/* EQ2Emulator: Everquest II Server Emulator Copyright (C) 2007 EQ2EMulator Development Team (http://www.eq2emulator.net) This file is part of EQ2Emulator. EQ2Emulator is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. EQ2Emulator is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with EQ2Emulator. If not, see . */ #ifndef __EQ2_ENTITY__ #define __EQ2_ENTITY__ #include "Spawn.h" #include "../common/Mutex.h" #include "Skills.h" #include "MutexList.h" #include "MutexVector.h" #include using namespace std; class Entity; class NPC; class Trade; struct LuaSpell; struct GroupMemberInfo; struct BonusValues{ int32 spell_id; int8 tier; int16 type; sint32 value; int64 class_req; vector race_req; vector faction_req; LuaSpell* luaspell; }; struct MaintainedEffects{ char name[60]; //name of the spell int32 target; int8 target_type; int32 spell_id; int32 slot_pos; int16 icon; int16 icon_backdrop; int8 conc_used; int8 tier; float total_time; int32 expire_timestamp; LuaSpell* spell; }; struct SpellEffects{ int32 spell_id; Entity* caster; float total_time; int32 expire_timestamp; int16 icon; int16 icon_backdrop; int8 tier; LuaSpell* spell; }; struct DetrimentalEffects { int32 spell_id; Entity* caster; int32 expire_timestamp; int16 icon; int16 icon_backdrop; int8 tier; int8 det_type; bool incurable; LuaSpell* spell; int8 control_effect; float total_time; }; struct CombatData{ int32 range_last_attack_time; int32 primary_last_attack_time; int32 secondary_last_attack_time; int16 primary_attack_delay; int16 secondary_attack_delay; int16 ranged_attack_delay; int8 primary_weapon_type; int8 secondary_weapon_type; int8 ranged_weapon_type; int32 primary_weapon_damage_low; int32 primary_weapon_damage_high; int32 secondary_weapon_damage_low; int32 secondary_weapon_damage_high; int32 ranged_weapon_damage_low; int32 ranged_weapon_damage_high; int8 wield_type; int16 primary_weapon_delay; int16 secondary_weapon_delay; int16 ranged_weapon_delay; }; struct InfoStruct{ char name[40]; int8 class1; int8 class2; int8 class3; int8 race; int8 gender; int16 level; int16 max_level; int16 tradeskill_level; int16 tradeskill_max_level; int8 cur_concentration; int8 max_concentration; int16 cur_attack; int16 attack_base; int16 cur_mitigation; int16 max_mitigation; int16 mitigation_base; int16 avoidance_display; int16 cur_avoidance; int16 base_avoidance_pct; int16 avoidance_base; int16 max_avoidance; int16 parry; int16 parry_base; int16 deflection; int16 deflection_base; int16 block; int16 block_base; float str; //int16 float sta; //int16 float agi;//int16 float wis;//int16 float intel;//int16 float str_base;//int16 float sta_base;//int16 float agi_base;//int16 float wis_base;//int16 float intel_base;//int16 int16 heat; int16 cold; int16 magic; int16 mental; int16 divine; int16 disease; int16 poison; int16 disease_base; int16 cold_base; int16 divine_base; int16 magic_base; int16 mental_base; int16 heat_base; int16 poison_base; int16 elemental_base; int16 noxious_base; int16 arcane_base; int32 coin_copper; int32 coin_silver; int32 coin_gold; int32 coin_plat; int32 bank_coin_copper; int32 bank_coin_silver; int32 bank_coin_gold; int32 bank_coin_plat; int32 status_points; char deity[32]; int32 weight; int32 max_weight; SpellEffects spell_effects[45]; MaintainedEffects maintained_effects[30]; int8 tradeskill_class1; int8 tradeskill_class2; int8 tradeskill_class3; int16 account_age_base; int8 account_age_bonus[19]; int16 absorb; int32 xp; int32 xp_needed; int32 xp_debt; int16 xp_yellow; int16 xp_yellow_vitality_bar; int16 xp_blue_vitality_bar; int16 xp_blue; int32 ts_xp; int32 ts_xp_needed; int16 tradeskill_exp_yellow; int16 tradeskill_exp_blue; int32 flags; int32 flags2; float xp_vitality; float tradeskill_xp_vitality; int16 mitigation_skill1; int16 mitigation_skill2; int16 mitigation_skill3; float ability_modifier; float critical_mitigation; float block_chance; float uncontested_parry; float uncontested_block; float uncontested_dodge; float uncontested_riposte; float crit_chance; float crit_bonus; float potency; float hate_mod; float reuse_speed; float casting_speed; float recovery_speed; float spell_reuse_speed; float spell_multi_attack; float dps; float dps_multiplier; float attackspeed; float haste; float multi_attack; float flurry; float melee_ae; float strikethrough; float accuracy; float offensivespeed; float rain; float wind; sint8 alignment; int32 pet_id; char pet_name[32]; float pet_health_pct; float pet_power_pct; int8 pet_movement; int8 pet_behavior; int8 vision; int8 breathe_underwater; char biography[512]; float drunk; }; struct WardInfo { LuaSpell* Spell; int32 BaseDamage; int32 DamageLeft; int8 WardType; int8 DamageType; bool keepWard; }; #define WARD_TYPE_ALL 0 #define WARD_TYPE_PHYSICAL 1 #define WARD_TYPE_MAGICAL 2 struct Proc { LuaSpell* spell; Item* item; float chance; }; #define PROC_TYPE_OFFENSIVE 1 #define PROC_TYPE_DEFENSIVE 2 #define PROC_TYPE_PHYSICAL_OFFENSIVE 3 #define PROC_TYPE_PHYSICAL_DEFENSIVE 4 #define PROC_TYPE_MAGICAL_OFFENSIVE 5 #define PROC_TYPE_MAGICAL_DEFENSIVE 6 #define PROC_TYPE_BLOCK 7 #define PROC_TYPE_PARRY 8 #define PROC_TYPE_RIPOSTE 9 #define PROC_TYPE_EVADE 10 #define PROC_TYPE_HEALING 11 #define PROC_TYPE_BENEFICIAL 12 #define PROC_TYPE_DEATH 13 #define PROC_TYPE_KILL 14 #define PROC_TYPE_DAMAGED 15 #define PROC_TYPE_DAMAGED_MELEE 16 #define PROC_TYPE_DAMAGED_MAGIC 17 #define PROC_TYPE_RANGED_ATTACK 18 #define PROC_TYPE_RANGED_DEFENSE 19 struct ThreatTransfer { int32 Target; float Amount; LuaSpell* Spell; }; #define DET_TYPE_TRAUMA 1 #define DET_TYPE_ARCANE 2 #define DET_TYPE_NOXIOUS 3 #define DET_TYPE_ELEMENTAL 4 #define DET_TYPE_CURSE 5 #define DISPELL_TYPE_CURE 0 #define DISPELL_TYPE_DISPELL 1 #define CONTROL_EFFECT_TYPE_MEZ 1 #define CONTROL_EFFECT_TYPE_STIFLE 2 #define CONTROL_EFFECT_TYPE_DAZE 3 #define CONTROL_EFFECT_TYPE_STUN 4 #define CONTROL_EFFECT_TYPE_ROOT 5 #define CONTROL_EFFECT_TYPE_FEAR 6 #define CONTROL_EFFECT_TYPE_WALKUNDERWATER 7 #define CONTROL_EFFECT_TYPE_JUMPUNDERWATER 8 #define CONTROL_EFFECT_TYPE_INVIS 9 #define CONTROL_EFFECT_TYPE_STEALTH 10 #define CONTROL_EFFECT_TYPE_SNARE 11 #define CONTROL_EFFECT_TYPE_FLIGHT 12 #define CONTROL_EFFECT_TYPE_GLIDE 13 #define CONTROL_EFFECT_TYPE_SAFEFALL 14 #define CONTROL_MAX_EFFECTS 15 // always +1 to highest control effect #define IMMUNITY_TYPE_MEZ 1 #define IMMUNITY_TYPE_STIFLE 2 #define IMMUNITY_TYPE_DAZE 3 #define IMMUNITY_TYPE_STUN 4 #define IMMUNITY_TYPE_ROOT 5 #define IMMUNITY_TYPE_FEAR 6 #define IMMUNITY_TYPE_AOE 7 //class Spell; //class ZoneServer; //The entity class is for NPCs and Players, spawns which are able to fight class Entity : public Spawn{ public: Entity(); virtual ~Entity(); virtual float GetShieldBlockChance(); virtual float GetDodgeChance(); virtual void AddMaintainedSpell(LuaSpell* spell); virtual void AddSpellEffect(LuaSpell* spell); virtual void RemoveMaintainedSpell(LuaSpell* spell); virtual void RemoveSpellEffect(LuaSpell* spell); virtual bool HasActiveMaintainedSpell(Spell* spell, Spawn* target); virtual bool HasActiveSpellEffect(Spell* spell, Spawn* target); virtual void AddSkillBonus(int32 spell_id, int32 skill_id, float value); void AddDetrimentalSpell(LuaSpell* spell); DetrimentalEffects* GetDetrimentalEffect(int32 spell_id, Entity* caster); virtual MaintainedEffects* GetMaintainedSpell(int32 spell_id); void RemoveDetrimentalSpell(LuaSpell* spell); void SetDeity(int8 new_deity){ deity = new_deity; } int8 GetDeity(){ return deity; } EquipmentItemList* GetEquipmentList(); bool IsEntity(){ return true; } void CalculateBonuses(); float CalculateBonusMod(); float CalculateDPSMultiplier(); float CalculateCastingSpeedMod(); InfoStruct* GetInfoStruct(); int16 GetStr(); int16 GetSta(); int16 GetInt(); int16 GetWis(); int16 GetAgi(); int16 GetPrimaryStat(); int16 GetHeatResistance(); int16 GetColdResistance(); int16 GetMagicResistance(); int16 GetMentalResistance(); int16 GetDivineResistance(); int16 GetDiseaseResistance(); int16 GetPoisonResistance(); int16 GetStrBase(); int16 GetStaBase(); int16 GetIntBase(); int16 GetWisBase(); int16 GetAgiBase(); int16 GetHeatResistanceBase(); int16 GetColdResistanceBase(); int16 GetMagicResistanceBase(); int16 GetMentalResistanceBase(); int16 GetDivineResistanceBase(); int16 GetDiseaseResistanceBase(); int16 GetPoisonResistanceBase(); int8 GetConcentrationCurrent(); int8 GetConcentrationMax(); sint8 GetAlignment(); void SetAlignment(sint8 new_value); bool HasMoved(bool include_heading); void SetHPRegen(int16 new_val); void SetPowerRegen(int16 new_val); int16 GetHPRegen(); int16 GetPowerRegen(); void DoRegenUpdate(); MaintainedEffects* GetFreeMaintainedSpellSlot(); SpellEffects* GetFreeSpellEffectSlot(); SpellEffects* GetSpellEffect(int32 id, Entity* caster = 0); //flags int32 GetFlags() { return info_struct.flags; } int32 GetFlags2() { return info_struct.flags2; } bool query_flags(int flag) { if (flag > 63) return false; if (flag < 32) return ((info_struct.flags & (1 << flag))?true:false); return ((info_struct.flags2 & (1 << (flag - 32)))?true:false); } float GetMaxSpeed(); void SetMaxSpeed(float val); //combat stuff: int32 GetRangeLastAttackTime(); void SetRangeLastAttackTime(int32 time); int16 GetRangeAttackDelay(); int16 GetRangeWeaponDelay() {return ranged_combat_data.ranged_weapon_delay;} void SetRangeWeaponDelay(int16 new_delay) {ranged_combat_data.ranged_weapon_delay = new_delay * 100;} void SetRangeAttackDelay(int16 new_delay) {ranged_combat_data.ranged_attack_delay = new_delay;} int32 GetPrimaryLastAttackTime(); int16 GetPrimaryAttackDelay(); void SetPrimaryAttackDelay(int16 new_delay); void SetPrimaryLastAttackTime(int32 new_time); void SetPrimaryWeaponDelay(int16 new_delay) {melee_combat_data.primary_weapon_delay = new_delay * 100;} int32 GetSecondaryLastAttackTime(); int16 GetSecondaryAttackDelay(); void SetSecondaryAttackDelay(int16 new_delay); void SetSecondaryLastAttackTime(int32 new_time); void SetSecondaryWeaponDelay(int16 new_delay) {melee_combat_data.primary_weapon_delay = new_delay * 100;} int32 GetPrimaryWeaponMinDamage(); int32 GetPrimaryWeaponMaxDamage(); int32 GetSecondaryWeaponMinDamage(); int32 GetSecondaryWeaponMaxDamage(); int32 GetRangedWeaponMinDamage(); int32 GetRangedWeaponMaxDamage(); int8 GetPrimaryWeaponType(); int8 GetSecondaryWeaponType(); int8 GetRangedWeaponType(); int8 GetWieldType(); int16 GetPrimaryWeaponDelay() {return melee_combat_data.primary_weapon_delay;} int16 GetSecondaryWeaponDelay() {return melee_combat_data.secondary_weapon_delay;} bool IsDualWield(); bool BehindTarget(Spawn* target); bool FlankingTarget(Spawn* target); void ChangePrimaryWeapon(); void ChangeSecondaryWeapon(); void ChangeRangedWeapon(); virtual Skill* GetSkillByName(const char* name, bool check_update = false); bool AttackAllowed(Entity* target, float distance = 0, bool range_attack = false); bool PrimaryWeaponReady(); bool SecondaryWeaponReady(); bool RangeWeaponReady(); void MeleeAttack(Spawn* victim, float distance, bool primary, bool multi_attack = false); void RangeAttack(Spawn* victim, float distance, Item* weapon, Item* ammo, bool multi_attack = false); bool SpellAttack(Spawn* victim, float distance, LuaSpell* luaspell, int8 damage_type, int32 low_damage, int32 high_damage, int8 crit_mod = 0, bool no_calcs = false); bool ProcAttack(Spawn* victim, int8 damage_type, int32 low_damage, int32 high_damage, string name, string success_msg, string effect_msg); bool SpellHeal(Spawn* target, float distance, LuaSpell* luaspell, string heal_type, int32 low_heal, int32 high_heal, int8 crit_mod = 0, bool no_calcs = false); int8 DetermineHit(Spawn* victim, int8 damage_type, float ToHitBonus, bool spell); float GetDamageTypeResistPercentage(int8 damage_type); Skill* GetSkillByWeaponType(int8 type, bool update); bool DamageSpawn(Entity* victim, int8 type, int8 damage_type, int32 low_damage, int32 high_damage, const char* spell_name, int8 crit_mod = 0, bool is_tick = false, bool no_damage_calcs = false); void AddHate(Entity* attacker, sint32 hate); bool CheckInterruptSpell(Entity* attacker); void KillSpawn(Spawn* dead, int8 damage_type = 0, int16 kill_blow_type = 0); void SetAttackDelay(bool primary = false, bool ranged = false); float CalculateAttackSpeedMod(); virtual void ProcessCombat(); bool EngagedInCombat(); virtual void InCombat(bool val); bool IsCasting(); void IsCasting(bool val); bool HasLoot(){ if(loot_items.size() == 0 && loot_coins == 0) return false; return true; } bool HasLootItemID(int32 id); int32 GetLootItemID(); Item* LootItem(int32 id); vector* GetLootItems(){ return &loot_items; } void LockLoot(){ MLootItems.lock(); } void UnlockLoot(){ MLootItems.unlock(); } int32 GetLootCoins(){ return loot_coins; } void SetLootCoins(int32 val){ loot_coins = val; } void AddLootCoins(int32 coins){ loot_coins += coins; } bool HasTrapTriggered() { return trap_triggered; } void SetTrapTriggered(bool triggered) { trap_triggered = triggered; } void AddLootItem(int32 id, int16 charges = 1){ Item* master_item = master_item_list.GetItem(id); if(master_item){ Item* item = new Item(master_item); item->details.count = charges; loot_items.push_back(item); } } void SetMount(int16 val, bool setUpdateFlags = true) { if(val == 0){ EQ2_Color color; color.red = 0; color.green = 0; color.blue = 0; SetMountColor(&color); SetMountSaddleColor(&color); } SetInfo(&features.mount_model_type, val, setUpdateFlags); } void SetEquipment(Item* item, int8 slot = 255); void SetEquipment(int8 slot, int16 type, int8 red, int8 green, int8 blue, int8 h_r, int8 h_g, int8 h_b){ SetInfo(&equipment.equip_id[slot], type); SetInfo(&equipment.color[slot].red, red); SetInfo(&equipment.color[slot].green, green); SetInfo(&equipment.color[slot].blue, blue); SetInfo(&equipment.highlight[slot].red, h_r); SetInfo(&equipment.highlight[slot].green, h_g); SetInfo(&equipment.highlight[slot].blue, h_b); } void SetHairType(int16 new_val, bool setUpdateFlags = true){ SetInfo(&features.hair_type, new_val, setUpdateFlags); } void SetHairColor(EQ2_Color new_val, bool setUpdateFlags = true){ SetInfo(&features.hair_type_color, new_val, setUpdateFlags); } void SetHairHighlightColor(EQ2_Color new_val, bool setUpdateFlags = true){ SetInfo(&features.hair_type_highlight_color, new_val, setUpdateFlags); } void SetFacialHairType(int16 new_val, bool setUpdateFlags = true){ SetInfo(&features.hair_face_type, new_val, setUpdateFlags); } void SetFacialHairColor(EQ2_Color new_val, bool setUpdateFlags = true){ SetInfo(&features.hair_face_color, new_val, setUpdateFlags); } void SetFacialHairHighlightColor(EQ2_Color new_val, bool setUpdateFlags = true){ SetInfo(&features.hair_face_highlight_color, new_val, setUpdateFlags); } void SetWingType(int16 new_val, bool setUpdateFlags = true){ SetInfo(&features.wing_type, new_val, setUpdateFlags); } void SetWingColor1(EQ2_Color new_val, bool setUpdateFlags = true){ SetInfo(&features.wing_color1, new_val, setUpdateFlags); } void SetWingColor2(EQ2_Color new_val, bool setUpdateFlags = true){ SetInfo(&features.wing_color2, new_val, setUpdateFlags); } void SetChestType(int16 new_val, bool setUpdateFlags = true){ SetInfo(&features.chest_type, new_val, setUpdateFlags); } void SetLegsType(int16 new_val, bool setUpdateFlags = true){ SetInfo(&features.legs_type, new_val, setUpdateFlags); } void SetSogaHairType(int16 new_val, bool setUpdateFlags = true){ SetInfo(&features.soga_hair_type, new_val, setUpdateFlags); } void SetSogaFacialHairType(int16 new_val, bool setUpdateFlags = true){ SetInfo(&features.soga_hair_face_type, new_val, setUpdateFlags); } void SetSogaChestType(int16 new_val, bool setUpdateFlags = true){ SetInfo(&features.soga_chest_type, new_val, setUpdateFlags); } void SetSogaLegType(int16 new_val, bool setUpdateFlags = true){ SetInfo(&features.soga_legs_type, new_val, setUpdateFlags); } void SetSkinColor(EQ2_Color color){ SetInfo(&features.skin_color, color); } void SetCombatVoice(int16 val, bool setUpdateFlags = true) { SetInfo(&features.combat_voice, val, setUpdateFlags); } void SetEmoteVoice(int16 val, bool setUpdateFlags = true) { SetInfo(&features.emote_voice, val, setUpdateFlags); } int16 GetCombatVoice(){ return features.combat_voice; } int16 GetEmoteVoice(){ return features.emote_voice; } int16 GetMount(){ return features.mount_model_type; } void SetMountSaddleColor(EQ2_Color* color){ SetInfo(&features.mount_saddle_color, *color); } void SetMountColor(EQ2_Color* color){ SetInfo(&features.mount_color, *color); } void SetEyeColor(EQ2_Color eye_color){ SetInfo(&features.eye_color, eye_color); } int16 GetHairType(){ return features.hair_type; } int16 GetFacialHairType(){ return features.hair_face_type; } int16 GetWingType(){ return features.wing_type; } int16 GetChestType(){ return features.chest_type; } int16 GetLegsType(){ return features.legs_type; } int16 GetSogaHairType(){ return features.soga_hair_type; } int16 GetSogaFacialHairType(){ return features.soga_hair_face_type; } int16 GetSogaChestType(){ return features.soga_chest_type; } int16 GetSogaLegType(){ return features.soga_legs_type; } EQ2_Color* GetSkinColor(){ return &features.skin_color; } EQ2_Color* GetEyeColor(){ return &features.eye_color; } EQ2_Color* GetMountSaddleColor(){ return &features.mount_saddle_color; } EQ2_Color* GetMountColor(){ return &features.mount_color; } EQ2_Equipment equipment; CharFeatures features; void AddSpellBonus(LuaSpell* spell, int16 type, float value, int64 class_req =0, vector race_req = vector(), vector faction_req = vector()); BonusValues* GetSpellBonus(int32 spell_id); vector* GetAllSpellBonuses(LuaSpell* spell); bool CheckSpellBonusRemoval(LuaSpell* spell, int16 type); void RemoveSpellBonus(const LuaSpell* spell); void CalculateSpellBonuses(ItemStatsValues* stats); void AddMezSpell(LuaSpell* spell); void RemoveMezSpell(LuaSpell* spell); void RemoveAllMezSpells(); bool IsMezzed(); void AddStifleSpell(LuaSpell* spell); void RemoveStifleSpell(LuaSpell* spell); bool IsStifled(); void AddDazeSpell(LuaSpell* spell); void RemoveDazeSpell(LuaSpell* spell); bool IsDazed(); void AddStunSpell(LuaSpell* spell); void RemoveStunSpell(LuaSpell* spell); bool IsStunned(); bool IsMezzedOrStunned() {return IsMezzed() || IsStunned();} void AddRootSpell(LuaSpell* spell); void RemoveRootSpell(LuaSpell* spell); bool IsRooted(); void AddFearSpell(LuaSpell* spell); void RemoveFearSpell(LuaSpell* spell); bool IsFeared(); void AddSnareSpell(LuaSpell* spell); void RemoveSnareSpell(LuaSpell* spell); void SetSnareValue(LuaSpell* spell, float snare_val); bool IsSnared(); float GetHighestSnare(); void HaltMovement(); void SetCombatPet(Entity* pet) { this->pet = pet; } void SetCharmedPet(Entity* pet) { charmedPet = pet; } void SetDeityPet(Entity* pet) { deityPet = pet; } void SetCosmeticPet(Entity* pet) { cosmeticPet = pet; } Entity* GetPet() { return pet; } Entity* GetCharmedPet() { return charmedPet; } Entity* GetDeityPet() { return deityPet; } Entity* GetCosmeticPet() { return cosmeticPet; } /// Check to see if the entity has a combat pet /// True if the entity has a combat pet bool HasPet() { return (pet || charmedPet) ? true : false; } void HideDeityPet(bool val); void HideCosmeticPet(bool val); void DismissPet(NPC* pet, bool from_death = false); /// Creates a loot chest to drop in the world /// Pointer to the chest NPC* DropChest(); /// Add a ward to the entities ward list /// Spell id of the ward to add /// WardInfo* of the ward we are adding void AddWard(int32 spellID, WardInfo* ward); /// Gets ward info for the given spell id /// The spell id of the ward we want to get /// WardInfo for the given spell id WardInfo* GetWard(int32 spellID); /// Removes the ward with the given spell id /// The spell id of the ward to remove void RemoveWard(int32 spellID); /// Subtracts the given damage from the wards /// The damage to subtract from the wards /// The amount of damage left after wards int32 CheckWards(int32 damage, int8 damage_type); map stats; /// Adds a proc to the list of current procs /// The type of proc to add /// The percent chance the proc has to go off /// The item the proc is coming from if any /// The spell the proc is coming from if any void AddProc(int8 type, float chance, Item* item = 0, LuaSpell* spell = 0); /// Removes a proc from the list of current procs /// Item the proc is from /// Spell the proc is from void RemoveProc(Item* item = 0, LuaSpell* spell = 0); /// Cycles through the proc list and executes them if they can go off /// The proc type to check /// The target of the proc if it goes off void CheckProcs(int8 type, Spawn* target); /// Clears the entire proc list void ClearProcs(); float GetSpeed(); float GetAirSpeed(); float GetBaseSpeed() { return base_speed; } void SetSpeed(float val, bool override_ = false) { if ((base_speed == 0.0f && val > 0.0f) || override_) base_speed = val; speed = val; } void SetSpeedMultiplier(float val) { speed_multiplier = val; } void SetThreatTransfer(ThreatTransfer* transfer) { m_threatTransfer = transfer; } ThreatTransfer* GetThreatTransfer() { return m_threatTransfer; } int8 GetTraumaCount(); int8 GetArcaneCount(); int8 GetNoxiousCount(); int8 GetElementalCount(); int8 GetCurseCount(); int8 GetDetTypeCount(int8 det_type); int8 GetDetCount(); bool HasCurableDetrimentType(int8 det_type); Mutex* GetDetrimentMutex(); Mutex* GetMaintainedMutex(); Mutex* GetSpellEffectMutex(); void ClearAllDetriments(); void CureDetrimentByType(int8 cure_count, int8 det_type, string cure_name, Entity* caster, int8 cure_level = 0); void CureDetrimentByControlEffect(int8 cure_count, int8 det_type, string cure_name, Entity* caster, int8 cure_level = 0); vector* GetDetrimentalSpellEffects(); void RemoveEffectsFromLuaSpell(LuaSpell* spell); virtual void RemoveSkillBonus(int32 spell_id); virtual bool CanSeeInvis(Entity* target); void CancelAllStealth(); bool IsStealthed(); bool IsInvis(); void AddInvisSpell(LuaSpell* spell); void AddStealthSpell(LuaSpell* spell); void RemoveStealthSpell(LuaSpell* spell); void RemoveInvisSpell(LuaSpell* spell); void AddWaterwalkSpell(LuaSpell* spell); void AddWaterjumpSpell(LuaSpell* spell); void RemoveWaterwalkSpell(LuaSpell* spell); void RemoveWaterjumpSpell(LuaSpell* spell); void AddAOEImmunity(LuaSpell* spell); bool IsAOEImmune(); void RemoveAOEImmunity(LuaSpell* spell); void AddStunImmunity(LuaSpell* spell); void RemoveStunImmunity(LuaSpell* spell); bool IsStunImmune(); void AddStifleImmunity(LuaSpell* spell); void RemoveStifleImmunity(LuaSpell* spell); bool IsStifleImmune(); void AddMezImmunity(LuaSpell* spell); void RemoveMezImmunity(LuaSpell* spell); bool IsMezImmune(); void AddRootImmunity(LuaSpell* spell); void RemoveRootImmunity(LuaSpell* spell); bool IsRootImmune(); void AddFearImmunity(LuaSpell* spell); void RemoveFearImmunity(LuaSpell* spell); bool IsFearImmune(); void AddDazeImmunity(LuaSpell* spell); void RemoveDazeImmunity(LuaSpell* spell); bool IsDazeImmune(); void AddFlightSpell(LuaSpell* spell); void RemoveFlightSpell(LuaSpell* spell); void AddSafefallSpell(LuaSpell* spell); void RemoveSafefallSpell(LuaSpell* spell); void AddGlideSpell(LuaSpell* spell); void RemoveGlideSpell(LuaSpell* spell); GroupMemberInfo* GetGroupMemberInfo() { return group_member_info; } void SetGroupMemberInfo(GroupMemberInfo* info) { group_member_info = info; } void UpdateGroupMemberInfo(); void CustomizeAppearance(PacketStruct* packet); void ClearLootList() { vector::iterator itr; for (itr = loot_items.begin(); itr != loot_items.end(); itr++) safe_delete(*itr); loot_items.clear(); } Trade* trade; // Keep track of entities that hate this spawn. set HatedBy; Mutex MCommandMutex; protected: bool in_combat; private: MutexList bonus_list; map*> control_effects; map*> immunities; float max_speed; vector loot_items; int32 loot_coins; bool trap_triggered; int8 deity; sint16 regen_hp_rate; sint16 regen_power_rate; float last_x; float last_y; float last_z; float last_heading; bool casting; InfoStruct info_struct; CombatData melee_combat_data; CombatData ranged_combat_data; map det_count_list; Mutex MDetriments; Mutex MMaintainedSpells; Mutex MSpellEffects; vector detrimental_spell_effects; Mutex MLootItems; // Pointers for the 4 types of pets (Summon, Charm, Deity, Cosmetic) Entity* pet; Entity* charmedPet; Entity* deityPet; Entity* cosmeticPet; // int32 = spell id, WardInfo* = pointer to ward info map m_wardList; // int8 = type, vector = list of pointers to proc info map > m_procList; Mutex MProcList; /// Actually calls the lua script to cast the proc /// Proc to be cast /// Type of proc going off /// Target of the proc bool CastProc(Proc* proc, int8 type, Spawn* target); float base_speed; float speed; float speed_multiplier; map snare_values; ThreatTransfer* m_threatTransfer; GroupMemberInfo* group_member_info; }; #endif