/* EQ2Emulator: Everquest II Server Emulator Copyright (C) 2007 EQ2EMulator Development Team (http://www.eq2emulator.net) This file is part of EQ2Emulator. EQ2Emulator is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. EQ2Emulator is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with EQ2Emulator. If not, see . */ #include "NPC_AI.h" #include "Combat.h" #include "zoneserver.h" #include "Spells.h" #include "../common/Log.h" #include "LuaInterface.h" #include "World.h" #include "Rules/Rules.h" extern RuleManager rule_manager; extern LuaInterface* lua_interface; extern World world; /* The NEW AI code */ Brain::Brain(NPC* npc) { // Set the npc this brain will controll m_body = npc; // Set the default time between calls to think to 250 miliseconds (1/4 a second) m_tick = 250; m_lastTick = Timer::GetCurrentTime2(); m_spellRecovery = 0; m_playerInEncounter = false; // Set up the mutex for the hate list MHateList.SetName("Brain::m_hatelist"); // Set up the mutex for the encounter list MEncounter.SetName("Brain::m_encounter"); } Brain::~Brain() { } void Brain::Think() { // Get the entity this NPC hates the most, // GetMostHated() will handle dead spawns so no need to check the health in this function Entity* target = GetMostHated(); // If mezzed, stunned or feared we can't do anything so skip if (!m_body->IsMezzedOrStunned() || !m_body->IsFeared()) { // Not mezzed or stunned // Get the distance to the runback location float run_back_distance = m_body->GetRunbackDistance(); if (target) { LogWrite(NPC_AI__DEBUG, 7, "NPC_AI", "%s has %s targeted.", m_body->GetName(), target->GetName()); // NPC has an entity that it hates // If the NPC is not in combat then put them in combat if (!m_body->EngagedInCombat()) { m_body->ClearRunningLocations(); m_body->InCombat(true); } // Set the NPC's target to the most hated entity if it is not already. if (m_body->GetTarget() != target) { m_body->SetTarget(target); m_body->FaceTarget(target); } // Check to see if the NPC has exceeded the max chase distance if (run_back_distance > MAX_CHASE_DISTANCE) { LogWrite(NPC_AI__DEBUG, 7, "NPC_AI", "Run back distance is greater then max chase distance, run_back_distance = %f", run_back_distance); // Over the max chase distance, Check to see if the target is is a client Client* client = target->GetZone()->GetClientBySpawn(target); if (client) { // Target is a client so send encounter break messages if (m_body->HasSpawnGroup()) client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COLOR_WHITE, "This encounter will no longer give encounter rewards."); else client->Message(CHANNEL_COLOR_WHITE, "%s is no longer worth any experience or treasure.", m_body->GetName()); } // Clear the hate list for this NPC ClearHate(); // Clear the encounter list ClearEncounter(); } else { // Still within max chase distance lets to the combat stuff now float distance = m_body->GetDistance(target); if(!m_body->IsCasting() && (!HasRecovered() || !ProcessSpell(target, distance))) { LogWrite(NPC_AI__DEBUG, 7, "NPC_AI", "%s is attempting melee on %s.", m_body->GetName(), target->GetName()); m_body->FaceTarget(target); ProcessMelee(target, distance); } } } else { // Nothing in the hate list bool wasInCombat = m_body->EngagedInCombat(); // Check to see if the NPC is still flagged as in combat for some reason if (m_body->EngagedInCombat()) { // If it is set the combat flag to false m_body->InCombat(false); // Do not set a players pet to full health once they stop combat if (!m_body->IsPet() || (m_body->IsPet() && !m_body->GetOwner()->IsPlayer())) m_body->SetHP(m_body->GetTotalHP()); } CheckBuffs(); // If run back distance is greater then 0 then run back if ((wasInCombat || m_body->m_runningBack) && run_back_distance > 1) { m_body->Runback(); } else if (m_body->m_runningBack) { m_body->SetX(m_body->GetRunbackLocation()->x,false); m_body->SetZ(m_body->GetRunbackLocation()->z,false); m_body->SetY(m_body->GetRunbackLocation()->y,true); m_body->ClearRunback(); m_body->GetZone()->movementMgr->StopNavigation((Entity*)m_body); m_body->ClearRunningLocations(); } // If encounter size is greater then 0 then clear it if (GetEncounterSize() > 0) ClearEncounter(); } } } sint32 Brain::GetHate(Entity* entity) { // We will use this variable to return the value, default to 0 sint32 ret = 0; // Lock the hate list, not altering it so do a read lock MHateList.readlock(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__); // First check to see if the given entity is even in the hate list if (m_hatelist.count(entity->GetID()) > 0) // Entity in the hate list so get the hate value for the entity ret = m_hatelist[entity->GetID()]; // Unlock the hate list MHateList.releasereadlock(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__); // return the hate return ret; } void Brain::AddHate(Entity* entity, sint32 hate) { // Lock the hate list, we are altering the list so use write lock MHateList.writelock(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (m_hatelist.count(entity->GetID()) > 0) m_hatelist[entity->GetID()] += hate; else m_hatelist.insert(std::pair(entity->GetID(), hate)); if (entity->HatedBy.count(m_body->GetID()) == 0) entity->HatedBy.insert(m_body->GetID()); // Unlock the list MHateList.releasewritelock(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } void Brain::ClearHate() { // Lock the hate list, we are altering the list so use a write lock MHateList.writelock(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__); map::iterator itr; for (itr = m_hatelist.begin(); itr != m_hatelist.end(); itr++) { Spawn* spawn = m_body->GetZone()->GetSpawnByID(itr->first); if (spawn && spawn->IsEntity()) ((Entity*)spawn)->HatedBy.erase(itr->first); } // Clear the list m_hatelist.clear(); // Unlock the hate list MHateList.releasewritelock(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } void Brain::ClearHate(Entity* entity) { // Lock the hate list, we could potentially modify the list so use write lock MHateList.writelock(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__); // Check to see if the given entity is in the hate list if (m_hatelist.count(entity->GetID()) > 0) // Erase the entity from the hate list m_hatelist.erase(entity->GetID()); entity->HatedBy.erase(m_body->GetID()); // Unlock the hate list MHateList.releasewritelock(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } Entity* Brain::GetMostHated() { map::iterator itr; int32 ret = 0; sint32 hate = 0; // Lock the hate list, not going to alter it so use a read lock MHateList.readlock(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (m_hatelist.size() > 0) { // Loop through the list looking for the entity that this NPC hates the most for(itr = m_hatelist.begin(); itr != m_hatelist.end(); itr++) { // Compare the hate value for the current iteration to our stored highest value if(itr->second > hate) { // New high value store the entity ret = itr->first; // Store the value to compare with the rest of the entities hate = itr->second; } } } // Unlock the list MHateList.releasereadlock(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__); Entity* hated = (Entity*)GetBody()->GetZone()->GetSpawnByID(ret); // Check the reult to see if it is still alive if(hated && hated->GetHP() <= 0) { // Entity we got was dead so remove it from the list ClearHate(hated); // Call this function again now that we removed the dead entity hated = GetMostHated(); } // Return our result return hated; } sint8 Brain::GetHatePercentage(Entity* entity) { float percentage = 0.0; MHateList.readlock(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (entity && m_hatelist.count(entity->GetID()) > 0 && m_hatelist[entity->GetID()] > 0) { sint32 total_hate = 0; map::iterator itr; for (itr = m_hatelist.begin(); itr != m_hatelist.end(); itr++) total_hate += itr->second; percentage = m_hatelist[entity->GetID()] / total_hate; } MHateList.releasereadlock(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return (sint8)(percentage * 100); } vector* Brain::GetHateList() { vector* ret = new vector; map::iterator itr; // Lock the list MHateList.readlock(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__); // Loop over the list storing the values into the new list for (itr = m_hatelist.begin(); itr != m_hatelist.end(); itr++) { Entity* ent = (Entity*)GetBody()->GetZone()->GetSpawnByID(itr->first); if (ent) ret->push_back(ent); } // Unlock the list MHateList.releasereadlock(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__); // Return the copy of the list return ret; } void Brain::MoveCloser(Entity* target) { if (target && m_body->GetFollowTarget() != target) m_body->SetFollowTarget(target); if (m_body->GetFollowTarget() && !m_body->following) { m_body->CalculateRunningLocation(true); //m_body->ClearRunningLocations(); m_body->following = true; } } bool Brain::ProcessSpell(Entity* target, float distance) { if(rand()%100 > m_body->GetCastPercentage() || m_body->IsStifled() || m_body->IsFeared()) return false; Spell* spell = m_body->GetNextSpell(distance); if(spell){ Spawn* spell_target = 0; if(spell->GetSpellData()->friendly_spell == 1){ vector* group = m_body->GetSpawnGroup(); if(group && group->size() > 0){ vector::iterator itr; for(itr = group->begin(); itr != group->end(); itr++){ if((!spell_target && (*itr)->GetHP() > 0 && (*itr)->GetHP() < (*itr)->GetTotalHP()) || (spell_target && (*itr)->GetHP() > 0 && spell_target->GetHP() > (*itr)->GetHP())) spell_target = *itr; } } if(!spell_target) spell_target = m_body; safe_delete(group); } else spell_target = target; m_body->GetZone()->ProcessSpell(spell, m_body, spell_target); m_spellRecovery = (int32)(Timer::GetCurrentTime2() + (spell->GetSpellData()->cast_time * 10) + (spell->GetSpellData()->recovery * 10) + 2000); return true; } return false; } bool Brain::CheckBuffs() { if (!m_body->GetZone()->GetSpellProcess() || m_body->EngagedInCombat() || m_body->IsCasting() || m_body->IsMezzedOrStunned() || !m_body->Alive() || m_body->IsStifled() || !HasRecovered()) return false; Spell* spell = m_body->GetNextBuffSpell(); if (spell) { m_body->CalculateRunningLocation(true); m_body->GetZone()->ProcessSpell(spell, m_body, m_body); m_spellRecovery = (int32)(Timer::GetCurrentTime2() + (spell->GetSpellData()->cast_time * 10) + (spell->GetSpellData()->recovery * 10) + 2000); return true; } return false; } void Brain::ProcessMelee(Entity* target, float distance) { if(distance > rule_manager.GetGlobalRule(R_Combat, MaxCombatRange)->GetFloat()) MoveCloser(target); else { if (target) { LogWrite(NPC_AI__DEBUG, 7, "NPC_AI", "%s is within melee range of %s.", m_body->GetName(), target->GetName()); if (m_body->AttackAllowed(target)) { LogWrite(NPC_AI__DEBUG, 7, "NPC_AI", "%s is allowed to attack %s.", m_body->GetName(), target->GetName()); if (m_body->PrimaryWeaponReady() && !m_body->IsDazed() && !m_body->IsFeared()) { LogWrite(NPC_AI__DEBUG, 7, "NPC_AI", "%s swings its primary weapon at %s.", m_body->GetName(), target->GetName()); m_body->SetPrimaryLastAttackTime(Timer::GetCurrentTime2()); m_body->MeleeAttack(target, distance, true); m_body->GetZone()->CallSpawnScript(m_body, SPAWN_SCRIPT_AUTO_ATTACK_TICK, target); } if (m_body->SecondaryWeaponReady() && !m_body->IsDazed()) { m_body->SetSecondaryLastAttackTime(Timer::GetCurrentTime2()); m_body->MeleeAttack(target, distance, false); } } } } } bool Brain::HasRecovered() { if(m_spellRecovery > Timer::GetCurrentTime2()) return false; m_spellRecovery = 0; return true; } void Brain::AddToEncounter(Entity* entity) { // If player pet then set the entity to the pets owner if (entity->IsPet() && ((NPC*)entity)->GetOwner()->IsPlayer()) entity = ((NPC*)entity)->GetOwner(); // If player or bot then get the group int32 group_id = 0; if (entity->IsPlayer() || entity->IsBot()) { m_playerInEncounter = true; if (entity->GetGroupMemberInfo()) group_id = entity->GetGroupMemberInfo()->group_id; } // Insert the entity into the encounter list, if there is a group add all group members as well // TODO: add raid members MEncounter.writelock(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (group_id > 0) { world.GetGroupManager()->GroupLock(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__); deque::iterator itr; deque* members = world.GetGroupManager()->GetGroupMembers(group_id); for (itr = members->begin(); itr != members->end(); itr++) { if ((*itr)->client) m_encounter.push_back((*itr)->client->GetPlayer()->GetID()); } world.GetGroupManager()->ReleaseGroupLock(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } else { m_encounter.push_back(entity->GetID()); } MEncounter.releasewritelock(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } bool Brain::CheckLootAllowed(Entity* entity) { bool ret = false; vector::iterator itr; // Check the encounter list to see if the given entity is in it, if so return true. MEncounter.readlock(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__); for (itr = m_encounter.begin(); itr != m_encounter.end(); itr++) { if ((*itr) == entity->GetID()) { // found the entity in the encounter list, set return value to true and break the loop ret = true; break; } } MEncounter.releasereadlock(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return ret; } int8 Brain::GetEncounterSize() { int8 ret = 0; MEncounter.readlock(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__); ret = (int8)m_encounter.size(); MEncounter.releasereadlock(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return ret; } vector* Brain::GetEncounter() { vector* ret = new vector; vector::iterator itr; // Lock the list MEncounter.readlock(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__); // Loop over the list storing the values into the new list for (itr = m_encounter.begin(); itr != m_encounter.end(); itr++) ret->push_back(*itr); // Unlock the list MEncounter.releasereadlock(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__); // Return the copy of the list return ret; } void Brain::ClearEncounter() { MEncounter.writelock(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__); m_encounter.clear(); m_playerInEncounter = false; MEncounter.releasewritelock(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } /* Example of how to extend the default AI */ CombatPetBrain::CombatPetBrain(NPC* body) : Brain(body) { // Make sure to have the " : Brain(body)" so it calls the parent class constructor // to set up the AI properly } CombatPetBrain::~CombatPetBrain() { } void CombatPetBrain::Think() { // We are extending the base brain so make sure to call the parent Think() function. // If we want to override then we could remove Brain::Think() Brain::Think(); // All this Brain does is make the pet follow its owner, the combat comes from the default brain if (GetBody()->EngagedInCombat() || !GetBody()->IsPet() || GetBody()->IsMezzedOrStunned()) return; LogWrite(NPC_AI__DEBUG, 7, "NPC_AI", "Pet AI code called for %s", GetBody()->GetName()); // If owner is a player and player has stay set then return out if (GetBody()->GetOwner()->IsPlayer() && ((Player*)GetBody()->GetOwner())->GetInfoStruct()->pet_movement == 1) return; // Set target to owner Entity* target = GetBody()->GetOwner(); GetBody()->SetTarget(target); // Get distance from the owner float distance = GetBody()->GetDistance(target); // If out of melee range then move closer if (distance > rule_manager.GetGlobalRule(R_Combat, MaxCombatRange)->GetFloat()) MoveCloser(target); } /* Example of how to override the default AI */ NonCombatPetBrain::NonCombatPetBrain(NPC* body) : Brain(body) { // Make sure to have the " : Brain(body)" so it calls the parent class constructor // to set up the AI properly } NonCombatPetBrain::~NonCombatPetBrain() { } void NonCombatPetBrain::Think() { // All this Brain does is make the pet follow its owner if (!GetBody()->IsPet() || GetBody()->IsMezzedOrStunned()) return; LogWrite(NPC_AI__DEBUG, 7, "NPC_AI", "Pet AI code called for %s", GetBody()->GetName()); // Set target to owner Entity* target = GetBody()->GetOwner(); GetBody()->SetTarget(target); // Get distance from the owner float distance = GetBody()->GetDistance(target); // If out of melee range then move closer if (distance > rule_manager.GetGlobalRule(R_Combat, MaxCombatRange)->GetFloat()) MoveCloser(target); } BlankBrain::BlankBrain(NPC* body) : Brain(body) { // Make sure to have the " : Brain(body)" so it calls the parent class constructor // to set up the AI properly SetTick(50000); } BlankBrain::~BlankBrain() { } void BlankBrain::Think() { } LuaBrain::LuaBrain(NPC* body) : Brain(body) { } LuaBrain::~LuaBrain() { } void LuaBrain::Think() { if (!lua_interface) return; const char* script = GetBody()->GetSpawnScript(); if(script) { if (!lua_interface->RunSpawnScript(script, "Think", GetBody(), GetBody()->GetTarget())) { lua_interface->LogError("LUA LuaBrain error: was unable to call the Think function in the spawn script (%s)", script); } } else { LogWrite(NPC_AI__ERROR, 0, "NPC_AI", "Lua brain set on a spawn that doesn't have a script..."); } } DumbFirePetBrain::DumbFirePetBrain(NPC* body, Entity* target, int32 expire_time) : Brain(body) { m_expireTime = Timer::GetCurrentTime2() + expire_time; AddHate(target, INT_MAX); } DumbFirePetBrain::~DumbFirePetBrain() { } void DumbFirePetBrain::AddHate(Entity* entity, sint32 hate) { if (!GetMostHated()) Brain::AddHate(entity, hate); } void DumbFirePetBrain::Think() { Entity* target = GetMostHated(); if (target) { if (!GetBody()->IsMezzedOrStunned()) { // If the NPC is not in combat then put them in combat if (!GetBody()->EngagedInCombat()) { //GetBody()->ClearRunningLocations(); GetBody()->CalculateRunningLocation(true); GetBody()->InCombat(true); } // Set the NPC's target to the most hated entity if it is not already. if (GetBody()->GetTarget() != target) { GetBody()->SetTarget(target); GetBody()->FaceTarget(target); } float distance = GetBody()->GetDistance(target); if(GetBody()->CheckLoS(target) && !GetBody()->IsCasting() && (!HasRecovered() || !ProcessSpell(target, distance))) { LogWrite(NPC_AI__DEBUG, 7, "NPC_AI", "%s is attempting melee on %s.", GetBody()->GetName(), target->GetName()); GetBody()->FaceTarget(target); ProcessMelee(target, distance); } } } else { // No hated target or time expired, kill this mob if (GetBody()->GetHP() > 0) { GetBody()->KillSpawn(GetBody()); LogWrite(NPC_AI__DEBUG, 7, "NPC AI", "Dumbfire being killed because there is no target."); } } if (Timer::GetCurrentTime2() > m_expireTime) { if (GetBody()->GetHP() > 0) { GetBody()->KillSpawn(GetBody()); LogWrite(NPC_AI__DEBUG, 7, "NPC AI", "Dumbfire being killed because timer expired."); } } }