--[[ Script Name : Spells/Mage/Enchanter/Illusionist/Synergism.lua Script Author : neatz09 Script Date : 2020.01.31 06:01:53 Script Purpose : : --]] -- On a hostile spell hit this spell has a 33% chance to cast Dynamism on target of spell. -- Decreases Threat to target by 160 - 196 -- If profession other than Fighter -- Inflicts 70 - 86 mental damage on target function cast(Caster, Target, HateLow, HateHigh, DmgType, MinVal, MaxVal) AddProc(Target, 5, 33) end function proc(Caster, Target, Type, HateLow, HateHigh, DmgType, MinVal, MaxVal) if type == 15 then ProcDamage(Caster, Target, "Dynamism", Hate, DmgType, MinVal, MaxVal) local Class = GetArchetypeName(Target) local Hate = math.random(HateLow, HateHigh) if Class > 0 and Class < 11 then ProcHate(Caster, Target, Hate, "Dynamism") end end end function remove(Caster, Target) RemoveProc(Target) end