensionCount; i++) { directions[i] = 0; } } }; /*! \brief Structure containing a collection of sections \note Derived from a vector, proves to be faster than of deque \note vector might be templated in the future \ingroup sectionalize */ template struct sections : std::vector > { typedef Box box_type; static std::size_t const value = DimensionCount; }; #ifndef DOXYGEN_NO_DETAIL namespace detail { namespace sectionalize { // NOTE: This utility will NOT work for latitudes, dimension 1 in spherical // and geographic coordinate system because in these coordinate systems // e.g. a segment on northern hemisphere may go towards greater latitude // and then towards lesser latitude. template < typename Point, typename DimensionVector, std::size_t Index, std::size_t Count, typename CastedCSTag = typename tag_cast < typename cs_tag::type, spherical_tag >::type > struct get_direction_loop { typedef typename boost::mpl::at_c::type dimension; template static inline void apply(Segment const& seg, int directions[Count]) { typedef typename coordinate_type::type coordinate_type; coordinate_type const c0 = geometry::get<0, dimension::value>(seg); coordinate_type const c1 = geometry::get<1, dimension::value>(seg); directions[Index] = c1 > c0 ? 1 : c1 < c0 ? -1 : 0; get_direction_loop < Point, DimensionVector, Index + 1, Count, CastedCSTag >::apply(seg, directions); } }; template < typename Point, typename DimensionVector, std::size_t Count > struct get_direction_loop { typedef typename boost::mpl::at_c::type dimension; template static inline void apply(Segment const& seg, int directions[Count]) { typedef typename coordinate_type::type coordinate_type; typedef typename coordinate_system::type::units units_t; coordinate_type const diff = math::longitude_distance_signed < units_t, coordinate_type >(geometry::get<0, 0>(seg), geometry::get<1, 0>(seg)); coordinate_type zero = coordinate_type(); directions[0] = diff > zero ? 1 : diff < zero ? -1 : 0; get_direction_loop < Point, DimensionVector, 1, Count, spherical_tag >::apply(seg, directions); } }; template < typename Point, typename DimensionVector, std::size_t Count, typename CastedCSTag > struct get_direction_loop { template static inline void apply(Segment const&, int [Count]) {} }; //! Copy one static array to another template struct copy_loop { static inline void apply(T const source[Count], T target[Count]) { target[Index] = source[Index]; copy_loop::apply(source, target); } }; template struct copy_loop { static inline void apply(T const [Count], T [Count]) {} }; //! Compare two static arrays template struct compare_loop { static inline bool apply(T const array1[Count], T const array2[Count]) { return array1[Index] != array2[Index] ? false : compare_loop < T, Index + 1, Count >::apply(array1, array2); } }; template struct compare_loop { static inline bool apply(T const [Count], T const [Count]) { return true; } }; template struct check_duplicate_loop { template static inline bool apply(Segment const& seg) { if (! geometry::math::equals ( geometry::get<0, Dimension>(seg), geometry::get<1, Dimension>(seg) ) ) { return false; } return check_duplicate_loop < Dimension + 1, DimensionCount >::apply(seg); } }; template struct check_duplicate_loop { template static inline bool apply(Segment const&) { return true; } }; //! Assign a value to a static array template struct assign_loop { static inline void apply(T dims[Count], T const value) { dims[Index] = value; assign_loop::apply(dims, value); } }; template struct assign_loop { static inline void apply(T [Count], T const) { } }; template struct box_first_in_section { template static inline void apply(Box & box, Point const& prev, Point const& curr, EnvelopeStrategy const& strategy) { geometry::model::referring_segment seg(prev, curr); geometry::envelope(seg, box, strategy); } }; template <> struct box_first_in_section { template static inline void apply(Box & box, Point const& prev, Point const& curr, ExpandStrategy const& ) { geometry::envelope(prev, box); geometry::expand(box, curr); } }; template struct box_next_in_section { template static inline void apply(Box & box, Point const& prev, Point const& curr, Strategy const& strategy) { geometry::model::referring_segment seg(prev, curr); geometry::expand(box, seg, strategy); } }; template <> struct box_next_in_section { template static inline void apply(Box & box, Point const& , Point const& curr, Strategy const& ) { geometry::expand(box, curr); } }; /// @brief Helper class to create sections of a part of a range, on the fly template < typename Point, typename DimensionVector > struct sectionalize_part { static const std::size_t dimension_count = boost::mpl::size::value; template < typename Iterator, typename RobustPolicy, typename Sections > static inline void apply(Sections& sections, Iterator begin, Iterator end, RobustPolicy const& robust_policy, ring_identifier ring_id, std::size_t max_count) { typedef typename strategy::envelope::services::default_strategy < segment_tag, typename cs_tag::type >::type envelope_strategy_type; typedef typename strategy::expand::services::default_strategy < segment_tag, typename cs_tag::type >::type expand_strategy_type; apply(sections, begin, end, robust_policy, envelope_strategy_type(), expand_strategy_type(), ring_id, max_count); } template < typename Iterator, typename RobustPolicy, typename Sections, typename EnvelopeStrategy, typename ExpandStrategy > static inline void apply(Sections& sections, Iterator begin, Iterator end, RobustPolicy const& robust_policy, EnvelopeStrategy const& envelope_strategy, ExpandStrategy const& expand_strategy, ring_identifier ring_id, std::size_t max_count) { boost::ignore_unused(robust_policy); typedef typename boost::range_value::type section_type; BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT ( (static_cast(section_type::dimension_count) == static_cast(boost::mpl::size::value)) ); typedef typename geometry::robust_point_type < Point, RobustPolicy >::type robust_point_type; std::size_t const count = std::distance(begin, end); if (count == 0) { return; } signed_size_type index = 0; signed_size_type ndi = 0; // non duplicate index section_type section; bool mark_first_non_duplicated = true; std::size_t last_non_duplicate_index = sections.size(); Iterator it = begin; robust_point_type previous_robust_point; geometry::recalculate(previous_robust_point, *it, robust_policy); for(Iterator previous = it++; it != end; ++previous, ++it, index++) { robust_point_type current_robust_point; geometry::recalculate(current_robust_point, *it, robust_policy); model::referring_segment robust_segment( previous_robust_point, current_robust_point); int direction_classes[dimension_count] = {0}; get_direction_loop < Point, DimensionVector, 0, dimension_count >::apply(robust_segment, direction_classes); // if "dir" == 0 for all point-dimensions, it is duplicate. // Those sections might be omitted, if wished, lateron bool duplicate = false; if (direction_classes[0] == 0) { // Recheck because ALL dimensions should be checked, // not only first one. // (dimension_count might be < dimension

::value) if (check_duplicate_loop < 0, geometry::dimension::type::value >::apply(robust_segment) ) { duplicate = true; // Change direction-info to force new section // Note that wo consecutive duplicate segments will generate // only one duplicate-section. // Actual value is not important as long as it is not -1,0,1 assign_loop < int, 0, dimension_count >::apply(direction_classes, -99); } } if (section.count > 0 && (! compare_loop < int, 0, dimension_count >::apply(direction_classes, section.directions) || section.count > max_count) ) { if (! section.duplicate) { last_non_duplicate_index = sections.size(); } sections.push_back(section); section = section_type(); } if (section.count == 0) { section.begin_index = index; section.ring_id = ring_id; section.duplicate = duplicate; section.non_duplicate_index = ndi; section.range_count = count; if (mark_first_non_duplicated && ! duplicate) { section.is_non_duplicate_first = true; mark_first_non_duplicated = false; } copy_loop < int, 0, dimension_count >::apply(direction_classes, section.directions); // In cartesian this is envelope of previous point expanded with current point // in non-cartesian this is envelope of a segment box_first_in_section::type> ::apply(section.bounding_box, previous_robust_point, current_robust_point, envelope_strategy); } else { // In cartesian this is expand with current point // in non-cartesian this is expand with a segment box_next_in_section::type> ::apply(section.bounding_box, previous_robust_point, current_robust_point, expand_strategy); } section.end_index = index + 1; section.count++; if (! duplicate) { ndi++; } previous_robust_point = current_robust_point; } // Add last section if applicable if (section.count > 0) { if (! section.duplicate) { last_non_duplicate_index = sections.size(); } sections.push_back(section); } if (last_non_duplicate_index < sections.size() && ! sections[last_non_duplicate_index].duplicate) { sections[last_non_duplicate_index].is_non_duplicate_last = true; } } }; template < closure_selector Closure, bool Reverse, typename Point, typename DimensionVector > struct sectionalize_range { template < typename Range, typename RobustPolicy, typename Sections, typename EnvelopeStrategy, typename ExpandStrategy > static inline void apply(Range const& range, RobustPolicy const& robust_policy, Sections& sections, EnvelopeStrategy const& envelope_strategy, ExpandStrategy const& expand_strategy, ring_identifier ring_id, std::size_t max_count) { typedef typename closeable_view::type cview_type; typedef typename reversible_view < cview_type const, Reverse ? iterate_reverse : iterate_forward >::type view_type; cview_type cview(range); view_type view(cview); std::size_t const n = boost::size(view); if (n == 0) { // Zero points, no section return; } if (n == 1) { // Line with one point ==> no sections return; } sectionalize_part::apply(sections, boost::begin(view), boost::end(view), robust_policy, envelope_strategy, expand_strategy, ring_id, max_count); } }; template < bool Reverse, typename DimensionVector > struct sectionalize_polygon { template < typename Polygon, typename RobustPolicy, typename Sections, typename EnvelopeStrategy, typename ExpandStrategy > static inline void apply(Polygon const& poly, RobustPolicy const& robust_policy, Sections& sections, EnvelopeStrategy const& envelope_strategy, ExpandStrategy const& expand_strategy, ring_identifier ring_id, std::size_t max_count) { typedef typename point_type::type point_type; typedef sectionalize_range < closure::value, Reverse, point_type, DimensionVector > per_range; ring_id.ring_index = -1; per_range::apply(exterior_ring(poly), robust_policy, sections, envelope_strategy, expand_strategy, ring_id, max_count); ring_id.ring_index++; typename interior_return_type::type rings = interior_rings(poly); for (typename detail::interior_iterator::type it = boost::begin(rings); it != boost::end(rings); ++it, ++ring_id.ring_index) { per_range::apply(*it, robust_policy, sections, envelope_strategy, expand_strategy, ring_id, max_count); } } }; template struct sectionalize_box { template < typename Box, typename RobustPolicy, typename Sections, typename EnvelopeStrategy, typename ExpandStrategy > static inline void apply(Box const& box, RobustPolicy const& robust_policy, Sections& sections, EnvelopeStrategy const& envelope_strategy, ExpandStrategy const& expand_strategy, ring_identifier const& ring_id, std::size_t max_count) { typedef typename point_type::type point_type; assert_dimension(); // Add all four sides of the 2D-box as separate section. // Easiest is to convert it to a polygon. // However, we don't have the polygon type // (or polygon would be a helper-type). // Therefore we mimic a linestring/std::vector of 5 points // TODO: might be replaced by assign_box_corners_oriented // or just "convert" point_type ll, lr, ul, ur; geometry::detail::assign_box_corners(box, ll, lr, ul, ur); std::vector points; points.push_back(ll); points.push_back(ul); points.push_back(ur); points.push_back(lr); points.push_back(ll); // NOTE: Use cartesian envelope strategy in all coordinate systems // because edges of a box are not geodesic segments sectionalize_range < closed, false, point_type, DimensionVector >::apply(points, robust_policy, sections, envelope_strategy, expand_strategy, ring_id, max_count); } }; template struct sectionalize_multi { template < typename MultiGeometry, typename RobustPolicy, typename Sections, typename EnvelopeStrategy, typename ExpandStrategy > static inline void apply(MultiGeometry const& multi, RobustPolicy const& robust_policy, Sections& sections, EnvelopeStrategy const& envelope_strategy, ExpandStrategy const& expand_strategy, ring_identifier ring_id, std::size_t max_count) { ring_id.multi_index = 0; for (typename boost::range_iterator::type it = boost::begin(multi); it != boost::end(multi); ++it, ++ring_id.multi_index) { Policy::apply(*it, robust_policy, sections, envelope_strategy, expand_strategy, ring_id, max_count); } } }; // TODO: If it depends on CS it should probably be made into strategy. // For now implemented here because of ongoing work on robustness // the fact that it interferes with detail::buffer::buffer_box // and that we probably need a general strategy for defining epsilon in // various coordinate systems, e.g. for point comparison, enlargement of // bounding boxes, etc. template struct expand_by_epsilon : not_implemented {}; template <> struct expand_by_epsilon { template static inline void apply(Box & box) { detail::expand_by_epsilon(box); } }; template <> struct expand_by_epsilon { template static inline void apply(Box & box) { typedef typename coordinate_type::type coord_t; static const coord_t eps = boost::is_same::value ? coord_t(1e-6) : coord_t(1e-12); detail::expand_by_epsilon(box, eps); } }; // TODO: In geographic CS it should probably also depend on FormulaPolicy. template <> struct expand_by_epsilon : expand_by_epsilon {}; template inline void enlarge_sections(Sections& sections, Strategy const&) { // Enlarge sections slightly, this should be consistent with math::equals() // and with the tolerances used in general_form intersections. // This avoids missing turns. // Points and Segments are equal-compared WRT machine epsilon, but Boxes aren't // Enlarging Boxes ensures that they correspond to the bound objects, // Segments in this case, since Sections are collections of Segments. // It makes section a tiny bit too large, which might cause (a small number) // of more comparisons for (typename boost::range_iterator::type it = boost::begin(sections); it != boost::end(sections); ++it) { #if defined(BOOST_GEOMETRY_USE_RESCALING) detail::sectionalize::expand_by_epsilon < typename Strategy::cs_tag >::apply(it->bounding_box); #else // Expand the box to avoid missing any intersection. The amount is // should be larger than epsilon. About the value itself: the smaller // it is, the higher the risk to miss intersections. The larger it is, // the more comparisons are made. So it should be on the high side. detail::buffer::buffer_box(it->bounding_box, 0.001, it->bounding_box); #endif } } }} // namespace detail::sectionalize #endif // DOXYGEN_NO_DETAIL #ifndef DOXYGEN_NO_DISPATCH namespace dispatch { template < typename Tag, typename Geometry, bool Reverse, typename DimensionVector > struct sectionalize { BOOST_MPL_ASSERT_MSG ( false, NOT_OR_NOT_YET_IMPLEMENTED_FOR_THIS_GEOMETRY_TYPE , (types) ); }; template < typename Box, bool Reverse, typename DimensionVector > struct sectionalize : detail::sectionalize::sectionalize_box {}; template < typename LineString, typename DimensionVector > struct sectionalize < linestring_tag, LineString, false, DimensionVector > : detail::sectionalize::sectionalize_range < closed, false, typename point_type::type, DimensionVector > {}; template < typename Ring, bool Reverse, typename DimensionVector > struct sectionalize : detail::sectionalize::sectionalize_range < geometry::closure::value, Reverse, typename point_type::type, DimensionVector > {}; template < typename Polygon, bool Reverse, typename DimensionVector > struct sectionalize : detail::sectionalize::sectionalize_polygon < Reverse, DimensionVector > {}; template < typename MultiPolygon, bool Reverse, typename DimensionVector > struct sectionalize : detail::sectionalize::sectionalize_multi < DimensionVector, detail::sectionalize::sectionalize_polygon < Reverse, DimensionVector > > {}; template < typename MultiLinestring, bool Reverse, typename DimensionVector > struct sectionalize : detail::sectionalize::sectionalize_multi < DimensionVector, detail::sectionalize::sectionalize_range < closed, false, typename point_type::type, DimensionVector > > {}; } // namespace dispatch #endif /*! \brief Split a geometry into monotonic sections \ingroup sectionalize \tparam Geometry type of geometry to check \tparam Sections type of sections to create \param geometry geometry to create sections from \param robust_policy policy to handle robustness issues \param sections structure with sections \param envelope_strategy strategy for envelope calculation \param expand_strategy strategy for partitions \param source_index index to assign to the ring_identifiers \param max_count maximal number of points per section (defaults to 10, this seems to give the fastest results) */ template < bool Reverse, typename DimensionVector, typename Geometry, typename Sections, typename RobustPolicy, typename EnvelopeStrategy, typename ExpandStrategy > inline void sectionalize(Geometry const& geometry, RobustPolicy const& robust_policy, Sections& sections, EnvelopeStrategy const& envelope_strategy, ExpandStrategy const& expand_strategy, int source_index = 0, std::size_t max_count = 10) { BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((! boost::is_fundamental::value)); concepts::check(); typedef typename boost::range_value::type section_type; // Compiletime check for point type of section boxes // and point type related to robust policy typedef typename geometry::coordinate_type < typename section_type::box_type >::type ctype1; typedef typename geometry::coordinate_type < typename geometry::robust_point_type < typename geometry::point_type::type, RobustPolicy >::type >::type ctype2; BOOST_MPL_ASSERT((boost::is_same)); sections.clear(); ring_identifier ring_id; ring_id.source_index = source_index; dispatch::sectionalize < typename tag::type, Geometry, Reverse, DimensionVector >::apply(geometry, robust_policy, sections, envelope_strategy, expand_strategy, ring_id, max_count); detail::sectionalize::enlarge_sections(sections, envelope_strategy); } template < bool Reverse, typename DimensionVector, typename Geometry, typename Sections, typename RobustPolicy > inline void sectionalize(Geometry const& geometry, RobustPolicy const& robust_policy, Sections& sections, int source_index = 0, std::size_t max_count = 10) { typedef typename strategy::envelope::services::default_strategy < typename tag::type, typename cs_tag::type >::type envelope_strategy_type; typedef typename strategy::expand::services::default_strategy < typename boost::mpl::if_c < boost::is_same::type, box_tag>::value, box_tag, segment_tag >::type, typename cs_tag::type >::type expand_strategy_type; boost::geometry::sectionalize < Reverse, DimensionVector >(geometry, robust_policy, sections, envelope_strategy_type(), expand_strategy_type(), source_index, max_count); } }} // namespace boost::geometry #endif // BOOST_GEOMETRY_ALGORITHMS_DETAIL_SECTIONS_SECTIONALIZE_HPP