/*============================================================================= Copyright (c) 2001-2014 Joel de Guzman Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) =============================================================================*/ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Yet another calculator example! This time, we will compile to a simple // virtual machine. This is actually one of the very first Spirit example // circa 2000. Now, it's ported to Spirit2 (and X3). // // [ JDG Sometime 2000 ] pre-boost // [ JDG September 18, 2002 ] spirit1 // [ JDG April 8, 2007 ] spirit2 // [ JDG February 18, 2011 ] Pure attributes. No semantic actions. // [ JDG April 9, 2014 ] Spirit X3 (from qi calc6) // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Uncomment this if you want to enable debugging //#define BOOST_SPIRIT_X3_DEBUG #if defined(_MSC_VER) # pragma warning(disable: 4345) #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace x3 = boost::spirit::x3; namespace client { namespace ast { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The AST /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// struct nil {}; struct signed_; struct expression; struct operand : x3::variant< nil , unsigned int , x3::forward_ast , x3::forward_ast > { using base_type::base_type; using base_type::operator=; }; struct signed_ { char sign; operand operand_; }; struct operation { char operator_; operand operand_; }; struct expression { operand first; std::list rest; }; // print function for debugging inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, nil) { out << "nil"; return out; } }} BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(client::ast::signed_, sign, operand_ ) BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(client::ast::operation, operator_, operand_ ) BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(client::ast::expression, first, rest ) namespace client { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The Virtual Machine /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// enum byte_code { op_neg, // negate the top stack entry op_add, // add top two stack entries op_sub, // subtract top two stack entries op_mul, // multiply top two stack entries op_div, // divide top two stack entries op_int, // push constant integer into the stack }; class vmachine { public: vmachine(unsigned stackSize = 4096) : stack(stackSize) , stack_ptr(stack.begin()) { } int top() const { return stack_ptr[-1]; }; void execute(std::vector const& code); private: std::vector stack; std::vector::iterator stack_ptr; }; void vmachine::execute(std::vector const& code) { std::vector::const_iterator pc = code.begin(); stack_ptr = stack.begin(); while (pc != code.end()) { switch (*pc++) { case op_neg: stack_ptr[-1] = -stack_ptr[-1]; break; case op_add: --stack_ptr; stack_ptr[-1] += stack_ptr[0]; break; case op_sub: --stack_ptr; stack_ptr[-1] -= stack_ptr[0]; break; case op_mul: --stack_ptr; stack_ptr[-1] *= stack_ptr[0]; break; case op_div: --stack_ptr; stack_ptr[-1] /= stack_ptr[0]; break; case op_int: *stack_ptr++ = *pc++; break; } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The Compiler /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// struct compiler { typedef void result_type; std::vector& code; compiler(std::vector& code) : code(code) {} void operator()(ast::nil) const { BOOST_ASSERT(0); } void operator()(unsigned int n) const { code.push_back(op_int); code.push_back(n); } void operator()(ast::operation const& x) const { boost::apply_visitor(*this, x.operand_); switch (x.operator_) { case '+': code.push_back(op_add); break; case '-': code.push_back(op_sub); break; case '*': code.push_back(op_mul); break; case '/': code.push_back(op_div); break; default: BOOST_ASSERT(0); break; } } void operator()(ast::signed_ const& x) const { boost::apply_visitor(*this, x.operand_); switch (x.sign) { case '-': code.push_back(op_neg); break; case '+': break; default: BOOST_ASSERT(0); break; } } void operator()(ast::expression const& x) const { boost::apply_visitor(*this, x.first); for (ast::operation const& oper : x.rest) { (*this)(oper); } } }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The calculator grammar /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// namespace calculator_grammar { using x3::uint_; using x3::char_; struct expression_class; struct term_class; struct factor_class; x3::rule const expression("expression"); x3::rule const term("term"); x3::rule const factor("factor"); auto const expression_def = term >> *( (char_('+') > term) | (char_('-') > term) ) ; auto const term_def = factor >> *( (char_('*') > factor) | (char_('/') > factor) ) ; auto const factor_def = uint_ | '(' > expression > ')' | (char_('-') > factor) | (char_('+') > factor) ; BOOST_SPIRIT_DEFINE( expression , term , factor ); struct expression_class { // Our error handler template x3::error_handler_result on_error(Iterator&, Iterator const& last, Exception const& x, Context const& context) { std::cout << "Error! Expecting: " << x.which() << " here: \"" << std::string(x.where(), last) << "\"" << std::endl ; return x3::error_handler_result::fail; } }; auto calculator = expression; } using calculator_grammar::calculator; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Main program /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int main() { std::cout << "/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n\n"; std::cout << "Expression parser...\n\n"; std::cout << "/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n\n"; std::cout << "Type an expression...or [q or Q] to quit\n\n"; typedef std::string::const_iterator iterator_type; typedef client::ast::expression ast_expression; typedef client::compiler compiler; std::string str; while (std::getline(std::cin, str)) { if (str.empty() || str[0] == 'q' || str[0] == 'Q') break; client::vmachine mach; // Our virtual machine std::vector code; // Our VM code auto& calc = client::calculator; // Our grammar ast_expression expression; // Our program (AST) compiler compile(code); // Compiles the program iterator_type iter = str.begin(); iterator_type const end = str.end(); boost::spirit::x3::ascii::space_type space; bool r = phrase_parse(iter, end, calc, space, expression); if (r && iter == end) { std::cout << "-------------------------\n"; std::cout << "Parsing succeeded\n"; compile(expression); mach.execute(code); std::cout << "\nResult: " << mach.top() << std::endl; std::cout << "-------------------------\n"; } else { std::string rest(iter, end); std::cout << "-------------------------\n"; std::cout << "Parsing failed\n"; std::cout << "-------------------------\n"; } } std::cout << "Bye... :-) \n\n"; return 0; }