--[[ Script Name : SpawnScripts/WailingCaves/GhiZardTheWorgMaster.lua Script Author : Premierio015 Script Date : 2020.07.08 05:07:04 Script Purpose : : --]] function spawn(NPC) end function hailed(NPC, Spawn) FaceTarget(NPC, Spawn) end function respawn(NPC) spawn(NPC) end function WorgMaster(NPC, Spawn) MoveToLocation(NPC, -271.37, -49.44, -75.35, 2, "WorgMaster2") local zone = GetZone(NPC) local LordRee = GetSpawnByLocationID(zone, 404840) if LordRee ~= nil then PlayFlavor(LordRee, "", "Ahh, Ghi'Zard, just in time! Are your worgs ready to feed?", "scheme", 1689589577, 4560189, Spawn) end end function WorgMaster2(NPC, Spawn) MoveToLocation(NPC, -271.56, -49.35, -80.81, 2, "WorgMaster3") PlayFlavor(NPC, "", "Just picking my target, Master.", "", 1689589577, 4560189, Spawn) end function WorgMaster3(NPC, Spawn) MoveToLocation(NPC, -278.72, -49.44, -85.01, 2, "WorgMaster4", false) end function WorgMaster4(NPC, Spawn) FaceTarget(NPC, Spawn) PlayFlavor(NPC, "", "Find your food, worgs! Attack!", "", 1689589577, 4560189, Spawn) SpawnSet(NPC, "attackable", "1") SpawnSet(NPC, "show_level", "1") SpawnSet(NPC, "faction", "1") Attack(NPC, Spawn) local zone = GetZone(NPC) local Worg1 = GetSpawnByLocationID(zone, 404849) local Worg2 = GetSpawnByLocationID(zone, 404850) local Worg3 = GetSpawnByLocationID(zone, 404851) SpawnSet(Worg1, "attackable", "1") SpawnSet(Worg1, "show_level", "1") SpawnSet(Worg1, "faction", "1") SpawnSet(Worg2, "attackable", "1") SpawnSet(Worg2, "show_level", "1") SpawnSet(Worg2, "faction", "1") SpawnSet(Worg3, "attackable", "1") SpawnSet(Worg3, "show_level", "1") SpawnSet(Worg3, "faction", "1") SpawnSet(Worg4, "attackable", "1") SpawnSet(Worg4, "show_level", "1") SpawnSet(Worg4, "faction", "1") end function death(NPC, Spawn) local zone = GetZone(NPC) local LordRee = GetSpawnByLocationID(zone, 404840) if LordRee ~= nil then PlayFlavor(LordRee, "", "Poor Ghi'Zard, I'll have to feed him to the spiders. As for you, my patience is gone. It's time to deal with you myself. Ladies, after you!", "", 1689589577, 4560189, Spawn) AddTimer(LordRee, 1000, "FinalPhase") end end