Dialog = { } -- defines for the requirement types REQ_RACE = 1 REQ_CLASS = 2 REQ_LEVEL = 3 REQ_LEVEL_GREATER_OR_EQUAL = 4 REQ_LEVEL_LESS_OR_EQUAL = 5 REQ_QUEST_ELIGIBLE = 6 REQ_QUEST_ON_STEP = 7 REQ_QUEST_BEFORE_STEP = 8 REQ_QUEST_PAST_STEP = 9 REQ_QUEST_HAS_QUEST = 10 REQ_QUEST_DOESNT_HAVE_QUEST = 11 REQ_QUEST_NOT_ON_STEP = 12 REQ_QUEST_HAS_COMPLETED_QUEST = 13 REQ_QUEST_NOT_HAS_COMPLETED_QUEST = 14 REQ_TEMP_VAR_NOT_SET = 15 REQ_TEMP_VAR_SET = 16 REQ_LUA_HISTORY_SET = 17 REQ_LUA_HISTORY_NOT_SET = 18 REQ_LOCATION_ID = 19 -- Dialog variables Dialog.NPC = nil Dialog.Player = nil Dialog.Dialog = {} -- private functions go at the top -- Checks the requirement table and returns false if the player failed a check or true if they pass ALL checks local function CheckRequirements(reqs) local ret = true -- if no requirements then return true if reqs ~= nil then -- loop through the requirements and check to see if the player fails them, if so set the return value -- to false and break the loop as we don't need to check any of the other requirements for k, v in pairs(reqs) do if v.Type == REQ_RACE and GetRace(Dialog.Player) ~= v.Value1 then ret = false break elseif v.Type == REQ_CLASS and GetClass(Dialog.Player) ~= v.Value1 then ret = false break elseif v.Type == REQ_LEVEL and GetLevel(Dialog.Player) ~= v.Value1 then ret = false break elseif v.Type == REQ_LEVEL_GREATER_OR_EQUAL and GetLevel(Dialog.Player) < v.Value1 then ret = false break elseif v.Type == REQ_LEVEL_LESS_OR_EQUAL and GetLevel(Dialog.Player) > v.Value1 then ret = false break elseif v.Type == REQ_QUEST_ELIGIBLE and not CanReceiveQuest(Dialog.Player, v.Value1) then ret = false break elseif v.Type == REQ_QUEST_ON_STEP and GetQuestStep(Dialog.Player, v.Value1) ~= v.Value2 then ret = false break elseif v.Type == REQ_QUEST_BEFORE_STEP and GetQuestStep(Dialog.Player, v.Value1) >= v.Value2 then ret = false break elseif v.Type == REQ_QUEST_PAST_STEP and GetQuestStep(Dialog.Player, v.Value1) <= v.Value2 then ret = false break elseif v.Type == REQ_QUEST_HAS_QUEST and not HasQuest(Dialog.Player, v.Value1) then ret = false break elseif v.Type == REQ_QUEST_DOESNT_HAVE_QUEST and HasQuest(Dialog.Player, v.Value1) then ret = false break elseif v.Type == REQ_QUEST_NOT_ON_STEP and GetQuestStep(Dialog.Player, v.Value1) == v.Value2 then ret = false break elseif v.Type == REQ_QUEST_HAS_COMPLETED_QUEST and not HasCompletedQuest(Dialog.Player, v.Value1) then ret = false break elseif v.Type == REQ_QUEST_NOT_HAS_COMPLETED_QUEST and HasCompletedQuest(Dialog.Player, v.Value1) then ret = false break elseif v.Type == REQ_TEMP_VAR_NOT_SET and GetTempVariable(Dialog.Player, v.Value1) == v.Value2 then ret = false break elseif v.Type == REQ_TEMP_VAR_SET and GetTempVariable(Dialog.Player, v.Value1) ~= v.Value2 then ret = false break elseif v.Type == REQ_LUA_HISTORY_SET then local value1, value2 = GetPlayerHistory(Dialog.Player, v.Value1) if v.Value2 ~= value1 then ret = false break elseif v.Value3 ~= nil and v.Value3 ~= value2 then ret = false break end elseif v.Type == REQ_LUA_HISTORY_NOT_SET then local value1, value2 = GetPlayerHistory(Dialog.Player, v.Value1) if v.Value2 == value1 then ret = false break elseif v.Value3 ~= nil and v.Value3 == value2 then ret = false break end elseif v.Type == REQ_LOCATION_ID and GetSpawnLocationID(Dialog.NPC) ~= v.Value1 then ret = false break end end end return ret end -- Helper function to check requirements on options and actually use the option local function PrintOptions(dlg, con) -- loop through the options and check their requirements, if they pass add the option for k, v in pairs(dlg.Options) do if CheckRequirements(v.Requirements) == true then AddConversationOption(con, v.option, v.callback) end end end -- Actual member functions are below, these are what you call in the other scripts -- Set up the spawn pointers to use function Dialog.New(NPC, Player) Dialog.NPC = NPC Dialog.Player = Player end -- Test function, left it in for now as it may be useful but it is just a Say() function Dialog.Test(Msg) if Dialog.NPC ~= nil then Say(Dialog.NPC, Msg) end end -- Add a dialog function Dialog.AddDialog(text) local dlg = {} dlg.Text = text dlg.Options = {} dlg.Requirements = nil dlg.VOFile = nil dlg.VOKey1 = nil dlg.VOKey2 = nil dlg.Emote = nil table.insert(Dialog.Dialog, dlg) end -- Adds requirements to the last added dialog function Dialog.AddRequirement(req_type, value1, value2, value3) local dlg = Dialog.Dialog[#Dialog.Dialog] if dlg.Requirements == nil then dlg.Requirements = {} end local req = {} req.Type = req_type req.Value1 = value1 req.Value2 = value2 req.Value3 = value3 table.insert(dlg.Requirements, req) end -- Adds a voiceover to the last added dialog function Dialog.AddVoiceover(file, key1, key2) local dlg = Dialog.Dialog[#Dialog.Dialog] dlg.VOFile = file dlg.VOKey1 = key1 dlg.VOKey2 = key2 end --PLACEHOLDER - NON FUNCTIONAL FOR NOW --Sets a specific language to be used for this dialog function Dialog.AddLanguage(languageID) end --PLACEHOLDER - NON FUNCTIONAL FOR NOW --Marks this as a "Signature" dialog which changes the background/text color in game function Dialog.SetIsSignature(bSig) end -- Adds an emote to the last added dialog function Dialog.AddEmote(emote) local dlg = Dialog.Dialog[#Dialog.Dialog] dlg.Emote = emote end -- Adds options to the last added dialog function Dialog.AddOption(opt, cb) local dlg = Dialog.Dialog[#Dialog.Dialog] local option = {} option.option = opt option.callback = cb option.Requirements = nil table.insert(dlg.Options, option) end -- Adds requirements to the last added option function Dialog.AddOptionRequirement(req_type, value1, value2, value3) local dlg = Dialog.Dialog[#Dialog.Dialog] local option = dlg.Options[#dlg.Options] if option.Requirements == nil then option.Requirements = {} end local req = {} req.Type = req_type req.Value1 = value1 req.Value2 = value2 req.Value3 = value3 table.insert(option.Requirements, req) end -- Actually sends the dialog to the player function Dialog.Start() -- if NPC or Player are nil then return out so we don't cause a null pointer error on the server if Dialog.NPC == nil or Dialog.Player == nil then -- would be great to print a lua error here return end -- create the conversation local con = CreateConversation() -- bool to see if we found a dialog to send local found = false -- loop through all the dialogs for key, dlg in pairs(Dialog.Dialog) do -- Check the dialog requirements if there are any and set the found bool if dlg.Requirements ~= nil then found = CheckRequirements(dlg.Requirements) else -- no requirements for this dialog so lets use it found = true end -- if we found a dialog to use lets set up the options for it and send it if found == true then PrintOptions(dlg, con) if dlg.Emote ~= nil then if dlg.VOFile ~= nil then PlayFlavor(Dialog.NPC, dlg.VOFile, "", dlg.Emote, dlg.VOKey1, dlg.VOKey2, Dialog.Player) else PlayFlavor(Dialog.NPC, "", "", dlg.Emote, 0, 0, Dialog.Player) end StartConversation(con, Dialog.NPC, Dialog.Player, dlg.Text) else StartConversation(con, Dialog.NPC, Dialog.Player, dlg.Text, dlg.VOFile, dlg.VOKey1, dlg.VOKey2) end -- we sent a dialog so get out of the loop break; end end -- clear the list to avoid duplicates Dialog.Dialog = {} end return Dialog