// Copyright 2005 The Trustees of Indiana University. // Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software // License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // Authors: Douglas Gregor // Andrew Lumsdaine #ifndef BOOST_GRAPH_METIS_HPP #define BOOST_GRAPH_METIS_HPP #ifdef BOOST_GRAPH_METIS_NO_INLINE # define BOOST_GRAPH_METIS_INLINE_KEYWORD #else # define BOOST_GRAPH_METIS_INLINE_KEYWORD inline #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace boost { namespace graph { class BOOST_SYMBOL_VISIBLE metis_exception : public std::exception {}; class BOOST_SYMBOL_VISIBLE metis_input_exception : public metis_exception {}; class metis_reader { public: typedef std::size_t vertices_size_type; typedef std::size_t edges_size_type; typedef double vertex_weight_type; typedef double edge_weight_type; class edge_iterator { public: typedef std::input_iterator_tag iterator_category; typedef std::pair value_type; typedef const value_type& reference; typedef const value_type* pointer; typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type; private: class postincrement_proxy { postincrement_proxy(const value_type& value) : value(value) { } public: reference operator*() const { return value; } private: value_type value; friend class edge_iterator; }; public: edge_iterator& operator++(); postincrement_proxy operator++(int); reference operator*() const { return self->edge; } pointer operator->() const { return &self->edge; } // Default copy constructor and assignment operator are okay private: edge_iterator(metis_reader* self); void advance(bool skip_initial_read); metis_reader* self; friend class metis_reader; friend bool operator==(edge_iterator, edge_iterator); friend bool operator!=(edge_iterator, edge_iterator); }; friend class edge_iterator; class edge_weight_iterator { public: typedef std::input_iterator_tag iterator_category; typedef edge_weight_type value_type; typedef const value_type& reference; typedef const value_type* pointer; // Default copy constructor and assignment operator are okay reference operator*() const { return self->edge_weight; } pointer operator->() const { return &self->edge_weight; } edge_weight_iterator& operator++() { return *this; } edge_weight_iterator operator++(int) { return *this; } private: edge_weight_iterator(metis_reader* self) : self(self) { } metis_reader* self; friend class metis_reader; }; metis_reader(std::istream& in) : in(in), edge_weight(1.0) { start(); } edge_iterator begin(); edge_iterator end(); edge_weight_iterator weight_begin(); vertices_size_type num_vertices() const { return n_vertices; } edges_size_type num_edges() const { return n_edges; } std::size_t num_vertex_weights() const { return n_vertex_weights; } vertex_weight_type vertex_weight(vertices_size_type v, std::size_t n) { return vertex_weights[v*num_vertex_weights() + n]; } bool has_edge_weights() const { return edge_weights; } private: void start(); // Configuration information std::istream& in; // Information about the current METIS file vertices_size_type n_vertices; edges_size_type n_edges; std::size_t n_vertex_weights; bool edge_weights; // Information about the current edge/vertex std::istringstream line_in; std::pair edge; std::vector vertex_weights; edge_weight_type edge_weight; friend bool operator==(edge_iterator, edge_iterator); friend bool operator!=(edge_iterator, edge_iterator); }; class metis_distribution { public: typedef int process_id_type; typedef std::size_t size_type; typedef std::vector::iterator iterator; metis_distribution(std::istream& in, process_id_type my_id); size_type block_size(process_id_type id, size_type) const; process_id_type operator()(size_type n) const { return vertices[n]; } size_type local(size_type n) const; size_type global(size_type n) const { return global(my_id, n); } size_type global(process_id_type id, size_type n) const; iterator begin() { return vertices.begin(); } iterator end() { return vertices.end(); } private: process_id_type my_id; std::vector vertices; }; #if !defined(BOOST_GRAPH_METIS_NO_INLINE) || defined(BOOST_GRAPH_METIS_SOURCE) BOOST_GRAPH_METIS_INLINE_KEYWORD bool operator==(metis_reader::edge_iterator x, metis_reader::edge_iterator y) { return (x.self == y.self || (x.self && x.self->edge.first == x.self->num_vertices()) || (y.self && y.self->edge.first == y.self->num_vertices())); } BOOST_GRAPH_METIS_INLINE_KEYWORD bool operator!=(metis_reader::edge_iterator x, metis_reader::edge_iterator y) { return !(x == y); } BOOST_GRAPH_METIS_INLINE_KEYWORD metis_reader::edge_iterator::edge_iterator(metis_reader* self) : self(self) { if (self) advance(true); } BOOST_GRAPH_METIS_INLINE_KEYWORD metis_reader::edge_iterator& metis_reader::edge_iterator::operator++() { advance(false); return *this; } BOOST_GRAPH_METIS_INLINE_KEYWORD void metis_reader::edge_iterator::advance(bool skip_initial_read) { do { if (!skip_initial_read) { // Try to read the next edge if (self->line_in >> std::ws >> self->edge.second) { --self->edge.second; if (self->has_edge_weights()) { if (!(self->line_in >> self->edge_weight)) boost::throw_exception(metis_input_exception()); } return; } // Check if we're done ++self->edge.first; if (self->edge.first == self->num_vertices()) return; } // Find the next line std::string line; while (getline(self->in, line) && !line.empty() && line[0] == '%') { /* Keep reading lines in the loop header... */ } if (!self->in) boost::throw_exception(metis_input_exception()); self->line_in.str(line); self->line_in.clear(); // Read the next line std::size_t weights_left = self->n_vertex_weights; vertex_weight_type weight; while (weights_left > 0) { if (self->line_in >> weight) self->vertex_weights.push_back(weight); else boost::throw_exception(metis_input_exception()); --weights_left; } // Successive iterations will pick up edges for this vertex. skip_initial_read = false; } while (true); } BOOST_GRAPH_METIS_INLINE_KEYWORD metis_reader::edge_iterator::postincrement_proxy metis_reader::edge_iterator::operator++(int) { postincrement_proxy result(**this); ++(*this); return result; } BOOST_GRAPH_METIS_INLINE_KEYWORD metis_reader::edge_iterator metis_reader::begin() { if (edge.first != 0) start(); return edge_iterator(this); } BOOST_GRAPH_METIS_INLINE_KEYWORD metis_reader::edge_iterator metis_reader::end() { return edge_iterator(0); } BOOST_GRAPH_METIS_INLINE_KEYWORD metis_reader::edge_weight_iterator metis_reader::weight_begin() { return edge_weight_iterator(this); } BOOST_GRAPH_METIS_INLINE_KEYWORD void metis_reader::start() { in.seekg(0, std::ios::beg); std::string line; while (getline(in, line) && !line.empty() && line[0] == '%') { /* Keep getting lines in loop header. */ } if (!in || line.empty()) boost::throw_exception(metis_input_exception()); // Determine number of vertices and edges in the graph line_in.str(line); if (!(line_in >> n_vertices >> n_edges)) boost::throw_exception(metis_input_exception()); // Determine whether vertex or edge weights are included in the graph int fmt = 0; line_in >> fmt; n_vertex_weights = fmt / 10; edge_weights = (fmt % 10 == 1); // Determine how many (if any!) vertex weights are included if (n_vertex_weights) line_in >> n_vertex_weights; // Setup the iteration data structures edge_weight = 1.0; edge.first = 0; edge.second = 0; vertex_weights.reserve(n_vertex_weights * num_vertices()); } metis_distribution::metis_distribution(std::istream& in, process_id_type my_id) : my_id(my_id), vertices(std::istream_iterator(in), std::istream_iterator()) { } metis_distribution::size_type metis_distribution::block_size(process_id_type id, size_type) const { return std::count(vertices.begin(), vertices.end(), id); } metis_distribution::size_type metis_distribution::local(size_type n) const { return std::count(vertices.begin(), vertices.begin() + n, vertices[n]); } metis_distribution::size_type metis_distribution::global(process_id_type id, size_type n) const { std::vector::const_iterator i = vertices.begin(); while (*i != id) ++i; while (n > 0) { do { ++i; } while (*i != id); --n; } return i - vertices.begin(); } #endif } } // end namespace boost::graph #endif // BOOST_GRAPH_METIS_HPP